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  • 产品名称:进口肖式打浆度测试仪
  • 产品型号:P95586,P95587,P95588
  • 产品展商:德国PTI
  • 产品文档:无相关文档
  • 发布时间:2018-07-02
  • 在线询价
进口肖式打浆度测试仪,德国PTI纸浆打浆度测定仪,ISO 5267-1标准; 深圳供应商代理德国PTI原装进口德国标准游离度测试仪,型号:P95586,P95587,P95588。满足:ISO 5267-1,Scan C19M3 ,BS 6035/1标准。进口肖式打浆度测试仪欢迎询价!
    进口肖式打浆度测试仪,德国PTI纸浆打浆度测定仪,ISO 5267-1标准

深圳供应商代理德国PTI原装进口德国标准游离度测试仪,型号:P95586,P95587,P95588。满足:ISO 5267-1,Scan C19M3 ,BS 6035/1标准。

Schopper-Riegler Freeness Tester Code:P95586,P95587,P95588
For the determination of the degree of refining (beating) of a pulp suspension in water and expressing it in terms of the Schopper-Riegler (SR) number, and to determine the de-watering time

Digital model:

The Schopper-Riegler apparatus measures the degree of work done on the fibres during stock preparation (refining) and is therefore a primary tool in the evaluation of the characteristics of pulp. The apparatus consists of a drainage chamber and rate measuring funnel on a sturdy support. The drainage chamber is fitted with a wire screen (100 cm�) at its lower end and is sealed 25 mm above the screen when the sealing cone is lowered. After filling 1 litre of suspension into the drainage chamber the sealing cone is raised pneumatically. As the filtrate drains into the rate measuring funnel a fibre pad is formed on the screen, slowing down the process depending on the mechanical treatment to which the pulp has been subjected. The discharge from the side orifice is collected in a graduated cylinder, measured by an ultrasonic sensor and the
result displayed digitally.

Test description

The funnel and drainage chamber of the Schopper-Riegler apparatus are cleaned thoroughly and finally rinsed with water. The drainage chamber is placed in the seat of the funnel. The temperature of the apparatus is adjusted by rinsing it with water at 20.0 � 0.5 癈. The sealing cone is closed by pressing 搒top� and the SR measuring cylinder is positioned beneath the side orifice. Whilst stirring, 1,000 ml � 5 ml of homogeneous pulp suspension is transferred to a clean measuring cylinder. The sample is mixed by closing the top of the cylinder by hand and turning it end-over-end for two cycles. Care should be taken not to introduce air into the stock at this stage. The sample is poured rapidly but smoothly into the drainage chamber. The sealing cone is raised 5 sec after all the pulp suspension has been added. When no more water drips from the side orifice, the SR number on the display is read to the nearest unit.

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