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WELCOME on CONTROL 2015, the quality assurance exhibition that takes place in Stuttgart Germany, from May 5th untill May 8th.

On CONTROL 2015 we focus on our NEW wide range of Micro Vickers and Vickers hardness testers and we proudly present the new range of FALCON 5000 high-end hardness testing machines.

The FALCON 5000 with standard overview and laser technology built in to a 8 postion turret. The tester has a stunning force range, unique in the world market. Standard, fully loaded with automation.

For less complicated hardness testing tasks but still with a wide test force range (1gf to 62,5kgf), the load cell, closed loop, FALCON 450 might perfectly fit your needs.

The new NOVA 230 & 240 are a rebirth of traditional hardness testing, with top class electronics and reliable mechanics. A novelty at very affordable prices!

欢迎莅临CONTROL 2015, 一场关于质量控制的展会,位于德国STUTTGART,时间5月5日至5月8日。

本次CONTROL 2015, 除了展出INNOVATEAT的主流产品,INNOVATEST 将发布新品——显微硬度计以及维氏硬度计。

FALCON 5000系列硬度计具有广阔的力值范围,将全景摄像头技术及激光技术融于8工位的转塔上,属硬度计行业开创。整个力加载过程实现全自动化控制。

对于相对简单的测试任务,但同时也需要广阔的测试力值范围(1gf to 62,5kgf),力传感器,闭环回路系统,FALCON 450即可**地满足您的需求

新产品NOVA 230、240系列,为传统硬度计注入新的生命,配置有**的电气设计及机械设计。新颖小巧且价格实惠!