- 入驻时间: 2004-08-24
- 联系人:魏巍
- 电话:021-55390673
- Email:857975765@qq.com
Features 台湾合泰(Holtek)中国区技术支持电话,上海盛扬:021-64855560,深圳盛扬: 0755-83465589,北京盛扬: 010-66410030 成都盛扬:028-66536590
- Two 16-bit programmable Timer/Event Counter
- Real time clock (RTC)
- Watchdog Timer (WDT)
Supported for HT95L400/40P, HT95L300/30P, HT95L200/20P, HT95L100/10P
Supported for HT95L400/40P, HT95L300/30P, HT95L200/20P, HT95L100/10P
- LCD contrast can be adjusted by software or external resistor
- Support two LCD frame frequency 64Hz, 128Hz
- Support 16 or 8 common driver pins
- Some segments or commons can option to bidirectional I/O lines: 24 seg.×16 com.
100-pin QFP package