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14th International Symposium on Viral Hepatitis and Liver Disease
2012年6月22日-6月25日 |  上海国际会议中心
国际病毒性肝炎和肝病大会(ISVHLD)是每三年一届,轮流在北美,欧洲,亚太地区举行的国际肝病学大会。每次会议由世界知名专家组成的国际咨询委员会投票选出举办城市。届会议在1972年在三藩市举办,往后十二届在美国(华盛顿,纽约,休斯敦,阿达兰大),欧洲(巴黎,罗马,伦敦), 澳大利亚(悉尼),亚洲(东京)等地举行。
论文摘要将被Journal of Viral hepatitis收录(影响因子3.502)作为增刊发表。
本次大会可授予I类继续医学教育学分,大家可以通过网站在线注册和投稿,详情可以登录大会网站 获得会议的新消息。

http://www.isvhld2012.org/registration.html www.isvhld2012.org
(6月22日) 22 June, 2012

Opening Ceremony
Plenary Session 1: Welcome & Introductory Talks

(6月23日) 23 June, 2012

Plenary Session 2:   Epidemiology, Prevention and Natural History of Hepatitis
Parallel Session 1:   Innate Immune Responses to HBV and HCV Infection
Parallel Session 2:   Viral Replication and Host Cell Interactions
Parallel Session 3:   Geographical Diversity and Epidemiology
Parallel Session 4:   Outcome of Viral Hepatitis Prevention and Treatment
Parallel Session 5:   Noninvasive Markers of Liver Fibrosis
Plenary Session 3:   Molecular and Cellular Virology
Parallel Session 6:   Acquired Immune Responses to HBV and HCV Infection
Parallel Session 7:   Viral Evolution and Genotype Distribution
Parallel Session 8:   Natural History of Hepatitis and Co-infections
Parallel Session 9:   Combination Therapy of Viral Hepatitis
Parallel Session 10: Management of acute Liver Failure

(6月24日)24 June, 2012

Plenary Session 4:Immunology and Vaccine Development
Parallel Session 11: Mutants and Implications
Parallel Session 12: Pathogenesis and Viral Kinetics
Parallel Session 13: Preventive Vaccines and Therapeutic Vaccines
Parallel Session 14: Innovative Therapeutic Approaches
Parallel Session 15: Early Detection and Management of HCC
Plenary Session 5: Diagnosis and Treatment of Hepatitis B and C
Parallel Session 16: Autoimmune Hepatitis
Parallel Session 17: Viral Resistance
Parallel Session 18: Strategies for Viral Hepatitis Vaccination
Parallel Session 19: Novel Markers for Diagnosis and Individualized Treatment
Parallel Session 20: Molecular and genomic progress of HCC

(6月25日)25 June, 2012

Plenary Session 6:   Liver Diseases and Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Parallel Session 21:  Transversal Integration of Basic Science
Parallel Session 22:  Host Genetics and Pharmacogenomics for HCV and HBV
Parallel Session 23:  Animal and Cellular Models
Parallel Session 24:  Extrahepatic Manifestations of Hepatitis B and C
Parallel Session 25:  Liver Transplantation
Plenary Session 7:    Future Directions

第十四届国际病毒性肝炎和肝病大会 秘书处
Email:info@isvhld2012.org  ;   carriezhang@isvhld2012.org