YFT seriessmart pressure anemometer
YFT type smart pressure anemometeris a multi-functional instrument basically for micro differentialpressure measurement, with the additional function of temperatureand static pressure measurement. For user’s convenience, wind speedand volume calculation has added. It’s a portable, smart andmulti-function device widely used in field as heating, ventilating,air conditioning, environment protection, energy conservation,meteorology, agriculture, refrigeration, drying, sanitary surveyand etc.
温度(Temperature):量程(Range) -100℃—200 ℃
精度(Accuracy)±1% ,±0.5℃
静压(Static pressure):量程 (Range) -6KPa—6 KPa
精度(Accuracy)≥0Kpa 时,±1% 满量程(at pressure)
<0Kpa 时,±1.5%满量程(at pressure)
差压(Differential pressure):量程(Range 0—1000 Pa
精度(Accuracy):±1%满量程(at pressure)
外形尺寸(Size):187 × 84 × 46 mm
引压管长度(Probe length):≯3 米
重量(Weight):≯1 Kg