德国可编程两线制变送器 智能变送器 可编程变送器RT系列
深圳供应商代理销售德国原装进口Roessel可编程两线制变送器,型号:Model RT
Programmable Transmitter Type RT
Two-wire transmitter for mounting in sensor-heads, field-housings or control panels.
Transmitters convert the low-level signal from thermocouple or resistance thermometer into a high-level standard signal. The non-linear input from temperature sensors is converted into a temperature- or EMF - linear output signal, depending on programming, of 4... 20mA.
The microcomputer-controlled system reduces the type and range variety, usual with analog transmitters, to only one model. Significant lowered inventory costs, universal use, short change - over and shut - down times are the advantages.
For maximum operational safety and reliability in harsh ambient conditions like vibrations no mechanical components (potentiometers) are involved whereever possible. Extensive calculations like drift/offset compensation, linearisation, limit comparison are done ''on site'' which means immedialely close to the sensor.
For the transmitter configuration a RS232-interface adapter is available. A comfortable user-friendly software in Windows - technique is used for programming communication and operation. Standard parameters are available via the RS232-interface as well as the measuring value, limits, cool joint temperature and so on without affecting the analog output of 4 to 20 mA.
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