有转子硫化仪ODR(振荡圆盘硫化仪,Oscillating Disc Rheometer)用于分析、测定橡胶硫化过程的焦烧时间、正硫化时间、硫化速率、模量以及硫化平坦等性能指标,是研制新产品、研究胶料配方及检定产品质量的检测仪器。
§ 依据ASTM D2084及ISO3417国际标准规范所设计制造。
§ 每次测试可同时获得之曲线包含有:硫化曲线、硫化速率曲线、与上下模温度曲线。
§ 可获得多达30几项测试数据,例如:ML、MH、TS、TC、CRI…等。
§ 有转子硫化仪MDR从硫化曲线可获知胶料架桥反应之加工特性、硫化特性、与硫化后之物性;同时藉由多重取样之品管方法可以达到有效控管胶料炼制品质之附加目的。
§ 提供有多等级之管制界限设定功能,可以针对如TS、TC、ML、MH…等数据进行管制;同时额外提供有18个设定管制点可兹使用者任意设定。
§ 有转子硫化仪MDR软件内建SPC 统计程序,可对特定硫化数据进行统计分析与绘图,包含有:个别值与移动全距(X-MR)管制图、平均值(X-R)管制图、直方图(Histogram)与常态分配图(Normal Distribution)。
§ Designed and manufactured in accordance with ASTM D2084& ISO3417 standards.
§ Output, displayed and memorized graphics including Elastic torque, Cure rate, and Upper/Lower dies temperatures.
§ More than 30 items of data, such as ML, MH, TS, TC, CRI etc., couble be taken from each test.
§ Cure curve provides the processing, vulcanizing, and vulcanized physical properties of rubber cross-linking reaction.
§ Multiple control gates are available for controlling the specified data such as ML, MH, TS, and TC. And extra 18 control points are also supplied for the user to set some control gates at any time point of a cure curve.
§ Standars accessory - SPC (Statistical Process Control) software is used to analyze and draw the statistical aontrol charts including X-RM, -R, histogram, and normal distribution for some specified data.