抗人TATA框结合蛋白交互作用蛋白单抗杂交瘤细胞多少钱? 乾思生物科技有限公司提供ATCC细胞库、ABMgood细胞库、SXBIO细胞库、CBR细胞库、CellBank Australia细胞库、DSMZ细胞库、ECACC细胞库、JCRBC细胞库、KCLB细胞库、Paratechs细胞库、RIKEN细胞库、ScienCell细胞库的所有原代、传代(第三代)产品。抗人TATA框结合蛋白交互作用蛋白单抗杂交瘤细胞多少钱?http://
SXBIO细胞库 来源好 无黑点 复苏运输稳定 易传代 抗人TATA框结合蛋白交互作用蛋白单抗杂交瘤细胞多少钱?
产品目录 >>> SXBIO细胞库 >>> 人正常组织来源细胞
人肝癌血管内皮细胞 TEC 货号:TCHU82
人肝癌血管内皮细胞 TEC 货号:TCHU82 的详细介绍
产品目录 >>> ATCC原代细胞库 >>> ATCC原代细胞株
atcc HTB-31(C-33 A细胞)
ATCC HTB-31(C-33 A细胞) 的详细介绍
atcc HTB-31(C-33 A细胞)标准细胞株基本信息
出品公司: ATCC
细胞名称: ATCC HTB-31(C-33 A细胞), C-33 A, 人子*宫颈癌细胞
存储人: N Auersperg
种属来源: 人
组织来源: 子*宫
疾病特征: 宫颈癌
细胞形态: 上皮细胞样
生长特性: 贴壁生长
培养基: MEM培养基(MEM,gibco,货号41500034),90%;FBS,10%。
产品目录号: HTB-31
生长条件: 气相:空气,95%;二氧化碳,5%; 温度:37 ℃,
传代方法: 1:2至1:6,每周2次。
冻存条件: 90% 完全培养基+10% DMSO,液氮储存
支原体检测: 阴性
**等级: 1
Amelogenin: X
CSF1PO: 12
D13S317: 13
D16S539: 13,14
D5S818: 11,12
D7S820: 10
THO1: 7,8
vWA: 18,20
AK-1, 1
ES-D, 1
GLO-I, 2
Me-2, 2
PGM1, 1
PGM3, 1
J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 32: 135-148, 1964.
Yee C, et al. Presence and expression of human papillomavirus sequences in human cervical carcinoma cell lines. Am. J. Pathol. 119: 361-366, 1985. PubMed: 2990217
Scheffner M, et al. The state of the p53 and retinoblastoma genes in human cervical carcinoma cell lines. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 88: 5523-5527, 1991. PubMed: 1648218
Hendricks DT, et al. FHIT gene expression in human ovarian, endometrial, and cervical cancer cell lines. Cancer Res. 57: 2112-2115, 1997. PubMed: 9187105
Kovelman R, et al. Enhanced transcriptional activation by E2 proteins from the oncogenic human papillomaviruses. J. Virol. 70: 7549-7560, 1996. PubMed: 8892874
C-33 A细胞人子*宫颈癌细胞特点和简介
C-33 A 细胞株是N. Auersperg从宫颈癌切片中建立的一系列细胞株(参见ATCC CRL-1594和ATCC CRL-1595)中的一株。 细胞一开始就表现出亚二倍体核型及上皮细胞形态。 连续传代可以观察到核型不稳定。 存在成视网膜细胞瘤蛋白(pRB),但大小不正常。 P53表达上调,且有一个273位密码子的点突变导致Arg -> Cys的替换。 人**瘤病毒DNA及RNA阴性。 在本库通过支原体检测。 在本库通过STR检测。
C-33 A细胞人子宫颈癌细胞接受后处理
1) 收到细胞后,请检查是否漏液 ,如果漏液,请拍照片发给我们。
2) 请先在显微镜下确认细胞生长 状态,去掉封口膜并将T25瓶置于37℃培养约2-3h。
3) 弃去T25瓶中的培养基,添加 6ml本公司附带的完全培养基。
4) 如果细胞密度达80%-90%请及 时进行细胞传代,传代培养用6ml本公司附带的完全培养基。
5) 接到细胞次日,请检查细胞是 否污染,若发现污染或疑似污染,请及时与我们取得联系。
C-33 A细胞人子宫颈癌细胞培养操作
1)复苏细胞:将含有 1mL 细胞悬液的冻存管在 37℃水浴中迅速摇晃解冻,加 入 4mL 培养基混合均 匀。在 1000RPM 条件下离心 4 分钟,弃去上清液,补 加 1-2mL 培养基后吹匀。然后将所有细胞悬液加入培养瓶中培 养过夜(或将 细胞悬液加入 10cm 皿中,加入约 8ml 培养基,培养过夜)。**天换液并 检查细胞密度。
2)细胞传代:如果细胞密度达 80%-90%,即可进行传代培养。
1. 弃去培养上清,用不含钙、镁离子的 PBS 润洗细胞 1-2 次。
2. 加 1ml 消化液(0.25%Trypsin-0.53mM EDTA)于培养瓶中,置于 37℃培 养箱中消化 1-2 分钟,然后在显微镜下观察细胞消化情况,若细胞大部分 变圆并脱落,迅速拿回操作台,轻敲几下培养 瓶后加少量培养基终止消 化。
3. 按 6-8ml/瓶补加培养基,轻轻打匀后吸出,在 1000RPM 条件下离心 4 分 钟,弃去上清液,补加 1-2mL 培养液后吹匀。
4. 将细胞悬液按 1:2 比例分到新的含 8ml 培养基的新皿中或者瓶中。
3)细胞冻存:待细胞生长状态良好时,可进行细胞冻存。下面 T25 瓶为类;
1. 细胞冻存时,弃去培养基后,PBS 清洗一遍后加入 1ml 胰酶,细胞变圆 脱 落后,加入 1ml 含血清的培养基终止消化,可使用血球计数板计数。
2. 4 min 1000rpm 离心去掉上清。加 1ml 血清重悬细胞,根据细胞数量加 入血 清和 DMSO,轻轻混匀,DMSO 终浓度为 10%,细胞密度不低于1x106/ml,每支冻存管冻存 1ml 细胞悬液,注意冻 存管做好标识。
3. 将冻存管置于程序降温盒中,放入-80 度冰箱,2 个小时以后转入液氮灌储存。记录冻存管位置以便下次拿取。
C-33 A细胞人子宫颈癌细胞培养注意事项
1. 收到细胞后首先观察细胞瓶是否完好,培养液是否有漏液、浑浊等现象,若有上述现 象发生请及 时和我们联系。
2. 仔细阅读细胞说明书,了解细胞相关信息,如细胞形态、所用培养基、血清比例、所 需细胞因子 等,确保细胞培养条件一致。若由于培养条件不一致而导致细胞出现问 题,责任由客户自行承担。
3. 用 75%酒精擦拭细胞瓶表面,显微镜下观察细胞状态。因运输问题贴壁细胞会有少量 从瓶 壁脱落,将细胞置于培养箱内静置培养 4~6 小时,再取出观察。此时多数细胞均 会贴壁,若细胞仍不能贴壁请用台盼蓝 染色测定细胞活力,如果证实细胞活力正常, 请将细胞离心后用新鲜培养基再次贴壁培养;如果染色结果显示细胞无活 力,请拍下 照片及时和我们联系,信息确认后我们为您再免费寄送一次。
4. 静置细胞贴壁后,请将细胞瓶内的培养基倒出,留 6~8mL 维持细胞正常培养,待细 胞汇 合度 80%左右时正常传代。
5. 请客户用相同条件的培养基用于细胞培养。培养瓶内多余的培养基可收集备用,细胞 传代时可以 一定比例和客户自备的培养基混合,使细胞逐渐适应培养条件。
6. 建议客户收到细胞后前 3 天各拍几张细胞照片,记录细胞状态,便于和 Procell 技术 部 沟通交流。由于运输的原因,个别敏感细胞会出现不稳定的情况,请及时和我们联 系,告知细胞的具体情况,以便我们 的技术人员跟踪回访直至问题解决。
7. 该细胞仅供科研使用。
ATCC HTB-31(C-33 A细胞)标准细胞株说明书pdf版和相关资料下载
ATCC HTB-31(C-33 A细胞)标准细胞株应用举例
产品目录 >>> ScienCell原代细胞库 >>> 原代细胞株
大鼠巨噬细胞 RSMa
大鼠巨噬细胞 RSMa 的详细介绍
Macrophages are cells differentiated from circulating bone marrow-derived monocytes. The main function of macrophages is to remove cellular debris and destroy invading pathogens. Rat Splenic Macrophages (RSMa) reside in the spleen and play a critical role in maintaining blood homeostasis [1]. There are three distinct populations of splenic macrophages including: red pulp macrophages, marginal zone macrophages, and marginal zone metallophillic macrophages [1, 2]. RSMa perform iron processing functions and aid in the capture of microbes and viruses in the circulatory system [1, 2]. Recent studies have shown that splenic macrophages contribute to stroke pathology and autoimmune diseases [3, 4]. RSMa are an excellent model for studying macrophage functions under normal physiological and pathological conditions.
RSMa from ScienCell Research Laboratories are isolated from ***** CD® IGS rat spleen. RSMa are cryopreserved after purification and delivered frozen. Each vial contains > 1 x 106 cells in 1 ml volume. RSMa are characterized by immunofluorescence with antibody to F4/80. RSMa are negative for mycoplasma, bacteria, yeast, and fungi. RSMa are guaranteed to further culture in the conditions provided by ScienCell Research Laboratories; however, RSMa are not recommended for expanding or long-term cultures since the cells do not proliferate in regular culture.
货号 R5550
产地 北美
缩写 RSMa
规格 5 x 10^5 /1ml
用途 科研
储存 液氮
运输 干冰
产品目录 >>> ABMgood细胞库 >>> 永生化原代细胞(Immortalized Primary Cells)
Immortalized-Human-Benign-Prostate-Epithelial-Cell---SV40 的详细介绍
Print Version
BioSafety Level II
Organism Homo sapiens
Source Organ Prostate
Donor Age 68
Donor Gender Male
Growth Properties Adherent
Morphology Polygonal
Passage Number 10
Population Doubling 24-28 hours
Recommended Seeding Density Thaw entire contents into an appropriate T25 flask as specified in the Propagation instructions.
Applications For Research Use Only
Immortalization Method Serial passaging and infection with ZipneoSV virus carrying SV40 T antigen gene
Cell Type Characterization
Procedure Overview
Propagation Use of PriCoat™ T25 Flasks (G299) or Applied Cell Extracellular Matrix (G422) is required for cell adhesion to the culture vessels. Grow cells in ECM-coated culture vessels with the following conditions. The base medium for this cell line is Prigrow II medium available in ABM, Cat. No. TM002. To make the complete growth medium, add the following components to the base medium: fetal bovine serum (TM999) to a final concentration of 10% and Penicillin/Streptomycin(G255). Atmosphere: air, 95%; Carbon dioxide (CO2), 5%. Temperature: 37.0°C
Quality Control Real Time PCR was used to quantify SV40 gene expression in immortalized cell line.
Reference Hayward SW, Dahiya R, Cunha GR, Bartek J, Deshpande N, Narayan P.
(1994). Establishment and characterization of an immortalized but non-transformed human prostate epithelial cell line: BPH-1. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim. 1995 Jan;31(1):14-24.
Disclaimer 1. The CoA for this product (provided upon request) verifies the cell-type specific gene expression via RT-PCR only. All test parameters provided in the CoA are conducted using abm's standardized culture system and procedures. The stated values may vary under the end-user's culture conditions. Please verify that the product is suitable for your studies by referencing published papers or ordering RNA (0.5 μg, Cat.# C207, $450.00) or cell lysate (100 μg, Cat.# C206, $600.00) to perform preliminary experiments, or alternatively use our Gene Expression Assay Service (Cat# C138). All sales are final.
2. We strongly recommend live cell shipments for ease of cell transfer and this option can be requested at the time of ordering. Please note that the end-user will need to evaluate the feasibility of live cell shipment by taking into account the final destination's temperature variation and its geographical location. In addition, we thoroughly test our cell lines for freeze-thaw recovery. If frozen cells were received and not recovered in your lab under the exact, specified conditions (using recommended culture vessel, media, additional supplements, and atmospheric conditions), a live cell replacement is possible at a cost (plus shipping).
3. All of abm's cell biology products are for research use ONLY and NOT for therapeutic/diagnostic applications. abm is not liable for any repercussions arising from the use of its cell biology product(s) in therapeutic/diagnostic application(s). Please contact a technical service representative for more information.
4. abm makes no warranties or representations as to the accuracy of the information on this site. Citations from literature and provided for informational purposes only. abm does not warrant that such information has been shown to be accurate.
产品目录 >>> Paratechs细胞库 >>> VE-BEVS昆虫细胞系
产品名称: VE-CL-03细胞系
产品型号: 10030
产品展商: Paratechs
美元($)价格: 0.00 元
欧元(€)价格: 0.00 元
人民币(¥)价格: 0.00 元
产品文档: 无相关文档
VE-CL-03细胞系 paratechs VE-CL-03 cells Product number: 10030 Unit: 107cells/ml Price: $800 VE-CL-03 cell line Sf9-derived cell line for general enhancement of most recombinant proteins. VE-CL-03细胞系 paratechs
VE-CL-03细胞系 的详细介绍
VE-CL-03细胞系 paratechs
VE-BEVS Insect Cell Lines
•VE-CL-01 Product No. 10010 •VE-CL-02 Product No. 10020 •VE-CL-03 Product No. 10030
Improved protein expression from the baculovirus expression vector system (BEVS) utilizing ParaTechs’ Vankyrin-Enhanced (VE) Sf9 insect cells. Further enhancement by using VE cells with our VE-transfer vector.
• Engineered monoclonal Sf9 cell line stably expresses a vankyrin gene
• Up to 14-fold increase in protein yield as compared to parental Sf9 cells
• Prolonged longevity of cells after infection with a BEVS
• Compatible with all conventional BEVS
• Reduced cost and labor
• Essentially no additional work or adaptation required
VE-CL-03细胞系 paratechs
ParaTechs offers three VE-insect cell lines for retail. Each of which has slightly different characteristics to help to enhance the expression of different types of recombinant protein.
VE-CL-03细胞系 paratechs
VE-CL-01 cells
Product number: 10010 Unit: 107cells/ml Price: $800
VE-CL-01 cell line
Sf9-derived cell line for the enhanced expression of highly stable intracellular and secreted proteins
This cell line offers a much prolonged expression time that greatlyenhances the yield of stable proteins. These cells are suitable for the expression of highly stable intracellular and secreted proteins. The cells are sold in batches of 1×107/ml cells in serum-free medium. Please note this product ships on dry ice so additional shipping charges may apply.
VE-CL-03细胞系 paratechs
VE-CL-02 cells
Product number: 10020 Unit: 107cells/ml Price: $800
VE-CL-02 cell line
Sf9-derived cell line for the enhanced expression of highly unstable or toxic proteins.
This cell line is recommended for laboratories working with highly unstable or toxic proteins as enhanced protein expression occurs at a very high level and over a very short time interval.
The cells are sold in batches of 1×107/ml cells in serum-free medium. Please note this product ships on dry ice so additional shipping charges may apply.
VE-CL-03细胞系 paratechs
VE-CL-03 cells
Product number: 10030 Unit: 107cells/ml Price: $800
VE-CL-03 cell line
Sf9-derived cell line for general enhancement of most recombinant proteins.
This cell line is recommended for the enhanced expression of proteins of unknown toxicity and stability or for general enhancement of most recombinant proteins expressed in conventional recombinant BEVS viruses.
The cells are sold in batches of 1×107/ml cells in serum-free medium. Please note this product ships on dry ice so additional shipping charges apply.
VE-BEVS Cell Line Instructions
VE-BEVS Licensing
Contract service for introducing the vankyrin gene into a custom insect cell line is available upon request.
Patent information:
VE-BEVS Cell Line United States Patent 7,842,493
VE-BEVS Transfer Vector United States Patent 7,629,160
产品目录 >>> RIKEN细胞库
日本理化学研究所RIKEN(RIkagaku KENkyusho/Institute of Physical and Chemical Research)
日本理化学研究所RIKEN(RIkagaku KENkyusho/Institute of Physical and Chemical Research)
产品名称: 日本理化学研究所RIKEN(RIkagaku KENkyusho/Institute of Physical and Chemical Research)
产品型号: RIKEN
产品展商: RIKEN
美元($)价格: 0.00 元
欧元(€)价格: 0.00 元
人民币(¥)价格: 0.00 元
产品文档: 无相关文档
日本理化学研究所RIKEN(RIkagaku KENkyusho/Institute of Physical and Chemical Research)简称理研,属于文部科学省。是日本资本主义之父涩泽荣一于1917年设立的大型自然科学研究机构。二战期间曾为日本核研究的研究机构。 日本理化学研究所RIKEN(RIkagaku KENkyusho/Institute of Physical and Chemical Research)简称理研究领域包括物理、化学、生物学、工学、 医学、生命科学、材料科学、信息科学等,从基础研究到应用开发十分广泛。RIKEN有大约3000 名研究人员,每年的预算约62亿人民币,大部分研究经费来自政府。1982年RIKEN与中国科学院缔结了多方位的研究合作协议,很多中国研究人员在RIKEN从事研究工作,为中国科学技术的发展做出了贡献。
日本理化学研究所RIKEN(RIkagaku KENkyusho/Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) 的详细介绍
Acris abcam cst Biorbyt santa Novus sigma lifespan NEB roche ABI R&D millipore BD Qiagen Cayman Jackson Life GeneTex Bio-Rad DSHB tocris peprotech 等品牌;部分产品现货,超低比价,另常备 Trizol DMSO lipo2000 lipo3000 SC-2004 SC-2005常备现货 ;货期短,价格优,售后齐全。
日本理化学研究所RIKEN(RIkagaku KENkyusho/Institute of Physical and Chemical Research)简称理研,属于文部科学省。是日本资本主义之父涩泽荣一于1917年设立的大型自然科学研究机构。二战期间曾为日本核研究的研究机构。
其研究领域包括物理、化学、生物学、工学、 医学、生命科学、材料科学、信息科学等,从基础研究到应用开发十分广泛。RIKEN有大约3000 名研究人员,每年的预算约62亿人民币,大部分研究经费来自政府。1982年RIKEN与中国科学院缔结了多方位的研究合作协议,很多中国研究人员在RIKEN从事研究工作,为中国科学技术的发展做出了贡献。
Cell No. Cell name General characteristics
AES0001 H-1 In vitro differentiation to various type tissue cells(e.g. neuron,cardiomyocyte,hematopoietic cells)
AES0002 GS-DG1 Germline stem cell line derived from mouse testis.
AES0003 B6G-2 Embryonic stem (ES) cell line derived from C57BL/6 mouse. Expressing GFP.
AES0004 mGS-DBA1 Multipotent germline stem (mGS) cell line derived from mouse testis.
AES0005 BRC1 Mouse embryonic stem cells derived from (B6xDBA2)x129 embryo.
AES0006 BRC2 Mouse embryonic stem cells derived from (B6xDBA2)x(B6xDBA2) embryo.
AES0007 BRC3 Mouse embryonic stem cells derived from (B6xDBA2)x(B6xDBA2) embryo.
AES0008 BRC4 Mouse embryonic stem cells derived from C57BL/6 embryo.
AES0009 BRC5 Mouse embryonic stem cells derived from C57BL/6 embryo. The karyotype is not normal.
AES0010 BRC6 Mouse embryonic stem cells derived from C57BL/6 embryo (female) .
AES0011 BRC7 Mouse embryonic stem cells derived from C57BL/6 embryo.
AES0012 BRC8 Nuclear transferred mouse embryonic stem cells. Nucleus was derived from (B6xDBA2) mouse.
AES0013 BRC9 Nuclear transferred mouse embryonic stem cells. Nucleus was derived from (B6xDBA2) mouse.
AES0014 TT2 Mouse ES cell line (B6 X CBA). This cell line can be used only for in vitro culture experiment.
AES0015 BDmt-1 Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line established by nuclear transfer technique. Nucleus was derived from F1 male mouse (C57BL/6 x DBA2). Feeder-free cell line
AES0016 BDmt-2 Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line established by nuclear transfer technique. Nucleus was derived from F1 male mouse (C57BL/6 x DBA2). Feeder-free cell line.
AES0017 BDft-1 Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line established by nuclear transfer technique. Nucleus was derived from F1 female mouse (C57BL/6 x DBA2). Feeder-free cell line.
AES0018 BDfc-1 Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line established by nuclear transfer technique. Nucleus was derived from F1 female mouse (C57BL/6 x DBA2). Feeder-free cell line.
AES0020 BCmt-1 Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line established by nuclear transfer technique. Nucleus was derived from F1 male mouse (C57BL/6 x C3H/He). Feeder-free cell line
AES0021 BCmt-2 Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line established by nuclear transfer technique. Nucleus was derived from F1 male mouse (C57BL/6 x C3H/He). Feeder-free cell line.
AES0022 BCft-1 Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line established by nuclear transfer technique. Nucleus was derived from F1 female mouse (C57BL/6 x C3H/He). Feeder-free cell line
AES0024 BCfc-2 Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line established by nuclear transfer technique. Nucleus was derived from F1 female mouse (C57BL/6 x C3H/He). Feeder-free cell line.
AES0025 BD129mt-1 Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line established by nuclear transfer technique. Nucleus was derived from F1 male mouse ((C57BL/6 x DBA2) x 129/Sv). Feeder-free cell line.
AES0026 BD129mt-2 Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line established by nuclear transfer technique. Nucleus was derived from F1 male mouse ((C57BL/6 x DBA2) x 129/Sv). Feeder-free cell line.
AES0027 BD129fc-1 Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line established by nuclear transfer technique. Nucleus was derived from F1 female mouse ((C57BL/6 x DBA2) x 129/Sv). Feeder-free cell line.
AES0028 BD129fc-2 Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line established by nuclear transfer technique. Nucleus was derived from F1 female mouse ((C57BL/6 x DBA2) x 129/Sv). Feeder-free cell line.
AES0029 C3Hmt-1 Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line established by nuclear transfer technique. Nucleus was derived from C3H/He male mouse. Feeder-free cell line.
AES0030 C3Hft-1 Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line established by nuclear transfer technique. Nucleus was derived from C3H/He female mouse. Feeder-free cell line.
AES0031 C3Hft-2 Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line established by nuclear transfer technique. Nucleus was derived from C3H/He female mouse. Feeder-free cell line.
AES0032 C3Hfc-1 Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line established by nuclear transfer technique. Nucleus was derived from C3H/He female mouse. Feeder-free cell line.
AES0033 B6mt-1 Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line established by nuclear transfer technique. Nucleus was derived from C57BL/6 male mouse. Feeder-free cell line.
AES0034 B6mt-2 Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line established by nuclear transfer technique. Nucleus was derived from C57BL/6 male mouse. Feeder-free cell line.
AES0035 B6ft-1 Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line established by nuclear transfer technique. Nucleus was derived from C57BL/6 female mouse. Feeder-free cell line.
AES0036 B6ft-2 Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line established by nuclear transfer technique. Nucleus was derived from C57BL/6 female mouse. Feeder-free cell line.
AES0037 B6fc-1 Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line established by nuclear transfer technique. Nucleus was derived from C57BL/6 female mouse. Feeder-free cell line.
AES0038 B6fc-2 Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line established by nuclear transfer technique. Nucleus was derived from C57BL/6 female mouse. Feeder-free cell line.
AES0039 DBAmt-1 Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line established by nuclear transfer technique. Nucleus was derived from DBA/2 male mouse. Feeder-free cell line.
AES0040 DBAmt-2 Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line established by nuclear transfer technique. Nucleus was derived from DBA/2 male mouse. Feeder-free cell line.
AES0041 DBAfc-1 Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line established by nuclear transfer technique. Nucleus was derived from DBA/2 female mouse. Feeder-free cell line.
AES0042 DBAfc-2 Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line established by nuclear transfer technique. Nucleus was derived from DBA/2 female mouse. Feeder-free cell line.
AES0043 129fc-1 Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line established by nuclear transfer technique. Nucleus was derived from 129/Sv female mouse. Feeder-free cell line.
AES0044 129fc-2 Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line established by nuclear transfer technique. Nucleus was derived from 129/Sv female mouse. Feeder-free cell line.
AES0045 FVB-1 Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line established by nuclear transfer technique. Nucleus was derived from FVB male mouse. Feeder-free cell line.
AES0049 ICRft-2 Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line established by nuclear transfer technique. Nucleus was derived from ICR male mouse. Feeder-free cell line.
AES0050 OKM-4 Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line established by nuclear transfer technique. Nucleus was derived from ICR hermaphrodite mouse. Feeder-free cell line.
AES0051 BDmto-1 Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line established by nuclear transfer technique. Nucleus was derived from F1 (C57BL/6 x DBA2) male aged mouse. Feeder-free cell line.
AES0052 BDmto-2 Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line established by nuclear transfer technique. Nucleus was derived from F1 (C57BL/6 x DBA2) male aged mouse. Feeder-free cell line.
AES0054 EBRTcH3 Mouse embryonic stem cell line. Convenient to establish the line carrying an inducible expression unit (see reference). Feeder-free cell line.
AES0118 NOD·ESA Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line derived from NOD mouse.
AES0119 EBRTcH3(serum) Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line derived from 129/Ola mouse. Feeder-free cell line
AES0120 Fbx15^(βgeo/βgeo)ES A subline of mouse embryonic stem cell (RF8 derived from 129 SV Jae strain mouse) lacking Fbx15 expression. Fbx15 gene was replaced with βgeo gene in both alleles.
AES0121 Nanog^(βgeo/+)ES A subline of mouse embryonic stem cell (RF8 derived from 129 SV Jae strain mouse). Nanog gene was replaced with βgeo gene in one allele.
AES0125 2TS22C Mouse embryonic stem cells derived from 129/Ola male mouse. Feeder-free cell line
AES0126 Nanog^(βgeo/Hyg) A subline of mouse embryonic stem cell (RF8 derived from 129 SV Jae strain mouse) lacking Nanog expression. Nanog genes were replaced with βgeo gene in one allele and hygromycin resistant gene in another allele. Feeder-free cell line.
AES0127 TCNT1 Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line established by nuclear transfer technique. Nucleus (T-cell) was derived from F1 (C57BL/6 x 129) male mouse.
AES0128 HSNT1 Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line established by nuclear transfer technique. Nucleus (Hematopoietic stem cell) was derived from F1 (C57BL/6 x 129) male mouse.
AES0129 HSNT2 Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line established by nuclear transfer technique. Nucleus (Hematopoietic stem cell) was derived from F1 (C57BL/6 x 129) male mouse.
AES0130 BXM3 Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line derived from F1 mouse (C57BL/6 x MSM).
AES0131 BXM7 Mouse embryonic stem cell line derived from F1 mouse (C57BL/6 x MSM).
AES0132 BXM14 Mouse embryonic stem cells derived from F1 mouse (C57BL/6 x MSM).
AES0133 BXM15 Mouse embryonic stem cells derived from F1 mouse (C57BL/6 x MSM).
AES0134 EGFP-MBD-nls Mouse embryonic stem cells derived from 129/Ola male mouse. The methylated DNA binding domain (MBD) and the nuclear localization signal (nls) sequence coding for human methyl CpG-binding domain protein 1 (MBD1) were fused to the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) reporter gene, and ES cell lines carrying the construct ( EGFP-MBD-nls ) were established. Feeder-free cell line
AES0135 E14tg2a Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line derived from 29/Ola.
AES0136 ZHBTc4 Mouse ES cell line derived from ZHTc6 and maintained by tetracycline(Tc)-regulatable Oct-3/4 transgene. Both of Oct-3/4 locus are disrupted by IRES-zeocin and IRES-BSD KO vectors. It should be cultured in the absence of tetraycline to maintain the undifferentiated state. See reference regarding more precise information.
AES0137 ZHTc6 Mouse ES cell line derived from 129/Ola. It should be cultured in the presence of tetracycline to maintain the undifferentiated state. See reference regarding more precise information.
AES0139 EB3 Mouse embryonic stem cell line derived from 129/Ola strain. Oct3/4 gene was replaced with 'ires-blasticidin S registant gene' in one allele. Feeder-free cell line. Feeder-free cell line.
AES0140 B6J-S1^(UTR) Mouse ES cell line derived from C57BL/6J.
AES0141 B6NJ-22^(UTR) Mouse ES cell line derived from F1 (C57BL/6NCrlCrlj x C57BL/6J).
AES0143 B6J-23^(UTR) Mouse ES cell line derived from C57BL/6J.
AES0144 B6N-22^(UTR) Mouse ES cell line derived from C57BL/6NCrlCrlj.
AES0145 Rx-GFP K/I EB5 A subline of mouse embryonic stem cell line, EB5 (129/Ola), in which GFP gene is knocked-in under Rx promoter.
AES0146 Dnmt1-/-Dnmt3a-/-Dnmt3b-/- ES (clone19) Mouse ES cell line lacking all of Dnmt1, Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b. Derived from 129Sv/Jae.
AES0147 aBJ-2 Mouse androgenetic embryonic stem (ES) cell line. C57BL/6Cr x JF1
AES0148 aBJ-3 Mouse androgenetic embryonic stem (ES) cell line. C57BL/6Cr x JF1
AES0149 aBJ-4 Mouse androgenetic embryonic stem (ES) cell line. C57BL/6Cr x JF1
AES0150 G4-2 Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line derived from 29/Ola. Expressing GFP.
AES0151 EB5 Mouse embryonic stem cell line derived from 129/Ola. Feeder-free cell line.
AES0152 OCRG9 Mouse embryonic stem cell line derived from 129/Ola.
AES0153 OLV2-1 Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line derived from 129/Ola. The expression of Oct3/4 can be detected as the expression of Venus.
AES0154 OLC2-1 Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line derived from 129/Ola. The expression of Oct3/4 can be detected as the expression of ECFP.
AES0161 Dnmt1-/- ES (clone 36) Mouse ES cell line lacking Dnmt gene.
AES0164 Dnmt3a-/- ES (clone 6aa) Mouse ES cell line lacking Dnmt3a gene.
AES0165 Dnmt3b-/- ES (clone 8bb) Mouse ES cell line lacking Dnmt3b gene.
AES0166 CMES40 Embryonic stem (ES) cell line derived from common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus). Common marmoset is one of the animals as the object of Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). Therefore, according to the CITES the permissions of the regulatory bodies are necessary in both exporting and importing countries.
AES0172 B6-6 Mouse ES cell line derived from C57BL/6NCrSlc. Contribution to chimeras and germilne transmission have been confirmed.
AES0173 Bf1-Venus K/I EB3 A subline of mouse ES cell line, EB3, in which Venus gene is knocked-in in the Bf1(Foxg1) locus.
AES0174 rdES2-1 Rabbit embryonic stem (ES) cell line.Application consideration
AES0175 rdES4 Rabbit embryonic stem cell line. Application consideration
AES0176 Etv2-Venus-KI Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line, Etv2-Venus-KI (see reference).
AES0177 Etv2-Venus-KO Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line, Etv2-Venus-KO (see reference).
AES0182 EGR-G101 Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line derived from C57BL/6NCr. Expressing EGFP.
AES0184 EGR-101 Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line derived from C57BL/6N.
AES0186 BRC6(feeder-free) Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line derived from C57BL/6NCrSlc. Feeder-free cell line (AES0010 BRC6).
AES0187 B6-6(feeder-free) Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line derived from C57BL/6NCrSlc. Feeder-free cell line (AES0172 B6-6).
AES0190 NAT1(+/-)ES(A7) Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell. NAT1 gene is deficient heterogeneously.
AES0191 NAT1(+/-)ES(B4) Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell. NAT1 gene is deficient heterogeneously.
AES0192 NAT1(+/-)ES(C1) Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell. NAT1 gene is deficient heterogeneously.
AES0193 NAT1(-/-)ES(B2) Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell. NAT1 gene is deficient homogeneously.
AES0194 NAT1(-/-)ES(B12) Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell. NAT1 gene is deficient homogeneously.
AES0195 NAT1(-/-)ES(C3) Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell. NAT1 gene is deficient homogeneously.
AES0196 Mvh-Venus GS This GS cell line was derived from testis of new born transgenic mouse, Tg(Mvh-Venus)1Rbrc, carrying Venus gene inserted into the 2nd exon of Mouse Vasa Homolog (Mvh or alternatively called Ddx4) gene. Mvh gene is known to be specifically expressed in male and female germ cells.
AES0197 Mili-KO GS Mouse germline stem (GS) cell lacking Mili gene.
AES0204 EpiSC 129Ba1 Mouse Epiblast Stem cells (EpiSCs) established in the presence of Wnt secretion inhibitor, IWP-2. The cell line was derived from embryos obtained by 129S2/Sv x C57BL/6N cross. Homogeneous cellular state can be maintained in the culture medium containing IWP-2.
AES1232 26v-006 The Gene-trap Mouse ES cell (V6.4) clone. The NAISTrap data bese : NAISTrap_26v-006.
AES1233 26v-009 The Gene-trap Mouse ES cell (V6.4) clone. The NAISTrap data bese : NAISTrap_26v-009.
AES1240 26v-023 The Gene-trap Mouse ES cell (V6.4) clone. The NAISTrap data bese : NAISTrap_26v-023.
AES1384 33v1-051 The Gene-trap Mouse ES cell (V6.4) clone. The NAISTrap data bese.
AES1397 36v-38 The Gene-trap Mouse ES cell (V6.4) clone. Mus musculus mRNA. The NAISTrap data bese : NAISTrap_36v-38.
AES1421 37v-42 The Gene-trap Mouse ES cell (V6.4) clone. The NAISTrap data bese : NAISTrap_37v-42.
AES1519 38v-29 The Gene-trap Mouse ES cell (V6.4) clone. The NAISTrap data bese : NAISTrap_38v-29.
AES1913 2TP-084 The Gene-trap Mouse ES cell (V6.4) clone. Misc_ID:unknown
AES2228 TPM2-187 The Gene-trap Mouse ES cell (V6.4) clone. Misc_ID: NM_012060
AES2486 TPM5-123 The Gene-trap Mouse ES cell (V6.4) clone. Misc_ID: NM_001081417
AES2641 TPM6-180 The Gene-trap Mouse ES cell (V6.4) clone. Misc_ID: NM_177691
AES2764 TPM6-360 The Gene-trap Mouse ES cell (V6.4) clone. Misc_ID: NM_010158
APS0001 iPS-MEF-Ng-20D-17 Mouse induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell line. Expressing GFP by Nanog promoter. Order Form ( C-0033, C-00034). Please see CiRA , Kyoto University if you are a researcher at a for–profit organization.
APS0002 iPS-MEF-Ng-178B-5 Mouse iPS cell line established with three factors, Oct3/4, Sox2 and Klf4, using retrovirus vector. Order Form ( C-0033, C-00034). Please see CiRA , Kyoto University if you are a researcher at a for–profit organization.
APS0003 iPS-MEF-Fb/Ng-440A-3 Mouse iPS cell line established without retrovirus vector. It has no integration of exogene. Order Form ( C-0033, C-00034). Please see CiRA , Kyoto University if you are a researcher at a for–profit organization.
APS0004 iPS-MEF-Ng-492B-4 Mouse iPS cell line established without retrovirus vector. It has no integration of exogene. Order Form ( C-0033, C-00034). Please see CiRA , Kyoto University if you are a researcher at a for–profit organization.
APS0005 iPS-Stm-FB/gfp-99-1 Mouse iPS cell line derived from stomach cells. Expressing GFP by CAG promoter. βgeo is knocked-in at Fbx15 locus. Order Form ( C-0033, C-00034). Please see CiRA , Kyoto University if you are a researcher at a for–profit organization.
APS0006 iPS-Stm-FB/gfp-99-3 Mouse iPS cell line derived from stomach cells. Expressing GFP by CAG promoter. βgeo is knocked-in at Fbx15 locus. Order Form ( C-0033, C-00034). Please see CiRA , Kyoto University if you are a researcher at a for–profit organization.
APS0007 iPS-Hep-FB/Ng/gfp-103C-1 Mouse iPS cell line derived from liver cells. Expressing GFP by CAG promoter. βgeo is knocked-in at Fbx15 locus. GFP and puromycin resistant gene can be expressed by Nanog promoter. Order Form ( C-0033, C-00034). Please see CiRA , Kyoto University if you are a researcher at a for–profit organization.
APS0008 iPS-L1 Rabbit induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell line. Application consideration. Order Form ( C-0033, C-00007 or C-0007p).
APS0009 iPS-L2 Rabbit induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell line. Order Form ( C-0033, C-00007 or C-0007p).
APS0010 iPS-S1 Rabbit induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell line. Application consideration. Order Form ( C-0033, C-00007 or C-0007p).
APS0011 iPS-S2 Rabbit induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell line. Order Form ( C-0033, C-00007 or C-0007p).
GMC0001 B0082 Human B cell line derived from Werner syndrome patient and transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. The same patient as GMC0002.
GMC0002 A0082 Human primary adherent cells derived from Werner syndrome patient's skin. The same patient as GMC0001.
GMC0003 B0006 Human B cell line derived from Werner syndrome patient and transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus.
GMC0004 A0065 Human primary adherent cells derived from Werner syndrome (questionable) patient's skin.
GMC0005 B0031 Human B cell line derived from Werner syndrome patient and transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. The same patient as GMC0012.
GMC0006 WS2RGB Accelerated aging in vitro, Werner's syndrome
GMC0007 WS3RGB Accelerated aging in vitro, Werner's syndrome.
GMC0009 WS6RGB Werner's syndrome fibroblast
GMC0010 UN7RGB Questionable Werner's syndrome-like. Life span in vitro was over 60 PDL.
GMC0011 UN8RGB Once thought Werner's Syndrome, but the life span in vitro was more than 50 PDL.
GMC0012 A0031 Human primary adherent cells derived from Werner syndrome patient's skin. The same patient as GMC0005.
GMC0013 B0096 Human B cell line derived from Werner syndrome patient and transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus.
GMC0014 A0042 Human primary adherent cells derived from Werner syndrome (questionable) patient's skin. The same patient as GMC0015.
GMC0015 B0042 Human B cell line derived from Werner syndrome (questionable) patient and transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. The same patient as GMC0014.
GMC0016 B0022 Human B cell line derived from Werner syndrome patient and transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus.
GMC0017 B0055 Human B cell line derived from Werner syndrome patient and transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus.The same patient as GMC0022.
GMC0019 B0090 Human B cell line derived from Werner syndrome (questionable) patient and transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus.
GMC0020 B0072 Human B cell line derived from Werner syndrome (questionable) patient and transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. The same patient as GMC0024.
GMC0021 A0022 Human primary adherent cells derived from Werner syndrome patient's skin. The same patient as GMC0016.
GMC0022 A0055 Human primary adherent cells derived from Werner syndrome patient's skin. The same patient as GMC00017.
GMC0023 B0036 Human B cell line derived from Werner syndrome patient and transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus.
GMC0024 A0072 Human primary adherent cells derived from Werner syndrome (questionable) patient's skin. The same patient as GMC0020.
GMC0025 B0010 Human B cell line derived from Werner syndrome (questionable) patient and transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. The same patient as GMC0027.
GMC0026 B0076 Human B cell line derived from Werner syndrome patient and transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus.
GMC0027 A0010 Human primary adherent cells derived from Werner syndrome (questionable) patient's skin. The same patient as GMC0025.
GMC0028 A0058 Human primary adherent cells derived from Werner syndrome patient's skin. The same patient as GMC0029.
GMC0029 B0058 Human B cell line derived from Werner syndrome patient and transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. he same patient as GMC0028.
GMC0030 B0050 Human B cell line derived from Werner syndrome patient and transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. The same patient as GMC0031.
GMC0031 A0050 Human primary adherent cells derived from Werner syndrome patient's skin. The same patient as GMC0030.
GMC0032 B0078 Human B cell line derived from Werner syndrome (questionable) patient and transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus.
GMC0033 B0086 Human B cell line derived from Werner syndrome patient and transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus.
GMC0034 B0045 Human B cell line derived from Werner syndrome patient and transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus.
GMC0035 B0026 Human B cell line derived from Werner syndrome patient and transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. The same patient as GMC0036.
GMC0036 A0026 Human primary adherent cells derived from Werner syndrome patient's skin. The same patient as GMC00035.
GMC0037 A0001 Human primary adherent cells derived from Werner syndrome (questionable) patient's skin. The same patient as GMC0038.
HES0001 KhES-1 Human embryonic stem cell line.
HES0002 KhES-2 Human embryonic stem cell line.
HES0003 KhES-3 Human embryonic stem cell line.
HES0004 KhES-4 Human embryonic stem cell line.
HES0005 KhES-5 Human embryonic stem cell line.
HES0006 SEES1 Human embryonic stem cell line.
HES0007 SEES2 Human embryonic stem cell line.
HES0008 SEES3 Human embryonic stem cell line.
HPS0002 253G1 Human iPS cell line. HPS0063 and HPS0076 were derived from the same patient. Order Form ( C-0042, C-0034). Please see CiRA , Kyoto University if you are a researcher at a for–profit organization.
HPS0003 HiPS-RIKEN-1A Human iPS cell line. Parent cell line of RCB0436 HUC-F2. Order Form (C-0042, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0009 HiPS-RIKEN-2A Human iPS cell line. Parent cell line of RCB0197 HUC-Fm. Order Form (C-0042, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0014 HiPS-RIKEN-2F Human iPS cell line. Parent cell line of RCB0197 HUC-Fm. Order Form (C-0042, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0029 HiPS-RIKEN-12A Human iPS cell line. Order Form (C-0042, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0045 HiPS-RIKEN-5A Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient of Wilson's disease (RCB0395 NCU-F8). Order Form (C-0042, C-0006, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0049 HiPS-RIKEN-7A Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient of Wilson's disease (RCB0390 NCU-F3). Order Form (C-0042, C-0006, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0053 HiPS-RIKEN-9A Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient of Wilson's disease (RCB0391 NCU-F4). Order Form (C-0042, C-0006, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0059 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS0060 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Dementia of Alzheimer¡Çs type. HPS0812 was derived from the same patient.Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS0061 59M8 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Pigmentary degeneration of the retina. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0062 K10M5 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Pigmentary degeneration of the retina. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0063 201B7 Human iPS cell line. HPS0002 and HPS0076 were derived from the same patient.Order Form ( C-0042, C-0034). Please see CiRA , Kyoto University if you are a researcher at a for–profit organization.
HPS0064 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Glycogen storage disease, Type 1b. iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0070 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Mitochondrial myopathy, Encephalopathy, Lactic acidosis, and Stroke-like episodes. HPS0071 was derived from the same patient. iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0071 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Mitochondrial myopathy, Encephalopathy, Lactic acidosis, and Stroke-like episodes. HPS0070 was derived from the same patient.iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0072 K11PD17 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Pigmentary degeneration of the retina. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0073 K21S4 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Pigmentary degeneration of the retina. Order Form (C-0042, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0074 K31M28 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Pigmentary degeneration of the retina. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0075 K32M17 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Pigmentary degeneration of the retina. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0076 409B2 Human iPS cell line. HPS0002 and HPS0063 are derived from the same person. Order Form ( C-0042, C-0034).
HPS0077 454E2 Human iPS cell line. Application consideration. Order Form ( C-0042, C-0034).
HPS0078 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Bernard-Soulier syndorome. Order Form (C-0042, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0082 iPWS5 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Prader Willi syndrome(RCB1560 PWS-Yamaguchi). del(15) was found in lymphocytes of the patient. iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0083 iCK2 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Cockayne's syndrome(RCB0397 NCU-F10). HPS0085 was derived from the same patient. iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0085 iCK10 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Cockayne's syndrome(RCB0397 NCU-F10). HPS0083 was derived from the same patient. iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0087 iOTC4 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Ornithinetranscarbamylase deficiency (RCB0492 OTCD1TKB). iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0097 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Parkinson's disease, Familial type, PARK2. Order Form (C-0042, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0117 CiRA086Ai-m1 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Chronic infantile neurological cutaneous and articular (CINCA) syndrome (somatic mosaicism). Application consideration. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS0119 CiRA188Ai-M1 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Chronic infantile neurological cutaneous and articular (CINCA) syndrome (somatic mosaicism). HPS0120 was derived from the same patient. Application consideration. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS0120 CiRA188Ai-W1 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Chronic infantile neurological cutaneous and articular (CINCA) syndrome (somatic mosaicism). HPS0119 was derived from the same patient. Application consideration. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS0129 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Sporadic type (classical, with UMN). HPS0130 was derived from the same patient. iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0130 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Sporadic type (classical, with UMN). HPS0129 was derived from the same patient. iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0133 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Muscular dystrophy, Miyoshi type (Miyoshi myopathy). iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0134 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Sporadic type (pseudo-polyneuritic, w/o UMN). iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0136 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Sporadic type (pseudo-polyneuritic, w/o UMN). HPS0134 was derived from the same patient. iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0140 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Familial type. HPS0141 and HPS0142 were derived from the same patient. iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0142 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Familial type. HPS0140 and HPS0141 were derived from the same patient. iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0143 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Congenital fiber type disproportion disease. HPS0144 and HPS0145 were derived from the same patient. iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0144 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Congenital fiber type disproportion disease. HPS0143 and HPS0145 were derived from the same patient. iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0145 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Congenital fiber type disproportion disease. HPS0143 and HPS0144 were derived from the same patient. iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0146 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Sporadic type (bulbar, with UMN). HPS0147 and HPS0148 were derived from the same patient. iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0147 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Sporadic type (bulbar, with UMN). HPS0146 and HPS0148 were derived from the same patient. iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0148 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Sporadic type (bulbar, with UMN). HPS0146 and HPS0147 were derived from the same patient. iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0149 iTS1 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Tay-Sachs' disease (RCB0697 GM2-1TKB). iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. HPS0150 was derived from the same patient. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0150 iTS2 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Tay-Sachs' disease (RCB0697 GM2-1TKB). iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. HPS0149 was derived from the same patient. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0156 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Bardet-Biedl syndrome. HPS0157 was derived from the same patient. iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0157 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Bardet-Biedl syndrome. HPS0156 was derived from the same patient. iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0158 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Spinal muscular atrophy type 1. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0164 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Muscular dystrophy, Duchenne type. iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0169 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Muscular dystrophy, Duchenne type. HPS0171 was derived from the same patient. iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0171 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Muscular dystrophy, Duchenne type. HPS0169 was derived from the same patient. iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0174 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Dermatomyositis (DM). iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0175 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Glycogen storage disease, Type 2. HPS0176 and HPS0177 were derived from the same patient. iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0176 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Glycogen storage disease, Type 2. HPS0175 and HPS0177 were derived from the same patient. iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0177 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Glycogen storage disease, Type 2. HPS0175 and HPS0176 were derived from the same patient. iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0178 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Progressive systemic sclerosis (PSS), HPS0180 was derived from the same patient. Systematic Sclerosis (SSc). iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0180 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Progressive systemic sclerosis (PSS), HPS0178 was derived from the same patient. Systematic Sclerosis (SSc). iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0183 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Inclusion body myositis. iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0184 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Progressive systemic sclerosis (PSS), Systematic Sclerosis (SSc). HPS0185 and HPS0186 were derived from the same patient. iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0185 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Progressive systemic sclerosis (PSS), Systematic Sclerosis (SSc). HPS0184 and HPS0186 were derived from the same patient. iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0186 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Progressive systemic sclerosis (PSS), Systematic Sclerosis (SSc). HPS0184 and HPS0185 were derived from the same patient. iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0191 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Bernard-Soulier syndrome. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0192 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Allergic rhinitis (Pollen allergy). Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0200 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient :Muscular dystrophy, Limb-girdle type. iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0207 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : X-Linked α-Thalassemia, Mental Retardation Syndrome (ATR-X syndrome). iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0209 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Pulmonary hypertension. HPS0211 was derived from the same patient. iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0211 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Pulmonary hypertension. HPS0209 was derived from the same patient. iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0214 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Kosho Type. iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0215 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Moyamoya disease. HPS0217 was derived from the same patient. iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0217 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Moyamoya disease. HPS0215 was derived from the same patient. iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0223 Nips-B2 Human iPS cell line. iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Past history : atopic asthma. Order Form(C-0042, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0224 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Amyloid neuropathy, Familial type. HPS0226 was derived from the same patient. iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0226 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Amyloid neuropathy, Familial type. HPS0224 was derived from the same patient. iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0227 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Amyloid neuropathy, Familial type. HPS0228 was derived from the same patient. iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0228 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Amyloid neuropathy, Familial type. HPS0227 was derived from the same patient. iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0233 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Muscular dystrophy, Becker type. HPS0234 was derived from the same patient.iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0234 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Muscular dystrophy, Becker type. HPS0233 was derived from the same patient.iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0240 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD). iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0247 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS0248 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS0249 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS0254 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Alzheimer disease. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS0255 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Alzheimer disease. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS0256 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Alzheimer disease. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS0263 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Huntington¡Çs disease. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS0264 CiRA-PD00021 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Parkinson's disease. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS0265 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Adenosine deaminase deficiency (ADA). HPS0266 was derived from the same patient. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0266 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Adenosine deaminase deficiency (ADA). HPS0265 was derived from the same patient. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0270 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Atopic dermatitis. HPS0271 and HPS0272 were derived from the same patient. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0271 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Atopic dermatitis. HPS0270 and HPS0272 were derived from the same patient. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0272 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Atopic dermatitis. HPS0270 and HPS0271 were derived from the same patient. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0288 iPS-WS2-C5 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Werner syndrome. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS0290 CiRA00022 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. HPS0291 and HPS0327 were derived from the same patient. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS0291 CiRA00023 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. HPS0290 and HPS0327 were derived from the same patient. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS0292 CiRA00024 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. HPS0293 and HPS0294 were derived from the same patient. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS0293 CiRA00025 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. HPS0292 and HPS0294 were derived from the same patient. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS0294 CiRA00026 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. HPS0292 and HPS0293 were derived from the same patient. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS0312 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Muscular dystrophy, Duchenne type. HPS0313 and HPS0314 were derived from the same patient. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0313 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Muscular dystrophy, Duchenne type. HPS0312 and HPS0314 were derived from the same patient. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0314 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Muscular dystrophy, Duchenne type. HPS0312 and HPS0313 were derived from the same patient. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0317 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Muscular dystrophy, Duchenne type (manifesting carrier). The source of this cell line is fibroblasts derived from skeletal muscle tissue. HPS0319, HPS0322 and HPS0323 were derived from the same patient. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0319 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Muscular dystrophy, Duchenne type (manifesting carrier). The source of this cell line is fibroblasts derived from skeletal muscle tissue. HPS0317, HPS0322 and HPS0323 were derived from the same patient. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0322 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Muscular dystrophy, Duchenne type (manifesting carrier). The source of this cell line is fibroblasts derived from skeletal muscle tissue. HPS0317, HPS0319 and HPS0323 were derived from the same patient. iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0323 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Muscular dystrophy, Duchenne type (manifesting carrier). The source of this cell line is fibroblasts derived from skeletal muscle tissue. HPS0317, HPS0319 and HPS0322 were derived from the same patient. iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0327 CiRA00021 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. HPS0290 and HPS0291 were derived from the same patient. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS0328 606A1 Human iPS cell line derived from a healthy individual (cord blood) . Established with episomal vector and no exogenous gene is present in the cell line. Oct3/4, Sox2, Klf4, L-Myc and Lin28 were used for establishment. Order Form ( C-0042, C-0034).
HPS0331 610B1 Human iPS cell line derived from a healthy individual (cord blood) . Established with episomal vector and no exogenous gene is present in the cell line. Oct3/4, Sox2, Klf4, L-Myc and Lin28 were used for establishment. Order Form ( C-0042, C-0034).
HPS0332 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Hypophosphatasia, perinatal type. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS0333 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Hypophosphatasia, perinatal type. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS0334 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Chronic granulomatous disease (CGD), p47phox-deficiency. HPS0335 and HPS0336 were derived from the same patient. iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0335 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Chronic granulomatous disease (CGD), p47phox-deficiency. HPS0334 and HPS0336 were derived from the same patient. iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0336 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Chronic granulomatous disease (CGD), p47phox-deficiency. HPS0334 and HPS0335 were derived from the same patient. iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0337 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : X-linked Chronic granulomatous disease (X-CGD), gp91phox-deficiency). HPS0338 and HPS0339 were derived from the same patient. iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0338 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : X-linked Chronic granulomatous disease (X-CGD), gp91phox-deficiency). HPS0337 and HPS0339 were derived from the same patient. iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0339 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : X-linked Chronic granulomatous disease (X-CGD), gp91phox-deficiency). HPS0337 and HPS0338 were derived from the same patient. iPS cells were created using the Sendai virus vector. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0351 VCP-#1 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Inclusion body myositis. HPS0352 and HPS0353 were derived from the same patient. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0352 VCP-#2 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Inclusion body myositis. HPS0351 and HPS0353 were derived from the same patient. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0353 VCP-#4 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Inclusion body myositis. HPS0351 and HPS0352 were derived from the same patient. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007 or C-0007p).
HPS0360 648A1 Human iPS cell line derived from a healthy individual (peripheral blood)l. Established with episomal vector and no exogenous gene is present in the cell line. Oct3/4, Sox2, Klf4, L-Myc, Lin28 and shRNA against p53 were used for establishment. Order Form ( C-0042, C-0034).
HPS0376 CiRA00041 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP).HPS0377 was derived from the same patient. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS0377 CiRA00042 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP).HPS0376 was derived from the same patient. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS0378 CiRA00043 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS0383 CiRA00111 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Muscular dystrophy, Duchenne type. HPS0854, HPS0385, HPS0386 and HPS0387 were derived from the same patient.PMID: 25434822. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS0384 CiRA00111-IF-D28 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Muscular dystrophy, Duchenne type. Correction of the dystrophin gene. HPS0383, HPS0385, HPS0386 and HPS0387 were derived from the same patient. PMID: 25434822. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS0385 CiRA00111-ES-H19 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Muscular dystrophy, Duchenne type. Correction of the dystrophin gene. HPS0383, HPS0384, HPS0386 and HPS0387 were derived from the same patient. PMID: 25434822. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS0386 CiRA00111-TKI-I15 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Muscular dystrophy, Duchenne type. Correction of the dystrophin gene. HPS0383, HPS0384, HPS0385 and HPS0387 were derived from the same patient. PMID: 25434822. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS0387 CiRA00111-CKI-C2 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Muscular dystrophy, Duchenne type. Correction of the dystrophin gene. HPS0383, HPS0384, HPS0385 and HPS0386 were derived from the same patient. PMID: 25434822. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS0388 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Achondroplasia.
HPS0390 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Miyoshi myopathy.
HPS0393 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Muscular dystrophy, Myotonic Dystrophy.
HPS0395 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Muscular dystrophy, Myotonic Dystrophy.
HPS0397 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Miyoshi myopathy.
HPS0407 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient :Familial central diabetes insipidus. HPS1010 was derived from the same patient.Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS0408 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Miyoshi myopathy.
HPS0414 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient :Primary lateral sclerosis (PLS).
HPS0419 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS0426 CiRA00139 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient :Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease .
HPS0429 CiRA00142 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient :Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease .
HPS0458 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS0470 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Frontotemporal dementia. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS0473 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Order Form (C-0042, C-0007).
HPS0476 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Order Form (C-0042, C-0007).
HPS0482 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Spinal-Bulbar Muscular Atrophy (SBMA). Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS0485 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Order Form (C-0042, C-0007).
HPS0488 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Niemann-Pick disease, Type C variant biochemical phenotype. HPS0489 and HPS0490 were derived from the same patient. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS0489 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Niemann-Pick disease, Type C variant biochemical phenotype. HPS0488 and HPS0490 were derived from the same patient. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS0490 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Niemann-Pick disease, Type C variant biochemical phenotype. HPS0488 and HPS0489 were derived from the same patient. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS0507 CiRA00160 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient :Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease .
HPS0508 CiRA00161 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient :Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease .
HPS0522 CiRA00169 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient :Achondroplasia. HPS0523 was derived from the same patient.
HPS0523 CiRA00170 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient :Achondroplasia. HPS0522 was derived from the same patient.
HPS0525 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Osteogenesis Imperfecta.
HPS0540 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient :Muscular dystrophy, Myotonic Dystrophy.
HPS0546 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS)VI. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS0772 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Multiple system atrophy (MSA). Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS0939 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient :Achondroplasia.
HPS0945 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient :Osteogenesis Imperfecta.
HPS0953 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient :Achondroplasia.
HPS1010 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient :Familial central diabetes insipidus. HPS0407 was derived from the same patient.Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS1011 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient :Familial central diabetes insipidus. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS1012 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient :Best disease. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS1013 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient :Gelatinous drop-like corneal dystrophy. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS1072 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient :Age related Macular degeneration. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS1478 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Hunter syndorome, recombination of IDS preudogene. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS1725 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Spinocerebellar Degeneration. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS1728 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Epilepsy. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS1745 CiRA00003 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Alzheimer disease. HPS1747 was derived from the same patient. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS1746 CiRA00455 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Alzheimer disease. HPS0254 was derived from the same patient. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS1747 CiRA00002 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Alzheimer disease. HPS1745 was derived from the same patient. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
HPS2220 Disease specific iPS cell line derived from a patient : Myasthenia gravis positive for anti AChR antibody. Order Form (C-0042, C-0057, C-0007).
RCB0001 Vero No interferon production, best for vaccine product. Monkey cell lines require import and export permits according to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).
RCB0002 ARM193 Anti-recA protein mAb (IgG2b)
RCB0005 BALB/3T3 clone A31 Contact-inhibited semi-normal cell line
RCB0007 HeLa Just like atcc CCL 2, HeLa
RCB0008 V79 Chinese hamster lung fibroblast
RCB0009 PC-12 Pheochromocytoma, differentiate by NGF stimulation
RCB0012 M227 Infected with ts mutant of Kirsten sarcoma virus
RCB0016 CCRF-HSB-2 T cell leukemia
RCB0026 PAb1400 Anti-SV40 large T antigen mAb (IgG)
RCB0027 K562 Chronic myelogenous leukemia, sensitive to NK cell. Differentiate to erythroid cells .
RCB0032 FM3A FT-101 Temperature-sensitive, forms multiple nuclei
RCB0033 FM3A tscl.T85 Tsai Temperature-sensitive at chromosome condensation
RCB0034 FM3A ts T244 Temperature-sensitive at DNA polymerase
RCB0035 WEHI-3 Secrete growth factors for hematpoietic stem cells
RCB0036 C127 Host for bovine papiloma virus
RCB0041 HL60 Differentiate to granulocytes and monocytes
RCB0043 NRK Contact-inhibited semi-normal, original of NRK49F
RCB0056 NIH3T3/14-1 Spontaneous transformant of NIH3T3
RCB0057 NIH3T3/13C7 SV40 large T (tsA58)-pBR322 transformed NIH3T3.
RCB0063 JTC-15 Subclone of AH-66, lost transplantability in rats.
RCB0065 JTC-27 Ascites hepatoma.
RCB0067 M Capable to form collagen network
RCB0069 RLC-16 Epithelial cell from rat liver
RCB0070 RLC-18 Non tumorigenic in nude mice
RCB0072 RLC-27 Liver-derived cell, tumorigenic in nude mice
RCB0074 JTC-19 Rat lung fibroblast once said interferon-producing. Serum-& protein-free culturable.
RCB0075 RCR-1 Astroglia cell line
RCB0076 LYM-1 Sticky cell from lymph node.
RCB0083 HLC-1 Lung adenocarcinoma
RCB0086 FM3A Mammary carcinoma, grow in vitro and in vivo
RCB0095 P3·NS-1/1·Ag4.1 Myeloma
RCB0096 Don(D-6) Pseudodiploid, two marker chromosomes
RCB0097 CHL Widely used in chromosome aberration test
RCB0098 A549 Lung carcinoma, refer to ATCC CCL185
RCB0101 L·P3 Protein- & lipid-free medium growing
RCB0102 IC-2 Mast cell precursor, respond to IL-3. Conditioned medium.
RCB0112 NRK49F Contact-inhibited semi-normal cell line
RCB0115 ARM321 Anti-recA protein mAb (IgG1)
RCB0116 7501 S. cerevisiae Endo.Sce I large subunit mAb (IgG2b)
RCB0120 LT4Tr Spontaneous transformant of LT4
RCB0135 L5178Y Rapidly growing lymphoma
RCB0136 M10 Highly sensitive to X-ray irradiation
RCB0137 M10^(-) Resistant to 6TG, isolated from M10
RCB0138 LX830 Highly sensitive to X-ray irradiation
RCB0142 Ehrlich Ehrlich's ascite tumor
RCB0143 COS-1 SV40 large T antigen expressing, derived from CV-1. Monkey cell lines require import and export permits according to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).
RCB0146 P3-X63-Ag8.653 Myeloma
RCB0153 HUC-F Normal umbilical cord fibroblast, female
RCB0156 305M Normal human skin fibroblast
RCB0159 HS-K Normal diploid fibroblast from Japanese
RCB0160 CV-1 Highly susceptible to SV40 infection. Monkey cell lines require import and export permits according to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).
RCB0162 NHSF46 Diploid fibroblast from normal Japanese skin.
RCB0163 RGB3T3-1 Original cloned line from RCB, just like BALB/3T3
RCB0164 RGB3T3-5 Siblings of RGB3T3-1, contact-inhibited
RCB0165 REF-RGB Suitable as feeders for hybridoma cloning
RCB0169 M1 Differentiate to macrophage and granulocyte
RCB0171 7T1 Contact inhibited, may transform spontaneously
RCB0174 SUSM-1 Transformed in vitro with carcinogen
RCB0180 MDBK Kidney epithelial cell, equiv. to ATCC CRL6071
RCB0183 RK13 Susceptible to rubella virus, equiv. to ATCC CCL37
RCB0184 OLF-136 Fish (medaka) fin fibroblast. Application consideration
RCB0185 CAEP Gold fish erythrophoroma with 4n chromosomal mode
RCB0186 CAF Pinna fibroblast
RCB0187 OLHE-131 H04C medaka hepatoma pretreated with MAM-acetate. Application consideration
RCB0188 OLME-104 HB32C medaka treated with MNNG. From peritoneum. Amelanotic. Cell growth is slow. Application consideration
RCB0191 HeLa.S3 Most famous cultured human cell line
RCB0193 KMM-1 Human myeloma. Lambda- chain producing.
RCB0195 PAb419 Anti-SV40 large T antigen mAb (IgG)
RCB0197 HUC-Fm Normal umbilical cord fibroblast, male
RCB0202 A431 High level of EGF receptor
RCB0205 BU25 TK- Thymidine kinase defective HeLa
RCB0206 MOLT-4 T cell leukemia, the same patient as RCB1164 MOLT-3.
RCB0207 MRC-5 SV1 TG1 SV40-transformed, 6TG-resistant and HAT-sensitive.
RCB0208 LTK- Thymidine kinase defective L cell
RCB0209 SP2/0-Ag14 Myeloma
RCB0210 HF19 Normal human lung fibroblast.
RCB0211 MRC-5 Normal embryonic lung fibroblast.
RCB0212 CT14-G4 Anti human c-myc p62 mAb (IgG1.kappa)
RCB0213 NS0 Myeloma. Application consideration
RCB0218 MRC-5, known PDL Normal embryonic lung fibroblast with accurate PDL
RCB0222 NB1RGB Normal human skin fibroblast, RCB original
RCB0224 ST2 Bone marrow stroma cell-derived
RCB0243 Nil2C2 Highly metastatic sarcoma
RCB0244 Nil2C1 Highly metastatic sarcoma
RCB0245 Nil1C1 Highly metastatic sarcoma, synthesize hematoside
RCB0247 10T1/2 Clone 8, Contact-inhibited semi-normal
RCB0248 3T6 Non-contact inhibited
RCB0249 CKT-1 Very flat and thin kidney epithelial cell
RCB0251 VA-13 SV40-transformed WI-38.
RCB0252 W-V SV40-transformed Werner's syndrome fibroblast
RCB0256 BALL-1 Typical human B cell leukemia.
RCB0266 CLA1RGB Pseudo congenital lactic acidosis.
RCB0270 KG-1-C Glioma, S-100 Protein producing. Cell growth is slow.
RCB0271 HeLa S3 (SC) Suspension culturable. Useful for JIS medium inspection
RCB0272 Vero-317 Culturable in proein-free MEM supplemented with biotin. Monkey cell lines require import and export permits according to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).
RCB0273 BRL ES cell differentiation inhibitory activity (DIA)
RCB0275 SES-MaBr-1 Cabbage armyworm cell line applicable to large scale insect virus production.
RCB0276 SES-MaBr-3 Cabbage armyworm cell line applicable to large scaale production of insect virus.
RCB0278 NIAS-MB-25 Show finely branched cytoplasmic processes
RCB0279 NIAS-MaBr-92 Susceptible to nuclear polyhedrosis virus
RCB0282 NFSa Y83 In vivo transplantable highly metastatic sarcoma
RCB0283 C-1300 Highly metastatic neuroblastoma
RCB0284 Sq-1979 Metastatic epithelial cell
RCB0285 CHO-K1 Widely used cell line, especially for biotechnol
RCB0286 tk^(-)ts13 Thymidine kinase-defective mutant of ts13
RCB0288 3Y1-B clone 1-6-2 Subclone of 3Y1-B clone 1.
RCB0289 3Y1-B cl 1-6-K5-4-2 Subclone of 3Y1-B clone 1-6.
RCB0290 3Y1-B clone 1 Mother clone of 3Y1 series
RCB0291 3Y1ts-101 Temperature-sensitive mutant of 3Y1 (see library).
RCB0292 3Y1tsC102 Temperature-sensitive mutant of 3Y1, group C
RCB0293 3Y1ts-103 Temperature-sensitive mutant of 3Y1 (see library).
RCB0294 3Y1ts-104 Temperature-sensitive mutant of 3Y1 (see library).
RCB0295 3Y1ts-105 Temperature-sensitive mutant of 3Y1 (see library).
RCB0296 3Y1tsA106 Temperature-sensitive mutant of 3Y1, group A
RCB0297 3Y1tsB107 Temperature-sensitive mutant of 3Y1, group B
RCB0298 3Y1ts-108 Temperature-sensitive mutant of 3Y1 (see library).
RCB0299 3Y1ts-109 Temperature-sensitive mutant of 3Y1 (see library).
RCB0301 3Y1ts-111 Temperature-sensitive mutant of 3Y1 (see library).
RCB0302 3Y1tsC112 Temperature-sensitive mutant of 3Y1, group C
RCB0303 3Y1tsC113 Temperature-sensitive mutant of 3Y1, group C
RCB0304 3Y1ts-114 Temperature-sensitive mutant of 3Y1 (see library).
RCB0305 3Y1ts-115 Temperature-sensitive mutant of 3Y1 (see library).
RCB0306 3Y1tsC116 Temperature-sensitive mutant of 3Y1, group C
RCB0307 3Y1ts-117 Temperature-sensitive mutant of 3Y1 (see library).
RCB0308 3Y1ts-118 Temperature-sensitive mutant of 3Y1 (see library).
RCB0309 3Y1tsC119 Temperature-sensitive mutant of 3Y1, group C
RCB0310 3Y1ts-120 Temearature-sensitive mutant of 3Y1 (see library).
RCB0311 3Y1tsF121 Temperature-sensitive mutant of 3Y1, group F
RCB0312 3Y1ts-122 Temperature-sensitive mutant of 3Y1 (see library).
RCB0313 3Y1tsD123 Temperature-sensitive mutant of 3Y1, group D
RCB0314 3Y1tsD124 Temperature-sensitive mutant of 3Y1, group D
RCB0315 3Y1tsG125 Temperature-sensitive mutant of 3Y1, group G
RCB0316 3Y1tsF126 Temperature-sensitive mutant of 3Y1, group F
RCB0317 3Y1ts-201 Temperature-sensitive mutant of 3Y1 (see library).
RCB0318 3Y1ts-202 Temperature-sensitive mutant of 3Y1 (see library).
RCB0319 3Y1tsH203 Temperature-sensitive mutant of 3Y1, group H
RCB0320 3Y1tsE204 Temperature-sensitive mutant of 3Y1, group E
RCB0321 3Y1tsC205 Temperature-sensitive mutant of 3Y1, group C.
RCB0322 3Y1tsD206 Temperature-sensitive mutant of 3Y1, group D
RCB0323 3Y1-SB-15 Tetraploid clone of 3Y1
RCB0324 3Y1-SB-16 Tetraploid clone of 3Y1
RCB0325 3Y1BU^(r-1) Thymidine kinase-defective mutant of 3Y1
RCB0326 3Y1BU^(r-2) Thymidine kinase-defective mutant of 3Y1
RCB0327 3Y1BU^(r-3) Thymidine kinase-defective mutant of 3Y1
RCB0328 Ad12-3Y1-Z11 3Y1 transformed with adenovirus type 12
RCB0329 Ad12-3Y1-Z13 3Y1 transformed with adenovirus type 12
RCB0330 Ad12-3Y1-Z19 3Y1 transformed with adenovirus type 12
RCB0331 Ad12-3Y1-W5 3Y1 transformed with adenovirus type 12
RCB0332 E1A-3Y1-1 3Y1 transformed with adenovirus type 12 E1A gene
RCB0333 E1A-3Y1-2 3Y1 transformed with adenovirus type 12 E1A gene.
RCB0334 E1A-3Y1-3 3Y1 transformed with adenovirus type 12 E1A gene.
RCB0335 in203-3Y1-7 3Y1 transformed with adenovirus in203.
RCB0336 in203-3Y1-19 3Y1 transformed with adenovirus in203.
RCB0337 in203-3Y1-23 3Y1 transformed with adenovirus in203.
RCB0338 Ad2-3Y1-1 3Y1 transformed with adenovirus type 2
RCB0339 Ad2-3Y1-2 3Y1 transformed with adenovirus type 2.
RCB0340 Ad2-3Y1-3 3Y1 transformed with adenovirus type 2.
RCB0343 SV-3Y1-C66 3Y1 transformed with SV40 virion.
RCB0344 A640-3Y1-1 3Y1 transformed with SV40 tsA640
RCB0347 dl-884-3Y1-KO1 3Y1 transformed with SV40 dl-884
RCB0350 Py-3Y1-S2 3Y1 transformed with mouse polyoma virus
RCB0353 SR-3Y1-1 3Y1 transformed with Rous sarcoma virus
RCB0354 SR-3Y1-2 3Y1 transformed with Rous sarcoma virus
RCB0356 HR-3Y1-1 3Y1 transformed with v-Ha-ras oncogene
RCB0357 HR-3Y1-2 3Y1 transformed with v-Ha-ras oncogene
RCB0359 NG-3Y1-D303 3Y1 transformed with nitrosoguanidine
RCB0371 NG-3Y1-T18D 3Y1 transformed with nitrosoguanidine
RCB0379 mos-3Y1-10 3Y1 transformed with v-mos oncogene
RCB0380 mos-3Y1-16 3Y1 transformed with v-mos oncogene
RCB0381 V12S-3Y1-2 3Y1 transformed with adenovirus type 12 12S-E1A
RCB0384 V13S-3Y1-4 3Y1 transformed with adenovirus type 12 13S-E1A
RCB0388 NCU-F1 Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
RCB0389 NCU-F2 Morquio syndrome
RCB0390 NCU-F3 Wilson's disease
RCB0391 NCU-F4 Wilson's disease
RCB0393 NCU-F6 Citrullinemia
RCB0394 NCU-F7 Citrullinemia
RCB0395 NCU-F8 Wilson's disease
RCB0397 NCU-F10 Cockayne's syndrome
RCB0402 HeLa·P3 Protein- & lipid-free medium growing
RCB0403 CHO-K1 (SC) CHO-K1 maintained in suspension culture.
RCB0404 SES-MaBr-4 Sensitive to nuclear polyhedrosis virus. Possible to grow in sea-water based low-cost medium.
RCB0405 NIAS-LeSe-11 Susceptible to insect viruses.
RCB0407 WS2TKB Werner's syndrome
RCB0409 WS1TKB Werner's syndrome, the same patient as RCB0433 WS1TKB2.
RCB0410 MEN1RGB Fibroblasts from multiple endocrine neoplasia
RCB0411 HaP-T1 Mucin producing, BHP-induced pancreatic tumor
RCB0412 NIAS-PX-64 Pupal ovary hemocyte.
RCB0413 NIAS-MB-32 Show finely branched cytoplasmic processes. Application consideration
RCB0414 NIAS-MaBr-93 larval hemocyte
RCB0417 KU-1 Bovine B cell leukemia without virus production
RCB0418 KU-17 Bovine leukemia virus producing. Surface Ig (+). Application consideration
RCB0420 BHK-21C13-2P Culturable in suspension, cf. ECACC ( BHK-21C13-3P).
RCB0421 MEN2RGB Fibroblasts from multiple endocrine neoplasia
RCB0423 BL312 Bovine derived lymphocyte.
RCB0426 SK-N-SH Neuroblastoma, a target in CTL *****
RCB0428 Saos-2 Osteogenic sarcoma
RCB0429 SES-MaBr-5 Larval fat body hemocyte.
RCB0431 T24 Bladder transitional-cell carcinoma
RCB0432 MT-5 MNNG-initiated clone of BALB/3T3 clone A31
RCB0433 WS1TKB2 Werner's syndrome, the same patient as RCB0409 WS1TKB.
RCB0434 J774.1 Macrophage-like cell
RCB0435 U-937 DE-4 Cloned U-937, differentiate with TNF
RCB0436 HUC-F2 Normal umbilical card fibroblast, female
RCB0437 HUC-Fm2 Normal umbilical cord fibroblast, male
RCB0438 LC-1/sq-SF Lung Cancer-1/squamous (RCB0455 LC-1/sq), serum-free cultured. Application consideration
RCB0439 LC-1F Lung Cancer-1/squamous, floating variant, the same patient as RCB0455 LC-1/sq.
RCB0440 LC-2/ad Adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated. Cell growth is slow. Application consideration
RCB0441 SCCKN Highly sensitive to bleomycin
RCB0443 TC-YIK Integrating HPV16, neurosecretory granules(+)
RCB0444 RERF-LC-AI Japanese lung squamous carcinoma.
RCB0447 ARLJ301-3 Diploid rat liver epithelial cell line
RCB0448 ARLJ301-3TR1 Spontaneous transformant of ARLJ301-3
RCB0449 Anr4 EJ-ras oncogene transformed ARLJ301-3
RCB0450 Anr9-1 EJ-ras oncogene transformed ARLJ301-3
RCB0451 Anr13-1 EJ-ras oncogene transformed ARLJ301-3
RCB0452 HTC/C3 Secretes IL-1,TGFα,KGM-CSF but not thyroglobulin
RCB0453 SHOK Contact-inhibited hamster embryonal cell line
RCB0455 LC-1/sq Lung Cancer-1/squamous. Parent cell line of RCB0438 LC-1/sq-SF, the same patient as RCB0439 LC-F. Cell growth is slow.
RCB0456 JTC-12 Cynomolgus monkey cell line.¡¡Monkey cell lines require import and export permits according to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).
RCB0457 BM-N Useful for recombinant BmNPV expression. Application consideration
RCB0466 Lu-134-A Small cell carcinoma, classic type. See Lu-134-B. Application consideration
RCB0467 Lu-134-B Small cell carcinoma, classic type. See Lu-134-A. Application consideration
RCB0468 Lu-135 Small cell carcinoma, variant type. Application consideration
RCB0469 Lu-139 Small cell carcinoma, classic type. Application consideration
RCB0470 Lu-140 Small cell carcimoma, classic type. Application consideration
RCB0471 CYNOM-K1 Cynomolgus monkey embryo skin, early passage.Monkey cell lines require import and export permits according to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).
RCB0473 DD762 Mammary tumor cell line without C-type virus
RCB0474 K562/MTX-2 Methotrexate(MTX)-resistant K562 cell line
RCB0475 ILT-Mat IL-2 dependent ATL cell line. HTLV-1 pro-virus DNA(+).
RCB0476 Had-1 Newcastle disease virus resistant
RCB0477 NB9 Neuroblastoma ( Another name : CHP-212, PMID: 6871857 ) . N-myc gene amplification. Application consideration
RCB0478 NB16 Neuroblastoma. N-myc gene amplification.
RCB0480 NB69 Neuroblastoma. N-myc gene unamplified tumor. Cell growth is slow. Application consideration
RCB0481 TNB1 Neuroblastoma ( Another name : TGW, PMID: 2335222 ). N-myc gene amplification. Application consideration
RCB0482 MC-NB-1 Neuroblastoma. N-myc gene amplicon analysis. Application consideration
RCB0483 LA-N-1 Neuroblastoma. N-myc gene amplification.
RCB0484 LA-N-2 Neuroblastoma. N-myc gene amplification.
RCB0485 LA-N-5 Neuroblastoma. N-myc gene amplification.
RCB0486 CHP-126 Neuroblastoma. N-myc gene amplification. Cell growth is slow. Application consideration
RCB0487 CHP-134 Neuroblastoma. N-myc gene amplification. Application consideration
RCB0488 3Y1-B clone 1-6 Standard clone of 3Y1 series. So called 3Y1
RCB0489 NEC8 Embryonal carcinoma, testis.
RCB0490 NEC14 Embryonal carcinoma, testis. Application consideration
RCB0492 OTCD1TKB OTC(-), X-linked, dominant (XD)
RCB0494 NEC15 Embryonal carcinoma, testis. Application consideration
RCB0495 KU812 Chronic myelogeneous leukemia, Ph1 chromosome (+), basophil-like cells.
RCB0496 KU812E Chronic myelogenous leukemia , subclone of RCB0495 KU812.
RCB0497 KU812F Chronic myelogeneous leukemia, subclone of RCB0495 KU812.
RCB0500 HGC-27 Gastric cancer undifferentiated, mucin producing
RCB0503 HeLa.S3(Mer^(-)) Repair deficient (mer~)
RCB0504 MR1-3 MNNG-reistant HeLa.S3(Mer~) cells
RCB0505 MR6 MNNG-resistant HeLa.S3(Mer~) cells
RCB0507 MR10-1 MNNG-resistant HeLa.S3(Mer~) cells
RCB0508 H-EMC-SS Extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma
RCB0510 ACL-15 Metastasis to liver, lung
RCB0511 RCN-9 Metastasis to liver, lung
RCB0512 RCN-H-4 Metastasis to liver
RCB0513 SKN Estradiol-17 beta responsive leiomyosarcoma
RCB0515 HSKTC Krukenberg tumor cell line
RCB0520 WR216 APRT(-) EB transformed B cell line
RCB0521 HFL-I Normal embryonic lung fibroblast
RCB0522 HFL-II Normal embryonic lung fibroblast
RCB0523 HFL-III Normal embryonic lung fibroblast
RCB0524 HFL-AE-I Human lung fibroblasts derived from anencephalous embryo.
RCB0525 HFL-AE-II Human lung fibroblasts derived from anencephalous embryo.
RCB0526 Jyg-MC(A) murine mammary tumor cell lines. High level MMTV producer line.
RCB0527 Jyg-MC(B) Murine mammary tumor cell lines. .Higher incidence in lung metastasis.
RCB0528 MtT/S Estrogen-induced tumor. Growth hormone producing. Application consideration.
RCB0529 MtT/Se Estradiol-dependent pituitary tumor. Application consideration.
RCB0530 MtT/SM Growth hormone, prolactin producing. Application consideration.
RCB0531 TtT/M-87 Macrophage-like tumor dependent on L929 conditioned medium. Conditioned medium.
RCB0533 Y1 Buck-up culture of ECA85051002. Mouse steroid hormone secreting adrenal cortex cell line.
RCB0534 PK15 Buck-up culture of ECA86103005. Pig kidney, susceptible to hog cholea, foot & mouth disease.
RCB0535 RAW 264 Buck-up culture of ECA8510291 . Mouse leukemic monocyte. Abelson leukemia virus induced. Application consideration
RCB0536 STO Tioguanine- and ouabain-resistant and HAT-sensitive fibroblasts. Suitable for ES cell feeder layer. Back up culture of ECA85061804.
RCB0537 JM Buck-up culture of ECA86010201. . Human T cell line with the ability to grow HIV, the same patient as Jurkat.
RCB0538 PU5-18 Mouse lymphoid tumor, macrophage like. Buck-up culture of ECA85051501 .
RCB0539 COS-7 SV40 large T antigen expressing, derived from CV-1. Monkey cell lines require import and export permits according to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).
RCB0540 HAL-01 Acute lymphatic leukemia
RCB0544 MBT-2 Murine transitional cell carcinoma induced by FANFT
RCB0545 OHTA Mouse embryonic carcinoma
RCB0546 AT-PDH1TKB Pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency fibroblasts.
RCB0548 IA-5 Human large cell lung carcinoma. Taken from skin metastasis. In vivo-in vitro clonogenic *****.
RCB0549 Cle-H3 NIH3T3 transformant expressing human activated k-ras-2.
RCB0550 Cle-H3^(neo+) pSV2neo-introduced G418-resistant Cle-H3 mutant.
RCB0554 IA-LM Japanese lung large cell carcinoma
RCB0555 GCIY Stomach cancer (Borrmann IV). Mucin, CA19-9, CEA, alphafetoprotein positive Cell growth is slow.
RCB0556 NIAS-PX-58 Pupal ovary hemocyte.
RCB0557 B16 melanoma 4A5 Melanin pigment producing mouse melanoma. Application consideration
RCB0558 LLC Highly metastatic and drug-resistant mouse tumor. Application consideration
RCB0559 K-1.fl SFFV producing Friend leukemia cell line. Non-differentiating.
RCB0560 F5-5.fl Friend leukemia. Differentiate to erythroblastoid cells with benzidine etc.
RCB0561 T-3-Cl-2-0.fl Friend leukemia. Differentiate to erythroblastoid cells with 1.5% DMSO etc. A clone of TSFAT-3.fl
RCB0562 TSFAT-3.fl Friend leukemia. Differentiate to erythroblastoid cells.
RCB0565 ATDC5 Differentiate to chondrocytes, unidentifiable pigment cells. Teratocarcinoma AT805 derived.
RCB0566 CGM1 EB transformed B cell line
RCB0568 ULF-23 Cold water fish cell line. Cultured at 25 C. Relatively large chromosomes (Mode 23).
RCB0569 707.fl Friend leukemia cell line. High ability to differentiate to erythroblastoid cells.
RCB0570 GM86.fl Friend leukemia cell line from DBA/2 mouse.
RCB0571 FVTCT.fl Friend leukemia cell line from BALB/c mouse. Virusnon-producing.
RCB0580 SF8402 Control from a nonexposed individual with breast cancer, different specimen from RCB0635
RCB0582 SF8404 Control from a nonexposed individual without cancer
RCB0583 SF8405 Control from a nonexposed individual without cancer.
RCB0584 SF8406 Control from a nonexposed individual without cancer.
RCB0585 SF8657 Control from a nonexposed individual with stomach cancer
RCB0587 SF8759 Atomic bomb survivor with breast cancer
RCB0588 SF8760 Atomic bomb survivor with breast cancer.
RCB0589 SF8761 Control from a nonexposed individual without cancer.
RCB0590 SF8762 Atomic bomb survivor with breast cancer.
RCB0591 HNS1A Salamander cell line with large chromosomes. Cell growth is slow.
RCB0592 HNS2 Larger epithelial cells than HNS1A.
RCB0593 HNS3 Salamander cell line. Fibroblast-like cells.
RCB0594 HNS4 Salamander cell line. Epithelial-like cells.
RCB0595 HNS5 Salamander cell line. Fibroblast-like cells. Cell growth is slow.
RCB0596 SF8758 Atomic bomb survivor with breast cancer
RCB0597 SF8656 Control from a non-exposed individual without breast cancer but with thyroid & colon cancer.
RCB0598 SF8655 Atomic bomb survivor without cancer.
RCB0600 SF8653 Atomic bomb survivor without breast cancer but with thyroid cancer.
RCB0602 SF8650 Atomic bomb survivor with breast cancer
RCB0603 SF8649 Atomic bomb survivor with breast cancer
RCB0604 SF8647 Atomic bomb survivor with breast cancer.
RCB0605 SF8546 Control from a nonexposed individual without cancer.
RCB0608 SF8543 Control from a nonexposed individual with breast cancer
RCB0610 SF8541 Control from a nonexposed individual with uterus cancer
RCB0614 SF8536 Atomic bomb survivor without cancer
RCB0617 SF8433 Atomic bomb survivor with breast cancer
RCB0620 SF8429 Atomic bomb survivor with breast cancer
RCB0621 SF8428 Atomic bomb survivor with breast cancer, different specimen from RCB0624
RCB0624 SF8425 Atomic bomb survivor with breast cancer, different specimen from RCB0621.
RCB0631 SF8416 Atomic bomb survivor with breast cancer
RCB0633 SF8414 Control from a nonexposed individual with breast cancer
RCB0634 SF8413 Control from a nonexposed individual with chest cancer
RCB0635 SF8410 Control from a nonexposed individual with breast cancer, different specimen from RCB0580.
RCB0637 CTLL-2 Cytotoxic T-cell line. IL-2 dependent.
RCB0638 TCS Keratinizing cervix squamous carcinoma, CEA(+)
RCB0641 EoL-1 cell Eosinophilic leukemia. Differenciate by n-butylate treatment.
RCB0644 D134 MoAb IgM to sea urchin sperm dynein alpha-heavy chain.
RCB0646 D264 MoAb IgM to sea urchin sperm dynein beta-heavy chain.
RCB0648 D308 MoAb IgM to sea urchin sperm dynein beta-heavy chain.
RCB0649 D52 MoAb IgM to sea urchin sperm dynein IC1.
RCB0650 D9 MoAb IgM to sea urchin sperm dynein IC2.
RCB0651 D58 MoAb IgG1 to sea urchin sperm dynein IC2.
RCB0654 D16 MoAb IgG1 to sea urchin sperm dynein IC3.
RCB0657 HOKUG Glassy cell carcinoma. TA-4, CA125, neuron-specific enolase producing.
RCB0658 HHUA Expressing receptor to estrogen and progesterone. Cell growth is slow.
RCB0659 HOUA-I Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma. Cell growth is slow.
RCB0660 HTMMT Mixed Mullerian tumor.
RCB0662 HOTHC Thyroid tumor. TAF, G-CSF, colloid producing.
RCB0665 HFWT Wilms' tumor. CA125 and TPA producing.
RCB0666 HSNB N-myc propagated. Neuron specific enolase producing.Application consideration
RCB0669 PCH42-63 Hybridoma against differentiated PC-12 cell surface
RCB0673 PCH41-43 Hybridoma against differentiated PC-12 cell surface
RCB0674 PCH41-44 Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against differentiated PC-12 cell surface molecules.
RCB0676 PCH42-58 Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against differentiated PC-12 cell surface molecules.
RCB0678 PCH54-37 Hybridoma against differentiated PC-12 cell surface
RCB0679 HDC Mother of a Down's syndrome child. 46XX,t(2/q2/q)
RCB0680 HKBMM Human malignant meningioma.
RCB0684 HFL-AE-III Human lung fibroblasts derived from anencephalous embryo.
RCB0685 SKG-II-SF Large cell non-keratinizing squamouse carcinoma. Stage Ib. HPV type 18 integrated.
RCB0687 KP-N-NS Adrenal neuroblastoma derived from brain metastasis
RCB0688 QG-U Japanese cervix carcinoma.
RCB0689 TCO-2 Derived from a single human as TCO-1. Said CEA, CA125, TPA (+).
RCB0690 HOTHC-SF Serum-free, protein-free cultured HOTHC cells
RCB0697 GM2-1TKB Tay-Sachs' disease
RCB0698 HFSKF-II Normal human fetal skin fibroblast.
RCB0700 HTMM Malignant melanoma from lympho node.
RCB0701 143B/TK^(-)neo^(R) v-Ki-ras transformant TE85 cell line. HAT sensitive, neo resistant.
RCB0702 WI-38 The most famous normal human fibroblast. Obtained directly from L. Hayflick. Younger PDL than RCB704 at time of deposit.
RCB0704 WI-38 The most famous normal human fibroblast. Obtained directly from L. Hayflick.
RCB0705 10H Anti poly(ADP-ribose) IgG3 kappa producing.
RCB0706 Verots S3(SF) Expressing SV40 tsA58 large T antigen. Verots S3 cultured in protein-free MEM. G418-resistant.¡¡Monkey cell lines require import and export permits according to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).
RCB0707 Verots S3 Expressing SV40 tsA58 large T antigen. Possible to culture in protein-free MEM. G418-resistant.¡¡Monkey cell lines require import and export permits according to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).
RCB0708 HF10B4 Anti-human lung carcinoma mAb (IgM). Possible to culture in serum-free medium.
RCB0709 HyLDH·YK-1 Anti-rabbit muscle lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) mAb (IgG1). Possible to culture in serum-free medium.
RCB0710 HyLDH·YK-2 Anti-rabbit muscle lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) mAb (IgG2b). Possible to culture in serum-free medium
RCB0711 HyGPD·YK-1-1 Anti-rabbit muscle glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase mAb (IgG). Serum-free culturable.
RCB0713 HTUD1 Large cells with large chromosomes.
RCB0715 CHAUT-G Smooth muscle cell sarcoma from Chinese hamster.
RCB0721 GOTO·P3 Subline of GOTO. Protein-free medium adapted. Cell growth is slow.
RCB0725 MS-1 Small lung carcinoma. PTHrP producing.
RCB0733 NLS-6-5 Nalidixic acid sensitive mutant. Also sensitive toVP-16 and VM-26 Topo II inhibitors.
RCB0735 OS-RC-2 Renal tumor cell from a Japanese. Transplantable to nude mice.
RCB0736 DJM-1 Malignant trichilemmal cyst cells. Strongly laminin positive on cell surface. Serum-free culturable.
RCB0738 MTHC-1 Rat thymoma cell line without mouse chromosome contamination. Compare to MTHC-2 and -3.
RCB0739 MTHC-2 Rat thymoma cell line fused to mouse cells during nude-mouse transplantation. Mouse chr. 5, 15, 17.
RCB0740 MTHC-3 Rat thymoma cell line fused to mouse cells during nude-mouse transplantation. Mouse chr. 5,7,15,17.
RCB0748 Mm1 Spontaneouly differentiated cell line derived from M1. Non-tumorigenic.
RCB0749 MFH-ino Human fibrous histiocytoma. Showing fibroblastic- and histiocytic features.
RCB0750 TLR2 Hepatocytes containing temperature sensitive SV40 large T antigen. P450IA1 inducible.
RCB0752 TKD2 Kidney epithelial cells containing temperature sensitive SV40 large T antigen. Compared to TKC2.
RCB0753 OMC-1 Japanese cervix squamous cell carcinoma. Once said TA-4 positive.
RCB0755 OMC-3 Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma. Said CA125,CA19-9 (+). Cell growth is slow.
RCB0760 MT-8 Rat fibrous histiocytoma. Acid phosphatase and nonspecific esterase are weakly positive.
RCB0761 505-05-01 Methylcholanthrene-induced fibrosarcoma. Metastatic to lung.
RCB0762 MT-9 Rat fibrous histiocytoma. Acid phosphatase-, non-specific esterase- & monocytic antigen-positive.
RCB0763 GI-1 Human glioma separated from gliosarcoma.
RCB0764 Fvp^(r)B350 Topoisomerase II inhibitor VP-16 resistant FM3A mutant.
RCB0768 HP50-2 Hydrogen peroxide resistant HL60-derived clone.
RCB0769 HP100-1 Hydrogen peroxide resistant HL60-derived clone. More resistant than HP50-2.
RCB0770 XTY Frog (Xenopus laevis) cell line derived from subcutaneous tumor.
RCB0771 XTC-YF Frog (Xenopus laevis) cell line derived from tadpole.
RCB0772 A6 Frog (Xenopus laevis) cell line derived from kidney.
RCB0773 A8 Frog (Xenopus laevis) cell line derived from liver.
RCB0774 EC-GI-10 Produce hypercalcemia in nude mice. PTH-related protein, IL-1alpha producing.
RCB0775 F-36P GM-CSF- or IL-3-dependent cell line. Differentiate to erythoid cells with erythropoietin.
RCB0776 F-36E Subline of F-36P. Erythropoietin-dependent
RCB0777 HMV-II Melanin producing. Originated from the same site of HMV-I.
RCB0778 CW-2 Colon carcinoma. CEA-positive, nude mouse-transplantable.
RCB0782 RC4 Normal rabbit cornea cells. Usually transform spontaneously during serial culture.
RCB0783 FCP-S1M Skin fibroblasts from a familial colon polyposis patient.
RCB0784 FCP-S2H Skin fibroblasts from a familial colon polyposis patient at Hiroshima.
RCB0785 FCP-S3H Skin fibroblasts from a familial colon polyposis patient at Hiroshima.
RCB0786 FCP-S4H Skin fibroblasts from a familial colon polyposis patient at Hiroshima.
RCB0787 FCP-S5H Skin fibroblasts from a familial colon polyposis patient at Hiroshima.
RCB0788 FCP-S6H Skin fibroblasts from a familial colon polyposis patient at Hiroshima.
RCB0789 HSQ-89 Japanese maxillary simus squamous carcinoma
RCB0792 T88-M IL-5 dependent early B-cell line. Also grows on IL-3. The population contain non-IL-5-dependent cell
RCB0793 B151K12 IL-5 producing T-cell hybridoma. Culture sup is useful for T88-M cell culture.
RCB0794 2C6 Initially insulin and glucagon producing, but not now. See RCB0795,0796,0797.
RCB0795 1B2C6 Human embryonic pancreas-derived cell line. See RCB0794,0796,0797.
RCB0796 1C3D3 Human embryonic pancreas-derived cell line. See RCB0794,0795,0797.
RCB0797 1C3IKEI Human embryonic pancreas-derived cell line. See RCB0794,0795,0796.
RCB0803 NBsusSR Isolated from a patient with hiper dopaminemia andnorepinephrinemia.
RCB0804 BRF41 Zebrafish fin fibroblast. Cell growth is slow.
RCB0805 Ba/F3 IL-3 dependent pro B cell line.¡¡Conditioned medium.Information.
RCB0806 Jurkat Human T cell line, the same patient as JM. IL-2 productivity of this line was undetermined.
RCB0808 MMAc Human melanoma, spindle-shaped. Said DOPA (+). Cell growth is slow.
RCB0819 HMMME Human malignant mesothelioma. CA19-9, CA125, and hyaluronic acid producing. Cell growth is slow.
RCB0820 HKBML Human brain derived lymphoma. Epstein-Barr virus positive.
RCB0844 8C9 Producing anti-human CD36 MoAb.
RCB0867 3-2H3 Anti-human-myeloperoxidase MoAb producing.
RCB0868 4-2C11 Anti-human-myeloperoxidase MoAb producing.
RCB0869 9-1A11 Anti-human-myeloperoxidase MoAb producing.
RCB0870 12-1B6 Anti-human-myeloperoxidase MoAb producing.
RCB0871 LLC-GA5-CoL150 Pig kidney (LLC-PK1) cells expressing human P-glycoproteins.
RCB0872 LLC-GA5-CoL300 Pig kidney (LLC-PK1) cells expressing human P-glycoproteins.
RCB0875 Chab1KMM Chromosomal aberration; 46XX + (11;12)(q23.3, q15). Need confirmation.
RCB0876 RGM1 So called clear cells from rat stomach mucosa.
RCB0881 OCUB-M Same as OCUB-1, OCUB-F. Chromosome = pseudotetraploid.
RCB0882 OCUB-F Same as OCUB-1, OCUB-M. Chromosome = pseudodiploid
RCB0959 HH13-1 Producing IgG MoAb against human 29 kDa lectin detectable in many human tumors. Also see HH17-4.
RCB0960 HH17-4 Producing IgG MoAb against human 29 kDa lectin detectable in many human tumors. Also see HH13-1.
RCB0966 HGRT Benign mature tridermal teratoma.
RCB0967 HTST Human sacrococcygeal teratoma.
RCB0978 HIRS-BM Mixed mesodermal tumor consists of adenocarcinoma and rhabdomyosarcoma. Cell growth is slow.
RCB0980 Sa3 Squamous carcinoma cells derived from human oral cancer.
RCB0982 ECC4 Small-cell gastrointestinal carcinoma. High levels of creatine kinase brain isoenzyme. Cell growth is slow.
RCB0983 ECC10 Small cell gastrointestinal carcinoma with c-myc overexpression. Cell growth is slow.
RCB0985 Ae Worm cell line established by Grace. Culturable in MGM-450-10%FBS.
RCB0987 C2C12 Said differentiate to myotubes, but need confirmation. Backup of ECA91031101 .
RCB0988 CACO-2 Human colon carcinoma. Backup of ECA86010202 . Application consideration
RCB0989 COLO 679 Melanoma from a 47 year old female. Backup of ECA87061210 .
RCB0990 CPAE Bovine pulmonary artery endothelial cells producing angiotensin-converting enzyme. Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV) positive. Backup of ECA86111401 .
RCB0991 G-361 Human melanoma producing melanin up to 50 PDL. Backup of ECA88030401 .
RCB0992 HOS Sensitive to further transformation with both virus and chemicals. Backup of ECA87070202 .
RCB0993 IEC 6 Rat small intestine epithelial cells. Backup of ECA88071401 .
RCB0994 MA104 Highly susceptible to Simian rotavirus SA11. Backup of ECA8510291 .¡¡Monkey cell lines require import and export permits according to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).
RCB0995 MDCK Canine kidney epithelial. Sensitive to wide range of viruses. Backup of ECA84121903 .
RCB0996 Mv.1.Lu(NBL-7) Aleutian mink cells. Used for focus forming *****s for murine and ferine sarcoma viruses.Back up culture of ECA88050503 .
RCB0998 117-13 Anti-lactotetraosylceramide antibody producing. Discriminates metastatic cells from mesothelial cell
RCB0999 MKN7 c-erbB-2 expressing gastric adenocarcinoma. Differentiated type.
RCB1001 MKN45 Poorly differentiated gastric adenocarcinoma. Producing high level of CEA.
RCB1002 MKN74 Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma. Once they were hypodiploids. Cell growth is slow.
RCB1003 MKN1 Potentially differentiatable to both direction of adenomatous and squamous epithelial cells.
RCB1005 KP4 Pancreatic ductal cell carcinoma. Mother cell line of KP4-1, -2, and -3.
RCB1006 KP4-1 Pancreatic ductal cell carcinoma. PTHrP producing.
RCB1007 KP4-2 Pancreatic ductal cell carcinoma. PTHrP producing.
RCB1008 KP4-3 Pancreatic ductal cell carcinoma. PTHrP producing.
RCB1009 ECC12 Small cell gastrointestinal carcinoma showing creatine kinase-BB and aromatic L-amino-acid decarboxy. Cell growth is slow. Application consideration
RCB1010 HOEF Endometrium-derived fibroblasts.
RCB1011 H-AE-IV Anencephalous embryonic fibroblast.
RCB1012 T3M-5 G-CSF producing thyroidal squamous carcinoma.
RCB1015 T3M-1 Clone2 G-CSF producing oral squamous cell carcinoma, the same patient as T3M-1 Cl-10 and CJM. Cell growth is slow.
RCB1017 T3M-1 Cl-10 G-CSF and IL-1 producing oral squamous cell carcinoma, the same patient as T3M-1 Clone2 and CJM.
RCB1018 T3M-3 Trophoblastic cell. Producing chorionic gonadotropin, estrogen, progesterone. Cell growth is slow.
RCB1020 T3M-10 Lung large cell carcinoma producing CSF. Cell growth is slow.
RCB1021 T3M-4 Pancreatic adenocarcinoma producing CEA. K-ras activated. Cell growth is slow.
RCB1022 T3M-11 Lung small cell carcinoma producing insulin-like growth factor II. Cell growth is slow.
RCB1024 IMR-90-SV SV40 transformed human lung fibroblast.
RCB1025 RTH33 SV40-Adeno Vector transformed hepatocytes. Albumin secretion and urea synthesis were reported.
RCB1026 GM95 Glucosylceramide synthetase-deficient B16 melanoma mutant.
RCB1027 MEB4 Not expressing melanoma antigen. Control for GM-95 cell line.
RCB1032 NOS-1 Osteoid producing in vitro and in nude mice. Cell growth is slow.
RCB1033 NOS-2 Human osteosarcoma producing osteoid in vitro and in vivo(mouse). Cell growth is slow.
RCB1034 CJM Human cell line derived from metastasis of cancer occurred in oral cavity, the same patient as T3M-1 Clone2 and T3M-1 Cl-10.
RCB1035 CJM Cl4 Human cell line derived from metastasis of cancer occurred in oral cavity, the same patient as T3M-1 Clone2 and T3M-1 Cl-10.
RCB1036 CJM Cl5 Human cell line derived from metastasis of cancer occurred in oral cavity, the same patient as T3M-1 Clone2 and T3M-1 Cl-10.
RCB1037 CJM Cl6 Human cell line derived from metastasis of cancer occurred in oral cavity, the same patient as T3M-1 Clone2 and T3M-1 Cl-10.
RCB1038 CJM Cl7 Human cell line derived from metastasis of cancer occurred in oral cavity, the same patient as T3M-1 Clone2 and T3M-1 Cl-10.
RCB1039 CJM Cl8 Human cell line derived from metastasis of cancer occurred in oral cavity, the same patient as T3M-1 Clone2 and T3M-1 Cl-10.
RCB1062 LMSU Human cell line derived from lymph node metastasis of gastric cancer.
RCB1088 ψCRIP-P131 High-titer producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus. A subline of ψCRIP.
RCB1089 ψCRIP-MFGmGM-CSF Producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including mouse GM-CSF cDNA
RCB1090 ψCRIP-MFGmIL-1α High-titer producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including mouse IL-1alpha cDNA.
RCB1091 ψCRIP-MFGmIL-1RA High-titer producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including mouse IL-1 receptor antagonist cDNA
RCB1092 ψCRIP-MFGmIL-2 High-titer producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including mouse IL-2 cDNA
RCB1093 ψCRIP-MFGmIL-3 Producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including mouse IL-3 cDNA
RCB1094 ψCRIP-MFGmIL-4 Producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including mouse IL-4 cDNA
RCB1095 ψCRIP-MFGmIL-6 Producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including mouse IL-6 cDNA
RCB1096 ψCRIP-MFGmIL-7 Producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including mouse IL-7 cDNA
RCB1097 ψCRIP-MFGmIL-10 Producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including mouse IL-10 cDNA
RCB1098 ψCRIP-MFGmIL-12p40 Producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including mouse IL-12 cDNA for p40 subunit. Refer RCB1099.
RCB1099 ψCRIP-MFGmIL-12p35 Producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including mouse IL-12 cDNA for p35 subunit. Refer RCB1098.
RCB1100 ψCRIP-MFGmTNF-α Producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including mouse TNF-alpha gene.
RCB1101 ψCRIP-MFGhTNF-α Producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including human TNF-alpha cDNA.
RCB1102 ψCRIP-MFGmLT Producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including mouse lymphotoxin cDNA.
RCB1103 ψCRIP-MFGmG-CSF Producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including mouse G-CSF gene.
RCB1104 ψCRIP-MFGhM-CSF Producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including human M-CSF gene.
RCB1105 ψCRIP-MFGmIFN-γ High-titer producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including mouse IFN-gamma cDNA.
RCB1106 ψCRIP-MFGhMIF Producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including human MIF cDNA.
RCB1107 ψCRIP-MFGmLIF Producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including mouse leukemia inhibitory factor cDNA.
RCB1108 ψCRIP-MFGmKitLigand Producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including mouse kit ligand (SCF) cDNA.
RCB1109 ψCRIP-MFGhOncost-M Producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including human oncostatin M cDNA.
RCB1110 ψCRIP-MFGmB7 Producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including mouse B7 (CD80) cDNA.
RCB1111 ψCRIP-MFGmB7-2 Producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including mouse B7-2 (CD86) cDNA.
RCB1112 ψCRIP-MFGtrγIFNR Producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including the trancated form of mouse IFN-gamma cDNA.
RCB1113 ψCRIP-MFGrab-IL1RA Producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including rabbit IL-1 receptor antagonist cDNA.
RCB1114 ψCRIP-MFGratGM-CSF Producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including rat GM-CSF cDNA.
RCB1115 ψCRIP-MFGneo Producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including neo gene.
RCB1116 ψCRIP-MFGHSVtk Producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including HSV thymidine kinase cDNA.
RCB1117 ψCRE-MFGts-c-src Producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including mouse c-src cDNA with ts mutation.
RCB1118 ψCRIP-MFGts-c-src High-titer producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including mouse c-src cDNA with ts mutation.
RCB1119 ψCRE-MFGtsT High-titer producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including SV40 large T temperature-sensitive cDNA.
RCB1120 ψCRIP-MFGtsT High-titer producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including SV40 large T temperature-sensitive cDNA.
RCB1124 OP9 Support hematpoietic stem cell and ES cell differentiation to blood cells and lymphocytes.
RCB1125 TOM-2 Glassy cell carcinoma from cervix. Cell growth is slow.
RCB1126 MC3T3-E1 Differentiate to osteoblasts. Collagen producing.
RCB1127 MC3T3-G2/PA6 Support hematpoietic stem cell and osteoclast differentiation. Pre-adipocyte.
RCB1129 TGBC1TKB Japanese gallbadder carcinoma metastated to lymph node from the same patient of TGBC2TKB. Application consideration
RCB1130 TGBC2TKB Japanese gallbladder carcinoma from the same patient of TGBC1TKB. Application consideration
RCB1139 HFSKF-AE-V Human skin fibroblasts from embryo.
RCB1142 10H-2 Anti poly(ADP-ribose) IgG3 kappa producing.
RCB1143 DA-1 IL-3 dependent mouse myeloid cells. MoLV induced.
RCB1144 DA-3 IL-3 dependent mouse myeloid cells. MoLV induced.
RCB1145 32D IL-3 dependent cells from Friend leukemia virus-infected mouse bone marrow.
RCB1148 TGBC11TKB Japanese gastric cancer, lymph node metastated. Application consideration
RCB1151 RCC10RGB Kidney carcinoma from a Japanese patient. Cell growth is slow.
RCB1152 Sawano Naturally raised CDDP(cisplatin)-resistant cell line.
RCB1153 S2 (Drosophila) Fruit fly Oregon-R derived cell line. Highly sensitive in RNA interference compared with CHO-K1.
RCB1154 KGN Granulosa cell tumor. Possible to produce progesterone after HCG addition. Cell growth is slow.
RCB1155 Hepa-E1 Eel hepatocyte. Application consideration
RCB1157 UV-P3U1-B8 Anti-thymine dimer antibody producing. Serum-free cultured hybridoma.
RCB1158 B16F10/mGM Mouse GM-CSF producing B16 melanoma.
RCB1164 MOLT-3 Human T cell leukemia, the same patient as RCB0206 MOLT-4.
RCB1165 YAC-1 Natural killer cell-sensitive mouse lymphoma.
RCB1166 KG-1 Human acute myeloid leukemia. The variant subline (RCB1928 KG-1a) CD3-,CD13+,CD14-,CD15+,CD19-,CD33+
RCB1167 P-815 Mouse mastocytoma. Used as a target cells for cytotoxic T cell *****s.
RCB1168 SKW-3 Human T cell leukemia (derivative of KE-37) . originally described to be established from the peripheral blood of a 61-year-old man with T cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) in 1977; ; KE-37 was established from a 27-year-old man with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in 1979
RCB1169 TGBC18TKB Papillotubular adenocarcinoma of the Vater's papilla. Cell growth is slow. Application consideration
RCB1171 HOUFXXX 47,XX,+X-type chromosome.
RCB1174 GEM-81 Tumor cells derived from Gold Fish red pigment cells.
RCB1175 GEM-199 Tumor cells derived from Gold Fish red pigment cells.
RCB1176 GEM-218 Tumor cells derived from Gold Fish red pigment cells.
RCB1178 HuG1-PI Stomach cancer, but producing hybrid type of alkaline phosphatase. See HuG1-N.
RCB1179 HuG1-N Stomach cancer, but producing Nagao-type alkaline phosphatase. See HuG1-PI.
RCB1180 Tanoue B-lineage acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
RCB1181 ST A subclone of RCB1180 Tanoue.
RCB1182 GR-ST RCB1181 ST cells transformed with human G-CSF receptor cDNA. Responds to G-CSF.
RCB1184 Lu-165 Producing high level of anti-diuretic hormone. Application consideration
RCB1185 TT1TKB Rectal carcinoma from a Japanese patient. Cell growth is slow. Application consideration
RCB1186 TGBC14TKB Japanese gallbladder tumor passed through a nude mouse. Application consideration
RCB1187 TUHR3TKB Japanese kidney carcinoma cells. RCB original. Cell growth is slow.
RCB1188 NRS-1 Human rhabdomyosarcoma showing myogenic differentiation. TGFbeta inhibits it. Application consideration
RCB1189 THP-1 Differentates to macrophage-like cells after treatment with phorbol ester. The variant subline (RCB2128 A-THP-1). Application consideration
RCB1190 7-TD-1 Responding to IL-6 in the bio*****.
RCB1191 5637 Described to produce SCF, IL-1, IL-3, IL-6, G-CSF, GM-CSF, etc.
RCB1192 MDA-MB-453 Human breast carcinoma established from an effusion. Application consideration
RCB1193 COLO-320 Described to produce serotonin, epinephrine.
RCB1196 TGBC24TKB Japanese gallbladder carcinoma established from metastated ascite. Application consideration
RCB1197 P2UR/K-562 Expressing P2U receptor acting in signal transduction pathway.
RCB1198 TUHR4TKB Japanese renal carcinoma cells. Cell growth is slow.
RCB1200 MMAc·SF Serum-free medium-adapted MMAc cells. For SF culture, + insulin, hEGF, hydrocortisone, bovine pituit
RCB1205 Anti-PT-S1-1B7 Anti-pertussis toxin subunit S-1 MoAb (IgG2a) producing.
RCB1208 Anti-PT-S1-10D6 Anti-pertussis toxin subunit S-1 MoAb (IgG1) producing.
RCB1209 Anti-PT-S1-8G4 Anti-pertussis toxin subunit S-1 MoAb (IgG1) producing.
RCB1212 Anti-PT-S1-3F10 Anti-pertussis toxin subunit S-1 MoAb (IgG1) producing.
RCB1214 Anti-PT-S1-4D10 Anti-pertussis toxin subunit S-1 MoAb (IgG1) producing.
RCB1215 Anti-PT-S23-11E6 Anti-pertussis toxin subunit S-2,3 MoAb (IgG1) producing.
RCB1220 Anti-PT-S2-3A12 Anti-pertussis toxin subunit S-2 MoAb (IgG1) producing.
RCB1222 Anti-PT-S2-9G8 Anti-pertussis toxin subunit S-2 MoAb (IgG1) producing.
RCB1223 Anti-PT-S3-7E10 Anti-pertussis toxin subunit S-3 MoAb (IgG1) producing.
RCB1229 Anti-PT-S4-7F2 Anti-pertussis toxin subunit S-4 MoAb (IgG1) producing.
RCB1233 Anti-PT-S4-1H2 Anti-pertussis toxin subunit S-4 MoAb (IgG1) producing.
RCB1238 Anti-FHA(2)2E9 Anti-pertussis filamentous hemagglutinin (FHA) MoAb producing.
RCB1239 Anti-FHA(1)1C6 Anti-pertussis filamentous hemagglutinin (FHA) MoAb producing.
RCB1240 Anti-α(1)1C6F4 MoAb to Clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin (phospholipase C).
RCB1243 Anti-α(4)11D9G5 MoAb to Clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin (phospholipase C).
RCB1244 Anti-α(5)11D10B6 MoAb to Clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin (phospholipase C).
RCB1246 Anti-α(7)7C9A10 MoAb to Clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin (phospholipase C).
RCB1247 Anti-α(8)9F3A6 MoAb to Clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin (phospholipase C).
RCB1248 Anti-α(9)12G8B11 MoAb to Clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin (phospholipase C).
RCB1250 Anti-θ(1)3H10 MoAb to Clostridium perfringens theta-toxin.
RCB1264 tsBN2 Temperature-sensitive mutant of BHK-21. Causing premature chromosome condensation.
RCB1267 tsBN7 Temperature-sensitive mutant of BHK-21 with mutated DAD1 gene. Causing apoptosis at 39.5 C.
RCB1268 tsBN462 Temperature-sensitive mutant of BHK-21. Complemented with human X-linked CCG1 gene. Application consideration
RCB1269 tsBN75 Temperature-senstive mutant of BHK-21. Complemented with ubiquitin-activating enzyme E1 cDNA.
RCB1270 tsBN51 Temperature-sensitive mutant of BHK-21 with defect in RNA polymerase III subunit.
RCB1271 tsBN67 Temperature-sensitive mutant of BHK-21. Stop growth after 2-day culture at 39.5 C.
RCB1272 tsBN250 Temperature-sensitive mutant of BHK-21. Complementation group A. Dye rapidly at 39.5 C.
RCB1273 tsBN269 Temperature-sensitive mutant of BHK-21 selected after MNNG treatment.
RCB1275 TUHR10TKB Japanese renal carcinoma cells expressing HLA-A2402. Cell growth is slow.
RCB1278 MtT/E Estrogen-induced pituitary tumor. Compared with MtT/S, MtT/SM, and MtT/Se. Application consideration.
RCB1279 TtT/GF Pituitary folliculo-stellate-like cells. GFAP positive and S-100 positive.
RCB1280 TGBC50TKB 3 cell lines from different metastases were established from the same patient. See TGBC51TKB. Application consideration
RCB1281 TGBC51TKB 3 cell lines from different metastases were established from the same patient. See TGBC52TKB. Application consideration
RCB1282 TGBC52TKB 3 cell lines from different metastases were established from the same patient. See TGBC50TKB. Application consideration
RCB1283 B16 melanoma Mouse melanoma producing melanin. Application consideration
RCB1284 B16 melanoma/lacZ Mouse melanoma expressing E.coli lac Z. Strongly positive with beta-galactosidase.
RCB1285 3A21 Anti-ribonuclease A antibody producing.
RCB1286 ECPC-3 Choroid plexus carcinoma cell line transfected with IgH enhancer-SV40 T fusion gene.
RCB1287 ECPC-4 Choroid plexus carcinoma cell line transfected with IgH enhancer-SV40 T fusion gene. Different shape
RCB1290 OIH-1 Human myeloid leukemia cell line with chromosome 18 trisomy and mutation in DCC gene. Cell growth is slow. Application consideration
RCB1294 HRC-17 Hybridoma producing anti-E antigen of the human Rh blood group system
RCB1296 HNT-34 AML with Ph' chromosome and t(3;3)(q21;q26). Expressing EVI-1 and BCR/ABL mRNA. Application consideration
RCB1297 HYT-1 Human acute myeloid leukemia derived cell.
RCB1303 anti-αA-crystallin Anti-chick αA-crystallin MoAb producing. Bacteria(+), therefore, must add penicillin+streptomycin.
RCB1304 anti-αB-crystallin Anti-chick αB-crystallin MoAb producing. Bacteria(+), therefore, must add penicillin+streptomycin.
RCB1305 anti-β5-crystallin Anti-chick β5-crystallin MoAb producing. Bacteria(+), therefore, must add penicillin+streptomycin.
RCB1306 anti-β6-crystallin Anti-chick β6-crystallin MoAb producing. Bacteria(+), therefore, must add penicillin+streptomycin.
RCB1307 anti-γ1-crystallin Anti-newt γ1-crystallin MoAb producing. Bacteria(+), therefore, must add penicillin+streptomycin.
RCB1308 anti-δ-crystallin Anti-chick δ-crystallin MoAb producing. Bacteria(+), therefore, must add penicillin+streptomycin.
RCB1311 C3H/HeN-emb Mouse(C3H/HeN Jcl) embryonic fibroblasts cultured under the 3T3 schedule.
RCB1312 C57BL/6J-emb Mouse(C57BL/6J) embryonic fibroblasts cultured under the 3T3 schedule.
RCB1313 RERF-LC-KJ Japanese lung adenocarcinoma, highly metastatic in SCID mice. Also refer to RCB0444 RCRF-LC-AI. Cell growth is slow.
RCB1316 CTB-1 Fas-antigen expressing. Ligation with anti-Fas mAb does not induce apoptosis.
RCB1317 KU-SN Rare peripheral neuroectodermal tumor cells. Use collagen-coated dish.
RCB1366 HuH-7 Said producing alpha-fetoprotein, alpha-antitrypsin, ceruloplasmin, fibrinogen, fibronectin, etc.
RCB1367 HuH-6 Hepatoblastoma. Said albumin and alpha-fetoprotein producing.
RCB1369 NBT-T1 A subline of NBT-II. Low invasive bladder carcinoma. Relatively high cadherin expression.
RCB1370 NBT-T2 A subline of NBT-II. Almost non-invasive bladder carcinoma. Relatively high cadherin expression.
RCB1371 NBT-L1 A subline of NBT-II. Invasive bladder carcinoma. Relatively low cadherin expression.
RCB1372 NBT-L2a A subline of NBT-II. Highly invasive bladder carcinoma. Relatively low cadherin expression.
RCB1373 NBT-L2b A subline of NBT-II. The most invasive bladder carcinoma. Relatively low cadherin expression.
RCB1374 1-8 CAG-loxP-neopA-loxP-LacZ(incomplete) was inserted. Control cell line for 2-2 and 2-7 cells.¡¡Monkey cell lines require import and export permits according to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).
RCB1375 2-2 35 copies of CAG-loxP-neopA-loxP-LacZ were tandemly inserted. Cre will delete neopA and induce LacZ.¡¡Monkey cell lines require import and export permits according to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).
RCB1376 2-7 A copy of CAG-loxP-neopA-loxP-LacZ was inserted. Cre will delete neopA and induce LacZ.¡¡Monkey cell lines require import and export permits according to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).
RCB1377 32Dcl3 Mouse IL-3 dependent cells cloned from 32D. Differentiate with G-CSF stimulation. Conditioned medium.
RCB1378 MuSS A-Jackson mouse-derived histiocyte-like cells from spontaneous sarcoma.
RCB1382 CF1TKB Japanese cystic fibrosis fibroblast.
RCB1383 TUHR14TKB Japanese renal carcinoma cells. Cell growth is slow.
RCB1422 L929 TNFalpha-sensitive L929. Do not confuse with RCB0081 L929 that is insensitive to TNFalpha.
RCB1423 BHK-21 The parent cell line used for the temperature sensitive cell line series of BN.
RCB1425 LCAM1 Human lung cancer derived cell.
RCB1426 PMF-ko14 Japanese colon carcinoma. Family of the patient also exhibited high risk, but not so-called HNPCC.
RCB1429 SN-512 Japanese AML. Said i(12p)(p11) and unbalanced t(5;12). Need confirmation before use.
RCB1433 TEN So called clear cell carcinoma. Said c-erb2(+), cathepsin D(+), CA125(+).
RCB1434 KE-39 Human cell line derived from gastric cancer
RCB1435 KE-97 Human cell line derived from intraperitoneal metastasis of gastric cancer
RCB1437 AW-EBV-LCL B95-8 EB virus transformed leukemia cell line.
RCB1438 TW-EBV-LCL B95-8 EB virus transformed (originally normal) B cell line.
RCB1440 ATN-1 Adult T-cell leukemia. HTLV-1 pro-virus DNA(+).
RCB1444 MBHL-2 Insect cell line derived from Mamestra brassicae. Cell growth is slow.
RCB1445 MBHL-3 Insect cell line derived from Mamestra brassicae
RCB1449 C7 p53 deficient mouse bone marrow derived cell. Useful for study of p53 suppressor oncogene. Cell growth is slow.
RCB1450 LM8 A highly metastatic cell line derived from Dunn's osteosarcoma (C3H mouse origin).
RCB1451 L929 Sanford's original, brought by Katsuta at 7/5/1955. Insensitive to TNFalpha. Possible to culture in MEM medium.
RCB1456 RCR-1 Astroglia cell line. Possible to culture in DMEM medium. See RCB0075.
RCB1460 PCM6 Human myeloma cell.
RCB1461 JTC-15 Subclone of AH-66, lost transplantability in rats. Possible to culture in DMEM medium. See RCB0063.
RCB1464 DT40 Chicken B cell line transformed by avian leukosis virus. c-myc and IgM expressing.
RCB1465 SHIP^(-) DT40 SHIP deficient DT40 cells
RCB1466 SHP1^(-) DT40 SHP1 deficient DT40 cells
RCB1467 IP3R^(-) DT40 IP3R(type1,type2,type3) deficient DT40 cells
RCB1468 Btk^(-) DT40 Btk deficient DT40 cells
RCB1469 PLC-γ2^(-) DT40 PLC-γ2 deficient DT40 cells
RCB1470 Syk^(-) DT40 Syk deficient DT40 cells
RCB1471 Lyn^(-) DT40 Lyn deficient DT40 cells
RCB1472 M Capable to form collagen network. Possible to culture in DMEM medium. See RCB0067.
RCB1473 LYM-1 Sticky cell from lymph node. Possible to culture in DMEM medium.
RCB1474 RLC-16 Epithelial cell from rat liver. Possible to culture in DMEM medium.
RCB1477 CHO-RD Subline of CHO cells. Derived from CHO-K1 cell line. Serum-free medium adapted. Application consideration
RCB1479 JTC-27 Ascites hepatoma. Possible to culture in DMEM medium. See RCB0065.
RCB1483 OV2944-HM-1 Lymphnode-metastatic ovarian tumor. So called HM-1 cells.
RCB1484 RLC-18 Non tumorigenic in nude mice. Possible to culture in DMEM medium.
RCB1485 JTC-12 Cynomolgus monkey cell line. Possible to culture in DMEM medium. See RCB0456.¡¡¥ï¥·¥ó¥È¥ó¾òÌóÂоݡ£
RCB1486 JTC-19 Rat lung fibroblast once said interferon-producing. Possible to culture in DMEM medium. See RCB0074 .
RCB1487 MY-EBV-LCL B95-8 EB virus transformed (originally normal) B cell line.
RCB1489 RLC-27 Liver-derived cell, tumorigenic in nude mice. Possible to culture in DMEM medium.
RCB1495 FU-RPNT-1 Scarcely found primitive neuroectodermal tumor from a Japanese kidney. Application consideration
RCB1498 Grap^(-) DT40 Grap deficient DT40 cells
RCB1499 Grb2^(-) DT40 Grb2 deficient DT40 cells
RCB1500 Lyn^(-)/Syk^(-) DT40 Lyn and Sky deficient DT40 cells
RCB1501 SHP1^(-)/SHP2^(-) DT40 SHP1 and SHP2 deficient DT40 cells
RCB1502 SHP2^(-) DT40 SHP2 deficient DT40 cells
RCB1503 Shc^(-) DT40 Shc deficient DT40 cells
RCB1506 clone YP1N25 Subline of mouse C127 cell line. Inducible expression of influenza virus protein (PB1, NP) is possible. Cell growth is slow.
RCB1507 clone YP1N27 A subline of C127. PB1 RNA polymerase subunit and nucleoprotein are inducible by dexamethasone.
RCB1508 clone 76 Subline of mouse C127 cell line. Inducible expression of influenza virus protein (PB1, NP, PA, PB2) is possible.
RCB1509 clone 64 Subline of mouse C127 cell line. Inducible expression of influenza virus protein (PB1, NP, PA) is possible.
RCB1510 BLNK^(-) DT40 BLNK deficient DT40 cells
RCB1512 MH7A Rheumatoid fibroblast-like synoviocyte transformed with SV40 T antigen. Respond to IL-1beta.
RCB1513 HOMM Melanoma cells with melanin-granules. Cell growth is slow.
RCB1514 HOCE Japanese choriocarcinoma cell line. Cell growth is slow. Application consideration
RCB1517 A-6(ES derived) Mouse ES (RCB1778 H-1) cell derived cell, useful for study of hematopoiesis.
RCB1518 SS-A3-1 F344 male rat fibrosarcoma cells, but with histiocytic and/or myofibroblastic characteristics.
RCB1520 JHOC-5 Clear cell adenocarcinoma. Said CA125, CA72-4 producing. Application consideration
RCB1521 JHOS-2 Ovary serous adenocarcinoma. Said CA125, CA15-3 producing. Application consideration
RCB1525 HeLa.S3 = RCB0191 HeLa.S3, that has been cultured in MEM(susp.). This line is cultured in MEM.
RCB1528 CCP-2 Bone marrow stroma cell line, depositing calcified matrix on the culture surface. TRAP-positive.
RCB1530 CCP-7 Bone marrow stroma cell line, depositing calcified matrix on the culture surface. TRAP-positive.
RCB1531 CCP-8 Bone marrow stroma cell line, depositing calcified matrix on the culture surface. TRAP-positive.
RCB1534 MLC-1-B Bone marrow stroma cell line, depositing calcified matrix on the culture surface. Cell growth is slow.
RCB1535 MLC-2-4 Bone marrow stroma cell line, depositing calcified matrix on the culture surface.
RCB1536 MLC-6 Osteoclast-like cell line derived from mouse (C3H/He). Cell growth is slow.
RCB1537 MLC-7 Bone marrow stroma cell line, depositing calcified matrix on the culture surface. Cell growth is slow.
RCB1538 32Dcl3 Subclone of 32D cell line. Differentiate to mature granulocytes by G-CSF. Conditioned medium.
RCB1539 P19.CL6 Mouse cell line derived from embryonal carcinoma. C3H strain. Following differentiation, beating cardiomyocytes appear. The efficiency of differentiation is lower compared to RCB 2318.
RCB1541 HFL9t 47, +del(9)(q12) chromosome, the same patient as RCB1542.
RCB1542 HFSK9t 47, +del(9)(q12) chromosome, the same patient as RCB1541.
RCB1543 JHTKI-col-L B lymphocytes isolated from a colon adenocarcinoma.
RCB1544 JHUAS-1 Uterine adenosquamous carcinoma. Said CEA and CA125 producing. Cell growth is slow. Application consideration
RCB1545 JHUAS-2-L B lymphocyte isolated from Japanese adenosquamous carcinoma.
RCB1546 JHOS-3 Japanese ovarian serous adenocarcinoma. Said CA125 producing. Cell growth is slow. Application consideration
RCB1547 JHUCS-1 Japanese uterine carcinosarcoma. Nude mouse transplantable. Application consideration
RCB1548 JHUEM-1 Japanese uterine endometrioid adenocarcinoma G2. Said CA125, CEA producing. Application consideration
RCB1549 YSCCC Human cell line derived from cholangiocellular carcinoma. Cell growth is slow.
RCB1550 HL-60-R2 Variant of HL60. Resistant to retinoic acid and active Vit. D derivatives.
RCB1551 JHUEM-2 Japanese endometrioid adenocarcinoma. Application consideration
RCB1552 JHUEM-3 Human uterus endometrioid adenocarcinoma cell line. Application consideration
RCB1555 F9 Said to differentiate to parietal endoderm with retinoic acid and dibutyryl cAMP.
RCB1556 RF/6A 135 Spont. transformant from choroid retina. Only slightly reactive to Factor VIII. Monkey cell lines require import and export permits according to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).
RCB1558 JHUS-nk1 Human uterus squamous cell carcinoma cell line. Application consideration
RCB1560 PWS-Yamaguchi Prader-Willi syndrome with obesity. del(15) was found in lymphocytes of the patient.
RCB1561 RML-Yoshi Severe insulin-resistance by uncleaved insulin proreceptor. G->T mutation in interconnecting region.
RCB1564 ψCRIP-RxnZ Subline of ψCRIP that produce virus to express LacZ possessing nuclear localization signal.
RCB1572 ψCRIP-hBax-i-hCD25-CS Retrovirus producer. Produce virus to express human Bax protein.
RCB1573 ψCRIP-ATR-bsr Cell line producing retrovirus to express angiotensin receptor.
RCB1574 ψCRIP-RxhCD82 Cell line producing retrovirus to express the human CD82.
RCB1575 ψCRIP-Rx-crmA-bsr Cell line producing retrovirus to express the anti-apoptotic crmA.
RCB1576 ψCRIP-Rx-ETBR-bsr Cell line producing retrovirus to express the human endothelin receptor.
RCB1577 ψCRIP-mPCNF1-bsr Cell line producing retrovirus to express the mouse calcineurin.
RCB1579 ψCRIP-MFG-Z Cell line producing retrovirus to express lac Z.
RCB1580 ψCRIP-MFG-T37 Cell line producing retrovirus to express SV40 large T antigen.
RCB1581 ψCRIP-MSHR Cell line producing retrovirus to express human MSH receptor.
RCB1582 ψCRIP-NCre Cell line producing retrovirus to express Cre recombinase.
RCB1583 ψCRIP-hp53-bsr Cell line producing retrovirus to express human p53 and blasticidin S deaminase gene.
RCB1584 ψCRIP-RxBcl-XL-i-bsr Cell line producing retrovirus to express human Bcl-xL and blasticidin S deaminase gene.
RCB1585 ψCRIP-RxhFAS-i-CD80 Cell line producing retrovirus to express human FAS and human CD80.
RCB1587 ψCRIP-RxhSecR-bsr Cell line producing retrovirus to express human secretin receptor and blasticidin S deaminase gene.
RCB1588 ψCRIP-hSSR-bsr Cell line producing retrovirus to express human somatostatin receptor and blasticidin S deaminase gene.
RCB1589 ψCRIP-RxmPCNT1-i-bsr Cell line producing retrovirus to express a truncated form of mouse calcineurin and blasticidin S deaminase gene.
RCB1590 ψCRIP-RxhVIPR-bsr Cell line producing retrovirus to express human VIP receptor and blasticidin S deaminase gene.
RCB1591 SRA 01/04 alpha, beta-crystaline expressing human lense epithelial cell line. plasmid DNA: pRSV-B-T Ag.
RCB1593 OS3 ori- SV40 DNA transformed C3H mouse brain-derived cells. GFAP+ astrocytes and GFAP- oligodendrocytes
RCB1597 KKC Mouse T cell line transformed by Gross leukemia virus.
RCB1598 NCKA Mouse T cell line transformed by Gross leukemia virus.
RCB1600 KKF Mouse T cell line transformed by Gross leukemia virus.
RCB1601 KKB Mouse T cell line transformed by Gross leukemia virus.
RCB1604 DHA3-1 Mouse T cell hybridoma expressing double HA-tag alone.
RCB1605 DHA3-26 Mouse T cell hybridoma (DO-11.10) expressing double HA-tagged HS1BP3 (HS1 SH3 domain binding protein)-C2.
RCB1606 DMyc3-45 Mouse T cell hybridoma (DO-11.10) expressing double Myc-tagged HS1BP3 (HS1 SH3 domain binding protein)-C2 .
RCB1607 DHA9-3 Mouse T cell hybridoma (DO-11.10) expressing double HA-tagged HS1BP3 (HS1 SH3 domain binding protein).
RCB1608 DHA9-13 Mouse T cell hybridoma (DO-11.10) expressing double HA-tagged HS1BP3 (HS1 SH3 domain binding protein).
RCB1609 DHA9-15 Mouse T cell hybridoma (DO-11.10)expressing double HA-tagged HS1BP3 (HS1 SH3 domain binding protein)-C2.
RCB1610 DMyc9-36 Mouse T cell hybridoma (DO-11.10) expressing double Myc-tagged HS1BP3 (HS1 SH3 domain binding protein)-C2.
RCB1611 M4 Anti-chicken IgM antibody secreting. Able to stimulate DT40 cell surface antigen.
RCB1613 HFL-AE-VI Human lung fibroblasts derived from anencephalous embryo.
RCB1615 HFSKF-AE-VII Human skin fibroblasts derived from anencephalous embryo. RCB1617 and RCB1618 are derived from the same embryo.
RCB1617 HFL-AE-VII Human lung fibroblasts derived from anencephalous embryo. RCB1615 and RCB1618 are derived from the same embryo.
RCB1618 HFLI-AE-VII Human liver fibroblasts derived from anencephalous embryo. RCB1615 and RCB1617 are derived from the same embryo.
RCB1620 ΔDNAPK-DT40 DNA PK gene deleted DT40 (chicken B cell line).
RCB1621 ΔKu70-DT40 Ku70 gene deleted DT40 (chicken B cell line).
RCB1622 ΔRad51B-DT40 Rad51B gene deleted DT40 (chicken B cell line).
RCB1623 ΔRad51C-DT40 Rad51C gene deleted DT40 (chicken B cell line).
RCB1624 ΔRad51D-DT40 Rad51D gene deleted DT40 (chicken B cell line).
RCB1625 ΔXRCC2-DT40 XRCC2 gene deleted DT40 (chicken B cell line).
RCB1626 ΔXRCC3-DT40 XRCC3 gene deleted DT40 (chicken B cell line).
RCB1627 ΔRad52-DT40 Rad52 gene deleted DT40 (chicken B cell line).
RCB1628 ΔRad54-DT40 Rad54 gene deleted DT40 (chicken B cell line).
RCB1629 ΔMre11-DT40(#190) Mre11 gene deleted DT40 (chicken B cell line), subclone of RCB1630.
RCB1630 ΔMre11-DT40(#194) Mre11 gene deleted DT40 (chicken B cell line), subclone of RCB1629.
RCB1631 ΔRad51+hRad51-DT40 Rad51 gene deleted and human Rad51 gene inserted DT40 (chicken B cell line).
RCB1632 ΔKu70ΔRad54B-DT40 Ku70 and Rad54B gene double-deleted DT40 (chicken B cells).
RCB1633 ΔMre11ΔKu70-DT40 Mre11 and Ku70 gene double-deleted DT40 (chicken B cells).
RCB1634 ΔRad54ΔRad54B-DT40 Rad54 and Rad54B gene double-deleted DT40 (chicken B cells).
RCB1635 K-562 Human CML derived cell line. Deposited directly from the institution that has established this cell.
RCB1637 293 Sheared human Ad5 DNA-transformed cell line. Widely used for production of manipulated adenovirus. Back up culture of ECA2737.
RCB1638 Hepa 1-6 Derived from BW7756 tumor in a C57L mouse. Back up culture of ECA3041.
RCB1639 LoVo CEA-producing colon adenocarcinoma. Back up culture of ECA2739. Cell growth is slow.
RCB1640 DAUDI Burkitt's lymphoma. Sensitive to lymphokine-activated killer cells but resistant to natural killer cells. Back up culture of ECA3011.
RCB1641 EL4 9,10-dimethyl-1,2benzanthracene induced lymphoma. Back up culture of ECA2504.
RCB1642 3T3 Swiss Albino Contact inhibition. Buck up culture of ECA2854.
RCB1644 BeWo It was initiated from a malignant gestational choriocarcinoma of the fetal placenta. Need to check response to hormones before use. Back up culture of ECA2687.
RCB1645 Y79 Caucasian retinoblastoma. May have reverse transcriptase. Back up culture of ECA2583.
RCB1647 RAJI Burkitt's lymphoma. Sensitive to LAK cells but resistant to NK cells. Back up of culture ECA2673. Resistant to VSV. This cell line carries the latent Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) genome and is positive for EBNA. RAJI is sometimes referred to as a 'non-producer'; the EBV genome carries deletions attributed to preventing the formation of virus particles.
RCB1648 Hep G2 hepatocellular carcinoma. Produce alpha-fetoprotein, albumin, etc. Back up of ECA2870. Almost equal to RCB0459, but the restriction is a. Information
RCB1649 ΔAtm-DT40 ATM gene deleted DT40 (chicken B cells).
RCB1650 ΔAtmΔKu70-DT40 ATM and Ku70 gene double-deleted DT40 (chicken B cells).
RCB1651 ΔAtmΔRad54+hRad54-DT40 ATM and Rad54 gene double-deleted DT40 (chicken B cells). Inducible expression of human Rad54 is possible.
RCB1652 G1MF285D Hybridoma that produce anti-human G1MF (allotype of IgG1) antibody.
RCB1668 293/CrmA 293 cell line expressing the caspase-inhibiting CrmA gene
RCB1672 ΔRad54+hRad54-DT40 Rad54 gene deleted DT40 (chicken B cells). Inducible expression of human Rad54 is possible.
RCB1675 Cbl^(-) DT40 Cbl deficient DT40 cells
RCB1676 JHOM-1 Human ovary mucinous adenocarcinoma cell line. Application consideration
RCB1677 JHUEM-7 Human uterus endometrial adenocarcinoma cell line. Application consideration
RCB1678 JHOS-4 Human ovary serous cyst adenocarcinoma cell line. Cell growth is slow. Application consideration
RCB1680 TUHR25TKB Human cell line derived from kidney cancer.
RCB1681 GS-HepG2 A subline of HepG2. Expressing abundant glutamine synthetase. Information
RCB1682 JHOM-2B Human ovary mucinous tubular adenocarcinoma cell line. Application consideration
RCB1687 ΔRad54ΔKu70-DT40 Rad54 and Ku70 gene double-deleted DT40 (chicken B cells).
RCB1688 JHOC-7 Human ovary clear cell carcinoma cell line. Application consideration
RCB1690 CPN4B Cell line derived from embryo of Cynops pyrrhogaster. Cell growth is slow.
RCB1691 Tpit/F1 Folicular dendritic cells derived from pituitary gland of temperature-sensitive T antigen transgenic mouse.
RCB1692 Tpit/E Immature pituitary cells derived from pituitary gland of temperature-sensitive T antigen transgenic mouse. PMID: 24881870
RCB1695 RMS-YM Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma cell line derived from human. Transplantable in nude mouse.
RCB1696 SPB-1 Serine-palmitoyl transferase deficient (temperature-sensitive) cells derived from CHO-K1 cell line.
RCB1697 SPB-1/cLCB1 SPB-1 derivative complemented the Serine-palmitoyl transferase deficiency.
RCB1698 LY-B Serine-palmitoyl transferase (LCB1 subunit) deficient cells derived from CHO-K1 cell line.
RCB1699 LY-B/cLCB1 LY-B derivative complemented the Serine-palmitoyl transferase (LCB1 subunit) deficiency.
RCB1701 MY Human cell line derived from p180-BCR-ABL dependent leukemia.
RCB1702 SLVL Human cell line derived from splenic B cell lymphoma.
RCB1704 BLNK^(-)/Syk^(-) DT40 BLNK and Syk deficient DT40 cells
RCB1705 JHCA-ov Human colon cancer cell line derived from metastasis at ovary. Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma. Application consideration
RCB1706 JHCOLOYI Human cell line derived from rectal cancer. Application consideration
RCB1708 JHTSK-col-L Human B cell-like cell line derived from colon adenocarcinoma tisuue.
RCB1709 GE1 Mouse-derived gingival epithelial cell line. Derived from SV40-Large T antigen transgenic mouse. Application consideration
RCB1716 BCAP^(-) DT40 BCAP deficient DT40 cells
RCB1717 IP3R type1^(-)/2^(-) DT40 IP3R type1 and IP3R type2 deficient DT40 cells
RCB1718 IP3R type1^(-)/3^(-) DT40 IP3R type1 and IP3R type3 deficient DT40 cells
RCB1719 IP3R type2^(-)/3^(-) DT40 IP3R type2and IP3R type3 deficient DT40
RCB1721 JHUCS-3 Human cervical cancer cell line. Application consideration
RCB1723 JHOC-8 Human ovary clear cell carcinoma cell line. Application consideration
RCB1724 JHSK-rec Human rectal cancer cell line. Application consideration
RCB1728 Hpr-4 H2O2 resistant Chinese Hamster V79 cells
RCB1731 TM-31 Human cell line derived from astrocytoma developed in a patient with NF-1 (neurofibromatosis type 1)
RCB1741 NHOS Mouse osteosarcoma cell line. Transplantable to mouse and form bone tissue in mouse.
RCB1747 ΔNBS1-DT40 Subline of DT40 (chicken B cell line), lacking Nbs1 expression.
RCB1749 ΔDinB-DT40 Subline of DT40 cell line, lacking DinB expression.
RCB1750 ΔRad18-DT40 Subline of DT40 cell line, lacking Rad18 expression.
RCB1752 BS-SHI-4M Human cell line derived from Bloom syndrome patient. Transformed by EBV. Can express certain antigen on the cell surface, such as cancer-specific antigen.
RCB1753 KMY-J Meningioma derived cell line. Derived from rat F344.
RCB1754 KMY-1 Subline of KMY-J. Fibroblast-like
RCB1755 KMY-2 Subline of KMY-J. Epithelial-like
RCB1756 KMY-3 Subline of KMY-J. Polyploidy
RCB1757 HS-P Rat cell line derived from histiocytic sarcoma. Possessing characteristics of macrophage.
RCB1759 ΔDNAPKΔKu70-DT40 Subline of DT40 cell line, lacking both of DNAPK and Ku70 expression.
RCB1764 ΔRev3-DT40 Subline of DT40 cell line, lacking Rev3 expression.
RCB1766 ΔligIV-DT40 Subline of DT40 cell line, lacking ligase IV expression.
RCB1767 ΔRad52ΔXRCC3-DT40 Subline of DT40 cell line, lacking both of Rad52 and XRCC3 expression.
RCB1768 ΔXRCC3-cond1-DT40 Subline of DT40 cell line, which lacks XRCC3 inducibly by tamoxifen.
RCB1769 ΔXRCC3-cond2-DT40 Subline of DT40 cell line, which lacks XRCC3 inducibly by tamoxifen.
RCB1770 XRCC3+/--DT40 Subline of DT40 cell line, lacking XRCC3 only in one allele.
RCB1771 Lu-24 Human cell line derived from lung cancer. Oat cell type. Application consideration
RCB1772 Lu-141 Human cell line derived from lung cancer. Small cell carcinoma. Application consideration
RCB1773 Lu-143 Human cell line derived from lung cancer. Small cell carcinoma. Application consideration
RCB1785 Lu-138 Human cell line derived from lung cancer. Small cell carcinoma. Application consideration
RCB1788 AT805 Mouse teratoma-derived cell line. Parent cell line of ATDC5.
RCB1790 P19C6 Embryonal carcinoma cell line derived from mouse C3H. Differentiate to nervous system.
RCB1791 PCC3/A/1 Mouse teratoma-derived cell line.
RCB1792 SIL-6/1 Subline of A-6. Dependent on SCF and IL-6 for proliferation. Differentiate to erythroid cells by IL-3.
RCB1794 ΔRad18ΔXPA-DT40 Subline of DT40 cell line, lacking both of Rad18 and XPA expression.
RCB1795 ΔRad18ΔDinB-DT40 Subline of DT40 cell line, lacking both of Rad18 and DinB expression.
RCB1797 BP7(R80) Rat renal tumor derived cell line.
RCB1798 BP11(R2) Rat (Wistar) cell line derived from renal (kidney) tumor.
RCB1799 BP11(R100) Rat (Wistar) cell line derived from renal (kidney) tumor.
RCB1800 BP13(R2) Rat cells derived from kidney carcinoma. After passage 2. Wistar rat.
RCB1801 BP13(R100) Rat cell line derived from kidney carcinoma. After passage 100. Wistar rat.
RCB1802 BP26(R2) Rat cells derived from kidney carcinoma. After passage 2. Wistar rat.
RCB1803 BP26(R80) Rat cell line derived from kidney carcinoma. After passage 80. Wistar rat.
RCB1804 BP30(R2) Rat cells derived from kidney carcinoma. After passage 2. Wistar rat.
RCB1805 BP30(R100) Rat cell line derived from kidney carcinoma. After passage 100. Wistar rat.
RCB1806 BP36B(R2) Rat cells derived from kidney carcinoma. After passage 2. Wistar rat.
RCB1807 BP36B(R100) Rat cell line derived from kidney carcinoma. After passage 100. Wistar rat.
RCB1809 Vav3^(-) DT40 Vav3 deficient DT40 cells
RCB1810 PI3Kp110α^(-) DT40 PI3Kp110α deficient DT40 cells
RCB1811 ΔBLM-DT40 Subline of DT40 cell line, lacking BLM (Bloom syndrome gene) expression.
RCB1812 ΔWRN-DT40 Subline of DT40 cell line, lacking WRN (Werner syndrome gene) expression.
RCB1813 ΔWRNΔBLM-DT40 Subline of DT40 cell line, lacking both of WRN (Werner syndrome gene) and BLM (Bloom syndrome gene) expression.
RCB1814 ΔDinBΔXPA-DT40 Subline of DT40 cell line, lacking both of DinB and XPA expression.
RCB1817 DT40(v-myb^+)WT A subline of avian cell line, DT40, expressing v-myb exogenously.
RCB1818 DT40(v-myb^+)Δpolβ A subline of avian cell line, DT40, expressing v-myb exogenously and lacking polβ gene.
RCB1819 DT40(v-myb^+)Δpolλ A subline of avian cell line, DT40, expressing v-myb exogenously and lacking polλ gene.
RCB1820 DT40(v-myb^+)Δpolβλ A subline of avian cell line, DT40, expressing v-myb exogenously and lacking both polβ and polλ gene.
RCB1821 CHO-FLAG-hBLT1 Subline of CHO-K1 that expresses human leukotriene B4 receptor (BLT1).
RCB1822 CHO-HA-hBLT2 Subline of CHO-K1 that expresses human leukotriene B4 receptor (BLT2).
RCB1823 CHO·1F8 Subline of CHO-K1 that expresses human platelet activating factor receptor.
RCB1824 TRP1^(-) DT40 TRP1 deficient DT40
RCB1829 SC-1 Embryonal cell line derived from wild mouse. Sensitive to leukemia viruses.
RCB1830 Rat-1 Rat fibroblast-like cell line that can be transformed by oncogenes.
RCB1831 XC Cell line for titration of murine leukemia virus.
RCB1832 THK SV40 transformed hamster cell line. Fibroblast-like cells.
RCB1833 Mink Lung epithelial cell line derived from mink. Useful for focus forming *****s for murine leukemia virus.
RCB1834 S+L-Mink Mink (RCB1833) cells transformed by Moloney murine sarcoma virus.
RCB1835 Sirc Fibroblast-like cell line derived from rabbit.
RCB1836 Grb2^(-)/Grap^(-) DT40 Grb2and Grap deficient DT40 cells
RCB1837 MVP1 Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against Medaka Vitellogenin.
RCB1838 MVP25 Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against Medaka Vitellogenin.
RCB1839 MVP47 Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against Medaka Vitellogenin.
RCB1840 MVP49 Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against Medaka Vitellogenin.
RCB1841 MVP51 Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against Medaka Vitellogenin.
RCB1845 ΔUbc9+cUbc9-DT40 Endogenous Ubc9 deficient DT40 cells but expressing Ubc9 exogenously
RCB1846 HSC-F T cell line derived from Cynomolgus Monkey (Macaca fascicularis). Monkey cell lines require import and export permits according to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).
RCB1847 ES-8040 20-2 Erythroleukemia cell line derived from mouse C3H/He. TER119(+) cells.
RCB1848 ES-8047 2-1 Erythroleukemia cell line derived from mouse C3H/He. TER119(+) cells.
RCB1849 C-8049 Erythroleukemia cell line derived from mouse C3H/He. TER119(+) cells.
RCB1850 C-8052 Erythroleukemia cell line derived from mouse C3H/He. TER119(+) cells.
RCB1851 DT40 Cre1 A subline of avian cell line, DT40, expressing v-myb/pMerCreMer exogenously (see reference : BMC Biotechnol. 2001;1:7).
RCB1853 MSH6-1-[ClX3.16]DT40 A subline of avian cell line, DT40, lacking MSH6 (see reference : BMC Biotechnol. 2001;1:7).
RCB1854 HSP-239 T cell line derived from Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes). Chimpanzee cell lines require import and export permits according to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).
RCB1855 HSP-250 T cell line derived from Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes). Chimpanzee cell lines require import and export permits according to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).
RCB1856 TX-7F (hybridoma) Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against tetrodotoxin.
RCB1857 DA-3 (hybridoma) Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against domoic acid.
RCB1858 GT-13A (hybridoma) Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against gonyautoxin.
RCB1859 MDBK-NST Bovine kidney-derived epithelial cell line. FBS independent for culture.
RCB1860 BLNK^(-)Grb2^(-)DT40 BLNK and Grb2 deficient DT40 cells
RCB1861 T-23 Lung fibroblastic cell line derived from Tupaia belangeri. Tupaia cell lines require import and export permits according to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).
RCB1862 NIH3T3-3-4 Subclone of NIH3T3
RCB1863 GRP1^(-)DT40 Ras GRP1 deficient DT40 cells
RCB1864 GRP3^(-)DT40 Subline of DT40 cell line, lacking RasGRP3 expression.
RCB1865 GRP1^(-)/GRP3^(-)DT40 Subline of DT40 cell line, lacking both of RasGRP1 and RasGRP3 expression.
RCB1866 Sos1^(-)DT40 Subline of DT40 cell line, lacking Sos1 expression.
RCB1867 Sos2^(-)DT40 Subline of DT40 cell line, lacking Sos2 expression.
RCB1868 Sos1^(-)/Sos2^(-)DT40 Subline of DT40 cell line, lacking both Sos1 and Sos2 expression.
RCB1869 LY-A Subline of CHO-K1 cell line in which trafficking of ceramide is deficient
RCB1870 LY-A/hCERT Subline of LY-A in which human CERT cDNA are expressed and trafficking of ceramide is recovered
RCB1871 TL-1 Human lymphoid cell line derived from Burkitt's lymphoma. Tumorigenic in nude mouse. TKG0607 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). Application consideration
RCB1872 A431 Human cell line derivd from epidermoid carcinoma.TKG0182 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1873 JTK-LCL Human B cell line transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA: A0206 and A2402. TKG0585 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1874 KOIA-LCL EBV-transformed cell line from a patient (male) with p53 germ line mutation. Mutation was noted at codon 242 (TGC¢ªTAC) by FASAY. TKG0506 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1875 XPL 5 Lymphoblastoid cell line established by EBV infection from XP patient, variant type. TKG0309 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1876 211-LCL-MUC1 Human B lymphoblastoid cell line (RCB2288 211-LCL) transformed with APR-MUC1 and PRC-MUC1 cDNAs.TKG0615 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1878 RPMI1788 IgM (lambda) secreting B cell line. Established from peripheral blood lymphocytes of apparently normal 33-y-o male. HLA profile: A2, Aw33, B7, B14. TKG0464 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1879 PEER Human T cell line derived from acute T cell leukemia.TKG0377 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1881 TL-Mor Human derived T cell line. HTLV-1 pro-virus DNA(+).TKG0369 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1882 BALL-1 Human cell line derived from B cell leukemia. TKG0467(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1884 H-111-TC Human cell line derived from gastric cancer. TKG0411(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). Cell growth is slow.
RCB1886 Hep G2 Human cell line derived from hepatocyte carcinoma.TKG0205 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). Information
RCB1889 HEp-2 Supports growth of arvovirus and measles virus. A subline of HeLa cell (HeLa contamination). TKG0403 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1890 MG-63 Osteosarcoma cell line derived from human. High yield of IFN production by induction with poly IC, cyclohexmide, actinomycin D. Antigenically, MG-63 IFN is closely related to human fibroblast IFN. TKG0294 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1891 HeLa TG A subline of HeLa. 6-thioguanine resistant. TKG0204(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1892 SKG-IIIa Cervical carcinoma cell line derived from human. TA-4, CA-4, TPA, placental ALP are positive. Regan isoenzyme producing. p53 normal, p51 mutation (+), HLA-A 2402/.TKG0462 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1894 TE-1 Human cell line derived from esophageal cancer. Squamous cell carcinoma. TKG0252 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1896 TN-2 Human cell line derived from neuroblastoma of adrenal gland. TKG0278 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1897 K562 Human cell line derived from chronic myelogenous leukemia. Differentiate into mature erythrocytes. TKG0210(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1898 K562/Adr Subline of K562. Resistant to adriamycin. TKG0211(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1900 Lu99 Lung giant cell carcinoma cell line derived from human.TKG0495 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1901 PK-59 Human cell line derived from pancreatic cancer. TKG0492(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1902 HSC-4 Human tongue squamous cell carcinoma derived cell line.TKG0489 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1903 OVK18 Human cell line derived from ovarial cancer, subclone of RCB2535. TKG0323 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1904 MCF7 Human cell line derived from breast adenocarcinoma.TKG0479 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1905 Sq-1 Human cell line derived from lung squamous cell carcinoma. Many granules are found in cytoplasma. HLA-A 11/24. TKG0301 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). Application consideration
RCB1907 TKKK Human cell line derived from intrahepatic bile duct cancer.TKG0456 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1909 8305C Human thyroid anaplastic carcinoma derived cell line.TKG0446 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1911 CCD-IC Rabbit kidney cell line transformed by SV40 large T antigen. Derived from renal cortical collecting tubules.
RCB1912 CNT Rabbit kidney cell line transformed by SV40 large T antigen. Derived from renal distal tubules.
RCB1913 PST-S2 Rabbit kidney cell line transformed by SV40 large T antigen. Derived from renal proximal tubules.
RCB1914 BBWV-22K3-9B Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against Broad bean wilt virus 2 22-kDa coat protein.
RCB1915 BBWV-22K5-12A Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against Broad bean wilt virus 2 22-kDa coat protein.
RCB1916 BBWV-22K6-2A Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against Broad bean wilt virus 2 22-kDa coat protein.
RCB1918 J#176-3.2 Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against mouse JDP2.
RCB1919 J#214.2-2 Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against mouse JDP2. The antibody recognizes a truncated from of JDP2.
RCB1920 J#249.1-1 Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against mouse JDP2.
RCB1921 NRG Mouse bone marrow derived fibroblast-like cells line. Differentiates to neuron.
RCB1922 1C7 Hybridoma producing antibody against the purified basal apparatus of sperm of the an-1 strain of fern Lygodium.
RCB1923 13D10 Hybridoma producing antibody against the purified basal apparatus of sperm of the an-1 strain of fern Lygodium.
RCB1924 h1c Hybridoma producing antibody against the purified basal apparatus of sperm of the an-1 strain of fern Lygodium.
RCB1925 WA-mFib Mouse stromal cell line for human lung small cell carcinoma cell line, WA-ht. Cell growth is slow.
RCB1926 OT11 RBP-J deficient mouse fibroblasts
RCB1927 OT13 Control cell line for OT11 (normal fibroblasts derived from the same mouse strain)
RCB1928 KG-1a Human cell line derived from acute myelogenous leukemia. The variant subline of KG-1(RCB1166) cell line. TKG0402(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1932 T2 Human hybrid (T and B lymphoblast) cell line. Fusion cll line between 174 and CEM.T2. This hybrid cells do not express MHC class II. HLA-A2 positive. TKG0599 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1933 NALM-6 Human cell line derived from B cell leukemia. TKG0413(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1934 HUT78 Human cell line derived from T cell of a patient with Sezary syndrome. Producing IL-2. TKG0375 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1935 HPB-ALL Human cell line derived from T cell leukemia. TKG0199(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1936 MOLT-4F Human T leukemic cell line (CD4+). CR2 receptor (+).TKG0229 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1938 P30/OHK Human cell line derived from T cell leukemia. TKG0463(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1939 NUGC-4 Human cell line derived from signet ring cell carcinoma of stomach. TKG0449 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1940 SH-10-TC Human cell line derived from gastric cancer. Derived from nude mouse xenograft tumor (TKG 0338, SH-10). TKG0412(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1941 Li-7 Human hepatoma cell line. This cell line was established from nude mouse xenograft tumor (Dr. Hirohashi., National Cancer Center, Tokyo) by Tanno, H. (Tohoku Univ., 1st Surg). AFP producing. TKG0368 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1942 HuH-7 Human cell line derived from hepatoma. TKG0206(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1943 HuH-28 Human cell line derived from cholangiocellular carcinoma.TKG0438 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1945 HSC-2 Human cell line derived from oral squamous cell carcinoma occurred in 69-yo, male patient. HLA-A 24/. TKG0487(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1947 Ca Ski Human cell line derived from uterine cervical epidermoid carcinoma. TKG0366 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1949 TE-5 Human cell line derived from poorly differntiated esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Not transplantable to nude mouse. TKG0256 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1950 TE-6 Highly differentiated squamous carcinoma (esophagus), not transplantable to nude mouse. Progeny were cured by Treatments with BM Cycline and MC210. TKG0257(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1951 TE-15 Human cell line derived from esophageal cancer (highly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma). Not transplantable to nude mouse. TKG0266 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1952 SCCH-26 Human neuroblastoma cell line. TKG0460 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1953 NB-1 Human cell line derived from neuroblastoma. Dibuty-cAMP (1 mM) induces differentiation. TKG0486 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1954 T98G Human cell line derived from glioblastoma multiforme (Caucasian). Hyperpentaploid chromosome count. TKG0471(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1955 KMST-6 Human cell line derived from embryonic fibroblasts. Characteristics Embryonal fibroblast immortalized by 60-Co irradiation (400 Rad x 1 time and 200 rad x 12 times). Non-tumorigenic. TKG0482 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1960 HuCCT1 Human bile duct carcinoma. This cell line produces carbohydrate antigen 19/9 in serum-free medium. TKG0389(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1963 VMRC-RCW Human renal cell carcinoma cell line. TKG0447 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1965 EBC-1 Human lung squamous cell carcinoma cell line. TKG0481(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1966 S1 Human cell line derived from lung cancer. Small cell carcinoma. TKG0244 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). Application consideration
RCB1967 LU65 Human lung carcinoma cell line. TKG0442 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1970 LK-2 Human lung squamous cell carcinoma cell line. TKG0494(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1971 Lu99B Human lung giant cell carcinoma cell line. TKG0496(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1972 PK-1 Human pancreatic carcinoma cell line. RCB2138 was derived from the same patient. TKG0239 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1973 PK-45H Human pancreatic carcinoma cell line, the same patient as RCB2141. TKG0491 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1974 SAS Human cell line derived from tongue cancer. Squamous cell carcinoma. TKG0470 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1975 HSC-3 Human tongue squamous cell carcinoma cell line. HLA-A 2/24. TKG0484 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1976 Ca9-22 Human gingival carcinoma cell line. Expressing remarkable EGF receptor. HLA-A 2/24. TKG0485 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1980 CCRF-CEM Human cell line derived from T cell leukemia. TKG0563(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1981 HD-Mar2 Human cell line derived from Hodgkin's lymphoma.TKG0198 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1988 TE-9 Human esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (poorly differentiated) cell line. Not transplantable to nude mouse.TKG0260 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB1990 KUSA-H1 Mouse bone marrow-derived stromal cells.
RCB1991 KUSA-O Mouse multipotent mesenchymal cells. Derived from bone marrow.
RCB1992 UV♂1d Mouse fibroblast cell line. Transformed by ultraviolet. Highly immunogenic.
RCB1993 UV♀1A Mouse fibroblast cell line. Transformed by ultraviolet. Highly immunogenic.
RCB1994 UV♀2 Mouse vascular endothelial cell line. Transformed by ultraviolet.
RCB1995 UV·BAL-1.1 Mouse skin derived cell line. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation.
RCB1996 UV·BAL-2.1D Mouse skin derived cell line. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation.
RCB1997 UV·B6-1.1 Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. C57BL/6 strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation.
RCB1998 UV·B6-2.1A Mouse skin derived cell line. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation.
RCB1999 UV·B6-4.1 Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. C57BL/6 strain.Induced by ultra-violet irradiation.
RCB2000 UV·B6-5.1 Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. C57BL/6 strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation.
RCB2013 GMR3 Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against N-glycolylneuraminic acid-containing gangliosides (GD3 gangliosides).
RCB2014 GMB7 Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against GD2 gangliosides (b-pathway gangliosides).
RCB2015 GMR8 Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against N-glycolylneuraminic acid-containing gangliosides (GM3 gangliosides).
RCB2016 AMR19 Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against ganglioside lactones.
RCB2021 GGR41 Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against GQ1ba gangliosides.
RCB2024 UV·BAL-3.3 Mouse fibroblast-like cell line established by UV irradiation. Derived from Balb/c strain. (Neuron-like)
RCB2025 UV·BAL-5.4G Mouse fibroblast-like cell line established by UV irradiation. Derived from Balb/c strain. (Epithelial-like)
RCB2026 UV·BAL-6.1E Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. BALB/c strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation.
RCB2027 UV·BAL-7.1 Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. BALB/c strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation.
RCB2028 UV·BAL-8.1 Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. BALB/c strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation.
RCB2029 UV·BAL-8.1C Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. BALB/c strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation.
RCB2030 UV·BAL-12.1 Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. BALB/c strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation.
RCB2031 UV·BAL-13.1 Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. BALB/c strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation.
RCB2032 UV·BAL-14.2 Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. BALB/c strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation.
RCB2033 UV·BAL-15.1 Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. BALB/c strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation.
RCB2034 UV·BAL-16.1 Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. BALB/c strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation.
RCB2035 UV·BAL-17.1 Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. BALB/c strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation.
RCB2036 UV·BAL-18.1 Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. BALB/c strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation.
RCB2037 NGR54 Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against 2-3NeuAca-nLc4Cer gangliosides.
RCB2039 NMR52 Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against nLc4Cer.
RCB2040 NGR50 Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against SGPG.
RCB2041 AMR20 Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against GalCer.
RCB2042 AGB43 Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against Sulfatide.
RCB2046 BMR26 Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against Globoside.
RCB2048 OMB4 Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against N-linked neutral oligosaccharides of glycoproteins.
RCB2049 OMR5 Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against F1-linked neutral oligosaccharides of glycoproteins.
RCB2050 OMR6 Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against M1-linked neutral oligosaccharides of glycoproteins.
RCB2053 UV·C3H-3.3 Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. C3H/HeN strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation.
RCB2056 UV·C3H-8.2 Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. C3H/HeN strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation.
RCB2057 UV·BAL-19.1A Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. BALB/c strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation.
RCB2058 UV·BAL-20.1 Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. BALB/c strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation.
RCB2059 UV·BAL-21.1 Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. BALB/c strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation.
RCB2060 UV·BAL-23.1 Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. BALB/c strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation.
RCB2061 UV·C3B6-1.1 Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. (C3H/HeN x C57BL/6)F1 strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation.
RCB2062 UV·C3B6-1.1C Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. (C3H/HeN x C57BL/6)F1 strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation.
RCB2065 UV•CB6-2.1F Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. (BALB/c x C57BL/6)F1 strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation.
RCB2066 UV·CB6-3.4B Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. (BALB/c x C57BL/6)F1 strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation.
RCB2067 UV•CB6-4.1D Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. (BALB/c x C57BL/6)F1 strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation.
RCB2068 UV•CB6-4.1F Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. (BALB/c x C57BL/6)F1 strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation.
RCB2070 UV·CB6-5.2 Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. (BALB/c x C57BL/6)F1 strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation.
RCB2071 UV·CB6-5.2B Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. (BALB/c x C57BL/6)F1 strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation.
RCB2072 UV•CB6-6.1 Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. (BALB/c x C57BL/6)F1 strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation.
RCB2073 UV•CB6-6.1B Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. (BALB/c x C57BL/6)F1 strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation.
RCB2074 UV·CC3-11.1 Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. (BALB/cxC3H)F1 strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation.
RCB2076 Has Chinese hamster cell line. Epithelial-like adherent cells.
RCB2078 FU-RPNT-2 Human primitive neuroectodermal tumor cell line derived from kidney.
RCB2081 KUSA-A1 Mesenchymal stem cell line derived from C3H/He mouse strain.
RCB2082 103-LCL Human B cell line transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus.TKG0614 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2083 141-LCL Human B cells transformed by Epstein-Barr virus. RCB2541 was derived from the same patient. TKG0611 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2084 TALL-1 Human T-cell line derived from acute lynphblastic leukemia. TKG0251 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2088 Kato III Human cell line derived from gastric cancer. Signet ring carcinoma. TKG0213 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2092 87-5 Human cell line derived from lung cancer. Small cell carcinoma. TKG0503 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2093 II-18 Human cell line derived from lung cancer. Adenocarcinoma. TKG0177 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2094 MIA Paca2 Human cell line derived from pancreatic cancer. TKG0227(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2095 PANC-1 Human cell line derived from pancreatic cancer. Ductal origin. TKG0606 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2097 TE-4 Human cell line derived from esophageal cancer. Highly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma. TKG0255(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2098 TE-8 Human cell line derived from esophageal cancer. Moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinoma.TKG0259 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2099 TE-10 Human cell line derived from esophageal cancer. Highly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma. TKG0261(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2100 TE-11 Human cell line derived from esophageal cancer. Moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinoma.TKG0262 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2101 TE-14 Human cell line derived from esophageal cancer. Moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinoma.TKG0265 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2102 HO-1-u-1 Human cell line derived from squamous cell carcinoma at mouth floor. TKG0455 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2103 8505C Human cell line derived from thyroid cancer. Poorly differentiated papillary adenocarcinoma. TKG0439(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2104 HuO-3N1 Human cell line derived from osteosarcoma. TKG0452(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2105 D98-AH2 Human cell line derived from cervical cancer. The cells were converted to HGPRT(-). A subline of HeLa cell. TKG0191(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2106 ME-180 Human cell line derived from cervical cancer. TKG0437(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2107 TN-1 Human cell line derived from neuroblastoma formed at adrenal gland. TKG0277 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2108 NH-12 Human cell line derived from neuroblastoma. TKG0448(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2109 NH-6 Human cell line derived from neroblastoma of adrenal gland. TKG0468 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2110 YKG1 Human cell line derived from glioblastoma. TKG0453(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2111 K562/Vin Subline of K562 cell line. Resistant to vincristine. TKG0212(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2112 KUM4 Mouse mesenchymal cell line derived from bone marrow.¡¡C3H/He
RCB2113 KUM6 Mouse mesenchymal cell line derived from bone marrow.¡¡C3H/He
RCB2114 KUM7 Mouse mesenchymal cell line derived from bone marrow.¡¡C3H/He
RCB2115 KUM9 Mouse mesenchymal cell line derived from bone marrow.¡¡C3H/He
RCB2116 TSt-4 Murine mesenchymal cell line derived from fetal thymus tissue. Can support the generation of myeloid cells and B cells from muirne hematopietic stem/progenitors.
RCB2117 TSt-4/G Murine mesenchymal cell line derived from fetal thymus tissue. Can support the generation of myeloid cells and B cells from muirne hematopietic stem/progenitors. Established originally as a cotrol cells for TSt-4/G-DLL1. By retorviral transduction, EGFP is expressed.
RCB2118 TSt-4/G-DLL1 Original murine mesenchymal cell line was derived from fetal thymus tissue. DLL1 gene was retrovirally introduced. Can support the generation of T cells (up to DP stage) from muirne hematopietic stem/progenitors. EGFP was also introduced, and is expressed as a marker.
RCB2119 TSt-4/N Original murine mesenchymal cell line was derived from fetal thymus tissue. Can support the generation of myeloid cells and B cells from muirne hematopietic stem/progenitors. Established originally as a cotrol cells for TSt-4/N-DLL1. By retorviral transduction, huma NGF receptor is expressed.
RCB2120 TSt-4/N-DLL1 Original murine mesenchymal cell line was derived from fetal thymus tissue. By retrovirally introducing DLL1 gene, this cell line can support the generation of T cells (up to DP stage) from muirne hematopietic stem/progenitors. Human NGF receptor is also introduced, and is expressed as a marker on cell surface.
RCB2125 BmN4-DR Silkworm (Bombyx mori) cell line derived from ovary. Useful for the identification and analysis of homologous recombination-related genes in the silkworm. Application consideration
RCB2126 BmN4-IR Silkworm (Bombyx mori) cell line derived from ovary. Useful for the identification and analysis of homologous recombination-related genes in the silkworm. Application consideration
RCB2127 COLO205 Human cell line derived from colon cancer. Derived from ascites metastasis. Cell growth is slow. TKG0457 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2128 A-THP-1 Human cell line derived from acute monocytic leukemia. Activeated macrophage activity (+), obtained from long passage of THP-1 (RCB1189 THP-1) cell line. TKG0296(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2133 S2 Human cell line derived from lung cancer. Small cell carcinoma. TKG0245 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).Application consideration
RCB2134 86-2 Human cell line derived from lung cancer. Large cell carcinoma. TKG0181 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2135 NIH:OVCAR-3 Human cell line derived from adenocarcinoma of ovary.TKG0602 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2136 YST-1 Human cell line derived from schwannoma. TKG0454(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2138 KLM-1 Human cell line derived from pancreatic cancer. RCB1972 was derived from the same patient. TKG0490 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2141 PK-45P Human cell line derived from pancreatic carcinoma. RCB1973 was derived from the same patient. TKG0493(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2143 DU145 Human cell line derived from brain metastasis of prostate carcinoma. TKG0604 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2144 LNCap.FGC Human cell line derived from prostate adenocarcinoma. Derived from lymph node metastasis. TKG0603 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2145 PC-3 Human cell line derived from bone metastasis of prostatic cancer. TKG0600 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2146 WERI-Rb-1 Human cell line derived from retinoblastoma. TKG0601(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2147 KUM3 Mouse mesenchymal cell line derived from bone marrow.¡¡C3H/He
RCB2148 KOP Mouse fibroblast-like cell line lacking p38 MAP kinase expression.
RCB2149 RKOP Subline of KOP cell line, expressing FLAG-tagged p38 MAP kinase. Zeocin-resistant.
RCB2150 EKOP Subline of KOP cell line, expressing FLAG-tagged EXIP. Zeocin-resistant.
RCB2151 ZKOP Subline of KOP cell line. Zeocin-resistant.
RCB2163 UE6E7-16 Human mesenchymal cell line derived from bone marrow. Immortalized by HPV E6 and E7. RCB2152- RCB2163 are derived from the same bone marrow.
RCB2202 293T Human cell line expressing SV40 large T antigen abundantly.
RCB2203 TFS-2 Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against a surface antigen of small cell carcinoma of lung.
RCB2204 TFS-4 Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against a surface antigen of small cell carcinoma of lung.
RCB2205 NCC-RbC-39 Human retinoblastoma cell line.
RCB2206 NCC-RbC-51 Human retinoblastoma cell line derived from cervical lymph node metastasis.
RCB2208 NCC-RbC-54 Human cell line derived from retinoblastoma.
RCB2212 NCC-RbC-59 Human cell line derived from retinoblastoma. Cell growth is slow.
RCB2213 NCC-RbC-60 Human cell line derived from retinoblastoma.
RCB2214 NCC-RbC-67 Human cell line derived from retinoblastoma.
RCB2217 NCC-RbC-83 Human cell line derived from retinoblastoma.
RCB2218 NCC-RbC-92 Human cell line derived from retinoblastoma.
RCB2219 NCC-RbC-T1 Human cell line derived from retinoblastoma.
RCB2223 NCC-OvC-K119 Human cell line derived from ovarian cancer.
RCB2224 NCC-StC-K140 Human cell line derived from stomach cancer.
RCB2225 JHUEM-14 Human cell line derived from uterus cancer. Endometrioid adenocarcinoma. Application consideration
RCB2226 JHOC-9 Human cell line derived from ovary cancer. Clear cell carcinoma. Application consideration
RCB2227 JMSU1 Human cell line derived from urinary bladder carcinoma. Derived from ascites.
RCB2229 HS-Os-1 Human cell line derived from osteosarcoma.
RCB2230 HS-Sch-2 Human cell line derived from malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor (MPNST).
RCB2231 HS-SY-II Human cell line derived from synovial sarcoma. Application consideration
RCB2233 HE12 Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized. Application consideration
RCB2234 HE13 Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized.
RCB2237 HE16 Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized.
RCB2238 HE18 Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized.
RCB2239 HE19 Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized.
RCB2240 HE21 Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized.
RCB2241 HE22 Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized.
RCB2244 HE27 Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized.
RCB2245 HE28 Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized.
RCB2246 HE29 Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized.
RCB2247 HE30 Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized.
RCB2248 HE31 Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized.
RCB2249 HE32 Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized.
RCB2250 HE33 Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized.
RCB2251 HE34 Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized.
RCB2253 HKb20 Subline of HEK293 cell line, expressing BtR175b (Cry 1Aa receptor).
RCB2254 HE36 Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized.
RCB2256 HE37 Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized.
RCB2257 HE38 Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized.
RCB2258 HE39 Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized.
RCB2259 HE40 Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized.
RCB2260 HE41 Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized.
RCB2261 HE42 Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized.
RCB2262 HE46 Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized.
RCB2263 HE47 Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized.
RCB2264 HE48 Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized.
RCB2265 HE49 Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized.
RCB2266 HE50 Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized.
RCB2267 HE51 Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized.
RCB2268 HE52 Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized.
RCB2269 HE53 Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized.
RCB2270 HE54 Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized.
RCB2271 HE55 Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized.
RCB2273 HE57 Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized.
RCB2277 GSS Human gastric cancer cell line derived from metastasis at liver.
RCB2278 GSU Human cell line derived from gastric cancer. Established from the cells in ascites.
RCB2279 WA-hT Human cell line derived from lung cancer. Small cell carcinoma. Mouse WA-mFib cells are the stromal cells for this cell line.
RCB2280 HCE-T SV40-Adeno vector transformed cornea cells. 64kD keratin producing. Choleratoxin-free medium.
RCB2281 T3M-12 Human lung small cell carcinoma cell line. ADH producing.
RCB2282 701-LCL Human cell line derived from B cells of healthy volunteer. Transformed by EB virus. TKG0610 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2283 277-LCL Human B cells transformed by Epstein-Barr virus. TKG0609(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2286 XPL 17 Human B cells derived from a patient of xeroderma pigmentosum. Transformed by Epstein-Barr virus. TKG0311(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2287 XPL 20 Human B cells derived from a patient of xeroderma pigmentosum. Transformed by Epstein-Barr virus. TKG0313(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2288 211-LCL Human cell line derived from B cells of healthy volunteer. Transformed by EB virus. TKG0616 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2292 ACC-MESO-1 Human malignant pleural mesothelioma cell line.
RCB2293 ACC-MESO-4 Human malignant pleural mesothelioma cell line.
RCB2295 KUM10 Mouse mesenchymal cell line derived from bone marrow.¡¡C57/B6.
RCB2296 CARMA1^(-)DT40 Subline of DT40 cell line, lacking CARMA1 expression.
RCB2297 PKCβ^(-)DT40 Subline of DT40 cell line, lacking PKC-β expression.
RCB2298 TAK1^(-)DT40 Subline of DT40 cell line, lacking TAK1 expression.
RCB2299 RMC-1 Rat cell line derived from mammary gland carcinoma which is induced by DMBA in the transgenic rat expressing human prototype c-Ha-ras gene.
RCB2300 RMC-2 Rat cell line derived from mammary gland carcinoma which is induced by DMBA in the transgenic rat expressing human prototype c-Ha-ras gene.
RCB2301 RMC-3 Rat cell line derived from mammary gland carcinoma which is induced by DMBA in the transgenic rat expressing human prototype c-Ha-ras gene.
RCB2302 RMC-6 Rat cell line derived from mammary gland carcinoma which is induced by DMBA in the transgenic rat expressing human prototype c-Ha-ras gene.
RCB2303 RMC-11 Rat cell line derived from mammary gland carcinoma which is induced by DMBA in the transgenic rat expressing human prototype c-Ha-ras gene.
RCB2304 RMC-17 Rat cell line derived from mammary gland carcinoma which is induced by DMBA in the transgenic rat expressing human prototype c-Ha-ras gene.
RCB2305 MIH5(GIT) Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against mouse B7-H1.
RCB2306 PC3.1 Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against latexin.
RCB2307 T1.7 Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against C-terminal peptide of rat GSK3-beta.
RCB2308 802C11 Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against MuSc.
RCB2309 JFP-J1 Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against GFP. Rat IgG2a monoclonal antibody.
RCB2310 JFP-J5 Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against GFP. Rat IgG2a monoclonal antibody.
RCB2311 JFP-K2 Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against GFP. Rat IgG2a monoclonal antibody.
RCB2312 859H5 Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against bacterial unknown molecule. Rat IgG2a monoclonal antibody.
RCB2313 884F11 Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against mouse apolipoprotein E.
RCB2314 F9/LM10 Mouse cell line derived from embryonal carcinoma. Expressing laminin alpha-5 exogenously.
RCB2315 F9/LM(1+10) Mouse cell line derived from embryonal carcinoma. Expressing laminin alpha-5 exogenously.
RCB2316 AB1 Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against GD1b gangliosides.
RCB2317 AC1 Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against GD1c gangliosides.
RCB2318 P19.CL6 Mouse cell line derived from embryonal carcinoma. C3H strain. Following differentiation, beating cardiomyocytes appear efficiently.
RCB2319 LACF-NaNaI Fibroblast-like cells derived from African Savannah Elephant (http://www.bioone.org/doi/full/10.3106/041.034.0307). Primary cultured cells. Elephant cell lines require import and export permits according to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).
RCB2320 LACF-NaNaII Fibroblast-like cells derived from African Savannah Elephant (http://www.bioone.org/doi/full/10.3106/041.034.0307). Primary cultured cells. Elephant cell lines require import and export permits according to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).
RCB2322 KUM5 Mouse mesenchymal cell line derived from bone marrow.¡¡C3H/He
RCB2323 9-15C Mouse mesenchymal cell line derived from bone marrow.¡¡C3H/He
RCB2324 MIH5(RPMI) Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against mouse B7-H1. Possible to culture in RPMI1640 medium.
RCB2326 CHO-AA8 A subline of the CHO-K1 cell line. Widely used for the isolation of repair-deficient mutants. Useful for gene mutation *****s at the APRT and HPRT loci.
RCB2327 EM-9 A subline of the CHO-K1 cell line. X-ray-sensitive mutant derived from CHO-AA8 cell line. XRCC1 gene deficient.
RCB2328 irs1SF A subline of the CHO-K1 cell line. X-ray-sensitive mutant derived from CHO-AA8 cell line. XRCC3 gene deficient.
RCB2329 V-3 A subline of the CHO-K1 cell line. X-ray-sensitive mutant derived from CHO-AA8 cell line. XRCC7(DNA-PK) gene deficient.
RCB2330 CHO-K1 Chinese hamster ovary cell line. Widely used for the isolation of mutants by mutagenesis.
RCB2331 XR-1 A subline of the CHO-K1 cell line. X-ray-sensitive mutant. XRCC4 gene deficient.
RCB2332 V79-4 A subline of the V79 cell line following cloning. Widely used for radiation biology, mutagenesis and mammalian cell genetics.
RCB2335 V-E5 X-ray-sensitive mutant derived from the V79 cell line. XRCC8 gene deficient.
RCB2336 V-G8 A subline of the V79 cell line. X-ray-sensitive mutant. XRCC8 gene deficient.
RCB2337 V79B A subline of the V79 cell line. Widely used for radiation biology, mutagenesis and mammalian cell genetics.
RCB2338 XR-V9B-4 A subline of the V79B cell line. X-ray-sensitive mutant. XRCC5(ku80) gene deficient.
RCB2339 XR-V15B A subline of the V79 cell line. X-ray-sensitive mutant. XRCC5(ku80) gene deficient.
RCB2341 NCR-G1 Human cell line derived from embryonal carcinoma of testis.
RCB2342 NCR-G2 Human cell line derived from embryonal carcinoma of testis.
RCB2343 NCR-G3 Human cell line derived from embryonal carcinoma of testis.Application consideration
RCB2344 NCR-G4 Human cell line derived from embryonal carcinoma of testis.
RCB2345 EEB Human cell line derived from erythroblastic leukemia.
RCB2346 NMFH-1 Human cell line derived from myxofibrosarcoma.
RCB2347 NMS-2 Human cell line derived from malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor.
RCB2348 NOS-10 Human cell line derived from osteosarcoma.
RCB2351 OGU1 Human cell line derived from primary effusion lymphoma (PEL). Application consideration
RCB2352 633 Human lung cancer cell line expressing capsid protein of human adenovirus.
RCB2354 293gp Retroviral vector packaging cell line expressing MoMLV (Moloney murine leukemia virus) gag/pol. Production of high titer retrovirus by cotransfection of envelope and vector plasmids.
RCB2355 HeLa CD4+Clone1022 A subline of the HeLa cells. Expressing human CD4 and Neomycin-resistant gene.
RCB2356 HeLa-CD4-LTR-β-gal A subline of the HeLa cells. Expressing human CD4 and Neomycin-resistant gene. One copy of the HIV-1 LTR (nt-138 to +80) linked to the β-galactosidase gene is integrated.
RCB2358 HLtat A subline of the HeLa cells. HeLa cells contained stably integrated copies of the HIV-1 LTR promoter linked to a synthetic tat gene.
RCB2360 HS-ES-2M Human cell line derived from epithelioid sarcoma. Derived from a different patient from the patient of HS-ES-1 cell line.
RCB2361 HS-ES-2R Human cell line derived from epithelioid sarcoma. Derived from a different patient from the patient of HS-ES-1 cell line.
RCB2362 HS-PSS Human cell line derived from malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor.
RCB2364 HS-ES-1 Human cell line derived from epithelioid sarcoma. Derived from a different patient from the patient of HS-ES-2M, 2R cell lines.
RCB2365 JHONA Human cell line derived from ovarian squamous cell cancer.Application consideration
RCB2367 KT01 Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against an antigen of C. elegans embryo. Antigen is not determined but that on P-granule.
RCB2368 KT02 Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against an antigen of C. elegans embryo. Antigen is not determined but that on P-granule.
RCB2369 KT03 Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against an antigen of C. elegans embryo. Antigen is not determined but that on P-granule and body wall muscle.
RCB2372 KT06 Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against an antigen of C. elegans embryo. Antigen is not determined but that on P-granule and body wall muscle.
RCB2375 KT09 Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against an antigen of C. elegans embryo. Antigen is not determined but that on body wall muscle.
RCB2376 KT10 Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against an antigen of C. elegans embryo. Antigen is not determined but that on body wall muscle.
RCB2377 KT11 Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against an antigen of C. elegans embryo. Antigen is not determined but that on body wall muscle.
RCB2378 KT12 Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against an antigen of C. elegans embryo. Antigen is not determined but that on body wall muscle.
RCB2379 KT13 Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against an antigen of C. elegans embryo. Antigen is not determined but that seam cell.
RCB2380 KT14 Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against an antigen of C. elegans embryo. Antigen is not determined but that on pharynx basement membrane.
RCB2381 KT16 Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against an antigen of C. elegans embryo. Antigen is not determined but that on pharynx.
RCB2382 KT17 Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against an antigen of C. elegans embryo. Antigen is not determined but that on pharynx.
RCB2383 KT18 Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against an antigen of C. elegans embryo. Antigen is not determined but that on pharynx.
RCB2386 KT21 Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against an antigen of C. elegans embryo. Antigen is not determined but that on intestine.
RCB2388 KT23 Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against an antigen of C. elegans embryo. Antigen is not determined but that on nuclear membrane.
RCB2389 KT26 Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against an antigen of C. elegans embryo. Antigen is not determined but that on centrosome.
RCB2390 KT27 Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against an antigen of C. elegans embryo. Antigen is not determined but that on hypodermis.
RCB2392 KT29 Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against an antigen of C. elegans embryo. Antigen is not determined but that on egg shell.
RCB2393 KT30 Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against an antigen of C. elegans embryo. Antigen is not determined but that on egg shell.
RCB2395 KT32 Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against an antigen of C. elegans embryo. Antigen is not determined but that on P-granule and pharynx.
RCB2400 KT54 Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against an antigen of C. elegans embryo. Antigen is not determined but that on centrosome and P-granule.
RCB2402 STIM1^(-)DT40 Subline of DT40 cell line, lacking STIM1 expression.
RCB2403 MG6 Mouse microglial cell line immortalized by a replication-deficient retroviral vector containing human c-myc gene. No significant production of infectious viral particles from MG6 cells was confirmed by bio***** using SC-1 cells.
RCB2530 A172 Human cell line derived from glioblastoma. TKG0183(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2531 CB-3512 Human cell line derived from B cells in umbilical cord blood. Transformed by EB virus. TKG0305 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2532 HuO 9N2 (O9N2) Human cell line derived from osteosarcoma. TKG0451(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2534 M-MOK Human cell line derived from megakaryoblastic leukemia.TKG0458 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2535 OVK18#102 Human cell line derived from ovarian endometrioid carcinoma, subclone of RCB1903. TKG0357 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2536 T24 Human cell line derived from bladder cancer. Transitional cell carcinoma. TKG0443 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2537 TFK-1 Human cell line derived from extrahepatic bile duct carcinoma. TKG0367 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2539 XPL 19 Human B cell line derived from xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) patient and transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. TKG0312(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2540 XPL 24 Human cell line derived from B cells of Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) patient. Transformed by EB virus.TKG0314 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2541 141-LCL-MUC1 Human cell line derived from B cells of healthy volunteer. Transformed by EB virus. RCB2083 was derived from the same patient. TKG0634 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2610 FELV3281-AD Cat cell line derived from lymphoma.
RCB2611 MDCK-AD Dog cell line derived from kidney.
RCB2614 KLN205-MUC1 Mouse cell line derived from lung squamous cell carcinoma. TKG0473 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2618 BCL1-B20 Mouse cell line derived from B cell leukemia. TKG0435(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2619 L929 Mouse fibroblast-like cell line. TKG0217 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2620 C-1300N18 Mouse cell line derived from neuroblastoma. TKG0307(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). Application consideration
RCB2621 M1(D+) Mouse cell line derived from meyloid leukemia. TKG0319(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2623 KLN205 Mouse cell line derived from lung squamous cell carcinoma. TKG0214 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2627 BOY-12E Human cell line derived from urinary bladder carcinoma.TKG0641 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2630 B16 F10 Mouse cell line derived from melanoma. TKG0348(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2633 MM46 CEA1-2 Mouse cell line derived from mammary carcinoma.TKG0597 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2634 MM46-APR-MUC1 cl.1 Mouse cell line derived from mammary carcinoma. Expressing human MUC1 (APR-MUC1) exogenously.TKG0595 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2637 A4 Subline of NIH/3T3 transformed with an active type c-erb B-2 (V-659 was changed to E659). c-erb B-2 prouct (+). G418 resistant. TKG0298 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2638 B16/BL6 Mouse cell line derived from melanoma.¡¡ TKG0598(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2639 NB2a Mouse cell line derived from neuroblastoma. TKG0509(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2640 G-415 Human cell line derived from gallbladder carcinoma.TKG0642 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2642 MUSS Mouse cell line derived from spontaneous malignant fibrous histiocytoma. A/J strain. TKG0497 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2643 F9 Mouse cell line derived from embryonal carcinoma. 129 strain. TKG0519 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). Application consideration
RCB2648 D4 A subline of the NIH/3T3 cell line. NIH/3T3 cell line transfected with wild type c-erb B2 gene with carboxyl-terminal deletion. Swiss strain.TKG0300(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). Cell growth is slow. TKG0300 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2649 B16 F1 Mouse cell line derived from melanoma. C57BL/6J strain.TKG0347 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2651 JLS-V9 Mouse cell line derived from bone marrow. Fibroblast-like cells. BALB/c strain. TKG0355 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2652 J774-1 Mouse cell line derived from ascites. Macrophage-like cells. BALB/c strain. TKG0208 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2657 Colon-26 Mouse cell line derived from colon cancer. BALB/c strain.TKG0518 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2660 MEDEP-E14 Mouse erythroid cell line able to differentiate into enucleated red blood cells. Derived from mouse ES cell line, E14TG2a. Epo(Erythropoietin) dependent.
RCB2686 JTC-35 Bovine granulosa cell line.
RCB2691 MEDEP-E14 clone 4 A subclone of MEDEP-E14(RCB2660) following cloning procedure.
RCB2692 MEDEP-BRC4-1 Mouse erythroid cell line able to differentiate into enucleated red blood cells. Derived from mouse ES cell line, BRC4 (AES0008). SCF(Stem cell factor) and Dex(dexamethasone) dependent.
RCB2693 MEDMC-NT2 Mouse cell line possessing the characteristics of mast cells. IL-3 (Interleukin-3) dependent.
RCB2694 MEDMC-BRC6 Mouse cell line derived from mouse ES cell line, BRC6 (AES0010). Mast cell-like cells. SCF (Stem cell factor) and IL-3 (Interleukin-3) dependent. C57BL/6 strain.
RCB2695 RD-C2 Mouse osteoblast-like cell line derived from Runx2 deficient mouse.
RCB2696 RD-C6 Mouse osteoblast-like cell line derived from Runx2 deficient mouse.
RCB2700 PK-8 Human cell line derived from liver metastasis of pancreas carcinoma. TKG0383 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2709 2F8 Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against oxitocin receptor.
RCB2710 Atg5^(+/+)MEF Mouse embryonic fibroblasts. Wild type control for RCB2711.
RCB2711 Atg5^(-/-)MEF Mouse embryonic fibroblasts lacking Atg5 gene expression.
RCB2712 MAEC Mouse cell line derived from aorta of p53-deficient mouse. Epithelial like.
RCB2718 MT-7 Rat cell line derived from fibrous histiocytoma. After cloning.
RCB2719 MT-10 Rat cell line derived from fibrous histiocytoma. After cloning.
RCB2720 MT-R8 A subline of MT-8, a rat cell line derived from malignant fibrous histiocytoma, which is resistant to cisplatin.
RCB2721 MT-R9 A subline of MT-9, a rat cell line derived from malignant fibrous histiocytoma, which is resistant to cisplatin.
RCB2722 MT-10R A subline of MT-10, a rat cell line derived from malignant fibrous histiocytoma, which is resistant to cisplatin.
RCB2723 MT-PR A subline of MT-P, a rat cell line derived from malignant fibrous histiocytoma, which is resistant to cisplatin. The parent cell line, MT-P, is also deposited but not available yet.
RCB2724 KB-D8 Rat cell line derived from dendritic cell carcinoma in thymus.
RCB2725 KJ-A Rat cell line derived from malignant fibrous histiocytoma.
RCB2726 KE-F11 Rat cell line derived from malignant schwannoma.
RCB2727 RY-B-E3 Rat cell line derived from endometrial stromal sarcoma.
RCB2728 LY-H12 Rat non-neoplastic cell line derived from malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor.
RCB2729 LY-PPB6 Rat cell line derived from malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor.
RCB2740 5A5-WASP Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against WASP (Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein). TKG0631 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2745 A20 Mouse cell line derived from lymphoma. Balb/c strain.TKG0571 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2758 LAG Mouse cell line derived from connective tissue. Fibroblast-like. C3H strain. TKG0218 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2766 Morris 5123D-TC Rat (Buffalo) cell line derived from hepatoma. TKG0365(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2767 NIH/3T3 Mouse fibroblast-like cell line. TKG0299 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2776 P388 Mouse cell line derived from lymphoid tumor. DBA/2 strain.TKG0326 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2782 RBL 2H3 Rat cell line derived from basophilic leukemia cells.TKG0321 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2783 RGC-6 Rat cell line derived from glioma induced by N-nitrosomethylurea. TKG0242 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2784 RL♂1(Gloria) Mouse cell line derived from lymphoid tumor. BALB/c strain. TKG0292 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2799 YAC-1 Mouse cell line derived from lymphoma. A/Sn strain.TKG0387 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2800 PC12-F7 A subline of PC-12 lacking synaptotagmin-1.
RCB2801 PC12-G11 A subline of PC-12 expressing synaptotagmin-1, a control cell line for PC12-F7.
RCB2806 MSK-C5.8G Rat cell line derived from osteosarcoma. F344 strain.
RCB2808 Odf2-deficient F9 cells A subline of mouse ES cell line, F9 (129), lacking Odf2.
RCB2809 CH12F3-2A Mouse cell line derived from B cell lymphoma.
RCB2811 7F9 (hybridoma) Hybridoma. Anti-Rat Carboxypeptidase M MoAb producing.
RCB2812 HeLa/Fucci A subline of the HeLa cell line expressing Fucci, a cell cycle marker. Cell line name : HeLa/Fucci #4. Important notice regarding nomenclature of Fucci.
RCB2813 NMuMG/Fucci A subline of the NMuMG cell line expressing Fucci, a cell cycle marker. Cell line name : NMuMG/Fucci #1.Important notice regarding nomenclature of Fucci.
RCB2814 COS/Fucci Subline of COS cell line expressing Fucci, a marker of cell cycle.¡¡Monkey cell lines require import and export permits according to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). Important notice regarding nomenclature of Fucci.
RCB2815 P20.1 Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against a peptide, GYPGQV.
RCB2816 A110L Human cell line derived from lung adenocarcinoma cells.
RCB2817 A529L Human cell line derived from lung adenosquamous cell carcinoma. HLA A2402/, B5201/, Cw01201/.
RCB2818 B1203L Human cell line derived from lung adenocarcinoma. HLA A2402/2402, B5201/5401, C0102/1202.
RCB2819 C831L Human cell line derived from lung large cell carcinoma. HLA A0206/2601, B0702/3501, Cw0702/0801.
RCB2830 OMC-2 Human cell line derived from endometrial adenocarcinoma. Cell growth is slow.
RCB2831 DEOC-1 Human cell line derived from malignant melanoma. Cell growth is slow.
RCB2832 OMC-9 Human cell line derived from endometrial stromal sarcoma.
RCB2833 L23immo Human immortalized cell line derived from MRC5 cells.
RCB2834 L12.9-2(1) Human immortalized cell line derived from MRC5 cells.
RCB2843 43L Hybrid cell line of C3H mouse mammary tumor cell, FM3A#2, and 8-Ag resistant L cell. TKG0381 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2844 L1210 TGR4 Mouse cell line derived from leukemia. Resistant to 6TG (10 microgram/ml). DBA/2 strain. TKG0478 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2845 L1210-5FU-R-TC Mouse cell line derived from leukemia. Lymphoblastoid cells. DBA/2 strain. TKG0409 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2846 LAG-MUC1 A subline of LAG (RCB2758) expressing MUC1. 8-Ag resistant. TKG0466 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2848 OTT6050(B) Mouse cell line derived from testicular teratoma. This cell line was established by inoculation of tibia (6 days old) to A/He x 129/sv mouse testis. Primary tumor was developed in testis. TKG0330 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2852 TSA8 Mouse cell line derived from erythroleukemia cells transformed by Friend leukemia virus. TKG0370 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2853 WEHI-3B Mouse cell line derived from myelomonocytic leukemia cells. BALB/c strain. TKG0584 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2854 C6 Rat cell line derived from glial cell tumor induced by N-nitrosomethylurea. TKG0589 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2859 K-251 Rat cell line derived from hepatoma cells in ascites.TKG0130 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2860 MRMT-1 Rat cell line derived from mammary carcinoma. TKG0132(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2862 SLC Rat cell line derived from lung cancer. TKG0135 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2863 N14.5 Rat neuronal cell line derived from the ventrolateral region of the suprachiasmatic nucleus
RCB2864 OLP6 Rat neuronal cell line derived from the ventrolateral region of the suprachiasmatic nucleus
RCB2867 HeLa/Fucci2 A subline of the HeLa cell line expressing Fucci2, a cell cycle marker. Cell line name : HeLa/Fucci2 #3. Important notice regarding nomenclature of Fucci.
RCB2868 NMuMG/Fucci2 A subline of the NMuMG cell line expressing Fucci2, a cell cycle marker. Cell line name : NMuMG/Fucci2 #5.Important notice regarding nomenclature of Fucci.
RCB2869 CHO-K1 A subline of CHO cells. Require proline. TKG0328(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2896 JLS-V9 6TG Mouse cell line derived from bone marrow. Fibroblast-like. 6TG resistant. BALB/c strain. TKG0350 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2899 S180-Kumamoto-TC Mouse cell line derived from Swiss Webster Sarcoma 180. CFW strain. TKG0637 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2900 S180-Meiji-TC Mouse cell line derived from sarcoma cells in ascites. CFW strain. TKG0672 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2901 S180-NCC-TC Mouse cell line derived from sarcoma cells in ascites. CFW strain. TKG0638 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2904 WEHI164R Mouse cell line derived from fibrosarcoma. TNF resistant. BALB/c strain. TKG0281 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2905 WEHI164S Mouse cell line derived from fibrosarcoma. TNF sensitive. BALB/c strain. TKG0282 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2908 AH272-TC Rat cell line derived from hepatoma cells in ascites.TKG0535 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2909 Walker256-TC Rat cell line derived from mammary carcinoma. TKG0565(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2910 LY-6-TC Rat cell line derived from sarcoma cells in ascites. TKG0648(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB2911 MEDEP-BRC5 Mouse erythroid cell line able to differentiate into enucleated red blood cells. Derived from mouse ES cell line, BRC5 (AES0009). SCF(Stem cell factor) dependent.
RCB2924 OP9/G Subline of OP9 cell line, expressing EGFP. Cell growth is slow.¡¡See RCB2117 TSt-4/G.
RCB2925 OP9/G-DLL1 Subline of OP9 cell line, expressing DLL1 and EGFP. Cell growth is slow. See RCB2118 TSt-4/G-DLL1.
RCB2926 OP9/N Subline of OP9 cell line, expressing human NGF receptor. Cell growth is slow. See RCB2119 TSt-4/N.
RCB2927 OP9/N-DLL1 Subline of OP9 cell line, expressing DLL1 and human NGF receptor. See RCB2120 TSt-4/N-DLL1.
RCB2930 R4A9 Hybridoma cell line expressing a monoclonal antibidy against H-1 cells, a mouse bone marrow cell line. The target molecule in unknown
RCB2931 6E2 Hybridoma cell line expressing anti-human SSEA-4 monoclonal antibody.
RCB2932 MEDEP-BRC4-2 Mouse erythroid cell line able to differentiate into enucleated red blood cells. Derived from mouse ES cell line, BRC4 (AES0008). SCF (Stem cell factor) and Dexamethasone dependent. C57BL/6 strain.
RCB2942 OLHNI-2 Medaka cell line derived from HNI strain.
RCB2943 OLHdrR-e3 Medaka cell line derived from HdrR strain.
RCB2944 OLCAB-e31 Medaka cell line derived from HB32 strain.
RCB2945 DIT29 Medaka cell line derived from hepatoma cells.
RCB2946 OLCAB-e3 Medaka cell line derived from HB32 strain.
RCB2979 HCT116 Human cell line derived from colon cancer.¡¡Loss of the DNA mismatch repair gene (hMLH1).
RCB2980 HCT116-XRCC4(+/-) Subline of HCT116 cell line lacking XRCC4 gene in one allele.¡¡Loss of the DNA mismatch repair gene (hMLH1).
RCB2981 HCT116-XRCC4(-/-) Subline of HCT116 cell line lacking XRCC4 gene in both alleles.¡¡Loss of the DNA mismatch repair gene (hMLH1).
RCB2982 HCT116-RAD18(+/-) Subline of HCT116 cell line lacking RAD18 gene in one allele.¡¡Loss of the DNA mismatch repair gene (hMLH1).
RCB2983 HCT116-RAD18(-/-) Subline of HCT116 cell line lacking RAD18 gene in both alleles.¡¡Loss of the DNA mismatch repair gene (hMLH1).
RCB2984 HCT116-ARTEMIS(+/-) Subline of HCT116 cell line lacking ARTEMIS gene in one allele.¡¡Loss of the DNA mismatch repair gene (hMLH1).
RCB2985 HCT116-ARTEMIS(-/-) Subline of HCT116 cell line lacking ARTEMIS gene in both alleles.¡¡Loss of the DNA mismatch repair gene (hMLH1).
RCB2986 HCT116-MDC1(+/-) Subline of HCT116 cell line lacking MDC1 gene in one allele.¡¡Loss of the DNA mismatch repair gene (hMLH1).
RCB2987 HCT116-MDC1(-/-) Subline of HCT116 cell line lacking MDC1 gene in both alleles.¡¡Loss of the DNA mismatch repair gene (hMLH1).
RCB2988 HCT116-REV1(+/-) Subline of HCT116 cell line lacking REV1 gene in one allele.¡¡Loss of the DNA mismatch repair gene (hMLH1).
RCB2989 HCT116-REV1(-/-) Subline of HCT116 cell line lacking REV1 gene in both alleles.¡¡Loss of the DNA mismatch repair gene (hMLH1).
RCB2990 HCT116-REV3L(+/-) Subline of HCT116 cell line lacking REV3L gene in one allele.¡¡Loss of the DNA mismatch repair gene (hMLH1).
RCB2991 HCT116-KU70(+/-) Subline of HCT116 cell line lacking Ku70 gene in one allele.¡¡Loss of the DNA mismatch repair gene (hMLH1).
RCB2992 HCT116-DNAPKcs(+/-) Subline of HCT116 cell line lacking DNAPKcs gene in one allele.¡¡Loss of the DNA mismatch repair gene (hMLH1).
RCB2993 HCT116-POLM(+/-) Subline of HCT116 cell line lacking DNA polymerase m gene in one allele.¡¡Loss of the DNA mismatch repair gene (hMLH1).
RCB2994 HCT116-LIG3(+/-) Subline of HCT116 cell line lacking Ligase 3 gene in one allele.¡¡Loss of the DNA mismatch repair gene (hMLH1).
RCB2995 HCT116-LIG4(+/-) Subline of HCT116 cell line lacking Ligase 4 gene in one allele.¡¡Loss of the DNA mismatch repair gene (hMLH1).
RCB2996 HCT116-53BP1(+/-) Subline of HCT116 cell line lacking 53BPI gene in one allele.¡¡Loss of the DNA mismatch repair gene (hMLH1).
RCB2997 H414 Subline of HCT116 cell line which has intact DNA mismatch repair gene (hMLH1).
RCB2998 H414-RAD18(+/-) Subline of H414 cell line lacking RAD18 gene in one allele.
RCB2999 H414-RAD18(-/-) Subline of H414 cell line lacking RAD18 gene in both alleles.
RCB3000 H414-MDC1(+/-) Subline of H414 cell line lacking MDC1 gene in one allele.
RCB3001 H414-MDC1(-/-) Subline of H414 cell line lacking MDC1 gene in both alleles.
RCB3002 H414-LIG4(+/-) Subline of H414 cell line lacking Ligase 4 gene in one allele.
RCB3007 MOPC-70A Mouse cell line derived from myeloma. This cell line was established from a cell line maintained by in vivo transplantation. TKG0167 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB3008 NC37 HGPRT(-), resistant to ouabain, partner cells for human B hybridoma. Ig nonproducer, human B lymphoblastoid cell line. This line and Raji(TKG0371)are derived from the same individual. TKG0232 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB3010 RPMI8226 Human cell line derived from myeloma. IgG producer.TKG0243 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB3052 Jurkat Human T cell leukemia. IL-2 receptor (-). Progeny were cured by Treatments with BM Cycline and MC210. TKG0209(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB3515 JLS-V9 BudR Mouse cell line derived from bone marrow. Fibroblast-like. BudR resistant. BALB/c strain. TKG0356 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB3530 B901L Human cell line derived from lung adenocarcinoma cells.
RCB3531 A904L Human cell line derived from lung large cell carcinoma cells.
RCB3532 A129L Human cell line derived from lung adenocarcinoma cells.
RCB3576 Aska-SS Human cell line derived from synovial sarcoma.
RCB3577 Yamato-SS Human cell line derived from synovial sarcoma.
RCB3586 hPSC-1 Human cell line derived from choronic pancreatitis. Pancreatic stellate cells.
RCB3588 hPSC-5 Human cell line derived from pacreatic cancer. Pancreatic stellate cells.
RCB3589 hPSC-14 Human cell line derived from pacreatic cancer. Pancreatic stellate cells.
RCB3600 SDR-P-1D5 Rat prolactin secreting cell line derived from anterior pituitary lacking growth hormone.
RCB3601 SDRL-1 Rat cell line derived from liver lacking growth hormone.
RCB3602 SDRL-2 Rat cell line derived from liver lacking growth hormone.
RCB3673 Raji Human cell line derived from Burkitt lymphoma. EBNA (EBV¡½nuclear antigen) positive. TKG0371 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB3675 SCC-TC Rectal carcinoma. Culture cell line of SCC (TKG 0340) .TKG0646 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB3676 5637 Human cell line derived from bladder carcinoma. TKG0605(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB3677 A549 Human cell line derived from lung cancer. Epithelial-like cells. HLA-A 2603/3001. A culture submitted to the Cell Resource Center for Biomedical Research was found to be contaminated with mycoplasma. Progeny were cured by Treatments with BM Cycline and MC210. TKG0184(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB3678 BeWo Human cell line derived from choriocarcinoma. TKG0567(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB3680 HeLa Human cell line derived from cervical cancer. A culture submitted to the Cell Resource Center for Biomedical Research was found to be contaminated with mycoplasma. Progeny were cured by Treatments with BM Cycline and MC210. TKG0331 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB3681 HeLa.P3(S) Subline of HeLa cell line. Serum-free culture is possible.TKG0465 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB3682 HeLa S3 Human cell line derived from cervical cancer. TKG0444(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB3683 HL-60 Human cell line derived from promyelocytic leukemia cells.TKG0345 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB3685 HMV-II Human cell line derived from melanotic melanoma (highly melanotic). TKG0318 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB3686 THP-1 Human cell line derived from monocytic leukemia.TKG0267 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB3687 MKN-7 Human cell line derived from stomach cancer (gastric cancer; highly differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma).TKG0228 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB3688 Saos-2 Human cell line derived from osteogenic sarcoma cells.TKG0469 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
RCB3706 Atg7 +/+ MEFs Mouse embryonic fibroblasts derived from wild type mouse (C57BL/6).
RCB3707 Atg7 -/- MEFs Mouse embryonic fibroblasts derived from Atg-deficient mouse (C57BL/6).
RCB3708 Atg3 +/+ MEFs Mouse embryonic fibroblast cell line derived from wild type C57BL/6 strain.
RCB3709 Atg3 -/- MEFs Mouse embryonic fibroblast cell line derived from Atg3-deficient C57BL/6 strain.
RCB4451 UPS-1 Sub-line of CHO-K1 which is defective in the non-endocytic uptake of fluorescent analogs of phosphatidylserine (C6-NBD-PS).
RCB4452 FL-YB Mouse follicular dendritic cell line
RCB4455 PC-9 Human cell line derived from lung adenocarcinoma cells. Differentiated type. Previous name:PC-14(RCB0446)
RCB4472 IN-IC Rat cell line derived from kidney.
RCB4474 Ba/F3-CL1 Mouse pro-B cell line derived from C3H strain. IL-3 dependent. After cloning (RCB0805 Ba/F3).¡¡Information
RCB4476 Ba/F3 Mouse pro-B cell line derived from C3H strain. IL-3 dependent. Information
RCB4477 ACK2 Hybridoma cell line producing anti-mouse c-kit (CD117) antibody.
RCB4478 ACK4 Hybridoma cell line producing anti-mouse c-kit (CD117) antibody.
RCB4479 ACK30 Hybridoma cell line producing anti-mouse c-kit (CD117) antibody.
RCB4480 ACK45 Hybridoma cell line producing anti-mouse c-kit (CD117) antibody.
RCB4481 A7R34 Hybridoma cell line producing anti-mouse IL-7 Receptor alpha (CD127) antibody.
RCB4482 APA5 Hybridoma cell line producing anti-mouse PDGF Receptor alpha (CD140a) antibody.
RCB4483 APB5 Hybridoma cell line producing anti-mouse PDGF Receptor beta (CD140b) antibody.
RCB4484 Avas12 Hybridoma cell line producing anti-mouse Flk-1/VEGF-Receptor 2 (CD309) antibody.
RCB4485 A2F10 Hybridoma cell line producing anti-mouse Flk-2/Flt-3 (CD135) antibody.
RCB4486 AFS98 Hybridoma cell line producing anti-mouse c-fms (CD115) antibody.
RCB4487 ACD1 Hybridoma cell line producing anti-mouse CDK4 antibody.
RCB4488 AFL4 Hybridoma cell line producing anti-mouse VEGF-Receptor 3 antibody.Application consideration
RCB4489 MB86 Hybridoma cell line producing anti-mouse IgM(b)/Igh6b antibody.
RCB4498 NP 2 Human cell line derived from anaplastic glioma.
RCB4499 Onda 10 Human cell line derived from anaplastic glioma.
RCB4500 Onda 11 Human cell line derived from glioblastoma.
RCB4504 NP 3 Human cell line derived from anaplastic glioma.
RCB4505 NP 5 Human cell line derived from anaplastic glioma.
RCB4516 STIM2^(-/-)DT40 A subline of avian cell line, DT40, lacking STIM2 gene.
RCB4517 STIM1^(-/-)STIM2^(-/-)DT40 A subline of avian cell line, DT40, lacking both STIM1 and STIM2 genes.
RCB4518 Orai1^(-/-)DT40 A subline of avian cell line, DT40, lacking Orai1 gene.
RCB4519 Orai2^(-/-)DT40 A subline of avian cell line, DT40, lacking Orai2 gene.
RCB4548 PT-r Rat cell line derived from parathyroid gland.
RCB4561 MOLT-17 Human cell line derived from T cell leukemia (T-ALL). ACC 36 (Deposited from DMSZ.).
RCB4563 TSt-4/N-DLL4 Original murine mesenchymal cell line was derived from fetal thymus tissue. A line Expressing DLL4 gene.
RCB4592 r/mHM-SFME-1 Comment.
RCB4593 CALM WT MEF CALM non-deficient MEF cells. Tranformed with SV40 large T antigen gene.¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡
RCB4594 CALM KO MEF CALM deficient MEF cells. Tranformed with SV40 large T antigen gene.
RCB4623 Ba/ER Ba/ER was created by stable transfection of murine pro-B Ba/F3 cells with a murine erythropoietin receptor gene. Ba/ER proliferates dependent on erythropoietin or interleukin-3.
RCB4627 KUP5 An immortalized mouse Kupffer cell line established from C57BL/6 strain. The Kupffer cells were proliferated in the mixed primary culture of C57BL/6 ***** mouse liver cells, then infected with a replication-deficient retroviral vector containing the human c-myc oncogene and neomycin resistance gene, isolated and selected with G418 (cloned by a limited dilution).
RCB4635 #16-15 Hybridoma cell line producing anti-human BEND3 antibody (rat IgM).
RCB4662 HCT116 CMV-OsTIR1 This is an HCT116 cell line in which CMV-OsTIR1 (pMK232, PURO) was introduced at the both alleles of the AAVS1 locus by using CRISPR/Cas.This parental cell line consitutively express OsTIR1 and can be used for generation of AID mutants.
RCB4676 HeLa/Fucci(CA)2 A subline of the HeLa cell line expressing FucciCA, a cell cycle marker. Important notice regarding nomenclature of Fucci.
RCB4680 MS-5 Mouse stromal cell line which supports hematopoietic cells.
RCB4681 MS-K Murine cell line derived from sarcoma.
RCB4693 ChR2-C2C12 A subline of the murine C2C12 cell line¡¡(RCB0987) which stably expresses¡¡channelrhodopsin 2-Venus (ChR2-Venus), one of light-gated cation channels derived from a green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, tagged with a fluorescent protein, Venus.
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