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- 产品名称:德国FEMTO可变增益电流放大器
- 产品型号:DHPCA-100
- 产品展商:德国FEMTO放大器
- 产品文档:无相关文档
- 发布时间:2018-07-10
- 在线询价
德國FEMTO公司是一個世界低噪聲放大模塊的領導者.主要产品有德国FEMTO可变增益电流放大器DHPCA-100 ,DLPCA-200,DDPCA-300等,德国FEMTO可变增益电流放大器DHPCA-100广泛应用各大光电研究院校.
Bandwidth and Frequency Response
The DHPCA-100 provides an optimum combination of gain and bandwidth. At the gain setting of 103 V/A it provides an extraordinary high 3 dB bandwidth of 200 MHz and even at the highest gain setting of 108 V/A the upper cut-off frequency is still an excellent 220 kHz. For those applications not requiring the full bandwidth the unit has a switchable 10 MHz and 1 MHz low pass filter to minimize broadband noise.
Transimpedance Gain from 102 to 108 V/A
Bandwidth up to 200 MHz
Rise Time down to 1.8 ns
Internal Signal Filters
Adjustable Bias Voltage
Manual and Remote Control
The Ultimate High Speed Current Amplifier
The DHPCA-100 variable gain transimpedance amplifier is the perfect choice for applications that require the conversion of small electrical currents into usable voltages at bandwidths up to 200 MHz. It is ideally suited for DC and AC measurements up to 200 MHz, time resolved measurements down to the ns-region and as the preamplifier for fast photodetector signals.
The DHPCA-100 offers many features including variable gain from 102 to 108 V/A, switchable AC/DC-coupling, adjustable offset for baseline correction, adjustable bias voltage for use with fast photodiodes, switchable 10 MHz and 1 MHz low pass filters and the capability of both manual and remote control. With its rugged and compact EMI shielded case the DHPCA-100 is the ideal universal high speed amplifier for a broad range of applications.

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