DT-620技术指标: 多功能红外测温风速仪DT-620 (风速、红外测风温、风量) 单位 量程 分辨率 准确率 m/s 0.40~30.00 0.01 ±(3%+0.20m/s) Knots 0.8~58.0 0.1 ±(3%+0.4 knots) Km/H 1.4~108.0 0.1 ±(3%+0.8 km/hr) Ft/min 80~5900 1 ±(3%+40ft/m) MPH 0.9~67.0 0.1 ±(3%+0.4MPH) Air Temperature 0~60℃ ±2.0℃ InfraRed Temperture -50 to -20℃ ±5.0℃ -20 to 260℃ ±2%reading or ±2℃ 风量 量程范围 面积 Air Flow(CFM) 0 to 999900 0 to 999.9 Air Flow(CMM) 0 to 999900 0 to 999.9 单位换算表: m/s ft/min knots km/h MPH 1m/s 1 196.87 1.944 3.6 2.24 1ft/min 0.00508 1 0.00987 0.01829 0.01138 1knot 0.5144 101.27 1 1.8519 1.1523 1km/h 0.2778 54.69 0.54 1 0.6222 1MPH 0.4464 87.89 0.8679 1.6071 1