YOKOGAWA(横河)272200|272300高精度直流电位差计 产地: 日本 厂商: 日本横河 YOKOGAWA 2722/2723 高精度直流电位差计 2722及2723为高质量的电位差计。2722可量测介于10mV到1.6V的电压降并且提供达0.01%的**度。2723则可量测0.1uV到111mV的电位差。 **度:0.01% 按钮及旋钮操作,操作简易。 内部阻抗:18Ω到125Ω
Precision DC Potentiometer #272200
Models 2722 and 2723 are high-quality DC potentiometers. Utmost care has been taken in the selection of materials, components, and circuit design to insure high accuracy and stability. These potentiometers are recommended for use in test rooms and laboratories as secondary standard instruments or in work shops and inspection departments of factories for fine checking. Model 2723 is especially designed for low-voltage measurement from O.1μ V to 111 mV at an accuracy of 0.01% in five or six digits.
Precision DC Potentiometer #272300
Models 2722 and 2723 are high-quality DC potentiometers. Utmost care has been taken in the selection of materials, components, and circuit design to insure high accuracy and stability. These potentiometers are recommended for use in test rooms and laboratories as secondary standard instruments or in work shops and inspection departments of factories for fine checking. Model 2722 measures voltages from 10 mV to 1.6V at an accuracy of 0.01% in five or six digits.