

日期:2025-03-10 18:45
摘要: 滑触线在维护修养的中,需要定期的按一定周期的进行检查,因为滑触线是电器机械中不可缺少的一部分,稍有差错就会影响其正常运行,进而影响整个机器的效率,从而公司的整个效益也会受到影响。 Sliding contact line in the maintenance of self-cultivation, the need for regular checks according to a certain period, because the sliding contact line is an indispensable part of electrical machinery, a slight error will affect its normal operation, thereby affecting the efficiency of the whole machin...


Sliding contact line in the maintenance of self-cultivation, the need for regular checks according to a certain period, because the sliding contact line is an indispensable part of electrical machinery, a slight error will affect its normal operation, thereby affecting the efficiency of the whole machine, so the company benefit will be affected.


Need to pay attention to when checking sliding contact line is to check whether the joint fracture or screw loosening, release; also look at whether flexible, spring is normal, whether there will be a disjunction; because these will affect the tracking performance of the sliding contact line conducting performance and collector.


During the holidays, equipment repair, should set out electrical appliances (i.e. from the sliding contact line out, have a look at the collector brush) whether the wear phenomenon, if please change, to ensure that the brush and collector normal contact, in various parts of the sliding contact line, brush is the most easy wear parts. In severely corrosive gas environment to check whether the parts corrosion phenomena, if the wrong isolation or brush paint directly.


In sliding contact line the use of places do not pressure, pressure transmission pipe, prevent all kinds of accidents caused by the rupture of the conductance tube. Especially in the capital after the timely clearing rubbish etc..

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