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Advanced Targeting Systems广东代理

Advanced Targeting Systems广东代理
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  • 产品名称:Advanced Targeting Systems广东代理
  • 产品型号:授权代理
  • 产品展商:美国原装进口
  • 产品文档:无相关文档
Advanced Targeting Systems广东代理,【正牌代理】,上海玉博生物科技有限公司主营抗体,生化试剂,ELISA试剂盒,蛋白,细胞因子,实验耗材等消耗品以及仪器设备。Advanced Targeting Systems广东代理
Advanced Targeting Systems广东代理
,简介:玉博生物公司做为Advanced Targeting Systems广东代理,专业经营原装进口胎牛血清、细胞因子、ELISA试剂盒、细胞、抗体、生物试剂、耗材、培养基、一抗、二抗等。
Advanced Targeting Systems广东代理的产品涉及分子生物学、细胞生物学、**学、遗传学、**学、生物化学、蛋白质学、细胞**、临床应用等领域。做为Advanced Targeting Systems广东代理,我们郑重承诺:保证原装进口,如出现运输质量问题,我们可以包退换货。
Advanced Targeting Systems广东代理,所能提供产品如下:
Blocking Peptide for?PAb to CCR5 (human) (Prod. No. ALX-210-823),货号:ENZO lifescience ALX-153-039-C100
Cyclin-dependent Kinase 2 Inhibitory Peptide I,货号:ENZO lifescience ALX-153-041-C500
Cyclin-dependent Kinase 2 Inhibitory Peptide II,货号:ENZO lifescience ALX-153-042-C500
Blocking Peptide for?PAb to beta-Chemokine Receptor D6 (human) (Prod. No. ALX-210-839),货号:ENZO lifescience ALX-153-043-C100
Blocking Peptide for?PAb to Caspase-14 (mouse) (Prod. No. ALX-210-842),货号:ENZO lifescience ALX-153-044-C100
Blocking Peptide for?PAb to CCR6 (human) (Prod. No. ALX-210-843),货号:ENZO lifescience ALX-153-045-C100
Blocking Peptide for?PAb to CCR7?(Prod. No. ALX-210-844),货号:ENZO lifescience ALX-153-046-C100
Blocking Peptide for?PAb to CCR8 (mouse) (Prod. No. ALX-210-845),货号:ENZO lifescience ALX-153-047-C100
Blocking Peptide for?PAb to CCR9 (Prod. No. ALX-210-846),货号:ENZO lifescience ALX-153-048-C100
Blocking Peptide for?PAb to CCR9 (human) (Prod. No. ALX-210-847),货号:ENZO lifescience ALX-153-049-C100
Blocking Peptide for?PAb to CCR10 (mouse) (Prod. No. ALX-210-848),货号:ENZO lifescience ALX-153-050-C100
Blocking Peptide for?PAb to CCR10 (human) (Prod. No. ALX-210-849),货号:ENZO lifescience ALX-153-051-C100
Blocking Peptide for PAb to beta-Chemokine Receptor D6 (mouse) (Prod. No. ALX-210-851),货号:ENZO lifescience ALX-153-053-C100
Blocking Peptide for?PAb to Caveolin-1 (Prod. No. ALX-210-347),货号:ENZO lifescience ALX-153-054-C050
Carnosine,货号:ENZO lifescience ALX-153-055-G001
Blocking Peptide for PAb to CHIP (human) (Prod. No. ALX-210-883),货号:ENZO lifescience ALX-153-056-C050
Blocking Peptide for PAb to alpha-COP (Prod. No. ALX-210-884),货号:ENZO lifescience ALX-153-057-C050
Blocking Peptide for PAb to beta'-COP (rat) (Prod. No. ALX-210-886),货号:ENZO lifescience ALX-153-058-C050
Blocking Peptide?for PAb to COPII (rat) (Prod. No. ALX-210-887/1),货号:ENZO lifescience ALX-153-059-C050
Blocking Peptide for PAb to Caveolin-2 (mouse) (phosphorylated) (pTyr19) (Prod. No. ALX-210-888),货号:ENZO lifescience ALX-153-060-C050
Blocking Peptide for?PAb to CCR4 (human) (Prod. No. ALX-210-622),货号:ENZO lifescience ALX-153-061-C100
Blocking Peptide for?PAb to Caspase-3 (active) (Prod. No. ALX-210-807),货号:ENZO lifescience ALX-153-062-C050
Caveolin-1 Scaffolding Domain Peptide,货号:ENZO lifescience ALX-153-064-M001
Caveolin-1 Scaffolding Domain Peptide,货号:ENZO lifescience ALX-153-064-M005
Blocking Peptide for?PAb to CCR2 (human) (Prod. No. ALX-210-640),货号:ENZO lifescience ALX-153-065-C100
Blocking Peptide for?PAb to CCR3 (mouse) (Prod. No. ALX-210-641),货号:ENZO lifescience ALX-153-066-C100
Blocking Peptide for?PAb to Dynamin I?(rat) (Prod. No. ALX-210-207),货号:ENZO lifescience ALX-154-001-C050
Blocking Peptide for?PAb to Dynamin II (Prod. No. ALX-210-262),货号:ENZO lifescience ALX-154-002-C050
Blocking Peptide for?PAb to Dynamin III (Prod. No. ALX-210-263),货号:ENZO lifescience ALX-154-003-C050
Endothelin-1 (human, mouse, rat, pig, bovine, dog),货号:ENZO lifescience ALX-155-001-PC01
Endothelin-1 (human, mouse, rat, pig, bovine, dog),货号:ENZO lifescience ALX-155-001-PC05
Endothelin-1 (human, mouse, rat, pig, bovine, dog),货号:ENZO lifescience ALX-155-001-P001
Endothelin-2 (human, pig, dog),货号:ENZO lifescience ALX-155-002-PC01
Endothelin-2 (human, pig, dog),货号:ENZO lifescience ALX-155-002-PC05
Endothelin-2 (human, pig, dog),货号:ENZO lifescience ALX-155-002-P001
Endothelin-3 (human, rat, pig),货号:ENZO lifescience ALX-155-003-PC01
Endothelin-3 (human, rat, pig),货号:ENZO lifescience ALX-155-003-PC05
Endothelin-3 (human, rat, pig),货号:ENZO lifescience ALX-155-003-P001
ETA-Receptor Antagonist [BQ-123] . sodium salt,货号:ENZO lifescience ALX-155-004-P001
ETA-Receptor Antagonist [BQ-123] . sodium salt,货号:ENZO lifescience ALX-155-004-P005
ET-Receptor Antagonist [BE-18257A],货号:ENZO lifescience ALX-155-005-PC05
ET-Receptor Antagonist [BE-18257A],货号:ENZO lifescience ALX-155-005-P001
ETB-Receptor Agonist [IRL-1620],货号:ENZO lifescience ALX-155-006-PC05
ETB-Receptor Agonist [IRL-1620],货号:ENZO lifescience ALX-155-006-P001
ETB-Receptor Antagonist [IRL-1038],货号:ENZO lifescience ALX-155-007-PC05
ETB-Receptor Antagonist [IRL-1038],货号:ENZO lifescience ALX-155-007-P001
ET-Receptor Antagonist [PD 142,893],货号:ENZO lifescience ALX-155-008-PC05
ET-Receptor Antagonist [PD 142,893],货号:ENZO lifescience ALX-155-008-P001
ETA-Receptor Antagonist [BE-18257B],货号:ENZO lifescience ALX-155-009-PC05
ETA-Receptor Antagonist [BE-18257B],货号:ENZO lifescience ALX-155-009-P001

Advanced Targeting Systems广东代理报价

Roche1Nitrate Reductase

厂商bmkmm Mat No ProductName PackSize 2011List Price 说明书
Roche 1 Nick translat.mix f.in situ pr 200 µl (for 50 labeling reactions) 3758 https://www.roche-applied-science.com
Roche 1 Nitrate Reductase 20 U 2718 https://www.roche-applied-science.com
Roche 1 Nitric Oxide Colorimetric Assa 1 test combination (for 96 wells) 6623 https://www.roche-applied-science.com
Roche 1 Nitrite/Nitrate, Colorimetric 1 test combination (approx. 64 assays) 3817 https://www.roche-applied-science.com
Roche 1 n-Octylglucoside, 10 g 10 g 4495 https://www.roche-applied-science.com
Roche 1 Nonidet P40 5 x 10 ml 1217 https://www.roche-applied-science.com
Roche 1 Nonidet P40 100 ml 1512 https://www.roche-applied-science.com
Roche 1 Nuclease S7 15,000 U 2080 https://www.roche-applied-science.com
Roche 1 Nucleoside Monophosphate Kinas 10 mg (60 mg lyo.) 2218 https://www.roche-applied-science.com
Roche 1 Nutridoma-CS (50x) 10 ml (50x) sterile 1717 https://www.roche-applied-science.com
Roche 11011375001 Nutridoma-SP 100 ml (100x) sterile 7781 https://www.roche-applied-science.com
Roche 11417240001 Nylon Membranes, 1 roll 1 roll (0.3 x 3 m) 4602 https://www.roche-applied-science.com
Roche 11209272001 Nylon Membranes, 10 sheets 10 sheets (20 x 30 cm) 4602 https://www.roche-applied-science.com

Advanced Targeting Systems广东代理相关产品如下:

品牌 产品名称 规格 价格 货期
Advanced Targeting Systems广东代理 Normal Human IgG Control 100ug 2001元 部分现货
Advanced Targeting Systems广东代理 Recombinant Mouse VE-Cadherin/Fc Chimera, CF 100ug 2002元 部分现货
Advanced Targeting Systems广东代理 Recombinant Human TGF-beta RIIb/Fc Chimera, CF 100ug 2003元 部分现货
Advanced Targeting Systems广东代理 Recombinant Mouse ST2/IL-1 R4/Fc Chimera, CF 100ug 2004元 部分现货
Advanced Targeting Systems广东代理 Recombinant Human UNC5H3/Fc Chimera, CF 100ug 2005元 部分现货


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Advanced Targeting Systems  玉博代理 Advanced Targeting Systems