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     昆山锦宏中环仪器设备有限公司公司总部位于台湾省台北树林市,于2000在江苏省昆山经济开发区新建路设厂,是一家集研发, 销售和客服于一体的系统化的综合性台资公司.专业从事工业测定仪器,精密量具量仪及相关工业机械设备销售和研发.  

     公司自成立以来,始终以质优,价廉,诚信,快速,高效为宗旨,本着"以人为本,全心全意为客户服务"的全新理念,将满足客户的需要为己任,替客户排忧解难,不断增强企业综合竞争力.优质的产品为我们赢得了更多的市场份额.为了满足客户多方面的要求和不断提升的技术的需要, 我们对我们每一产品负责的态度帮我们成功赢得了客户高度的信任.通过专业的产品运用的培训, 我们的销售工程师能给客户提供最为实用的专业咨询, 维修工程师能提供更有成效的跟踪售后服务.同时完善的购销网络为客户及时提供各种精密的测量仪器及相关的耗材.   



Kunshan Jinhong Instruments Ltd., founded in 2000, the company headquarters is located in the Kunshan Economic Development Area, Changjiang North road, Set is a research and development, marketing and customer service in the systematic integration of a comprehensive Taiwan-funded companies. Determination of professionals engaged in industrial equipment, precision measuring tools related to the onset of industrial machinery and equipment sales and research and development.

Since its inception, has a reputation for product quality, cheap, integrity, fast and efficient for the purpose of the "people-centered, committed to customer service "as a new concept, which will meet the needs of its clients and will help customers solve problems constantly enhance overall competitiveness. Quality products for us to win more market share. In order to meet the requirements of various customers and continuously upgrade technology , We each of us is responsible for the products and help us successfully won a high degree of customer confidence. through professional use of the products training, our sales engineers will give customers the most practical professional advice, maintenance engineers can provide more effective follow-up after-sales service. Meanwhile sound marketing network to customers in a timely manner to provide precision The measurement instruments and related consumables.

We are with the greatest enthusiasm, the latest idea to provide clients with the most complete service and the most superior price of the products