德国Breithaupt 3245 CONAT方位罗盘指北针指南针
规格型号:3245 CONAT
For orientation in the field for the ambitious traveler, boy scouts, orienteers, alpinists, reservists and relief organizations. Rugged die-cast compass casing of high quality, non-magnetic light metal; tracing edge with 110 mm graduation for precise map plotting and distance measurements; mirror of chromed brass, precise aiming with front and rear sight (115 mm distances) with simultaneous observation of fully visible compass capsule in mirror, which moves automatically in observation position; transparent, rotatable liquid-filled capsule of non-breakable Makrolon with liquid damping of the magnetic needle, graduated in 6400 mil, graduation interval 100 mil, reading accuracy 10 mil, cardinal points are designated by luminous marks (long lasting luminous paint according to DIN 67510) and luminous letters N, O, S and W; compass needle of special steel with high coercive field intensity and remanence, thumb ring for comfortable use Weight 120 grams.
感谢您关注我们的产品德国Breithaupt 3245 CONAT方位罗盘指北针指南针。若您对德国Breithaupt 3245 CONAT方位罗盘指北针指南针的价格、品牌、厂家、规格、参数、型号、图片、规范、方法及原理需要进一步了解,或需要产品报价单、产品彩页、中文操作使用说明书,或者需要标定维修售后,请与深圳市中建工仪器设备有限公司联系(可致电垂询,或者登陆官方网站www.ndtcci.com,www.ndtcci.net查询)。
标签:德国Breithaupt 3245 CONAT方位罗盘指北针指南针中建工 中国总代理 中国官方网站
德国Breithaupt 3245 CONAT方位罗盘指北针指南针 编号:NSN6605-12-341-8467
Orientation compass CONAT Military type NSN6605-12-341-8467
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