DMM6500 6.5 位数字万用表
Get 15 built-in measurement functions, including digitizing, capacitance, and temperature. Make low current and low resistance measurements on low-power devices with both high resolution and great accuracy. Capture transient signals with the built-in 16-bit digitizer. See two measurements simultaneously to maximize test data. The DMM6500 6.5 digit multimeter eliminates the need for additional instruments.
Get instant measurement insight, such as capturing transient signals and seeing data trends and statistics right on the touchscreen, so you can analyze your data faster and eliminate making additional measurements.
Now you can stream data from your DMM6500 and create real-time IoT dashboards and anywhere-accessible data visualizations.
100 nV 10 pA 1 µOhm
1 M 采样/秒 16 位
苏公网安备 32050802010778号