潜水曝气机:the water surface. The drawn air and liquid are mixed and discharged at a high pressure. This innovative mechanism contributes to highly efficient dissolution of oxygen. Air·inletBoremmModelMotorOutputkWStartingMethodSpeed(S.S.)50Hz/60Hzmin-IImpellerPassage50Hz/60HzmmMax.WaterDepthmAir Flow Rate _ *1MaxWater Depth50/60Hzm3/ h No. ofOutletsDry *2WeightkgsCabtyre CableNo. ofCables200 - 240 V 380 - 575 V Cores xmm2OuterDia.mmCores xmm2OuterDia.mmLengthmMaterial3232TRN2.750.75D.O.L.3000/3600103.57/865514 x 1.25 11.14 x 1.25 11.16PVC3232TRN21.51.5D.O.L.3000/3600123.520/1765514 x 1.25 11.14 x 1.25 11.16PVC5050TRN42.22.2D.O.L.1500/1800123.639/38614014 x 2.0 11.84 x 2.0 11.86PVC5050TRN43.73.7D.O.L.1500/1800124.055/60615014 x 3.5 13.94 x 2.0 11.86PVC5050TRN45.55.5D.O.L.1500/1800154.078/79617014 x 3.5 14.14 x 3.5 14.18ChloropreneRubber8080TRN47.57.5D.O.L.1500/1800154.5124/112619014 x 5.5 16.84 x 5.5 16.88ChloropreneRubber8080TRN41212Star-Delta1500/1800156.0157/155620034 x 3.514.14 x 3.514.1 ChloropreneRubber3 x 3.512.93 x 3.512.982 x 1.259.82 x 1.259.8 8080TRN41717Star-Delta1500/1800156.0202/220622034 x 5.516.84 x 5.516.8 ChloropreneRubber3 x 5.515.23 x 5.515.282 x 1.259.82 x 1.259.8 100100TRN42424Star-Delta1500/1800226.0388/342846034 x 1421.74 x 1421.7 ChloropreneRubber3 x 1419.73 x 1419.7102 x 1.259.82 x 1.259.8 150150TRN44040Star-Delta1500/1800256.0528/506863534 x 2228.84 x 1421.7 ChloropreneRubber3 x 2226.13 x 1419.710 2 x 1.259.82 x 1.259.8