英国ISO12103-2 M3试验粉尘
英国Particle Technology粉尘
英国Particle Technology有相当的经验,能满足英国,欧盟,美国,日本和国际标准。测试灰尘也*以满足亚利桑那粉尘,并满足客户的具体要求,无论颗粒分布和组成成分。标准测试粉尘*模拟沙漠到城市,从天然气管道到航空燃料,从铁路到飞机。这*以让你作为客户来测试你的产品在现实生活中的情况,以实现产品的优势,测试你的产品在现实生活中的情况,以实现产品的优势
Within our plant facilities and laboratory we offer a range of equipment for the manipulation of powder, including: high speed pin mills, ball mills, continuous flow vibratory ball mill, planetary mill, air classifier and a multideck sieving machine. For the purpose of dissolution of solids and liquid mixing we also have helical screw blenders and high shear mixers. We can handle most materials in our versatile plant from diamond to carbon fibre.
ISO12103-2 M3 Aluminium Oxide粉 - (view spec)
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