初试验力 Preliminarg test force:98N
总试验力 Total test force:
洛氏硬度试验 Rockwell hardness test: 588、980、1471 N
布氏硬度试验 Brinell hardness test: 306、613、1839 N
维氏硬度试验 Vickers hardness test: 294、588、980 N
测试范围 Test scope:
洛氏硬度试验 Rockwell hardness test:
示值精度 Accuracy in display: ±1HR
布氏硬度试验 Brinell hardness test: HB4-450
示值精度 Accuracy in display:
P≥1839N ±3%
P<1839N ±4%
维氏硬度试验 Vickers hardness test: HV14~1000
示值精度 Accuracy in display:±3%
显微镜放大倍率 Magnification of microscope:37.5×、75×
测微鼓轮*小分度值 Min. measuring unit:
37.5×时为0.004毫米 when microscope 37.5× is 0.004mm
75×时为0.002毫米 when microscope 75× is 0.002mm
试件*大高度 Max. height of speciments: 180mm
压头中心至机身*大距离 Max. depth of speciments:200mm
电源电压 Power supply:AC220V
外形尺寸 Dimensions:560×260×760mm
重量 Net weight:90Kg