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皓鹰测控 致力于生产力和制造业的不断提高发展。这种对于工业领域的压力温度控制的能力对不断提高生产力和制造上等产品是至关重要的。我们设计理念必须保持其预见性,持续性和重复性。在迅速变化的工业领域里,皓鹰测控通过对设计,和生产过程控制设备的持续改进而献身于工业自动化和生产的发展。皓鹰测控对满足当今制造领域变化多样的需求做出承诺。


皓鹰测控的客户包括财富500强企业,政府机构,综合部门和分销商等涉及制造业和工业的不同市场需求。皓鹰测控的产品用于工业过程控制方面多种需求,主要包括:塑料机械、化纤机械、石油化工、水处理工程、发电厂、航空航天、空压机械、空调、汽车,塑料,包装。医疗,电子,化工,橡胶,纺织和食品包装等多个领域应用。我们所有的客户有一个共同的需求,即从可信赖的公司获得可信赖的产品。我们的产品在意大利,美国,德国,加拿大,英国,奥地利,马来西亚,印度,巴基斯坦,新加坡,日本,澳大利亚等二十多个国家的多 个工业领域成功应用,这一点证明了我们拥有可靠的产品和上等的服务。



美国Dynisco,意大利GEFRAN,日本 RKC,日本长野计器(NKS)


更多信息请访问我公司网站 http://www.haoyingsensor.com


  About us

Shanghai HaoYing Measurement & Control Technology Co., Ltd, located in XinZhuang industrial Park, provides HaoYing Brand transducers, transmitters and automotive control instrumentation, which fulfills the requirement of process control in the industry. HaoYing’s product is consist of 46 series including pressure transducer/transmitter, automobile pressure sensor, temperature transducer, melt pressure transducer/transmitter, melt pressure gauge, rupture disc, pressure calibrating equipment, temperature indicator, intelligent digital pressure indicator and integrated automotive controlling system. With the idea of continuous innovation, high quality and integrity HaoYing is on its way to become a world famous enterprise of sensing and controlling


Company tenet

HaoYing M&C dedicates in the continuous development on production capacity which is of vital importance on maintaining product quality and boosting sustainable development of our company. Under the idea of predictability, persistency and repeatability HaoYing constantly improve their design and production process to meet the challenge of the fast-changing industry.

To emphasize our commitment of quality and reputation HaoYing claims that all of the production process and product design are in accordance with ISO9001:2000CE standard.


Client resources

HaoYing’s Client covers world top-500 enterprises, government departments, trading companies which of those occupied different markets in manufacturing and other industry. HaoYing’s products are used in various applications including plastic-rubber machine, fiber machine, petrochemical industry, sewage disposal, power plant, aerospace equipment, compressor, air-conditioner, automobile, packing machine, medical apparatus, food processor, etc.

It is the same demanding of every client to purchase from a reliable company. HaoYing’s products are currently exported more than 20 countries including Italy, U.S.A, Germany, Canada, U.K., Austria, Malaysia, India, Singapore, Japan, Korea, Australia, etc and successfully applied in many industrial fields, which could be a strong proof of HaoYing’s products and good services. HaoYing’s products would be your best choice for OEM application.



We are specialized in pressure and temperature     

                 measurement and control technology.