Mainly used in dyeing fibre products of friction resistance fastness of evaluation and judgement. Use dry or wet on the machine of calico pierced the friction surface to certain mallet load and frequency, friction non-ferrous specimens, compared with gray mark, after evaluating dyeing friction coptidis thizoma level. Also as organic solvent of friction test.
测试样品数: 6组,配置200克与500克两套测试头
运动曲线: 弧形, (曲面半径200㎜)
摩擦速度: 30cpm
摩擦槌荷重: 2N
往復距離: 120㎜
摩擦槌尺寸: 2cm×2cm(R)45×50mm
白棉布污染面积: 1c㎡
摩擦子形状: 曲面形(曲面半径45㎜)
计数器: LCD液晶显示,0~999,999
体积: 55×55×35cm
重量: 60kg
胡云香: 职位:经理 电话: 传真: 邮箱 Q Q:63765035 邮政:523808 地址:松山湖高新技术产业开发区科技九路1号 官网: