  • 产品名称:小鼠肾小管上皮细胞

  • 产品型号:小鼠肾小管上皮细胞
  • 产品厂商:原代细胞/细胞系
  • 产品价格:0
  • 折扣价格:0
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Renal proximal tubular epithelial cells (RPTEpiC) play a crucial role in renal function. They reabsorb nearly all the glucose and amino acids in the glomerular filtrate, while allowing substances of no nutritional value to be excreted into the urine. They are also a major site of injury in a variety of congenital, metabolic, and inflammatory diseases. RPTEpiC can produce inflammatory mediators, such as cytokines or chemokines, and actively participate in acute inflammatory processes by affecting and directing leukocyte chemotaxis via the production of IL-8 [1, 2]. RPTEpiC express IL-2R alpha and MHC class II antigens during inflammation, after renal transplantation, and during crescentic glomerulonephritis, suggesting that these cells have the capacity to participate in the pathogenesis of immune renal injury [3]. To study the relationship between proximal tubular cells and a variety of renal diseases, the RPTEpiC culture is a useful in vitro model. .

MRPTEpiC from ScienCell Research Laboratories are isolated from postnatal day 2 mouse kidney. MRPTEpiC are cryopreserved at passage one and delivered frozen. Each vial contains >5 x 10^5 cells in 1 ml volume. MRPTEpiC are characterized by immunofluorescence with antibodies specific to cytokeratin-18, -19, and vimentin. MRPTEpiC are negative for mycoplasma, bacteria, yeast, and fungi. MRPTEpiC are guaranteed to further culture under the conditions provided by ScienCell Research Laboratories; however, MRPTEpiC are not recommended for long-term cultures due to limited expansion capacity and senescence after subculturing.

Recommended Medium

It is recommended to use Epithelial Cell Medium-animal (EpiCM-a, Cat. No. 4131) for expanding MRPTEpiC in vitro.

Product Use

MRPTEpiC are for research use only. It is not approved for human or animal use, or for application in in vitro diagnostic procedures.


Directly and immediately transfer cells from dry ice to liquid nitrogen upon receiving and keep the cells in liquid nitrogen until cell culture is needed for experiments.


Dry ice.


[1] van Kooten, C., van der Linde, X., Woltman, A. M., van Es, L. A. and Daha, M. R. (1999) Synergistic effect of interleukin-1 and CD40L on the activation of human renal tubular epithelial cells. Kidney Int 56(1):41-51.

[2]Schmouder, R. L., Strieter, R. M., Wiggins, R. C., Chensue, S. W. and Kunkel, S. L. (1992 ) In vitro and in vivo interleukin-8 production in human renal cortical epithelia. Kidney Int 41(1):191-8.

[3] Wuthrich, R. P., Glimcher, L. H., Yui, M. A., Jevnikar, A. M., Dumas, S. E. and Kelley, V. E. (1990) MHC class II, antigen presentation and tumor necrosis factor in renal tubular epithelial cells. Kidney Int 37(2):783-92.

1. 弃去培养液,用PBS(不含钙,镁离子)洗1-2次。
2. 加1ml消化液(0.25%Trypsin-0.53mM EDTA)于培养瓶中,小鼠肾小管上皮细胞倒转放于37度培养箱1-3分钟预热,然后又将培养瓶倒转大约30秒后,在倒置显微镜下观察细胞消化情况,若细胞大部分变圆分散,轻敲几下培养培养瓶,细胞随即脱落下来。
3. 加入6-8ml完全培养基,吸出,分到新的培养瓶中。1:3~1:6传代;2~3天1次。 

冻存方法:   冻存液:基础培养基+5%DMSO+20%FBS 
小鼠肾小管上皮细胞其它细胞系展示表:Chang Liver 张氏肝细胞 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
QSG-7701 小肝细胞 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
H.A. 羊膜细胞 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
293 Ad5DNA转化的胚肾细胞 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
WISH 羊膜细胞 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
CV-1(M) 非洲绿猴肾 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
EBTr 牛胚气管 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
VERO 非洲绿猴肾 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
MDBK 牛肾细胞 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
HepII 猴肾 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
COS-1 SV40转化的非洲绿猴肾 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
COS-7 SV40转化的非洲绿猴肾 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
LLC-MK2 恒河猴肾 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
MLA-144 长臂猿**瘤 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
B95-8 EBV转化的绒猴白细胞 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
NISE-Sacy-12 蓖麻蚕卵细胞 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
ZC-7901 草鱼吻端细胞 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
RF/6A 猴脉络膜-视网膜细胞(内皮) 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
Mv1Lu 貂肺上皮细胞 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
Pcc4 胚癌细胞 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
EL4 **瘤 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
EL4IL-2 **瘤 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
P815 肥大细胞瘤 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
YAC-1 **瘤 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
MFC 前胃癌 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
L1210 **白血病 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
AtT20 垂体瘤 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
P388D1 **样瘤 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
NS-1 骨髓瘤 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
SP2/0 骨髓瘤 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
SRS-82 腹水瘤 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
P3-NS-1/1-Ag4.1 骨髓瘤 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
SAC-IIB2 腹水瘤 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
SAC-IIC3 腹水瘤 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
45.6.TG1.7 骨髓瘤 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
S180 腹水瘤 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
P3-X63-Ag8 骨髓瘤 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周

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