Science就此推出了“DealingwithData”的专题,解析在目前这个信息爆炸、数据井喷的时代里,如何进行数据的搜集、维护和使用。这一专题涉及分子生物学,神经生物学,化学等多个领域,其中在神经生物学领域,Akil教授就发表了题为“Challengesand Opportunities in Mining NeuroscienceData”(神经科学数据挖掘的挑战与机遇)的文章,Akil教授认为,脑科学的根本挑战在于解码关于人的复杂行为和功能的“神经剧本”,包括思维,记忆,行为和情感。这就需要获得并综合大量的、五花八门的、时空多尺度的数据。
Challenges and Opportunities in Mining Neuroscience DataUnderstanding the brain requires abroad range of approaches andmethods from the domains of biology,psychology, chemistry, physics,and mathematics. The fundamentalchallenge is to decipher the“neural choreography” associated withcomplex behaviors andfunctions, including thoughts, memories,actions, and emotions. Thisdemands the acquisition and integrationof vast amounts of data ofmany types, at multiple scales in timeand in space. Here we discussthe need for neuroinformaticsapproaches to accelerate progress,using several illustrativeexamples. The nascent field of“connectomics” aims tocomprehensively describe neuronalconnectivity at either amacroscopic level (in long-distancepathways for the entire brain)or a microscopic level (among axons,dendrites, and synapses in asmall brain region). The NeuroscienceInformation Framework (NIF)encompasses all of neuroscience andfacilitates the integration ofexisting knowledge and databases ofmany types. These examplesillustrate the opportunities andchallenges of data mining acrossmultiple tiers of neuroscienceinformation and underscore the needfor cultural and infrastructurechanges if neuroinformatics is tofulfill its potential to advanceour understanding of thebrain.