HP8782B_矢量信号发生器_二手安捷伦8782B 深圳二手信号发生器供应 Agilent 8782B信号源销售 回收 报价 租赁 维修 我司保证所售仪器仪表质保半年,7日之内包退换。
The Agilent 8782B vector signal generator is designed to test digital microwave and RF receivers. It is a 1 MHz to 250 MHz synthesized signal generator with a wide range of digital modulations, as well as vector (analog I and Q), pulse and scalar (AM) modulation. A vector (I/Q) modulator is built-in. The analog I (In-phase) and Q (Quadrature-phase) inputs allow for arbitrary phase and magnitude modulation while digitally-coded information can be applied to the digital inputs either in parallel or serial. The Agilent 8782B has a built-in pseudo random bit sequence (PRBS) generator making digital modulation from BPSK to 256QAM possible without using external digital data sources. The Agilent 11846B pi/4 DQPSK I-Q generator can also be used to drive the analog I and Q inputs for testing North American dual mode digital cellular radio receivers. 50 MHz analog I and Q inputs , typically DC to 100 MHz, drive the vector modulator directly to control the magnitude and phase of the generator output. This allows you to generate arbitrary magnitude and phase modulation with bandwidths up to 100 MHz.