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  • 产品名称:**BURKERT德国直动式两位二通电磁阀,宝帝电磁阀电子数据
  • 产品型号:00436475
  • 产品展商:BURKERT
  • 产品文档:无相关文档
  • 发布时间:2017-09-27
  • 在线询价
**BURKERT德国直动式两位二通电磁阀,宝帝电磁阀电子数据 • Normally closed (NC) and normally open function • KTW and W270 certifi ed for drinking water Orifi ce KV value water Port connection Pressure range [bar] Electrical power consumption Response times (ms) Weight [mm] [m3/h] CFA CFB Inrush [VA] Opening Closed [kg] 10 2.0 G 3/8 0…3 0…2 UC 100 VA 100 W 9 W (after 500 ms) 10…20 40…60 1.4 **BURKERT德国直动式两位二通电磁阀,宝帝电磁
Circuit function A (CFA)
2/2 way direct-acting solenoid valve, normally closed
Circuit function B (CFB)
2/2 way direct-acting solenoid valve, normally open
Technical data Body material Brass Seal material  EPDM Medium
 Neutral liquids e.g drinking water or neutral gases e.g compressed air Medium temperature -30…+ 80 °C
DC 式节能节电
• Integrated reduction of power
• With service friendly manual override
• Normally closed (NC) and normally open function • KTW and W270 certifi ed for drinking water
Orifi ce KV value water Port connection Pressure range [bar] Electrical power consumption Response times (ms)
Weight [mm] [m3/h] CFA CFB Inrush [VA] Opening Closed [kg] 10 2.0 G 3/8 0…3 0…2 UC 100 VA 100 W 9 W
(after 500 ms) 10…20 40…60 1.4 15 4.5 G 1/2 0…1 0…1 1.4 20 6.0 G 3/4 0…0.5 0…0.5 1.4
Direct–acting solenoid valve, available in 2– and 3–way versions.
 A separating diaphragm isolates the actuator from the fluid.
The valve is insensitive to conta-minated fluids, except for sharp solid bodies and long fibers.
The flow path through the valve is dependent on the chosen circuit function.
 The solenoid epoxy encapsulation efficiently dissipates the heat generated by the coil.
阀体材质为 PVC 或 PVDF。电磁线圈采用耐化学腐蚀的环氧树脂封装。
所有 DC 式都带“kick and drop”电子线路,用以降低功耗。
The valve is used for shutoff , dosing, fi lling and ventilating medium where low pressures are applicable;
 also suitable for use in technical vacuum.
Power input at 30 % raised operating voltage 31.2 V   7.60 A     143.0 V   1.80 A      299.0 V   0.76 A
 NPT 3/8, NPT 1/2, NPT 3/4  • On/off, mixer or distributor function     
• Body materials: PVC, PVDF (on request)      • No differential pressure required for switching       
• Double seal to valve interior • Simple installation and removal 
2/2-way solenoid valve for railway applications
The direct-acting valve is delivered with circuit function, normally closed.
 The solenoid actuator is separated from the medium by a double PTFE seal with a small ventilated space.
 Ambient temperature -30…+70 ºC Viscosity 100…21 mm2/s Operating voltages 24 V UC1 (36 V UC on request)
 110 V UC 230 V UC Voltage tolerance ±30 % Cycling rate Max. 6/min with UC Duty cycle ED 100 % Electrical
connection Cable plug (supplied as standard) Protection class IP65 with cable plug Coil insulation class H
Installation As required, preferably with actuator upright Max.
system pressure in fl ow direction 8 bar (switching pressure max. 3 bar)
• Direct acting and separated medium
与 DIN EN 17301-803 A 型电缆插头配套,该阀的安全防护等级为 IP65。
直动式介质隔离电磁阀,通径 DN 25
• Non-metallic valve internals • Lockable manual override available as a  standard feature    

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