Pluripotency Factors in Embryonic Stem Cells RegulateDifferentiation into Germ LayersHighlightsLineage-specific expression patterns identify factors governinggerm layer fate choiceDynamics of ESC pluripotency factors Oct4 and Sox2 predict andcontrol cell fate choiceAltering Oct4 and Sox2 levels affects germ layer fate choiceModeling reveals that pluripotency circuit can integrate signals todetermine fateSummaryCell fate decisions are fundamental for development, but we do notknow how transcriptional networks reorganize during the transitionfrom a pluripotent to a differentiated cell state. Here, we askedhow mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) leave the pluripotent stateand choose between germ layer fates. By analyzing the dynamics ofthe transcriptional circuit that maintains pluripotency, we foundthat Oct4 and Sox2, proteins that maintain ESC identity, alsoorchestrate germ layer fate selection. Oct4 suppresses neuralectodermal differentiation and promotes mesendodermaldifferentiation; Sox2 inhibits mesendodermal differentiation andpromotes neural ectodermal differentiation. Differentiation signalscontinuously and asymmetrically modulate Oct4 and Sox2 proteinlevels, altering their binding pattern in the genome, and leadingto cell fate choice. The same factors that maintain pluripotencythus also integrate external signals and control lineage selection.Our study provides a framework for understanding how complextranscription factor networks control cell fate decisions inprogenitor cells.