The Leica SM2500 large-scale, heavy-duty sectioning system is the standard microtome for sectioning hard and/or large-surface specimens.
Large specimens up to 250 x 200 mm and hard materials such as bones and teeth embedded in methyl-methacrylate can be sectioned. Typical medical research applications include the sectioning of whole organs such as brain or lung embedded in paraffin.
The wide range of accessories, especially designed for paraffin, celloidine or resin embedded specimens make the Leica SM2500 the ideal instrument for both routine and research applications.
Maximum specimen size of 250 x 200 mm and hard materials such as bones and teeth embedded in methyl-methacrylate can be sectioned, resulting in specimen sectioning flexibility.
Motorized knife holder feeding allows sectioning of large and hard specimens such as calcified bone embedded in resin, resulting in consistent section quality of hard specimens.
The precise photo position of the Leica SM 2500 allows complete photo documentation of all desired levels of the cut block surface, making it possible to reconstruct a three-dimensional image of the specimen.