- 入驻时间: 2014-11-26
- 联系人:袁小姐
- 电话:18962657355
- Email:ksjingxintong@163.com
新版婴儿手推车标准EN 1888-1:2018+A1:2022*新发布
景新通科技专业生产婴儿车童车检测仪器工装 夹具等
新版婴儿手推车标准EN 1888-1:2018+A1:2022*新发布
5.2.3条款:增加了小型头部探规及相关测试要求(Clause 5.2.3 Add small head probe and related test requirements )
6条款:修订了化学测试要求( Clause 6 Chemical hazard)条款:修订了锁定机构意外释放的测试要求( Clause Unintentional release of locking mechanism(s) - The removal of a child is not considered as an operating action.)
8.4条款:修订了缠绕风险的测试要求及方法( Clause 8.4 Entanglement hazards – Test requirement/method)
8.9.3条款:删除了8.9.3条款 “因万向轮位置造成的稳定性危险”的测试要求( Delete Clause 8.9.3 of EN 1888-2018 part I about “ Stability hazards due to the position of swiveling wheels”)条款:修订了推把强度测试方法。如果是可调节推把,将推把置于*长/*上等位进行测试。推把的可调节(如翻转)部件应与推杆对齐(Clause Durability test “If the handle is adjustable, position the handle in its longest/highest position. Adjustable (e.g pivoting) part of the handle shall be aligned with the handle frame.”)
10.2.9条款:对*大适用重量标签的要求进行了修订。( Clause 10.2.9 Maximum weight label requirements)
新版婴儿手推车标准EN 1888-1:2018+A1:2022*新发布新版婴儿手推车标准EN 1888-1:2018+A1:2022*新发布新版婴儿手推车标准EN 1888-1:2018+A1:2022*新发布新版婴儿手推车标准EN 1888-1:2018+A1:2022*新发布新版婴儿手推车标准EN 1888-1:2018+A1:2022*新发布