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领导这一研究的是美国斯坦福大学医学院薛人望(Aaron J. W.Hsueh)教授,其早年毕业于台湾大学,现任美国斯坦福大学(StanfordUniversity)医学院生殖生物学部门主任,妇产科系终身教授、北京医学院(现北京大学医学院)荣誉教授、中国科学院生命科学研究所**科学家。2001年曾被美国科学情报研究所颁赠为“生物与生化论文被高度引用之学者”。



其他研究人员还包括日本秋田大学医学院川村和宏(Kazuhiro Kawamura)研究员和中国科学院动物研究所段恩奎研究员。




来自英国爱丁堡大学(University ofEdinburgh)的一位科学家认为,这是一项重要的原理论证。但也提醒道,在小鼠体内培养成熟人类卵子的方式很难评估人体实验的成功率。


Activation of dormant ovarian follicles to generate matureeggs

Although multiple follicles are present in mammalian ovaries, mostof them remain dormant for years or decades. During reproductivelife, some follicles are activated for development. Geneticallymodified mouse models with oocyte-specific deletion of genes in thePTEN-PI3K-Akt-Foxo3 pathway exhibited premature activation of alldormant follicles. Using an inhibitor of the Phosphatase withTENsin homology deleted in chromosome 10 (PTEN) phosphatase and aPI3K activating peptide, we found that short-term treatment ofneonatal mouse ovaries increased nuclear exclusion of Foxo3 inprimordial oocytes. After transplantation under kidney capsules ofovariectomized hosts, treated follicles developed to thepreovulatory stage with mature eggs displaying normal epigeneticchanges of imprinted genes. After in vitro fertilization and embryotransfer, healthy progeny with proven fertility were delivered.Human ovarian cortical fragments from cancer patients were alsotreated with the PTEN inhibitor. After xeno-transplantation toimmune-deficient mice for 6 months, primordial follicles developedto the preovulatory stage with oocytes capable of undergoingnuclear maturation. Major differences between male and femalemammals are unlimited number of sperm and paucity of matureoocytes. Thus, short-term in vitro activation of dormant ovarianfollicles after stimulation of the PI3K-Akt pathway allows thegeneration of a large supply of mature female germ cells for futuretreatment of infertile women with a diminishing ovarian reserve andfor cancer patients with cryo-preserved ovaries. Generation of alarge number of human oocytes also facilitates future derivation ofembryonic stem cells for regenerative medicine.