主营:主营产品免疫学、细胞生物学、分子生物学 检测试剂盒: ELISA检测试剂盒、放免疫检测试剂盒 常用试剂: 氨基酸、蛋白质、碳水化合物、***、维生素、染料等 代理品牌:Affinity 、Amresco、Sigma-aldrich、MERCK-millipore、Roche、Thermo Fisher 、GE、R&D、BD、Biosearchtech、Jackson ImmunoResearch、TOYOBO、Promega、Miltenyi、Beckman、ebioscience、biolegend、Qiagen等
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Award recognizes the biggest contribution to the Mediscience sector

Cambridge UK, June 20, 2014: Abcam plc., a leading provider of innovative protein research tools and services, is pleased to announce that its CEO, Dr Jonathan Milner, has won the European Mediscience award for the 'Most significant contribution to the Mediscience sector'.


Picture shows, left to right: Erik Manting, Executive Director, Life Sciences and Health, Kempen & Co; Dr. Brian White, Shore Capital; Jonathan Milner (winner); and Louise Minchin, awards presenter.


The European Mediscience Awards is the largest annual gathering of private and publicly quoted healthcare, biotech and life sciences companies in Europe. The awards celebrate the best breakthroughs, technology and significant contributions from individuals and companies in the Mediscience sector.


Jonathan's committment to the Mediscience sector is driven by a passion for a better understanding of human health and disease. Starting out as a breast cancer researcher at the University of Cambridge, and frustrated by a lack of high-quality antibodies in the market, Jonathan founded Abcam in 1998. Dubbed the 'Amazon of Antibodies' for its unique data-rich products, the Company has evolved from humble beginnings and is now a market leader providing innovative products such as RabMAb® primaries and a range of other life science products to help advance protein research globally.


In recent years, Jonathan has been involved with several exciting research initiatives and is the principle investor in Horizon Discovery and co-founder of Axol Bioscience.


"I'm delighted to have won the award for the most significant contribution to the Mediscience sector. At Abcam, we're passionate about accelerating the pace of scientific discoveries to better understand human health and disease. I would like to thank our employees who are dedicated to our mission of enabling scientists to discover more ”

- Dr Jonathan Milner, CEO, Abcam

     公司目前经营的国际产品有:abnova 、abcam、millpore、R&D、CST、BD、Biolegend、eBioscence、santa等抗体及试剂盒invtrogen、Gibco、hyclone、Petrotech等细胞培养产品Sigma-Aldrich-Fluka、Amresco等生化试剂corning、axygen BD Falon、millpore、nalgene等耗材.日本同仁cck8试剂盒、sigma现货上海库存,等产品终端零售和渠道销售,您可以通过网页拨打本公司的服务专线了解更多产品的详细信息,至善至美的服务是我们永无止境的追求,欢迎新老客户放心选购自己心仪产品,我们将竭诚为您服务!
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