热烈祝贺立特电子荣获美国DETCON 2014年全球销售前三名奖项
本奖项是基于贵司在2014年的销售回款业绩以及贵司在IST集团下各个品牌产品的销售推广工作力度而设立. IST集团领导层十分认可贵司在产品营销方面的努力工作和对IST集团的贡献,对此深表谢意。
I hereby extend my congratulations to your company receiving the following award from IST.
LESC, China, Detcon (Best Integration – Top 3)
As you may not know, this is an award that we provide to partners/ distributors whom we believe contributed the most to our success during the year – 2014.
This award are based on your sales figures, integration effort for the various brands we have etc. It is a huge contribution that deserves our recognition.
IST management take this opportunity to recognize you and thank you for your excellent work and consistent effort.