High precision dosing The DOSATRON water powered dosing pump is a simple and ingenious system that has demonstrated its worth for more than 30 years in about a hundred countries.Installed directly in the water supply line, the Dosatron operates without electricity ; it uses the flow of water as the power source. The water activates the Dosatron, which takes up the required percentage of concentrate and injects it into the water. Inside the Dosatron, the concentrate is mixed with the water, and the water pressure forces the solution downstream. Once adjusted, the dispenser requires no action or external control . The dose of concentrate will be directly proportional to the volume of water entering the Dosatron, regardless of variations in flow and pressure which may occur in the main line.The high dosing precision eliminates all risks of overdosing, thus contributing to respecting the environment.
应用范围(所有需要定比稀释液体的领域):◆ 园艺行业:花卉/果蔬等施肥、储存、病虫害控制;◆ 畜牧行业:鸡/鸭/牛/猪等畜禽的定比加药喂食等;◆ 工业领域:化工、金属加工、火药、钢铁、消防等行业 除味/冷却/润滑/等特殊溶剂的定比稀释;◆ 其他行业:洗车/印刷/医院/酒业等。◆ 对于强酸强碱等特殊应用,有特殊型号备选。
◆ 园艺行业:花卉/果蔬等施肥、储存、病虫害控制;
◆ 畜牧行业:鸡/鸭/牛/猪等畜禽的定比加药喂食等;
◆ 工业领域:化工、金属加工、火药、钢铁、消防等行业
◆ 其他行业:洗车/印刷/医院/酒业等。
◆ 对于强酸强碱等特殊应用,有特殊型号备选。
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