High Gain of 10 V/pC
Wide Operating Range from 250 Hz to 15 MHz
Low Input Noise of 40 x 10-21 C/√Hz and 700 pV/√Hz
Optimized for Sinusoidal Signals from AC Coupled Charge Sources
Pyro- and Piezoelectric Detectors
Tuning Fork Quartz Crystals
Length Extension Resonators
Atomic Force Microscopy
Optical Measurements
Charged Particle Beam Monitoring
测试条件 Vs = ±15 V, Ta = 25 °C
电荷增益 10 V/ PC (@≥1MΩ负载)
等效电流增益 1.6 V /μA (@1MHz的正弦输入信号)
增益精度 ±3%
带宽下限截止频率(−3 dB) 250 Hz
带宽上限截止频率(−3 dB) 15 MHz (with max. 100 pF source capacitance)
输入阻抗 1 GΩ || 10 nF
有效的AC输入阻抗 20 Ω (@ 1MHz)
输入电荷噪声 40 x 10-21 C/√Hz (@ 1 MHz, with open input)
90 x 10-21 C/√Hz (@ 1 MHz, with 100 pF source capacitance)
The amplifier is AC coupled for direct use with a charge sensor producing
sinusoidal signals with no DC background. A source capacitance of less than 1 nF
is recommended for proper operation. If the effective source capacitance (sensor
plus cable capacitance) is small relative to the effective input impedance of
the amplifier (10 nF) the amplifier acts as a virtual ground and most of the
charge flows into the amplifier input. At 1 MHz the amplifier input capacitance
of 10nF corresponds to a complex input impedance of 20 Ω. An input resistor of 1
GΩ is incorporated to prevent buildup of static charge. The amplifier is not
suited for sources producing an average DC background current as this would
saturate the device.
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