

日期:2024-08-01 07:14

ASM International is a Society of professionals who have come together to accomplish great works for the common good which cannot be achieved independently. The maximum value ASM can bring to its members and society can be achieved by working at the intersection of Design, Structural Engineering, Manufacturing, Quality and Materials. The shared values of transparency, integrity, technical excellence, diversity, and constancy of purpose are the great enablers. Our Society’s future is bright. ASM can, and will be, better than ever. 

Mission: ASM International benefits the materials community by providing scientific, engineering and technical knowledge, education, networking and professional development for Individual Members. ASM also enables improved materials performance for organizations served by our members.

Vision: To be the leading resource for the advancement of materials knowledge in industry, education, government and society as a whole.

Core Values:

  • Exceptional member /customer service and input
  • Stewardship of finances
  • Transparency
  • Integrity in all operations
  • Benefits of diverse and inclusive worldwide community of volunteers
  • Continuous improvement and an adaptable and flexible organization
  • Importance of education, experience and lifelong learning 


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