The Leica CM1510 S is the best-value cryostat available for all cryo- and critical applications such as Mohs surgery.
The CM1510 S allows rapid freezing and sectioning of skin cancer in multiple thin layers. Time is crucial when sectioning frozen specimens - An actively cooled quick freezing shelf with defrost function and a powerful refrigeration system are provided to get rapid results.
In a minimum of time, the specimen can be clamped and oriented with the easy-to-use orientation system.
Coarse feed motorized in two speeds in each direction allows fast approach of the specimen to the knife, which saves time, especially when used during trimming.
Actively cooled, 10-position freezing shelf, with lowest possible temperature of - 45°C and convenient, on-demand, manual defrost saves time.
Handwheel lockable in upper position support protection from injury when in locked position.