在这篇文章中,研究人员发现效应蛋白HopF2直接作用于拟南芥的激酶MAP kinasekinases(MKKs),并在后者的C末端Arg313饰以ADP-ribose。突变体分析表明HopF2与MKK的作用对前者的毒性功能必不可少。结果还揭示了MKK的C末端对其功能的重要作用。
今年3月周俭民博士研究组还在《Cell Host µbe》杂志上发表文章,发现了丁香假单胞菌(Pseudomonassyringae)效应蛋白AvrPto干扰植物**信号途径的分子机理。这一研究揭示了AvrB干扰植物**,促进植物感病的一个新的信号通路。
研究人员发现在拟南芥中AvrB的这些功能依赖于MAP kinase 4(MPK4)、HSP90分子伴侣复合体以及AvrB互作蛋白RIN4。AvrB与HSP90蛋白复合体、MPK4互作,诱导了MPK4的磷素化。RIN4可能作用与MPK4的下游,是**酸信号途径的一个正调控因子。这些发现揭示了AvrB干扰植物**,促进植物感病的一个新的信号通路。
A Pseudomonas syringae ADP-Ribosyltransferase InhibitsArabidopsis Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Kinases.AbstractThe successful recognition of pathogen-associated molecularpatterns (PAMPs) as a danger signal is crucial for plants to fendoff numerous potential pathogenic microbes. The signal is relayedthrough mitogen-activated protein kinase (MPK) cascades to activatedefenses. Here, we show that the Pseudomonas syringae type IIIeffector HopF2 can interact with Arabidopsis thaliana MAP KINASEKINASE5 (MKK5) and likely other MKKs to inhibit MPKs andPAMP-triggered immunity. Inhibition of PAMP-induced MPKphosphorylation was observed when HopF2 was delivered naturally bythe bacterial type III secretion system. In addition, HopF2 Arg-71and Asp-175 residues that are required for the interaction withMKK5 are also necessary for blocking MAP kinase activation,PAMP-triggered defenses, and virulence function in plants. HopF2can inactivate MKK5 and ADP-ribosylate the C terminus of MKK5 invitro. Arg-313 of MKK5 is required for ADP-ribosylation by HopF2and MKK5 function in the plant cell. Together, these resultsindicate that MKKs are important targets of HopF2.