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> Yokogawa Zero Gas Cylinder E7050BA


Yokogawa Zero Gas Cylinder E7050BA[产品打印页面]

Yokogawa Zero Gas Cylinder E7050BA
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  • 产品名称:Yokogawa Zero Gas Cylinder E7050BA
  • 产品型号:E7050BA
  • 产品展商:Yokogawa
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Yokogawa Zero Gas Cylinder E7050BA, Yokogawa Zero Gas Cylinder E7050BA, Yokogawa Oxygen Sensor Spart Parts

Manufacturer: Yokogawa Electric Corporation

Yokogawa Zero Gas Cylinder E7050BA

Yokogawa Oxygen Sensor Spart Parts
Plate E7042BR
Filter Screen/Filter Assembly E7042AY
Cell Assembly E7042UD (ZR01A01-01)
Washer E7042DW
Contact Spring E7042BS

Flame Arrestor K9477EA
Cell Parts (No cell) K9119EN
Calibration Tube/Pipe K9470BM
Cal Gas Tube Assembly K9470ZK
Metal O-Ring K9470BJ

Bolt G7109YC

Installation Parts M1263CB-A
Hastelloy Bolt M1234DK
316SS Washer M1200DF

Ejector Assembly: E7046EC, E7046EN

Dust Filter K9471UA
Dust Guard Protector K9471UC

Probe Protector ZO21R
Standard Gas Unit ZO21S
Dust Protector ZH21B 

Flow Setting Unit ZA8F
Automatic Calibration Unit ZR40H (for Separate type)
Automatic Calibration Unit ZR20H (for Integrated type)

Stop Valve:  L9852CB, G7016XH,  K9470ZN, G7209XA
Yokogawa Zero Gas Cylinder E7050BA
Check Valve:  K9292DN, K9292DS

Air Set: G7003XF, K9473XK, G7004XF, K9473XG

Zero Gas Cylinder G7001ZC

Pressure Regulator: G7013XF, G7014XF 

Case Assembly of Calibration Gas Cylinder: E7044KF 

Tool K9471UX

Heater Assembly ZR22A, ZR202A 

ZR402G Standard Accessories:
3.15 A Fuse A1113EF
Bracket F9554AL
Screws for Bracket: F9123GF
Yokogawa Zero Gas Cylinder E7050BA
ZR22G Standard Accessories: 
Allen wrench  L9827AB

ZR202G Standard Accessories: 
3.15 A Fuse A1113EF
Allen wrench  L9827AB

Yokogawa Zero Gas Cylinder E7050BA
High Temperature Probes (Spare Parts): Model ZO21P-H Zirconia Oxygen Analyzer High Temperature Probe Adaptor
K9292TP Probe (SiC, L=0.5m)
E7046CF Probe (SiC, L=0.6m)
K9292TQ Probe (SiC, L=0.7m)
E7046CG  Probe (SiC, L=0.8m)
E7046CH Probe (SiC, L=0.9m)
E7046AL Probe (SiC, L=1.0m)
E7046BB Probe (SiC, L=1.5m)
K9292TV Probe (SUS, L=0.5m)
E7046CR Probe (SUS, L=0.6m)
K9292TW Probe (SUS, L=0.7m)
E7046CS Probe (SUS, L=0.8m
E7046CT Probe (SUS, L=0.9m
E7046AP Probe (SUS, L=1.0m
E7046AQ Probe (SUS, L=1.5m
Yokogawa Zero Gas Cylinder E7050BA
E7046FA Probe Adaptor (for JIS 5K-50-FF)
E7046FE Probe Adaptor (for ANSI CLASS150-4-RF)
E7046FK Probe Adaptor (for DIN PN10-DN50-A)
E7046FD Probe Adaptor (for JIS 10K-100-FF)
E7046FC Probe Adaptor (for JIS 10K-80-FF)
E7046FB Probe Adaptor (for JIS 10K-65-FF)
E7046FG Probe Adaptor (for ANSI CLASS150-3-RF)
E7046FF Probe Adaptor (for ANSI CLASS150-2 1/2-RF)
E7046FJ Probe Adaptor (for JPI CLASS150-4-RF)
E7046FH Probe Adaptor (for JPI CLASS150-3-RF)

E7046FQ Gasket
E7046FN Plate
Y9825NU Bolt
Y9800WU Washer
G7073XL Gasket

Y9630RU Bolt
Y9121BU Nut
Y9120WU Washer
Y9801BU Nut

Yokogawa Zero Gas Cylinder E7050BA

Spart Parts for Model ZO21P-H
Part No.  Description
E7046EC   Auxiliary Ejector Assembly, Connection Rc1/4
E7046EN   Auxiliary Ejector Assembly, Connection 1/4 NPT
L9852CB   Needle Valve, Connection Rc1/4
G7016XH   Needle Valve, Connection 1/4NPT
E7046EK   Pressure Gauge, Connection Rc1/4
E7046EV   Pressure Gauge, Connection 1/4NPT
E7046ED   Ejector, Connection Rc1/4
E7046EP   Ejector, Connection 1/4NPT
E7046EF   Nozzle Assembly, Tube Connection Ø6хØ4 tube
E7046ER   Nozzle Assembly, Tube Connection 1/4 inch tube
G7031XA   Tee, Connection Rc1/4
E7046EJ   Reducing nipple, Connection R1/4

K9473XC  Flowmeter

Spare Parts for Model ZO21S

E7050AU  Pump

E7050AV   Pump

E7050BA  Zero Gas Cylinder (x6 pcs)

E7050BJ   Needle Valve

Spare Parts - Gas Density
M1233ZP Pressure Regulator on the M1233ZM Sample Panel
M1233ZQ Dual Scale Flowmeter on the M1233ZM Sample Panel
M1233ZR-0 Coalescing Filter Assembly for M1233ZA
M1233ZR-02 Filter for M1133ZR-0
M1234SG-A 1/2 Inch Conduit Union
Spare Parts - Liquid Density
K9000ZG VD6 /DM8, Pt 1000 Resistor (Detector)
K9000ZS VD6 /DM8, Main Board Assembly
K9000ZU VD6, DM8, CPU Board Assembly
K9000ZW VD6,DM8, Display Board Assembly
K9008BG VD6 / DM8, O-Ring for Flow Cell Assembly
K9008CA VD6/ DM8, Glass Window Assembly
K9008MA VD6 / DM8, Converter
K9008XA VD6 /DM8, Photo Cell Assembly
K9008ZD VD6/ DM8,Filter Cartridge
