Linear Regulated Stabilization ± 15 VDC(线性稳压稳定±15 VDC)
Low Ripple and Noise(低纹波和噪声)
Wide Input Range Switched Power Supply(宽范围开关电源)
▪输出±15V ,+400/-250mA
▪Lemo ® 插头,屏蔽输出线
The manufacturer declares that this product meets the requirements and the intents of the
following standards, normative documents and directives. The unit has (bears) the CE mark.
A complete declaration of CE-conformity is available upon request.
EN 55022 Klasse B, EN55024, EN 61000-3-2, EN 61000-3-3, EN60950-1, IEC 950
IEC 6100-4-2, IEC 6100-4-3, IEC 6100-4-4, IEC 6100-4-5 IEC 6100-4-6, UL1950
IEC 6100-4-11
RoHS 2011/65
EMV-Richtlinie 2004/108/EG,
Niederspannungsrichtlinie 200/95/EG
REACH Verordnung (EG) / Nr. 1907/2006

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- 免责申明:以上内容为注册会员自行发布,若信息的真实性、合法性存在争议,平台将会监督协助处理,欢迎举报