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日期:2024-11-25 14:29
Country and region中国大陆公司简介:舟山宁泰远洋渔业有限公司成立于2009年8月,注册资金叁仟万元人民币,具有农业部颁发的远洋渔业企业资格证书。公司主营:船舶管理、远洋捕捞、冷藏运输、销售与贸易、仓储冷链。在部、省、市、区各级政府的大力支持下,经过几年的艰苦创业和稳步发展,公司从成立之初的9艘渔船已发展到拥有一支由60余艘组成的现代化远洋船队,其中鱿钓渔船49艘,全市首批的印度围网渔船2艘,配套远洋冷藏运输船9艘,公司拥有25000吨的储藏量的冷库。我司是目前国内*大的鱿钓及冷藏运输民营企业,更是拥有一支冷藏运输船队的民营公司。Company Profile:Zhoushan Ningtai Ocean Fishing Co., Ltd. was established in August 2009, with a registered capital of 30 million yuan and an ocean fishing enterprise qualification certificate issued by the Ministry of Agriculture. The company's primary operations include ship management, ocean fishing, refrigerated transportation, sales and trade, as well as cold chain storage. With strong support from government authorities at all levels - including the ministry, province, city and district - the company has grown steadily over several years. It has expanded from its initial fleet of 9 fishing boats to a modern ocean fleet comprising more than 60 vessels: 49 squid fishing boats, 2 Indian Seine fishing boats (the first batch in the city), and 9 supporting ocean refrigerated transport ships. Additionally, the company boasts a cold storage capacity of 25,000 tons and is currently one of the country's largest private enterprises engaged in squid fishing and refrigerated transport.主要产品:
Product鱿鱼 Squid;大鱿鱼 Squid-Giant;阿根廷鱿鱼 Squid-Illex;枪鱿鱼 Squid-Loligo;冷藏/仓储 ColdStorage/Warehousing;物流服务 LogisticalService;冷冻/冷藏设施 Freezers / Chillers;冷冻设备 Freezing;制冷设备 Refrigeration;
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