The RM2245 is a semi-motorized rotary microtome, designed for routine and research applications in histopathology and industrial quality assurance laboratories.
Manual sectioning is enhanced by a high-precision motorized specimen feed, which results in efficient operation with maximum section quality and reproducibility.
Choose between conventional, full-handwheel rotation, manual sectioning or "rocking mode", where the handwheel is turned back and forth over a short distance. The instrument has been specially designed for the experienced user who prefers manual over motorized sectioning.
High precision specimen feeding via stepper motor provides consistent section quality for sensitive staining methods.
The large 70mm vertical stroke allows sectioning of super mega cassettes and also supports safer specimen changing due to the greater distance to the knife edge.
Patented adjustable handwheel balance system protects the specimen because the object head does not drop into the knife when sectioning is stopped.
The optional 8° X/Y precision orientation system with calibrated controls helps to quickly orient already cut specimens (re-cuts). The system then rapidly returns the exact zero position, which is marked by two red indicators.