回收E3633A|E3633A电源,陈先生/微信同号,QQ:742002535 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 现金收购cash offer 网络分析仪network analyzer 频谱分析仪spectrum analyzer 综合测试仪comprehensive test instrument 测试仪tester 综合测试synthetic test 调制度modulation degree; modulation depth 逻辑分析仪logic analyzer 程控电源programmable power supply 直流电源direct-current main High recovery of your idle instruments, our integrity is absolute, give you the price is the highest, if you want to put in the hands of the instrument for RMB then please contact me, I can help you get the money is definitely a good helper, sincere hope to help you. The company's long-term cash acquisition: network analyzer, spectrum analyzer, tester, digital communication tester, wireless comprehensive test instrument, the high frequency signal source, oscilloscope, LCR tester, modulation device, Bluetooth tester, electroacoustic instrument, logic analyzer, multimeter, mobile phone programmable power supply, DC power supply, electronic load, frequency meter, GPIB card, PCI-GPIB card, GPIB-USB-B, power meter second-hand equipment. 主要特性与技术指标prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" 额定输出 输出1:0至6 V,0至5 A 输出2:0至+25 V,0至1 A 输出3:0至-25 V,0至1 A 编程精度(25°C ±5°C) 电压:0.05% + 20 mV、0.05% + 20 mV、0.1% + 5 mV +电流:0.15% + 4 mA、0.15% + 4 mA、0.2% + 10 mA 纹波和噪声(20 Hz至20 MHz) 正常模式电压:<350 μVrms/ 2 mV p-p、 <350 μV rms/2 mV p-p、<350 μV rms/2 mV p-p 正常模式电流:<500 μA rms、<500 μA rms、<2 mA rms 共模电流:<1.5 μA rms、<1.5 μA rms、<1.5 μA rms 读回精度(25°C ±5°C) 电压:0.05% + 10 mV、0.05% + 10 mV、0.1% + 5 mV 电流:0.15% + 4 mA、0.15% + 4 mA、0.2% + 10 mA 描述 安捷伦基础直流电源具备所需的各种基本特性,适用于预算紧张的用户。E3631A 80 W GPIB三路输出电源外形小巧,适用于工作台测试。它的输出纹波和噪声较低,并内置测量和基本可编程功能;其过压保护功能可确保被测件的**。这款灵巧、可靠的电源是为通用应用设计的。它体积小巧,并可提供多路输出,将台式电源的便捷功能和系统电源的灵活特性**地集于一身。 回收+销售 东莞市捷鑫电子仪器有限公司 回收工厂闲置/倒闭电子仪器,个人处理仪器,欢迎来电! 联系人:陈卫平 (微信同号)随身电话,希望广大需求顾客,建议电议 联系QQ: 742002535 413962246 24小时在线专业为您服务。 邮箱:sally000@163.com_ 专业服务Tel: