It is used to check whether the cord anchorage of the household appliances’ power cord is firm, it can process the pull force and torque testing.
This cord anchorage pull force and torque test apparatus conforms to IEC 60335-1 clause 25.15, IEC 60065:2014 clause 16.5, IEC 60884-1, IEC 60598-1, etc.
It is used to conduct two tests of pull and torque at the cord anchorage of appliances (lamps) with power cords, appliances intended to be permanently connected to fixed wiring with flexible cords, and power cords such as household appliances, medical devices, etc. Whether the clamping device is firm.
The test method is to make a mark on the cord while it is subjected to the pull force, at a distance of approximately 20 mm from the cord anchorage or other suitable point, the cord is then pulled, without jerking, for 1 s in the most unfavorable direction with the force specified. The test is carried out 25 times. The cord, unless on an automatic cord reel, is then subjected to a torque that is applied as close as possible to the appliance. The torque is applied for 1 min. During the tests, the cord shall not be damaged and shall show no appreciable strain at the terminals. The pull force is reapplied and the cord shall not be longitudinally displaced by more than 2 mm.
The structure of this apparatus is shown in the figure below:
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