原文摘要:Perceptual Learning Improves Contrast Sensitivity of V1 Neurons inCatsBackgroundPerceptual learning has been documented in ***** humans over a widerange of tasks. Although the often-observed specificity of learningis generally interpreted as evidence for training-inducedplasticity in early cortical areas, physiological evidence fortraining-induced changes in early visual cortical areas is modest,despite reports of learning-induced changes of cortical activitiesin fMRI studies. To reveal the physiological bases of perceptuallearning, we combined psychophysical measurements withextracellular single-unit recording under anesthetized preparationsand examined the effects of training in grating orientationidentification on both perceptual and neuronal contrast sensitivityfunctions of cats.ResultsWe have found that training significantly improved perceptualcontrast sensitivity of the cats to gratings with spatialfrequencies near the trained spatial frequency, with strongereffects in the trained eye. Consistent with behavioral assessments,the mean contrast sensitivity of neurons recorded from V1 of thetrained cats was significantly higher than that of neurons recordedfrom the untrained cats. Furthermore, in the trained cats, thecontrast sensitivity of V1 neurons responding preferentially tostimuli presented via the trained eyes was significantly greaterthan that of neurons responding preferentially to stimuli presentedvia the untrained eyes. The effect was confined to the trainedspatial frequencies. In both trained and untrained cats, theneuronal contrast sensitivity functions derived from the contrastsensitivity of the individual neurons were highly correlated withbehaviorally determined perceptual contrast sensitivityfunctions.ConclusionsWe suggest that training-induced neuronal contrast gain in area V1underlies behaviorally determined perceptual contrast sensitivityimprovements.