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TX- and CX- models direct fit alternatives for discontinued Eutech Instruments equipment

Garden Grove, California (July 6, 2016) – Sensorex has expanded its family of water quality and online process transmitters, adding four new models to provide basic monitoring and control. The TX10 pH/ORP and CX10 Conductivity and transmitters offer simple monitoring, while the TX20 pH/ORP and CX20 Conductivity controllers can also be programmed for process control. These small-footprint panel-mount transmitters provide reliable data and control of process fluids, in a cost-effective package. Applications include water quality, chemical, electronics, food production, environmental and wastewater treatment.

美国Sensorex新推出经济型pH、ORP和电导率变送器, TX和CX系列,可以直接替换优特公司的已经停产的变送器。


Sensorex公司的TX10 pH/ORP和CX10电导率和变送器提供单纯的监测功能,而TX20 pH/ORP和CX20电导率控制器还可用于过程控制。其中:

  1. TX10变送器可测量pH、ORP和温度。CX10变送器测量电导率、电阻率和温度。二者都具有便利的局部数值显示功能,且便于校正在线过程传感器。初始测定的4-20 mA信号输出可集成一系列过程控制系统。
  2. TX20变送器则监测pH或ORP,有温度补偿功能,用于**测量和控制。CX20监测电导率或电阻率,也拥有温度补偿功能。二者都能提供局部数值显示,以及继电器输出功能,用于警报和控制加药系统的理想处理条件。

这四个型号均操作简单,带有按钮界面和高清LCD显示屏。设计时考虑节约面板空间,其体积仅占DIN外壳的1/8。这些装置由100-240 VAC线路供电。

The Sensorex instruments provide direct replacement for discontinued Eutech Instruments* products as follows:


  • Sensorex TX10 替换 Eutech 优特仪器 pH 190
  • Sensorex CX10 替换Eutech 优特仪器Cond 190
  • Sensorex TX20替换 Eutech 优特仪器 pH 200
  • Sensorex CX20替换Eutech 优特仪器Cond 200

*Eutech Instruments (优特仪器)是Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. 旗下品牌。

联系我们:北京品超思瑞科技有限公司  美国Sensorex中国总代理

TX10PH  点击:http://www.pcsr-tech.cn/htmlmodel/cpxx/2022493506.html

TX20PH  点击:http://www.pcsr-tech.cn/htmlmodel/cpxx/2022594862.html

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