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日期:2025-02-23 04:15
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公司简介: 深圳市水湾远洋渔业有限公司成立于2000年3月,是一家获得《农业农村部远洋渔业资格》的捕捞企业。是广东省重点农业农头企业和深圳市农业产业化重点农业龙头企业,经营范围主要包括远洋捕捞、水产品加工、渔需品购销,拥有自营进出口权,是国内从事金枪鱼捕捞及超低温深加工的远洋公司之一。目前,公司共拥有22艘配备先进信息技术的远洋捕捞渔船,分组船队赴太平洋公海、东南亚地区、中东地区、非洲地区开展延绳钓、流刺网以及拖网等捕捞作业,品种有各类金枪鱼、墨鱼、鲳鱼、带鱼等,年产量近万吨。产品主要返销国内市场,部分销往日本以及欧美市场。公司注重现代化企业经营管理理念及国际化发展战略,并在马来西亚、莫桑比克、伊朗等国外设立了多个远洋渔业基地,为船队提供后勤补给服务及海外销售平台,以推动公司远洋渔业的持续发展。公司秉着“****,诚信为本”的宗旨,为消费者提供原生态、健康、上等的远洋海产品。二十一世纪是海洋的世纪,水湾愿与您携手共进,开拓蓝色海洋,铸造辉煌!
Company Profile: Established in March,2000, Shenzhen Shuiwan Pelagic Fisheries Limited Company is an enterprise with the recognization approved by Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. It is a key agricultural enterprise in Guangdong Province and the leading enterprises of agricultural industrialization in Shenzhen. With the license of import and export, the company engages in deep-sea fishing, sea food processing, trade of fishing material and other fishery materials, that is one of the domestic professional companies in tuna fishing, ultra-low temperature freezing and further.At present, we own 22 professional pelagic vessels equipped with high-tech facilities, which are committed to long-line tuna fishing, drift net and trawling in the Pacific High sea、 Southeast Asia、 Middle East and Africa. The fishery species include tuna, cuttlefish, pompano, ribbon fish, etc. Its production capacity is up to 10 thousand tons per year. Those products are now mainly trading within mainland China, while some of them exported to Japan and European countries. Concentrating on modern business administration and international development strategy, the company set up fishery bases in Malaysia、Mozambique and Iran, to supply services to vessels, widen overseas sales channels, and promote company’s sustainable development. The tenet of the company are Quality stands first and credit is as basic, promising to provide wild living seafood, healthy and high quality pelagic products. 21 century is the time of Ocean. Shuiwan wishes to seek cooperation of investment into ocean industry, with friends from all over the world to achieve resplendence!
金枪鱼 Tuna;大眼金枪鱼 Tuna-Bigeye;
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