OM-25B长臂板厚测量仪Over-arm Micrometer OM-25B 长臂板厚测量仪用于精密测量覆铜层压板、印制线路板和其它板材的厚度。数字式显示读数为小数点以后三位(0.001mm),为了保证**的读数,该机采用脚开关操作,以便操作者的双手可拿住被测材料进快速和**的测试。
具有双向RS232界面,可与电脑联系使用,任意在Excel里编报表及储藏,同时在超出偏差范围会自动发出警报提醒操作员。 The OM-25A Over-arm Micrometer is used for precise thickness measurements of laminates, printed circuit boards and other platens. The digital display provides readout to three decimal places. The machine is foot switch operated leaving both hands free to handle materials safely and rapidly to sure accurate readings.
测量范围(㎜): 0-25 开档距离(㎜): 25 分 辨 力(㎜): 0.001 测量精度(㎜): 0.001 测量深度(mm): 500 电 源: 220V,50HZ 单相