1. 试片:L38×W6×D2mm(塑胶);L40×W6×D2mm(橡胶)(切试片刀客户自备)
2. 温度范围:常温~-70℃
3. 温度精度:±0.1℃
4. 输入信号:Pt100
5. 制冷方式:压缩机制冷
6. 升温方式:温控器+SSR+电热管
7. 冲击锤线速度:2±0.2m/s
8. 撞击器半径:1.6±0.1mm(R)
9. 冲击头与夹具间距:6.4±0.2mm
10. 夹具:4排,每排可以夹5个试片
11. 电源:3∮ AC380V 50Hz10A
12. 附件:内六角扳手一把(安装试片用)
1. GB/T 5470-2008 塑料 冲击法脆化温度的测定
2. GB/T 15256-1994 硫化橡胶低温脆性的测定(多试样法)
3. HG/T 2-162-1965 塑料低温冲击压缩试验方法
4. ISO 812-2006 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶—低温脆性的测定
5. ASTM D 746-2007 用冲击法测定塑料及弹性材料脆化温度的试验方法
6. ASTM D 2137-1994 橡胶特性的试验方法.挠性聚合物及涂层织物的脆化点
7. JIS K 6723-2006 增塑聚氯乙烯化合物
8. JIS K 7216-1980 塑料脆化温度的测试方法
Brittleness Temperature Tester (Compressor Refrigeration)
Model: SZ-6603B
This machine is designed for determining brittleness of the wire jacket or vulcanized rubber at a low temperature. It is impacted at a linear speed of 2±0.2m/s by a dart after a specimen fixed to the test device is soaked into a medium at low temperature for 5 minutes. The specimen is then checked for cracks, crevices, small holes and fragments at the lowest temperature.
Using the compressor, this machine can reduce temperature rapidly. The lowest temperature is up to-70℃. The temperature is highly controllable. The liquid heat transfer medium in the low temperature tank can be stirred by the stirring motor so as to obtain a better uniform temperature.
Totally 20 specimens divided into 4 sets can be tested each time. You check the lowest temperature at which the brittle failure occurs after each set of specimens is impacted by the automatic rotation clamp.
Ⅰ Test Standard:
1. GB/T 5470-2008 塑料 冲击法脆化温度的测定
2. GB/T 15256-1994 硫化橡胶低温脆性的测定(多试样法)
3. HG/T 2-162-1965 塑料低温冲击压缩试验方法
4. ISO 812-2006 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶—低温脆性的测定
5. ASTM D 746-2007 用冲击法测定塑料及弹性材料脆化温度的试验方法
6. ASTM D 2137-1994 橡胶特性的试验方法.挠性聚合物及涂层织物的脆化点
7. JIS K 6723-2006 增塑聚氯乙烯化合物
8. JIS K 7216-1980 塑料脆化温度的测试方法
Ⅱ Specifications:
1. Model: SZ-6603B
2. Size of Specimen: L38×W6×D2mm(Plastic); L40×W6×D2mm(Rubber)
3. Temp.Range: Room temp.~-70℃
4. Temp. Resolution: ±0.1℃
5. Input Signal: Pt100
6. Cooling Way: Compressor refrigeration
7. Temp. Control: Temperature controller, SSR and electric heater
8. Striking Linear Speed: 2±0.2m/s
9. Impacter Radius: 1.6±0.1mm(R)
10. Impact head and Jig Spacing: 6.4±0.2mm
11. Jig: 4 rows, Each line can be clipped 5 test pieces
12. Power: 3∮ AC380V 50Hz 10A
1. 至现场免费安装、调试,并培训2~5名操作人员,达到熟练操作水平;
2. 保修壹年,终身维修服务。壹年后如需更换零配件只核收成本费;
3. 开通电话服务专线,24小时内回复用户,72小时内上门调试维修;
4. 定期上门巡回服务,检查仪器运行状况,对仪器进行维护和保养;
5. 长期为用户免费提供产品使用说明书、维护咨询、技术咨询等服务;
6. 针对使用电脑软件控制的仪器,可定期免费提供软件升级和技术支持。