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LarodanCatNo Description Size Price 
Larodan05-0600-9 Hexane 100 mg 782
Larodan05-0600-13 Hexane 1 g 1219
Larodan05-0700-9 Heptane 100 mg 966
Larodan05-0700-13 Heptane 1 g 1840
Larodan05-0800-9 Octane 100 mg 782
Larodan05-0800-13 Octane 1 g 1219
Larodan05-0900-9 Nonane 100 mg 966
Larodan05-0900-13 Nonane 1 g 1840
Larodan05-1000-9 Decane 100 mg 782
Larodan05-1000-13 Decane 1 g 1219
Larodan05-1100-9 Undecane 100 mg 966
Larodan05-1100-13 Undecane 1 g 1840
Larodan05-1200-9 Dodecane 100 mg 782
Larodan05-1200-13 Dodecane 1 g 1219
Larodan05-1300-9 Tridecane 100 mg 966
Larodan05-1300-13 Tridecane 1 g 1840
Larodan05-1400-9 Tetradecane 100 mg 782
Larodan05-1400-13 Tetradecane 1 g 1219
Larodan05-1500-9 Pentadecane 100 mg 966
Larodan05-1500-13 Pentadecane 1 g 1840
Larodan05-1504-9 Pristane (2,6,10,14-tetramethylpentadecane) 100 mg 1150
Larodan05-1504-12 Pristane (2,6,10,14-tetramethylpentadecane) 500 mg 1725
Larodan05-1504-13 Pristane (2,6,10,14-tetramethylpentadecane) 1 g 2415
Larodan05-1600-9 Hexadecane 100 mg 966
Larodan05-1600-13 Hexadecane 1 g 1840
Larodan05-1604-0 Phytane (2,6,10,14-tetramethylhexadecane) - 460
Larodan05-1700-9 Heptadecane 100 mg 966
Larodan05-1700-13 Heptadecane 1 g 1840
Larodan05-1800-9 Octadecane 100 mg 966
Larodan05-1800-13 Octadecane 1 g 1840
Larodan05-1900-9 Nonadecane 100 mg 966
Larodan05-1900-13 Nonadecane 1 g 1840
Larodan05-2000-9 Eicosane 100 mg 1012
Larodan05-2000-13 Eicosane 1 g 1886
Larodan05-2100-9 Heneicosane 100 mg 1403
Larodan05-2100-13 Heneicosane 1 g 3450
Larodan05-2200-9 Docosane 100 mg 1150
Larodan05-2200-13 Docosane 1 g 2875
Larodan05-2300-9 Tricosane 100 mg 1426
Larodan05-2300-13 Tricosane 1 g 3404
Larodan05-2400-9 Tetracosane 100 mg 1150
Larodan05-2400-13 Tetracosane 1 g 2875
Larodan05-2500-9 Pentacosane 100 mg 1564
Larodan05-2500-13 Pentacosane 1 g 3956
Larodan05-2600-9 Hexacosane 100 mg 1426
Larodan05-2600-13 Hexacosane 1 g 3404
Larodan05-2700-7 Heptacosane 25 mg 2875
Larodan05-2700-9 Heptacosane 100 mg 5060
Larodan05-2700-13 Heptacosane 1 g 14030
Larodan05-2800-9 Octacosane 100 mg 1426
Larodan05-2800-13 Octacosane 1 g 3404
Larodan05-2900-7 Nonacosane 25 mg 2875
Larodan05-2900-9 Nonacosane 100 mg 5060
Larodan05-2900-13 Nonacosane 1 g 14030
Larodan05-3000-9 Triacontane 100 mg 1426
Larodan05-3000-13 Triacontane 1 g 3404
Larodan05-3100-7 Hentriacontane 25 mg 2875
Larodan05-3100-9 Hentriacontane 100 mg 5060
Larodan05-3100-13 Hentriacontane 1 g 14030
Larodan05-3200-9 Dotriacontane 100 mg 1426
Larodan05-3200-13 Dotriacontane 1 g 3404
Larodan05-3300-7 Tritriacontane 25 mg 2185
Larodan05-3300-9 Tritriacontane 100 mg 3956
Larodan05-3300-13 Tritriacontane 1 g 11730
Larodan05-3400-9 Tetratriacontane 100 mg 1656
Larodan05-3400-13 Tetratriacontane 1 g 3956
Larodan05-3500-7 Pentatriacontane 25 mg 2346
Larodan05-3500-9 Pentatriacontane 100 mg 3956
Larodan05-3500-13 Pentatriacontane 1 g 11730
Larodan05-3600-9 Hexatriacontane 100 mg 1426
Larodan05-3600-13 Hexatriacontane 1 g 3404
Larodan05-3800-7 Octatriacontane 25 mg 1656
Larodan05-3800-9 Octatriacontane 100 mg 2346
Larodan05-3800-13 Octatriacontane 1 g 6210
Larodan05-4000-7 Tetracontane 25 mg 1656
Larodan05-4000-9 Tetracontane 100 mg 2346
Larodan05-4000-13 Tetracontane 1 g 6210
Larodan05-4400-7 Tetratetracontane 25 mg 1656
Larodan05-4400-9 Tetratetracontane 100 mg 2346
Larodan05-5000-7 Pentacontane 25 mg 3496
Larodan05-5000-9 Pentacontane 100 mg 6555
Larodan10-0300-9 Propionic Acid 100 mg 667
Larodan10-0300-13 Propionic Acid 1 g 736
Larodan10-0300-17 Propionic Acid 10 g 1472
Larodan10-0400-9 Butyric Acid 100 mg 667
Larodan10-0400-13 Butyric Acid 1 g 736
Larodan10-0400-17 Butyric Acid 10 g 1472
Larodan10-0500-9 Pentanoic Acid 100 mg 667
Larodan10-0500-13 Pentanoic Acid 1 g 736
Larodan10-0500-17 Pentanoic Acid 10 g 1472
Larodan10-0600-9 Hexanoic Acid (Caproic Acid) 100 mg 667
Larodan10-0600-13 Hexanoic Acid (Caproic Acid) 1 g 736
Larodan10-0600-17 Hexanoic Acid (Caproic Acid) 10 g 1472
Larodan10-0700-9 Heptanoic Acid 100 mg 736
Larodan10-0700-13 Heptanoic Acid 1 g 1380
Larodan10-0700-16 Heptanoic Acid 5 g 3795
Larodan10-0800-9 Octanoic Acid (Caprylic Acid) 100 mg 667
Larodan10-0800-13 Octanoic Acid (Caprylic Acid) 1 g 736
Larodan10-0800-17 Octanoic Acid (Caprylic Acid) 10 g 1472
Larodan10-0900-9 Nonanoic Acid (Pelargonic Acid) 100 mg 736
Larodan10-0900-13 Nonanoic Acid (Pelargonic Acid) 1 g 1380
Larodan10-0900-16 Nonanoic Acid (Pelargonic Acid) 5 g 3795
Larodan10-1000-9 Decanoic Acid (Capric Acid) 100 mg 667
Larodan10-1000-13 Decanoic Acid (Capric Acid) 1 g 736
Larodan10-1000-17 Decanoic Acid (Capric Acid) 10 g 1472
Larodan10-1100-9 Undecanoic Acid 100 mg 782
Larodan10-1100-13 Undecanoic Acid 1 g 1472
Larodan10-1100-16 Undecanoic Acid 5 g 4094
Larodan10-1101-9 10c-Undecenoic Acid 100 mg 874
Larodan10-1101-30 10c-Undecenoic Acid 5 x 100 mg 1955
Larodan10-1200-9 Dodecanoic Acid (Lauric Acid) 100 mg 667
Larodan10-1200-13 Dodecanoic Acid (Lauric Acid) 1 g 736
Larodan10-1200-17 Dodecanoic Acid (Lauric Acid) 10 g 1472
Larodan10-1201-9 11c-Dodecenoic Acid 100 mg 1564
Larodan10-1201-30 11c-Dodecenoic Acid 5 x 100 mg 3680
Larodan10-1300-9 Tridecanoic Acid 100 mg 782
Larodan10-1300-13 Tridecanoic Acid 1 g 1472
Larodan10-1300-16 Tridecanoic Acid 5 g 4094
Larodan10-1301-9 12c-Tridecenoic Acid 100 mg 1610
Larodan10-1301-30 12c-Tridecenoic Acid 5 x 100 mg 3795
Larodan10-1400-9 Tetradecanoic Acid (Myristic Acid) 100 mg 667
Larodan10-1400-13 Tetradecanoic Acid (Myristic Acid) 1 g 736
Larodan10-1400-17 Tetradecanoic Acid (Myristic Acid) 10 g 1472
Larodan10-1401-9 Myristoleic Acid (9c) 100 mg 2438
Larodan10-1401-30 Myristoleic Acid (9c) 5 x 100 mg 6670
Larodan10-1402-7 Myristelaidic Acid (9tr) 25 mg 2484
Larodan10-1402-9 Myristelaidic Acid (9tr) 100 mg 5520
Larodan10-1500-9 Pentadecanoic Acid 100 mg 782
Larodan10-1500-13 Pentadecanoic Acid 1 g 1472
Larodan10-1500-16 Pentadecanoic Acid 5 g 4094
Larodan10-1501-0 10c-Pentadecenoic Acid - 460
Larodan10-1511-0 10tr-Pentadecenoic Acid - 460
Larodan10-1600-9 Hexadecanoic Acid (Palmitic Acid) 100 mg 667
Larodan10-1600-13 Hexadecanoic Acid (Palmitic Acid) 1 g 736
Larodan10-1600-17 Hexadecanoic Acid (Palmitic Acid) 10 g 1472
Larodan10-1601-9 Palmitoleic Acid (9c) 100 mg 1219
Larodan10-1601-30 Palmitoleic Acid (9c) 5 x 100 mg 2990
Larodan10-1602-9 Palmitelaidic Acid (9tr) 100 mg 1334
Larodan10-1602-30 Palmitelaidic Acid (9tr) 5 x 100 mg 3220
Larodan10-1603-4 7(Z), 10(Z), 13(Z)-Hexadecatrienoic Acid 5 mg 4370
Larodan10-1606-4 6(Z)-Hexadecenoic Acid (Sapienic Acid) 5 mg 4370
Larodan10-1607-5 (7Z)-Hexadecenoic Acid 10 mg 3105
Larodan10-1607-8 (7Z)-Hexadecenoic Acid 50 mg 9660
Larodan10-1611-4 11(Z)-hexadecenoic Acid 5 mg 4370
Larodan10-1620-4 9(Z),12(Z)-Hexadecadienoic Acid 5 mg 4370
Larodan10-1700-9 Heptadecanoic Acid (Margaric Acid) 100 mg 782
Larodan10-1700-13 Heptadecanoic Acid (Margaric Acid) 1 g 1472
Larodan10-1700-16 Heptadecanoic Acid (Margaric Acid) 5 g 4255
Larodan10-1701-9 10c-Heptadecenoic Acid 100 mg 1587
Larodan10-1701-30 10c-Heptadecenoic Acid 5 x 100 mg 4416
Larodan10-1702-7 10tr-Heptadecenoic Acid 25 mg 2070
Larodan10-1702-29 10tr-Heptadecenoic Acid 3 x 25 mg 3565
Larodan10-1800-9 Octadecanoic Acid (Stearic Acid) 100 mg 667
Larodan10-1800-13 Octadecanoic Acid (Stearic Acid) 1 g 782
Larodan10-1800-17 Octadecanoic Acid (Stearic Acid) 10 g 1564
Larodan10-1801-13 Oleic Acid (9c) 1 g 920
Larodan10-1801-17 Oleic Acid (9c) 10 g 2990
Larodan10-1801-2-0 9(Z)-Octadecen-12-ynoic Acid (Crepenynic) - 460
Larodan10-1802-13 Linoleic Acid (9c, 12c) 1 g 920
Larodan10-1802-17 Linoleic Acid (9c, 12c) 10 g 2990
Larodan10-1802-1b-4 9(Z),12(E)-Octadecadienoic Acid 5 mg 4370
Larodan10-1802-1c-4 9(E),12(Z)-Octadecadienoic Acid 5 mg 4370
Larodan10-1802-21-0 8(E),10(E)-Octadecadienoic Acid - 460
Larodan10-1802-22-0 11(E),13(E)-Octadecadienoic Acid - 460
Larodan10-1803-9 Linolenic Acid (9c, 12c, 15c) 100 mg 1012
Larodan10-1803-30 Linolenic Acid (9c, 12c, 15c) 5 x 100 mg 2116
Larodan10-1803-20-7 9(Z),11(E),13(E),15(Z)-Octadecatetraenoic Acid (alpha-Parinaric) 25 mg 5060
Larodan10-1803-21-0 5(E),9(Z),12(Z)-Octadecatrienoic Acid (Columbinic) - 460
Larodan10-1803-22-4 5(Z),9(Z),12(Z)-Octadecatrienoic Acid 5 mg 4370
Larodan10-1803-23-7 9(Z),11(E),13(E)-Octadecatrienoic Acid (alpha-Eleostearic) 25 mg 4370
Larodan10-1803-24-7 9(E),11(E),13(E)-Octadecatrienoic Acid (beta-Eleostearic) 25 mg 4370
Larodan10-1803-25-7 8(E),10(E),12(Z)-Octadecatrienoic Acid (alpha-Calendic) 25 mg 4370
Larodan10-1803-26-7 8(E),10(E),12(E)-Octadecatrienoic Acid (beta-Calendic) 25 mg 4370
Larodan10-1803-27-7 9(Z),11(E),13(Z)-Octadecatrienoic Acid (Punicic) 25 mg 4370
Larodan10-1803-28-0 8(Z),10(E),12(Z)-Octadecatrienoic Acid (Jacaric) - 460
Larodan10-1803-31-4 9(E),11(E),13(Z)-Octadecatrienoic Acid (Catalpic) 5 mg 4370
Larodan10-1810-13 Elaidic Acid (9tr) 1 g 1449
Larodan10-1810-31 Elaidic Acid (9tr) 5 x 1 g 4140
Larodan10-1811-9 Petroselinic Acid (6c) 100 mg 1472
Larodan10-1811-30 Petroselinic Acid (6c) 5 x 100 mg 3450
Larodan10-1812-9 Vaccenic Acid (11c) 100 mg 1610
Larodan10-1812-30 Vaccenic Acid (11c) 5 x 100 mg 3864
Larodan10-1813-9 Transvaccenic Acid (11tr) 100 mg 1794
Larodan10-1813-30 Transvaccenic Acid (11tr) 5 x 100 mg 4370
Larodan10-1818-4 8(Z)-Octadecenoic Acid 5 mg 4370
Larodan10-1820-9 Linoelaidic Acid (9tr, 12tr)) 100 mg 1196
Larodan10-1820-30 Linoelaidic Acid (9tr, 12tr)) 5 x 100 mg 2806
Larodan10-1823-7 9c,11tr-Octadecadienoic Acid 25 mg 4140
Larodan10-1823-13 9c,11tr-Octadecadienoic Acid 1 g 12765
Larodan10-1823-17 9c,11tr-Octadecadienoic Acid 10 g 55660
Larodan10-1823-75-0 CLA 9c,11tr Free Fatty Acid - 460
Larodan10-1823-90-0 CLA 9c,11tr  Free Fatty Acid - 460
Larodan10-1824-7 9c,11c-Octadecadienoic Acid 25 mg 4140
Larodan10-1824-13 9c,11c-Octadecadienoic Acid 1 g 61410
Larodan10-1825-7 9tr,11tr-Octadecadienoic Acid 25 mg 4140
Larodan10-1826-7 10tr,12c-Octadecadienoic Acid 25 mg 4140
Larodan10-1826-13 10tr,12c-Octadecadienoic Acid 1 g 10810
Larodan10-1826-17 10tr,12c-Octadecadienoic Acid 10 g 46460
Larodan10-1826-90-13 CLA 10tr,12c Free Fatty Acid 1 g 2714
Larodan10-1826-90-16 CLA 10tr,12c Free Fatty Acid 5 g 5750
Larodan10-1826-90-17 CLA 10tr,12c Free Fatty Acid 10 g 9660
Larodan10-1826-90-19 CLA 10tr,12c Free Fatty Acid 25 g 16560
Larodan10-1830-9 Gamma Linolenic Acid (6c, 9c, 12c) 100 mg 1426
Larodan10-1830-30 Gamma Linolenic Acid (6c, 9c, 12c) 5 x 100 mg 3404
Larodan10-1840-4 6c,9c,12c,15c-Octadecatetraenoic Acid (Stearidonic acid) 5 mg 4140
Larodan10-1858-2 5(Z),8(Z)-Octadecadienoic Acid (Sebaleic acid) 2 mg 4370
Larodan10-1869-2 6(Z),9(Z)-Octadecadienoic Acid 2 mg 4370
Larodan10-1900-9 Nonadecanoic Acid 100 mg 782
Larodan10-1900-13 Nonadecanoic Acid 1 g 1472
Larodan10-1900-16 Nonadecanoic Acid 5 g 4094
Larodan10-1903-1-4 7(Z),10(Z),13(Z)-Nonadecatrienoic Acid 5 mg 4370
Larodan10-1903-2-4 10(Z),13(Z),16(Z)-Nonadecatrienoic Acid 5 mg 4370
Larodan10-2000-9 Eicosanoic Acid(Arachidic Acid) 100 mg 782
Larodan10-2000-13 Eicosanoic Acid(Arachidic Acid) 1 g 1426
Larodan10-2000-16 Eicosanoic Acid(Arachidic Acid) 5 g 3864
Larodan10-2001-9 11c-Eicosenoic Acid 100 mg 1104
Larodan10-2001-30 11c-Eicosenoic Acid 5 x 100 mg 2300
Larodan10-2001-1-4 9(Z)-Eicosenoic Acid (Gadoleic) 5 mg 4370
Larodan10-2002-9 11c,14c-Eicosadienoic Acid 100 mg 1610
Larodan10-2002-30 11c,14c-Eicosadienoic Acid 5 x 100 mg 3864
Larodan10-2002-1-2 9(Z),12(Z)- Eicosadienoic Acid 2 mg 4370
Larodan10-2003-9 11c,14c,17c-Eicosatrienoic Acid 100 mg 1702
Larodan10-2003-30 11c,14c,17c-Eicosatrienoic Acid 5 x 100 mg 4324
Larodan10-2004-7 Arachidonic Acid (5c,8c,11c,14c) 25 mg 1449
Larodan10-2004-9 Arachidonic Acid (5c,8c,11c,14c) 100 mg 2530
Larodan10-2004-2-4 2(E),8(Z),11(Z),14(Z)-Eicosatetraenoic Acid 5 mg 4370
Larodan10-2004-3-1 5(E),8(Z),11(Z),14(Z)-Eicosatetraenoic Acid (5(E)-Arachidonic) 1 mg 4830
Larodan10-2005-9 5c,8c,11c,14c,17c-Eicosapentaenoic Acid 100 mg 3105
Larodan10-2005-30 5c,8c,11c,14c,17c-Eicosapentaenoic Acid 5 x 100 mg 7935
Larodan10-2005-90-13 EPA (5c,8c,11c,14c,17c) 1 g 1978
Larodan10-2005-90-16 EPA (5c,8c,11c,14c,17c) 5 g 5635
Larodan10-2005-90-19 EPA (5c,8c,11c,14c,17c) 25 g 15180
Larodan10-2010-7 11tr-Eicosenoic Acid 25 mg 1564
Larodan10-2010-9 11tr-Eicosenoic Acid 100 mg 2668
Larodan10-2011-5 2(Z)-Eicosenoic Acid 10 mg 3565
Larodan10-2012-5 2(E)-Eicosenoic Acid 10 mg 3565
Larodan10-2013-7 Homogamma Linolenic Acid (8c,11c,14c) 25 mg 1932
Larodan10-2013-9 Homogamma Linolenic Acid (8c,11c,14c) 100 mg 3864
Larodan10-2014-5 (14Z)-Eicosenoic Acid 10 mg 3220
Larodan10-2014-8 (14Z)-Eicosenoic Acid 50 mg 9890
Larodan10-2024-1 Omega3-Arachidonic Acid (8c,11c,14c,17c)) 1 mg 2760
Larodan10-2024-4 Omega3-Arachidonic Acid (8c,11c,14c,17c)) 5 mg 7705
Larodan10-2033-4 Mead Acid (5(Z),8(Z),11(Z)-C20:3) 5 mg 7475
Larodan10-2034-39 (5Z,8Z,14Z)-Eicosatrienoic Acid 100 microgram 3174
Larodan10-2034-45 (5Z,8Z,14Z)-Eicosatrienoic Acid 500 microgram 7130
Larodan10-2035-2 Sciadonic Acid [5(Z),11(Z),14(Z)-eicosatrienoic acid] 2 mg 4370
Larodan10-2045-2 5(Z),11(Z),14(Z),17(Z)-Eicosatetraenoic Acid (Juniperonic) 2 mg 4370
Larodan10-2052-4 5,7-Eicosadiynoic Acid 5 mg 4370
Larodan10-2054-32 5(Z),14(Z)-Eicosadienoic Acid 0,1 mg 2875
Larodan10-2054-35 5(Z),14(Z)-Eicosadienoic Acid 0,5 mg 5980
Larodan10-2084-32 8(Z),14(Z)-Eicosadienoic acid 0,1 mg 2875
Larodan10-2084-35 8(Z),14(Z)-Eicosadienoic acid 0,5 mg 5980
Larodan10-2100-9 Heneicosanoic Acid 100 mg 1564
Larodan10-2100-12 Heneicosanoic Acid 500 mg 2944
Larodan10-2100-13 Heneicosanoic Acid 1 g 3956
Larodan10-2103-2-4 9(Z),12(Z),15(Z)-Heneicosatrienoic Acid 5 mg 4370
Larodan10-2104-1-4 6(Z),9(Z),12(Z),15(Z)-Heneicosatetraenoic Acid 5 mg 4370
Larodan10-2105-1-4 6(Z),9(Z),12(Z),15(Z),18(Z)-Heneicosapentaenoic Acid 5 mg 4370
Larodan10-2200-9 Docosanoic Acid (Behenic Acid) 100 mg 874
Larodan10-2200-13 Docosanoic Acid (Behenic Acid) 1 g 1196
Larodan10-2200-16 Docosanoic Acid (Behenic Acid) 5 g 2990
Larodan10-2201-9 Erucic Acid (13c-Docosenoic Acid) 100 mg 1058
Larodan10-2201-30 Erucic Acid (13c-Docosenoic Acid) 5 x 100 mg 2185
Larodan10-2202-7 13c,16c-Docosadienoic Acid 25 mg 2760
Larodan10-2202-29 13c,16c-Docosadienoic Acid 3 x 25 mg 4784
Larodan10-2203-7 13c,16c,19c-Docosatrienoic Acid 25 mg 2760
Larodan10-2203-29 13c,16c,19c-Docosatrienoic Acid 3 x 25 mg 4784
Larodan10-2204-7 7c,10c,13c,16c-Docosatetraenoic Acid 25 mg 2760
Larodan10-2204-29 7c,10c,13c,16c-Docosatetraenoic Acid 3 x 25 mg 4784
Larodan10-2204-1-4 2(E),10(Z),13(Z),16(Z)-Docosatetraenoic Acid 5 mg 4370
Larodan10-2205-9 7c,10,13c,16c,19c-Docosapentaenoic Acid 100 mg 3036
Larodan10-2205-30 7c,10,13c,16c,19c-Docosapentaenoic Acid 5 x 100 mg 8855
Larodan10-2206-9 4c,7c,10c,13c,16c,19c-Docosahexaenoic Acid 100 mg 1794
Larodan10-2206-30 4c,7c,10c,13c,16c,19c-Docosahexaenoic Acid 5 x 100 mg 5106
Larodan10-2206-90-13 DHA (4c,7c,10c,13c,16c,19c) 1 g 2392
Larodan10-2206-90-16 DHA (4c,7c,10c,13c,16c,19c) 5 g 6670
Larodan10-2206-90-19 DHA (4c,7c,10c,13c,16c,19c) 25 g 18860
Larodan10-2210-9 Brassidic Acid (13tr-Docosenoic Acid) 100 mg 1426
Larodan10-2210-30 Brassidic Acid (13tr-Docosenoic Acid) 5 x 100 mg 3174
Larodan10-2213-4 10c,13c,16c-Docosatrienoic Acid 5 mg 4370
Larodan10-2214-5 (4Z,10Z,13Z,16Z)-Docosatetraenoic Acid 10 mg 2484
Larodan10-2214-8 (4Z,10Z,13Z,16Z)-Docosatetraenoic Acid 50 mg 6900
Larodan10-2265-7 4c,7c,10c,13c,16c-Docosapentaenoic Acid 25 mg 3335
Larodan10-2300-9 Tricosanoic Acid 100 mg 1564
Larodan10-2300-12 Tricosanoic Acid 500 mg 2944
Larodan10-2300-13 Tricosanoic Acid 1 g 3910
Larodan10-2305-1-4 8(Z),11(Z),14(Z),17(Z),20(Z)-Tricosapentaenoic Acid 5 mg 4370
Larodan10-2306-1-4 5(Z),8(Z),11(Z),14(Z),17(Z),20(Z)-Tricosahexaenoic Acid 5 mg 4370
Larodan10-2400-9 Tetracosanoic Acid (Lignoceric Acid) 100 mg 1564
Larodan10-2400-12 Tetracosanoic Acid (Lignoceric Acid) 500 mg 2944
Larodan10-2400-13 Tetracosanoic Acid (Lignoceric Acid) 1 g 3910
Larodan10-2401-9 Nervonic Acid (15c) 100 mg 1311
Larodan10-2401-30 Nervonic Acid (15c) 5 x 100 mg 2944
Larodan10-2401-2-4 15(E)-Tetracosenoic Acid (trans-Nervonic) 5 mg 4370
Larodan10-2405-4 9c, 12c, 15c, 18c, 21c-Tetracosapentaenoic Acid 5 mg 4370
Larodan10-2406-4 6c, 9c, 12c, 15c, 18c, 21c)-Tetracosahexaenoic Acid 5 mg 4370
Larodan10-2500-7 Pentacosanoic Acid 25 mg 2714
Larodan10-2500-9 Pentacosanoic Acid 100 mg 4945
Larodan10-2600-9 Hexacosanoic Acid (Cerotic  Acid) 100 mg 2576
Larodan10-2600-12 Hexacosanoic Acid (Cerotic  Acid) 500 mg 6785
Larodan10-2600-13 Hexacosanoic Acid (Cerotic  Acid) 1 g 10235
Larodan10-2700-7 Heptacosanoic Acid 25 mg 2714
Larodan10-2700-9 Heptacosanoic Acid 100 mg 4945
Larodan10-2800-9 Octacosanoic Acid (Montanic Acid) 100 mg 2760
Larodan10-2800-12 Octacosanoic Acid (Montanic Acid) 500 mg 7360
Larodan10-2900-7 Nonacosanoic Acid 25 mg 2714
Larodan10-2900-9 Nonacosanoic Acid 100 mg 4945
Larodan10-3000-7 Triacontanoic Acid(Melissic Acid) 25 mg 2714
Larodan10-3000-9 Triacontanoic Acid(Melissic Acid) 100 mg 4945
Larodan10-3100-0 Hentriacontanoic Acid - 460
Larodan10-3406-83 16(Z),19(Z),22(Z),25(Z),28(Z),31(Z)-Tetratriacontanoic Acid 25 microgram 4945
Larodan11-0706-0  6-Methylheptanoic Acid - 460
Larodan11-0908-7  8-Methylnonanoic Acid 25 mg 2530
Larodan11-0908-9  8-Methylnonanoic Acid 100 mg 6670
Larodan11-0908-11  8-Methylnonanoic Acid 250 mg 14030
Larodan11-1109-7 9-Methylundecanoic Acid 25 mg 2530
Larodan11-1109-9 9-Methylundecanoic Acid 100 mg 6670
Larodan11-1109-11 9-Methylundecanoic Acid 250 mg 14030
Larodan11-1110-7 10-Methylundecanoic Acid 25 mg 2530
Larodan11-1110-9 10-Methylundecanoic Acid 100 mg 6670
Larodan11-1110-11 10-Methylundecanoic Acid 250 mg 14030
Larodan11-1210-7 10-Methyldodecanoic Acid 25 mg 2530
Larodan11-1210-9 10-Methyldodecanoic Acid 100 mg 6670
Larodan11-1210-11 10-Methyldodecanoic Acid 250 mg 14030
Larodan11-1211-7 11-Methyldodecanoic Acid 25 mg 2530
Larodan11-1211-9 11-Methyldodecanoic Acid 100 mg 6670
Larodan11-1211-11 11-Methyldodecanoic Acid 250 mg 14030
Larodan11-1251-1 11-Methyl-2c-Dodecenoic Acid 1 mg 2185
Larodan11-1251-4 11-Methyl-2c-Dodecenoic Acid 5 mg 6440
Larodan11-1261-1 11-Methyl-2-trans-Dodecenoic Acid 1 mg 1840
Larodan11-1261-4 11-Methyl-2-trans-Dodecenoic Acid 5 mg 4600
Larodan11-1311-7 11-Methyltridecanoic Acid 25 mg 2530
Larodan11-1311-9 11-Methyltridecanoic Acid 100 mg 6670
Larodan11-1311-11 11-Methyltridecanoic Acid 250 mg 14030
Larodan11-1312-7 12-Methyltridecanoic Acid 25 mg 2530
Larodan11-1312-9 12-Methyltridecanoic Acid 100 mg 6670
Larodan11-1312-11 12-Methyltridecanoic Acid 250 mg 14030
Larodan11-1412-7 12-Methyltetradecanoic Acid 25 mg 3036
Larodan11-1412-9 12-Methyltetradecanoic Acid 100 mg 8165
Larodan11-1412-11 12-Methyltetradecanoic Acid 250 mg 15755
Larodan11-1413-7 13-Methyltetradecanoic Acid 25 mg 3036
Larodan11-1413-9 13-Methyltetradecanoic Acid 100 mg 8165
Larodan11-1413-11 13-Methyltetradecanoic Acid 250 mg 15755
Larodan11-1500-0 Pristanic Acid - 460
Larodan11-1513-7 13-Methylpentadecanoic Acid 25 mg 3036
Larodan11-1513-9 13-Methylpentadecanoic Acid 100 mg 8165
Larodan11-1513-11 13-Methylpentadecanoic Acid 250 mg 15755
Larodan11-1514-7 14-Methylpentadecanoic Acid 25 mg 3036
Larodan11-1514-9 14-Methylpentadecanoic Acid 100 mg 8165
Larodan11-1514-11 14-Methylpentadecanoic Acid 250 mg 15755
Larodan11-1600-5 Phytanic Acid 10 mg 2300
Larodan11-1600-8 Phytanic Acid 50 mg 5520
Larodan11-1600-9 Phytanic Acid 100 mg 9315
Larodan11-1600-12 Phytanic Acid 500 mg 25185
Larodan11-1600-13 Phytanic Acid 1 g 39560
Larodan11-1610-7 10-Methylhexadecanoic Acid 25 mg 6095
Larodan11-1614-7 14-Methylhexadecanoic Acid 25 mg 3036
Larodan11-1614-9 14-Methylhexadecanoic Acid 100 mg 8165
Larodan11-1614-11 14-Methylhexadecanoic Acid 250 mg 15755
Larodan11-1615-7 15-Methylhexadecanoic Acid 25 mg 3036
Larodan11-1615-9 15-Methylhexadecanoic Acid 100 mg 8165
Larodan11-1615-11 15-Methylhexadecanoic Acid 250 mg 15755
Larodan11-1715-7 15-Methylheptadecanoic Acid 25 mg 3036
Larodan11-1715-9 15-Methylheptadecanoic Acid 100 mg 8165
Larodan11-1715-11 15-Methylheptadecanoic Acid 250 mg 15755
Larodan11-1716-7 16-Methylheptadecanoic Acid 25 mg 3036
Larodan11-1716-9 16-Methylheptadecanoic Acid 100 mg 8165
Larodan11-1716-11 16-Methylheptadecanoic Acid 250 mg 15755
Larodan11-1810-4 10-Methyloctadecanoic Acid 5 mg 4370
Larodan11-1816-7 16-Methyloctadecanoic Acid 25 mg 3036
Larodan11-1816-9 16-Methyloctadecanoic Acid 100 mg 8165
Larodan11-1816-11 16-Methyloctadecanoic Acid 250 mg 15755
Larodan11-1817-7 17-Methyloctadecanoic Acid 25 mg 3036
Larodan11-1817-9 17-Methyloctadecanoic Acid 100 mg 8165
Larodan11-1817-11 17-Methyloctadecanoic Acid 250 mg 15755
Larodan11-1918-7 18-Methylnonadecanoic Acid 25 mg 3036
Larodan11-1918-9 18-Methylnonadecanoic Acid 100 mg 8165
Larodan11-1918-11 18-Methylnonadecanoic Acid 250 mg 15755
Larodan11-2019-7 19-Methyleicosanoic Acid 25 mg 3036
Larodan11-2019-9 19-Methyleicosanoic Acid 100 mg 8165
Larodan11-2019-11 19-Methyleicosanoic Acid 250 mg 15755
Larodan13-1909-7 cis-9,10-Methyleneoctadecanoic acid (dihydrosterculic acid) 25 mg 4784
Larodan13-1910-4 9(R), 10(S)-Methyleneoctadecanoic Acid (Dihydrosterculic Acid, natural form) 5 mg 4370
Larodan14-0503-0 3-Hydroxypentanoic Acid - 460
Larodan14-0603-7 3-Hydroxyhexanoic Acid 25 mg 5520
Larodan14-0802-8 2-Hydroxyoctanoic Acid 50 mg 2760
Larodan14-0802-11 2-Hydroxyoctanoic Acid 250 mg 8740
Larodan14-0802-13 2-Hydroxyoctanoic Acid 1 g 23230
Larodan14-0803-8 3-Hydroxyoctanoic Acid 50 mg 3404
Larodan14-0803-11 3-Hydroxyoctanoic Acid 250 mg 10005
Larodan14-0803-13 3-Hydroxyoctanoic Acid 1 g 25760
Larodan14-0903-8 3-Hydroxynonanoic Acid 50 mg 3795
Larodan14-0903-11 3-Hydroxynonanoic Acid 250 mg 11040
Larodan14-0916-0 3-Hydroxi-6-cis-nonenoic Acid - 460
Larodan14-0924-0 3-Hydroxy-4-trans-nonenoic Acid - 460
Larodan14-1001-8 10-Hydroxy-2tr-Decenoic Acid   (Royal Jelly Acid) 50 mg 6210
Larodan14-1002-8 2-Hydroxydecanoic Acid 50 mg 2300
Larodan14-1002-11 2-Hydroxydecanoic Acid 250 mg 6670
Larodan14-1002-13 2-Hydroxydecanoic Acid 1 g 17365
Larodan14-1003-8 3-Hydroxydecanoic Acid 50 mg 3404
Larodan14-1003-11 3-Hydroxydecanoic Acid 250 mg 10235
Larodan14-1103-8 3-Hydroxyundecanoic Acid 50 mg 3795
Larodan14-1103-11 3-Hydroxyundecanoic Acid 250 mg 11155
Larodan14-1202-8 2-Hydroxydodecanoic Acid 50 mg 2300
Larodan14-1202-11 2-Hydroxydodecanoic Acid 250 mg 6670
Larodan14-1202-13 2-Hydroxydodecanoic Acid 1 g 17365
Larodan14-1203-8 3-Hydroxydodecanoic Acid 50 mg 2898
Larodan14-1203-11 3-Hydroxydodecanoic Acid 250 mg 9384
Larodan14-1303-7 3-Hydroxytridecanoic Acid 25 mg 3565
Larodan14-1402-8 2-Hydroxytetradecanoic Acid 50 mg 2300
Larodan14-1402-11 2-Hydroxytetradecanoic Acid 250 mg 6670
Larodan14-1402-13 2-Hydroxytetradecanoic Acid 1 g 17365
Larodan14-1403-8 3-Hydroxytetradecanoic Acid 50 mg 2898
Larodan14-1403-11 3-Hydroxytetradecanoic Acid 250 mg 9384
Larodan14-1503-7 3-Hydroxypentadecanoic Acid 25 mg 3565
Larodan14-1515-7 15-Hydroxypentadecanoic Acid 25 mg 3266
Larodan14-1600-1-41 7(R)-Hydroxyhexadecanoic Acid 50 microgram 4370
Larodan14-1601-5-4 (±)-threo-9,10-Dihydroxyhexadecanoic acid 5 mg 4945
Larodan14-1602-8 2-Hydroxyhexadecanoic Acid 50 mg 2300
Larodan14-1602-11 2-Hydroxyhexadecanoic Acid 250 mg 6670
Larodan14-1602-13 2-Hydroxyhexadecanoic Acid 1 g 17365
Larodan14-1603-8 3-Hydroxyhexadecanoic Acid 50 mg 2898
Larodan14-1603-11 3-Hydroxyhexadecanoic Acid 250 mg 9384
Larodan14-1603-3-39 11(S)-Hydroxy-7(Z),9(E),13(Z)-hexadecatrienoic Acid 100 microgram 4370
Larodan14-1616-7 16-Hydroxyhexadecanoic Acid 25 mg 3910
Larodan14-1616-9 16-Hydroxyhexadecanoic Acid 100 mg 6210
Larodan14-1642-4 2-Hydroxyphytanic Acid 5 mg 3680
Larodan14-1703-0 3-Hydroxyheptadecanoic Acid - 460
Larodan14-1717-7 17-Hydroxyheptadecanoic Acid 25 mg 6095
Larodan14-1800-1-4 8(R)-Hydroxyoctadecanoic Acid 5 mg 4370
Larodan14-1800-2-7 9(R)-Hydroxyoctadecanoic Acid 25 mg 4140
Larodan14-1800-3-4 13(S)-Hydroxyoctadecanoic Acid 5 mg 4370
Larodan14-1800-6-0 12-Oxooctadecanoic Acid - 460
Larodan14-1800-7-4 13-Oxooctadecanoic Acid 5 mg 4140
Larodan14-1801-12-4 (±)-threo-6,7-Dihydroxyoctadecanoic Acid 5 mg 4370
Larodan14-1801-14-4 (±)-threo-12,13-Dihydroxyoctadecanoic Acid 5 mg 4370
Larodan14-1801-16f-4 (±)-cis-9,10-Epoxyoctadecanoic Acid 5 mg 4370
Larodan14-1801-17c-39 2(R,S)-Hydroperoxy-9(Z)-octadecenoic Acid 100 microgram 3680
Larodan14-1801-17d-1 2(R,S)-Hydroxy-9(Z)-octadecenoic Acid 1 mg 3565
Larodan14-1801-19c-4 (±)-erythro-9,10-Dihydroxyoctadecanoic Acid 5 mg 4370
Larodan14-1801-20-4 12-Oxo-9(Z)-octadecenoic Acid 5 mg 4370
Larodan14-1801-4-4 (±)-cis-6,7-Epoxyoctadecanoic Acid 5 mg 4370
Larodan14-1801-6-4 (±)-trans-9,10-Epoxyoctadecanoic Acid 5 mg 4370
Larodan14-1801-7-4 (±)-cis-12,13-Epoxyoctadecanoic Acid 5 mg 4370
Larodan14-1801-8-1 (±)-trans-12,13-Epoxyoctadecanoic Acid 1 mg 4370
Larodan14-1802-8 2-Hydroxyoctadecanoic Acid 50 mg 2300
Larodan14-1802-11 2-Hydroxyoctadecanoic Acid 250 mg 6670
Larodan14-1802-13 2-Hydroxyoctadecanoic Acid 1 g 17365
Larodan14-1802-10a-1 9(S)-HPOD [9(S)-hydroperoxy-10(E),12(Z)-octadecadienoic acid] 1 mg 4600
Larodan14-1802-10a-38 9(S)-HPOD [9(S)-hydroperoxy-10(E),12(Z)-octadecadienoic acid] 5 x 1 mg 14950
Larodan14-1802-10b-1 9(S)-HOD [9(S)-hydroxy-10(E),12(Z)-octadecadienoic acid] 1 mg 4600
Larodan14-1802-10b-38 9(S)-HOD [9(S)-hydroxy-10(E),12(Z)-octadecadienoic acid] 5 x 1 mg 14950
Larodan14-1802-10c-39 9(R,S)-Hydroperoxy-10(E),12(Z)-octadecadienoic Acid 100 microgram 4715
Larodan14-1802-10e-39 9(R,S)-Hydroxy-10(E),12(Z)-octadecadienoic acid 100 microgram 4370
Larodan14-1802-10f-39 9(R,S)-Hydroxy-10(E),12(E)-octadecadienoic acid 100 microgram 4715
Larodan14-1802-10g-1 Dimorphecolic Acid 1 mg 4370
Larodan14-1802-13-39 9(S),10(S),11(R)-Trihydroxy-12(Z)-octadecenoic Acid 100 microgram 3680
Larodan14-1802-13-40 9(S),10(S),11(R)-Trihydroxy-12(Z)-octadecenoic Acid 5 x 100 microgram 11730
Larodan14-1802-14-39 9(S),12(S),13(S)-Trihydroxy-10(E)-octadecenoic Acid 100 microgram 3680
Larodan14-1802-14-40 9(S),12(S),13(S)-Trihydroxy-10(E)-octadecenoic Acid 5 x 100 microgram 11730
Larodan14-1802-15-39 9(S),10(S),13(S)-Trihydroxy-11(E)-octadecenoic Acid 100 microgram 3680
Larodan14-1802-15-40 9(S),10(S),13(S)-Trihydroxy-11(E)-octadecenoic Acid 5 x 100 microgram 11730
Larodan14-1802-16a-1 (±)-cis-12,13-Epoxy-9(Z)-octadecenoic Acid ((±)-Vernolic) 1 mg 4370
Larodan14-1802-16b-0 12(S),13(R)-Epoxy-9(Z)-octadecenoic Acid ((+)-Vernolic) - 460
Larodan14-1802-16c-4 12(R),13(S)-Epoxy-9(Z)-octadecenoic Acid ((-)-Vernolic) 5 mg 4370
Larodan14-1802-16d-1 (±)-cis-9,10-Epoxy-12(Z)-octadecenoic Acid ((±)-Coronaric) 1 mg 4370
Larodan14-1802-16e-4 9(R),10(S)-Epoxy-12(Z)-octadecenoic Acid ((+)-Coronaric) 5 mg 4370
Larodan14-1802-19a-4 (±)-threo-9,10-Dihydroxy-12(Z)-octadecenoic Acid 5 mg 4370
Larodan14-1802-19b-4 (±)-threo-12,13-Dihydroxy-9(Z)-octadecenoic Acid 5 mg 4370
Larodan14-1802-23-39 15-Oxo-9(Z),12(Z)-octadecadienoic Acid 100 microgram 4370
Larodan14-1802-25-0 12-Oxo-9(Z)-dodecenoic Acid - 460
Larodan14-1802-26-0 12-Oxo-10(E)-Dodecenoic Acid - 460
Larodan14-1802-28-1 10,13-epoxy-10,12-octadecadienoic Acid 1 mg 4370
Larodan14-1802-2a-1 13(S)-HPOD [13(S)-hydroperoxy-9(Z),11(E)-octadecadienoic acid] 1 mg 4600
Larodan14-1802-2a-38 13(S)-HPOD [13(S)-hydroperoxy-9(Z),11(E)-octadecadienoic acid] 5 x 1 mg 14950
Larodan14-1802-2b-39 13(R,S)-Hydroperoxy-9(Z),11(E)-octadecadienoic Acid 100 microgram 4830
Larodan14-1802-31-0 (±)-trans-12,13-Epoxy-9(Z)-octadecenoic Acid - 460
Larodan14-1802-3a-1 13(S)-HOD [13(S)-hydroxy-9(Z),11(E)-octadecadienoic acid] 1 mg 4600
Larodan14-1802-3b-39 10(R,S)-Hydroxy-8(E),12(Z)-octadecadienoic Acid 100 microgram 4370
Larodan14-1802-3c-39 12(R,S)-Hydroxy-9(Z),13(E)-octadecadienoic Acid 100 microgram 4830
Larodan14-1802-3d-39 15(R)-Hydroxy-9(Z),12(Z)-octadecadienoic Acid (Avenoleic) 100 microgram 3795
Larodan14-1802-3f-39 13(R,S)-Hydroxy-9(Z),11(E)-octadecadienoic acid 100 microgram 4715
Larodan14-1802-3g-39 13(R,S)-Hydroxy-9(E),11(E)-octadecadienoic acid 100 microgram 4715
Larodan14-1802-4a-39 10-Oxo-11-phytoenoic Acid [side chain cis isomer] 100 microgram 4600
Larodan14-1802-4b-1 13-Oxo-9(Z),11(E)-octadecadienoic Acid 1 mg 4600
Larodan14-1802-4c-1 9-Oxo-10(E),12(Z)-octadecadienoic Acid 1 mg 4830
Larodan14-1802-5a-39 13-Hydroxy-12-oxo-9(Z)-octadecenoic Acid 100 microgram 4830
Larodan14-1802-5b-39 9-Hydroxy-10-oxo-12(Z)-octadecenoic acid 100 microgram 4830
Larodan14-1802-6a-41 9-Hydroxy-12-oxo-10(E)-octadecenoic Acid 50 microgram 4830
Larodan14-1802-7-39 Colneleic Acid [9-[1′(E),3′(Z)-nonadienyloxy]-8(E)-nonenoic acid] 100 microgram 3680
Larodan14-1802-7-40 Colneleic Acid [9-[1′(E),3′(Z)-nonadienyloxy]-8(E)-nonenoic acid] 5 x 100 microgram 11730
Larodan14-1802-8-39 Etheroleic Acid [12-[1′(E)-hexenyloxy]-9(Z),11(E)-dodecadienoic acid] 100 microgram 3680
Larodan14-1802-8-39 Etheroleic Acid [12-[1′(E)-hexenyloxy]-9(Z),11(E)-dodecadienoic acid] 100 microgram 4830
Larodan14-1803-0 3-Hydroxyoctadecanoic Acid - 460
Larodan14-1803-10a-1 9(S)-HPOT [9(S)-hydroperoxy-10(E),12(Z),15(Z)-octadecatrienoic acid] 1 mg 4600
Larodan14-1803-10b-1 9(S)-HOT [9(S)-hydroxy-10(E),12(Z),15(Z)-octadecatrienoic acid] 1 mg 4600
Larodan14-1803-13-39 9(S),10(S),11(R)-Trihydroxy-12(Z),15(Z)-octadecadienoic Acid 100 microgram 3795
Larodan14-1803-14-39 9(S),12(S),13(S)-Trihydroxy-10(E),15(Z)-octadecadienoic Acid 100 microgram 3680
Larodan14-1803-15-39 9(S),10(S),13(S)-Trihydroxy-11(E),15(Z)-octadecadienoic Acid 100 microgram 3795
Larodan14-1803-16a-1 (±)-cis-12,13-Epoxy-9(Z),15(Z)-octadecadienoic Acid 1 mg 4370
Larodan14-1803-16b-0 (±)-trans-5,6-Epoxy-9(Z),12(Z)-octadecadienoic Acid - 460
Larodan14-1803-17a-4 2(R)-Hydroxy-9(Z),12(Z),15(Z)-octadecatrienoic acid 5 mg 5290
Larodan14-1803-17b-1 2(R,S)-Hydroxy-9(Z),12(Z),15(Z)-octadecatrienoic Acid 1 mg 4600
Larodan14-1803-18-4 8(Z),11(Z),14(Z)-Heptadecatrienal 5 mg 4370
Larodan14-1803-19-1 (±)-threo-12,13-Dihydroxy-9(Z),15(Z)-octadecadienoic Acid 1 mg 4370
Larodan14-1803-2-1 13(S)-HPOT [13(S)-hydroperoxy-9(Z),11(E),15(Z)-octadecatrienoic acid] 1 mg 4600
Larodan14-1803-28-1 (±)-erythro-5,6-Dihydroxy-9(Z),12(Z)-octadecadienoic Acid 1 mg 4370
Larodan14-1803-3-1 13(S)-HOT [13(S)-hydroxy-9(Z),11(E),15(Z)-octadecatrienoic acid] 1 mg 4600
Larodan14-1803-4a-39 12-Oxo-10,15(Z)-phytodienoic Acid [side chain cis isomer, mainly 9(S),13(S)] 100 microgram 4600
Larodan14-1803-4a-40 12-Oxo-10,15(Z)-phytodienoic Acid [side chain cis isomer, mainly 9(S),13(S)] 5 x 100 microgram 14950
Larodan14-1803-4b-1 13-Oxo-9(Z),11(E),15(Z)-octadecatrienoic Acid [13-KOT] 1 mg 4600
Larodan14-1803-4c-1 9-Oxo-10(E),12(Z),15(Z)-octadecatrienoic Acid [9-KOT] 1 mg 4600
Larodan14-1803-4d-39 12-Oxo-10,15(Z)-phytodienoic Acid (racemic) 100 microgram 10120
Larodan14-1803-4f-1 (+-)-7epi Jasmonic Acid 1 mg 4922
Larodan14-1803-4f-4 (+-)-7epi Jasmonic Acid 5 mg 16445
Larodan14-1803-5a-39 13-Hydroxy-12-oxo-9(Z),15(Z)-octadecadienoic Acid 100 microgram 3680
Larodan14-1803-5b-39 9-Hydroxy-10-oxo-12(Z),15(Z)-octadecadienoic acid 100 microgram 3680
Larodan14-1803-6-41 9-Hydroxy-12-oxo-10(E),15(Z)-octadecadienoic Acid 50 microgram 3680
Larodan14-1803-7-39 Colnelenic Acid [9-[1′(E),3′(Z),6′(Z)-nonatrienyloxy]-8(E)-nonenoic acid] 100 microgram 3680
Larodan14-1803-8-39 Etherolenic Acid [12-[1′(E),3′(Z)-hexadienyloxy]-9(Z),11(E)-dodecadienoic acid] 100 microgram 4370
Larodan14-1803-9-39 omega 5(Z)-Etherolenic Acid [12-[1′(Z),3′(Z)- hexadienyloxy]-9(Z),11(E)-dodecadienoic acid] 100 microgram 4370
Larodan14-1806-5 6-Hydroxystearic Acid 10 mg 460
Larodan14-1812-9 Ricinoleic Acid (9c, 12OH) 100 mg 1196
Larodan14-1812-30 Ricinoleic Acid (9c, 12OH) 5 x 100 mg 2714
Larodan14-1820-9 12-Hydroxystearic Acid 100 mg 1058
Larodan14-1820-13 12-Hydroxystearic Acid 1 g 1725
Larodan14-1820-17 12-Hydroxystearic Acid 10 g 7130
Larodan14-1822-9 Ricinelaidic Acid (9tr, 12OH) 100 mg 1426
Larodan14-1822-30 Ricinelaidic Acid (9tr, 12OH) 5 x 100 mg 3588
Larodan14-2002-8 2-Hydroxyeicosanoic Acid 50 mg 3036
Larodan14-2002-11 2-Hydroxyeicosanoic Acid 250 mg 9660
Larodan14-2002-13 2-Hydroxyeicosanoic Acid 1 g 23345
Larodan14-2002-1-4 (±)-cis-11,12-Epoxy-14(Z)-eicosenoic Acid 5 mg 4370
Larodan14-2002-3-4 3(R,S)-Hydroxy-11(Z),14(Z)-eicosadienoic Acid 5 mg 4370
Larodan14-2003-1-4 3(R,S)-Hydroxy-8(Z),11(Z),14(Z)-eicosatrienoic Acid 5 mg 4370
Larodan14-2003-2-4 3(R,S)-Hydroxy-11(Z),14(Z),17(Z)-eicosatrienoic Acid 5 mg 4370
Larodan14-2004-1-1 Prostaglandin H2 (PGH2) 1 mg 14490
Larodan14-2004-1-4 Prostaglandin H2 (PGH2) 5 mg 49335
Larodan14-2004-16-39 14(R),15(S)-Dihydroxy-5(Z),8(Z),10(E),12(E)-eicosatetraenoic Acid 100 microgram 4370
Larodan14-2004-17-39 14(S),15(S)-Dihydroxy-5(Z),8(Z),10(E),12(E)-eicosatetraenoic Acid 100 microgram 4370
Larodan14-2004-19-1 15(S)-Hydroperoxy-5(Z),8(Z),11(Z),13(E)-eicosatetraenoic acid [15(S)-HPETE] 1 mg 4370
Larodan14-2004-2-0 Prostaglandin H1 (PGH1) - 460
Larodan14-2004-20-0 15(S)-Hydroxy-5(Z),8(Z),11(Z),13(E)-eicosatetraenoic acid [15(S)-HETE - 460
Larodan14-2004-3-0 Prostaglandin G1 (PGG1) - 460
Larodan14-2004-5-1 (±)-cis-5,6-Epoxy-8(Z),11(Z),14(Z)-eicosatrienoic Acid 1 mg 4370
Larodan14-2020-7 20-Hydroxyeicosanoic Acid 25 mg 5865
Larodan14-2052-39 7(S),17(S)-Dihydroxy-8(E),10(Z),13(Z),15(E),19(Z)-Docosapentaenoic Acid 100 microgram 4485
Larodan14-2202-8 2-Hydroxydocosanoic Acid 50 mg 3036
Larodan14-2202-11 2-Hydroxydocosanoic Acid 250 mg 9660
Larodan14-2202-13 2-Hydroxydocosanoic Acid 1 g 23345
Larodan14-2203-1-4 3(R,S)-Hydroxy-10(Z),13(Z),16(Z)-docosatrienoic Acid 5 mg 4370
Larodan14-2203-2-4 3(R,S)-Hydroxy-13(Z),16(Z),19(Z)-docosatrienoic Acid 5 mg 4370
Larodan14-2204-2-4 3(R,S)-Hydroxy-7(Z),10(Z),13(Z),16(Z)-docosatetraenoic Acid 5 mg 4370
Larodan14-2205-2-4 3(R,S)-Hydroxy-7(Z),10(Z),13(Z),16(Z),19(Z)-docosapentaenoic Acid 5 mg 4370
Larodan14-2222-7 22-Hydroxydocosanoic Acid 25 mg 6555
Larodan14-2302-5 2-Hydroxytricosanoic Acid 10 mg 5520
Larodan14-2402-4 2-Hydroxytetracosanoic Acid 5 mg 5520
Larodan15-0200-9 Oxalic Acid 100 mg 828
Larodan15-0200-13 Oxalic Acid 1 g 1035
Larodan15-0200-17 Oxalic Acid 10 g 2898
Larodan15-0300-9 Malonic Acid 100 mg 828
Larodan15-0300-13 Malonic Acid 1 g 1035
Larodan15-0300-17 Malonic Acid 10 g 2898
Larodan15-0400-9 Succinic Acid 100 mg 828
Larodan15-0400-13 Succinic Acid 1 g 1035
Larodan15-0400-17 Succinic Acid 10 g 2898
Larodan15-0500-9 Glutaric Acid 100 mg 828
Larodan15-0500-13 Glutaric Acid 1 g 1035
Larodan15-0500-17 Glutaric Acid 10 g 2898
Larodan15-0600-9 Adipic Acid 100 mg 828
Larodan15-0600-13 Adipic Acid 1 g 1035
Larodan15-0600-17 Adipic Acid 10 g 2898
Larodan15-0700-9 Pimelic Acid 100 mg 1035
Larodan15-0700-13 Pimelic Acid 1 g 1426
Larodan15-0700-17 Pimelic Acid 10 g 4140
Larodan15-0800-9 Suberic Acid 100 mg 828
Larodan15-0800-13 Suberic Acid 1 g 1035
Larodan15-0800-17 Suberic Acid 10 g 2898
Larodan15-0900-9 Azelaic Acid 100 mg 828
Larodan15-0900-13 Azelaic Acid 1 g 1035
Larodan15-0900-17 Azelaic Acid 10 g 2898
Larodan15-1000-9 Sebacic Acid 100 mg 828
Larodan15-1000-13 Sebacic Acid 1 g 1035
Larodan15-1000-17 Sebacic Acid 10 g 2898
Larodan15-1100-9 Undecanedioic Acid 100 mg 2208
Larodan15-1100-13 Undecanedioic Acid 1 g 5796
Larodan15-1200-9 Dodecanedioic Acid 100 mg 828
Larodan15-1200-13 Dodecanedioic Acid 1 g 1035
Larodan15-1200-17 Dodecanedioic Acid 10 g 2898
Larodan15-1300-9 Brassylic Acid 100 mg 2208
Larodan15-1300-13 Brassylic Acid 1 g 5796
Larodan15-1400-9 Tetradecanedioic Acid 100 mg 1794
Larodan15-1400-13 Tetradecanedioic Acid 1 g 4324
Larodan15-1500-9 Pentadecanedioic Acid 100 mg 2668
Larodan15-1500-13 Pentadecanedioic Acid 1 g 7130
Larodan15-1600-9 Hexadecanedioic Acid 100 mg 1794
Larodan15-1600-13 Hexadecanedioic Acid 1 g 4324
Larodan15-2030-2 5(Z),8Z),11(Z)-Eicosatrien-1,20-dioic Acid 2 mg 4370
Larodan15-2600-9 Hexacosanedioic Acid 100 mg 3174
Larodan16-1501-4 Anacardic Acid (6-[8(Z)-pentadecenyl]salicylic acid) 5 mg 4370
Larodan16-1503-4 Anacardic Acid (6-[8(Z),11(Z),14-pentadecatrienyl] salicylic acid) 5 mg 4715
Larodan17-0000-13 L-Carnitine, Free base (bovine) 1 g 3795
Larodan17-0100-13 L-Carnitine Hydrochloride (bovine) 1 g 3795
Larodan17-0200-7 Acetyl-L-Carnitine Chloride 25 mg 4025
Larodan17-0200-9 Acetyl-L-Carnitine Chloride 100 mg 10925
Larodan17-0210-7 Acetyl-D-Carnitine Chloride 25 mg 4945
Larodan17-0210-9 Acetyl-D-Carnitine Chloride 100 mg 13455
Larodan17-0300-7 Propionyl-L-Carnitine Chloride 25 mg 3358
Larodan17-0300-9 Propionyl-L-Carnitine Chloride 100 mg 9200
Larodan17-0400-7 Butyryl-L-Carnitine Chloride 25 mg 3795
Larodan17-0400-9 Butyryl-L-Carnitine Chloride 100 mg 9545
Larodan17-0450-7 Isobutyryl-L-Carnitine Chlorid 25 mg 3795
Larodan17-0450-9 Isobutyryl-L-Carnitine Chlorid 100 mg 9545
Larodan17-0500-7 Valeryl-L-Carnitine Chloride 25 mg 3795
Larodan17-0500-9 Valeryl-L-Carnitine Chloride 100 mg 9545
Larodan17-0550-7 Isovaleryl-L-Carnitine Chloride 25 mg 3795
Larodan17-0550-9 Isovaleryl-L-Carnitine Chloride 100 mg 9545
Larodan17-0600-7 Hexanoyl-L-Carnitine Chloride 25 mg 3358
Larodan17-0600-9 Hexanoyl-L-Carnitine Chloride 100 mg 8970
Larodan17-0800-7 Octanoyl-L-Carnitine Chloride 25 mg 3358
Larodan17-0800-9 Octanoyl-L-Carnitine Chloride 100 mg 8970
Larodan17-1000-7 Decanoyl-L-Carnitine Chloride 25 mg 3358
Larodan17-1000-9 Decanoyl-L-Carnitine Chloride 100 mg 8970
Larodan17-1200-7 Lauroyl-L-Carnitine Chloride 25 mg 3358
Larodan17-1200-9 Lauroyl-L-Carnitine Chloride 100 mg 8970
Larodan17-1400-7 Myristoyl-L-Carnitine Chloride 25 mg 3358
Larodan17-1400-9 Myristoyl-L-Carnitine Chloride 100 mg 8970
Larodan17-1600-7 Palmitoyl-L-Carnitine Chloride 25 mg 4048
Larodan17-1600-9 Palmitoyl-L-Carnitine Chloride 100 mg 10925
Larodan17-1610-7 Palmitoyl-D-Carnitine Chloride 25 mg 5290
Larodan17-1610-9 Palmitoyl-D-Carnitine Chloride 100 mg 13685
Larodan17-1800-7 Stearoyl-L-Carnitine Chloride 25 mg 3358
Larodan17-1800-9 Stearoyl-L-Carnitine Chloride 100 mg 8970
Larodan17-1810-7 Oleoyl-L-Carnitine Chloride 25 mg 4370
Larodan17-1820-7 Linoleoyl-L-Carnitine Chloride 25 mg 4370
Larodan17-1820-9 Linoleoyl-L-Carnitine Chloride 100 mg 12305
Larodan19-0200-5 Acetyl Coenzyme A, Li salt 10 mg 2438
Larodan19-0200-7 Acetyl Coenzyme A, Li salt 25 mg 4094
Larodan19-0200-9 Acetyl Coenzyme A, Li salt 100 mg 10810
Larodan19-0300-5 Propionyl Coenzyme A, Li salt 10 mg 3726
Larodan19-0300-7 Propionyl Coenzyme A, Li salt 25 mg 6670
Larodan19-0300-9 Propionyl Coenzyme A, Li salt 100 mg 17480
Larodan19-0400-5 Butyryl Coenzyme A, Li salt 10 mg 3726
Larodan19-0400-7 Butyryl Coenzyme A, Li salt 25 mg 6670
Larodan19-0400-9 Butyryl Coenzyme A, Li salt 100 mg 16560
Larodan19-0410-5 Crotonyl Coenzyme A, Li-salt 10 mg 6440
Larodan19-0410-7 Crotonyl Coenzyme A, Li-salt 25 mg 12420
Larodan19-0420-7 Succinyl CoA, Li-salt 25 mg 4715
Larodan19-0420-9 Succinyl CoA, Li-salt 100 mg 12420
Larodan19-0600-5 Hexanoyl Coenzyme A, Li salt 10 mg 3128
Larodan19-0600-7 Hexanoyl Coenzyme A, Li salt 25 mg 5290
Larodan19-0600-9 Hexanoyl Coenzyme A, Li salt 100 mg 12420
Larodan19-0800-5 Octanoyl Coenzyme A, Free acid 10 mg 3128
Larodan19-0800-7 Octanoyl Coenzyme A, Free acid 25 mg 5290
Larodan19-0800-9 Octanoyl Coenzyme A, Free acid 100 mg 12420
Larodan19-1000-5 Decanoyl Coenzyme A, Free acid 10 mg 3726
Larodan19-1000-7 Decanoyl Coenzyme A, Free acid 25 mg 6670
Larodan19-1200-5 Lauroyl Coenzyme A, Free acid 10 mg 3726
Larodan19-1200-7 Lauroyl Coenzyme A, Free acid 25 mg 6670
Larodan19-1200-9 Lauroyl Coenzyme A, Free acid 100 mg 16560
Larodan19-1400-5 Myristoyl Coenzyme A, Free acid 10 mg 3128
Larodan19-1400-7 Myristoyl Coenzyme A, Free acid 25 mg 5290
Larodan19-1400-9 Myristoyl Coenzyme A, Free acid 100 mg 12420
Larodan19-1600-5 Palmitoyl Coenzyme A,  K  salt 10 mg 3128
Larodan19-1600-7 Palmitoyl Coenzyme A,  K  salt 25 mg 5290
Larodan19-1600-9 Palmitoyl Coenzyme A,  K  salt 100 mg 12420
Larodan19-1604-1 Phytanoyl Coenzyme A (trimethylammonium salt) 1 mg 2714
Larodan19-1604-4 Phytanoyl Coenzyme A (trimethylammonium salt) 5 mg 8395
Larodan19-1700-5 Heptadecanoyl Coenzyme A, Free acid 10 mg 3128
Larodan19-1800-5 Stearoyl Coenzyme A, Free acid 10 mg 3128
Larodan19-1800-7 Stearoyl Coenzyme A, Free acid 25 mg 5290
Larodan19-1800-9 Stearoyl Coenzyme A, Free acid 100 mg 14260
Larodan19-1815-5 Oleoyl Coenzyme A, K salt 10 mg 3496
Larodan19-1815-7 Oleoyl Coenzyme A, K salt 25 mg 6555
Larodan19-1815-9 Oleoyl Coenzyme A, K salt 100 mg 15985
Larodan19-1820-4 Linoleoyl Coenzyme A, Free acid 5 mg 2898
Larodan19-1820-5 Linoleoyl Coenzyme A, Free acid 10 mg 4830
Larodan19-1900-5 Nonadecanoyl Coenzyme A, Free acid 10 mg 3174
Larodan19-2004-0 Arachidonoyl Coenzyme A, Li salt - 460
Larodan20-0300-9 Methyl Propionate 100 mg 667
Larodan20-0300-13 Methyl Propionate 1 g 736
Larodan20-0300-17 Methyl Propionate 10 g 1472
Larodan20-0400-9 Methyl Butyrate 100 mg 667
Larodan20-0400-13 Methyl Butyrate 1 g 736
Larodan20-0400-17 Methyl Butyrate 10 g 1472
Larodan20-0500-9 Methyl Pentanoate 100 mg 667
Larodan20-0500-13 Methyl Pentanoate 1 g 736
Larodan20-0500-17 Methyl Pentanoate 10 g 1472
Larodan20-0600-9 Methyl Hexanoate 100 mg 667
Larodan20-0600-13 Methyl Hexanoate 1 g 736
Larodan20-0600-17 Methyl Hexanoate 10 g 1472
Larodan20-0700-9 Methyl Heptanoate 100 mg 736
Larodan20-0700-13 Methyl Heptanoate 1 g 1380
Larodan20-0700-16 Methyl Heptanoate 5 g 3795
Larodan20-0800-9 Methyl Octanoate 100 mg 667
Larodan20-0800-13 Methyl Octanoate 1 g 736
Larodan20-0800-17 Methyl Octanoate 10 g 1472
Larodan20-0900-9 Methyl Nonanoate 100 mg 736
Larodan20-0900-13 Methyl Nonanoate 1 g 1380
Larodan20-0900-16 Methyl Nonanoate 5 g 3795
Larodan20-1000-9 Methyl Decanoate 100 mg 667
Larodan20-1000-13 Methyl Decanoate 1 g 736
Larodan20-1000-17 Methyl Decanoate 10 g 1472
Larodan20-1100-9 Methyl Undecanoate 100 mg 782
Larodan20-1100-13 Methyl Undecanoate 1 g 1472
Larodan20-1100-16 Methyl Undecanoate 5 g 4094
Larodan20-1101-9 Methyl 10c-Undecenoate 100 mg 874
Larodan20-1101-30 Methyl 10c-Undecenoate 5 x 100 mg 1955
Larodan20-1200-9 Methyl Dodecanoate 100 mg 667
Larodan20-1200-13 Methyl Dodecanoate 1 g 736
Larodan20-1200-17 Methyl Dodecanoate 10 g 1472
Larodan20-1201-9 Methyl 11c-Dodecenoate 100 mg 1564
Larodan20-1201-30 Methyl 11c-Dodecenoate 5 x 100 mg 3680
Larodan20-1300-9 Methyl Tridecanoate 100 mg 782
Larodan20-1300-13 Methyl Tridecanoate 1 g 1472
Larodan20-1300-16 Methyl Tridecanoate 5 g 4094
Larodan20-1301-9 Methyl 12c-Tridecenoate 100 mg 1610
Larodan20-1301-30 Methyl 12c-Tridecenoate 5 x 100 mg 3795
Larodan20-1400-9 Methyl Tetradecanoate 100 mg 667
Larodan20-1400-13 Methyl Tetradecanoate 1 g 736
Larodan20-1400-17 Methyl Tetradecanoate 10 g 1472
Larodan20-1401-9 Methyl Myristoleate (9c) 100 mg 2438
Larodan20-1401-30 Methyl Myristoleate (9c) 5 x 100 mg 6670
Larodan20-1402-7 Methyl Myristelaidate (9tr) 25 mg 2484
Larodan20-1402-9 Methyl Myristelaidate (9tr) 100 mg 5520
Larodan20-1500-9 Methyl Pentadecanoate 100 mg 782
Larodan20-1500-13 Methyl Pentadecanoate 1 g 1472
Larodan20-1500-16 Methyl Pentadecanoate 5 g 4094
Larodan20-1501-0 Methyl 10c-Pentadecenoate - 460
Larodan20-1511-0 Methyl 10tr-Pentadecenoate - 460
Larodan20-1600-9 Methyl Hexadecanoate 100 mg 667
Larodan20-1600-13 Methyl Hexadecanoate 1 g 736
Larodan20-1600-17 Methyl Hexadecanoate 10 g 1472
Larodan20-1601-9 Methyl Palmitoleate (9c) 100 mg 1219
Larodan20-1601-30 Methyl Palmitoleate (9c) 5 x 100 mg 2990
Larodan20-1602-9 Methyl Palmitelaidate (9tr) 100 mg 1334
Larodan20-1602-30 Methyl Palmitelaidate (9tr) 5 x 100 mg 3220
Larodan20-1603-4 Methyl (7(Z), 10(Z), 13(Z))-Hexadecatrienoate 5 mg 4370
Larodan20-1606-4 6(Z)-Hexadecenoic acid Methyl Ester 5 mg 4370
Larodan20-1607-5 Methyl (7Z) Hexadecenoate 10 mg 3335
Larodan20-1607-8 Methyl (7Z) Hexadecenoate 50 mg 10120
Larodan20-1611-4 Methyl 11(Z)-hexadecenoate 5 mg 4370
Larodan20-1620-4 Methyl 9(Z),12(Z)-Hexadecadienoate 5 mg 4370
Larodan20-1700-9 Methyl Heptadecanoate 100 mg 782
Larodan20-1700-13 Methyl Heptadecanoate 1 g 1472
Larodan20-1700-16 Methyl Heptadecanoate 5 g 4255
Larodan20-1701-9 Methyl 10c-Heptadecenoate 100 mg 1587
Larodan20-1701-30 Methyl 10c-Heptadecenoate 5 x 100 mg 4416
Larodan20-1702-7 Methyl 10tr-Heptadecenoate 25 mg 2070
Larodan20-1702-29 Methyl 10tr-Heptadecenoate 3 x 25 mg 3565
Larodan20-1800-9 Methyl Octadecanoate 100 mg 667
Larodan20-1800-13 Methyl Octadecanoate 1 g 782
Larodan20-1800-17 Methyl Octadecanoate 10 g 1564
Larodan20-1800-3-4 9-Octadecynoic acid Methylester 5 mg 4370
Larodan20-1801-13 Methyl Oleate (9c) 1 g 920
Larodan20-1801-17 Methyl Oleate (9c) 10 g 2990
Larodan20-1801-1-4 2(E)-Octadecenoic acid Methyl Ester 5 mg 4370
Larodan20-1801-4-4 7(Z)-Octadecanoic acid Methyl Ester 5 mg 4370
Larodan20-1802-13 Methyl Linoleate (9c, 12c) 1 g 920
Larodan20-1802-17 Methyl Linoleate (9c, 12c) 10 g 2990
Larodan20-1802-1b-0 9(Z),12(E)-Octadecadienoic acid Methyl Ester - 460
Larodan20-1802-20-4 5(Z),9(Z)-Octadecadienoic acid (Taxoleic) Methyl Ester 5 mg 4370
Larodan20-1802-21-2 8(E),10(E)-Octadecadienoic Acid Methyl Ester 2 mg 4370
Larodan20-1802-22-2 11(E),13(E)-Octadecadienoic Acid Methyl Ester 2 mg 4370
Larodan20-1803-9 Methyl Linolenate (9c, 12c, 15c) 100 mg 1012
Larodan20-1803-30 Methyl Linolenate (9c, 12c, 15c) 5 x 100 mg 2116
Larodan20-1803-21-0 5(E),9(Z),12(Z)-Octadecatrienoic acid (Columbinic) Methyl Ester - 460
Larodan20-1803-22-4 5(Z),9(Z),12(Z)-Octadecatrienoic acid Methyl Ester 5 mg 4370
Larodan20-1803-23-5 9(Z),11(E),13(E)-Octadecatrienoic Acid Methyl Ester 10 mg 4370
Larodan20-1810-13 Methyl Elaidate (9tr) 1 g 1449
Larodan20-1810-31 Methyl Elaidate (9tr) 5 x 1 g 4140
Larodan20-1811-9 Methyl Petroselinoate (6c) 100 mg 1472
Larodan20-1811-30 Methyl Petroselinoate (6c) 5 x 100 mg 3450
Larodan20-1812-9 Methyl Vaccenate (11c) 100 mg 1610
Larodan20-1812-30 Methyl Vaccenate (11c) 5 x 100 mg 3864
Larodan20-1813-9 Methyl Transvaccenate (11tr) 100 mg 1794
Larodan20-1813-30 Methyl Transvaccenate (11tr) 5 x 100 mg 4370
Larodan20-1814-5 12(Z)-Octadecenoic Acid Methyl Ester 10 mg 2990
Larodan20-1814-8 12(Z)-Octadecenoic Acid Methyl Ester 50 mg 8510
Larodan20-1818-4 8(Z)-Octadecenoic acid Methyl Ester 5 mg 4370
Larodan20-1820-9 Methyl Linoelaidate (9tr, 12tr) 100 mg 1196
Larodan20-1820-30 Methyl Linoelaidate (9tr, 12tr) 5 x 100 mg 2806
Larodan20-1823-7 Methyl 9c,11tr-Octadecadienoate 25 mg 4140
Larodan20-1823-75-0 CLA 9c,11tr Methyl Ester - 460
Larodan20-1824-7 Methyl 9c,11c-Octadecadienoate 25 mg 4140
Larodan20-1825-7 Methyl 9tr,11tr-Octadecadienoate 25 mg 4140
Larodan20-1826-7 Methyl 10tr,12c-Octadecadienoate 25 mg 4140
Larodan20-1826-90-0 CLA 10tr,12c  Methyl Ester - 460
Larodan20-1830-9 Methyl Gamma Linolenate (6c, 9c, 12c) 100 mg 1426
Larodan20-1830-30 Methyl Gamma Linolenate (6c, 9c, 12c) 5 x 100 mg 3404
Larodan20-1840-4 Methyl Octadecatetraenoate (6c, 9c, 12c, 15c) (Methyl Stearidonate) 5 mg 4140
Larodan20-1869-2 6(Z),9(Z)-Octadecadienoic acid Methyl Ester 2 mg 4370
Larodan20-1900-9 Methyl Nonadecanoate 100 mg 782
Larodan20-1900-13 Methyl Nonadecanoate 1 g 1472
Larodan20-1900-16 Methyl Nonadecanoate 5 g 4094
Larodan20-1902-1-4 10(Z),13(Z)-Nonadecadienoic acid Methyl Ester 5 mg 4370
Larodan20-1903-1-4 7(Z),10(Z),13(Z)-Nonadecatrienoic acid Methyl Ester 5 mg 4370
Larodan20-2000-9 Methyl Eicosanoate 100 mg 782
Larodan20-2000-13 Methyl Eicosanoate 1 g 1426
Larodan20-2000-16 Methyl Eicosanoate 5 g 3864
Larodan20-2001-9 Methyl 11c-Eicosenoate 100 mg 1104
Larodan20-2001-30 Methyl 11c-Eicosenoate 5 x 100 mg 2300
Larodan20-2001-1-4 9(Z)-Eicosenoic acid (Gadoleic) Methyl Ester 5 mg 4370
Larodan20-2002-9 Methyl 11c,14c- Eicosadienoate 100 mg 1610
Larodan20-2002-30 Methyl 11c,14c- Eicosadienoate 5 x 100 mg 3864
Larodan20-2003-9 Methyl Eicosatrienoate (11c, 14c, 17c) 100 mg 1702
Larodan20-2003-30 Methyl Eicosatrienoate (11c, 14c, 17c) 5 x 100 mg 4324
Larodan20-2004-7 Methyl Arachidonate (5c, 8c, 11c, 14c) 25 mg 1449
Larodan20-2004-9 Methyl Arachidonate (5c, 8c, 11c, 14c) 100 mg 2530
Larodan20-2004-2-4 2(E),8(Z),11(Z),14(Z)-Eicosatetraenoic acid Methyl Ester 5 mg 4370
Larodan20-2004-3-1 5(E),8(Z),11(Z),14(Z)-Eicosatetraenoic acid (5(E)-Arachidonic) Methyl Ester 1 mg 4370
Larodan20-2005-9 Methyl Eicosapentaenoate (5c, 8c, 11c, 14c, 17c) 100 mg 3105
Larodan20-2005-30 Methyl Eicosapentaenoate (5c, 8c, 11c, 14c, 17c) 5 x 100 mg 7935
Larodan20-2005-90-16 EPA Methyl Ester 5 g 7774
Larodan20-2005-90-19 EPA Methyl Ester 25 g 21965
Larodan20-2010-7 Methyl 11tr-Eicosenoate 25 mg 1564
Larodan20-2010-9 Methyl 11tr-Eicosenoate 100 mg 2668
Larodan20-2013-7 Methyl Hommo-gammalinolenate (8c, 11c, 14c) 25 mg 1932
Larodan20-2013-9 Methyl Hommo-gammalinolenate (8c, 11c, 14c) 100 mg 3864
Larodan20-2024-1 Omega3-Methyl Arachidonate (8c, 11c,14c, 17c ) 1 mg 2898
Larodan20-2024-4 Omega3-Methyl Arachidonate (8c, 11c,14c, 17c ) 5 mg 8050
Larodan20-2033-2 Mead acid Methyl Ester(5(Z),8(Z),11(Z)-C20:3) 2 mg 5175
Larodan20-2035-2 Sciadonic acid Methyl Ester[Methyl 5(Z),11((Z),14(Z)-eicosatrienoate] 2 mg 4370
Larodan20-2045-0 5(Z),11(Z),14(Z),17(Z)-Eicosatetraenoic acid Methyl Ester (Juniperonic) - 460
Larodan20-2100-9 Methyl Heneicosanoate 100 mg 1564
Larodan20-2100-12 Methyl Heneicosanoate 500 mg 2944
Larodan20-2100-13 Methyl Heneicosanoate 1 g 3956
Larodan20-2104-1-4 6(Z),9(Z),12(Z),15(Z)-Heneicosatetraenoic acid Methyl Ester 5 mg 4370
Larodan20-2105-1-0 6(Z),9(Z),12(Z),15(Z),18(Z)-Heneicosapentaenoic acid Methyl Ester - 460
Larodan20-2200-9 Methyl Docosanoate 100 mg 874
Larodan20-2200-13 Methyl Docosanoate 1 g 1196
Larodan20-2200-16 Methyl Docosanoate 5 g 2990
Larodan20-2201-9 Methyl Erucate (13c) 100 mg 1058
Larodan20-2201-30 Methyl Erucate (13c) 5 x 100 mg 2185
Larodan20-2202-7 Methyl Docosadienoate (13c, 16c) 25 mg 2760
Larodan20-2202-29 Methyl Docosadienoate (13c, 16c) 3 x 25 mg 4784
Larodan20-2203-7 Methyl Docosatrienoate(13c, 16c, 19c) 25 mg 2760
Larodan20-2203-29 Methyl Docosatrienoate(13c, 16c, 19c) 3 x 25 mg 4784
Larodan20-2204-7 Methyl Docosatetraenoate (7c, 10c, 13c, 16c) 25 mg 2760
Larodan20-2204-29 Methyl Docosatetraenoate (7c, 10c, 13c, 16c) 3 x 25 mg 4784
Larodan20-2205-9 Methyl Docosapentaenoate ( 7c, 10c, 13c, 16c, 19c) 100 mg 3036
Larodan20-2205-30 Methyl Docosapentaenoate ( 7c, 10c, 13c, 16c, 19c) 5 x 100 mg 8855
Larodan20-2206-9 Methyl Docosahexaenoate ( 4c, 7c, 10c, 13c, 16c, 19c) 100 mg 1794
Larodan20-2206-30 Methyl Docosahexaenoate ( 4c, 7c, 10c, 13c, 16c, 19c) 5 x 100 mg 5106
Larodan20-2206-1-4 2(E),7(Z),10(Z),13(Z),16(Z),19(Z)-Docosahexaenoic acid Methyl Ester 5 mg 460
Larodan20-2206-90-16 DHA Methyl Ester 5 g 8280
Larodan20-2206-90-19 DHA Methyl Ester 25 g 23000
Larodan20-2210-9 Methyl Brassidate ( 13tr) 100 mg 1426
Larodan20-2210-30 Methyl Brassidate ( 13tr) 5 x 100 mg 3174
Larodan20-2214-5 Methyl (4Z,10Z,13Z,16Z)-Docosatetraenoate 10 mg 2944
Larodan20-2214-8 Methyl (4Z,10Z,13Z,16Z)-Docosatetraenoate 50 mg 8855
Larodan20-2265-7 Methyl Docosapentaenoate (4c,7c,10c,13c,16c) 25 mg 3335
Larodan20-2300-9 Methyl Tricosanoate 100 mg 1564
Larodan20-2300-12 Methyl Tricosanoate 500 mg 2944
Larodan20-2300-13 Methyl Tricosanoate 1 g 3910
Larodan20-2400-9 Methyl Tetracosanoate 100 mg 1564
Larodan20-2400-12 Methyl Tetracosanoate 500 mg 2944
Larodan20-2400-13 Methyl Tetracosanoate 1 g 3910
Larodan20-2401-9 Methyl Nervonate ( 15c) 100 mg 1311
Larodan20-2401-30 Methyl Nervonate ( 15c) 5 x 100 mg 2944
Larodan20-2405-4 Methyl (9c, 12c, 15c, 18c,  21c)-Tetracosapentaenoate 5 mg 4370
Larodan20-2406-0 Methyl (6c, 9c, 12c, 15c, 18c, 21c)-Tetracosahexaenoate - 460
Larodan20-2407-4 2(E),6(Z), 9(Z), 12(Z), 15(Z),18(Z),21(Z)-Tetracosaheptaenoic acid Methyl Ester 5 mg 4370
Larodan20-2500-7 Methyl Pentacosanoate 25 mg 2714
Larodan20-2500-9 Methyl Pentacosanoate 100 mg 4945
Larodan20-2600-9 Methyl Hexacosanoate 100 mg 2576
Larodan20-2600-12 Methyl Hexacosanoate 500 mg 6785
Larodan20-2600-13 Methyl Hexacosanoate 1 g 10235
Larodan20-2700-7 Methyl Heptacosanoate 25 mg 2944
Larodan20-2700-9 Methyl Heptacosanoate 100 mg 6210
Larodan20-2800-9 Methyl Octacosanoate 100 mg 2760
Larodan20-2900-7 Methyl Nonacosanoate 25 mg 2944
Larodan20-2900-9 Methyl Nonacosanoate 100 mg 6210
Larodan20-3000-7 Methyl Triacontanoate 25 mg 2714
Larodan20-3000-9 Methyl Triacontanoate 100 mg 4945
Larodan20-3100-7 Methyl Hentriacontanoate 25 mg 3220
Larodan20-3100-9 Methyl Hentriacontanoate 100 mg 7245
Larodan20-3200-7 Methyl Dotriacontanoate 25 mg 2898
Larodan21-0908-7 Methyl  8-methylnonanoate 25 mg 2530
Larodan21-0908-9 Methyl  8-methylnonanoate 100 mg 6670
Larodan21-0908-11 Methyl  8-methylnonanoate 250 mg 14030
Larodan21-1109-7 Methyl 9-methylundecanoate 25 mg 2530
Larodan21-1109-9 Methyl 9-methylundecanoate 100 mg 6670
Larodan21-1109-11 Methyl 9-methylundecanoate 250 mg 14030
Larodan21-1110-7 Methyl 10-methylundecanoate 25 mg 2530
Larodan21-1110-9 Methyl 10-methylundecanoate 100 mg 6670
Larodan21-1110-11 Methyl 10-methylundecanoate 250 mg 14030
Larodan21-1210-7 Methyl 10-methyldodecanoate 25 mg 2530
Larodan21-1210-9 Methyl 10-methyldodecanoate 100 mg 6670
Larodan21-1210-11 Methyl 10-methyldodecanoate 250 mg 14030
Larodan21-1211-7 Methyl 11-methyldodecanoate 25 mg 2530
Larodan21-1211-9 Methyl 11-methyldodecanoate 100 mg 6670
Larodan21-1211-11 Methyl 11-methyldodecanoate 250 mg 14030
Larodan21-1311-7 Methyl 11-methyltridecanoate 25 mg 2530
Larodan21-1311-9 Methyl 11-methyltridecanoate 100 mg 6670
Larodan21-1311-11 Methyl 11-methyltridecanoate 250 mg 14030
Larodan21-1312-7 Methyl 12-methyltridecanoate 25 mg 2530
Larodan21-1312-9 Methyl 12-methyltridecanoate 100 mg 6670
Larodan21-1312-11 Methyl 12-methyltridecanoate 250 mg 14030
Larodan21-1412-7 Methyl 12-methyltetradecanoate 25 mg 3036
Larodan21-1412-9 Methyl 12-methyltetradecanoate 100 mg 8165
Larodan21-1412-11 Methyl 12-methyltetradecanoate 250 mg 15755
Larodan21-1413-7 Methyl 13-methyltetradecanoate 25 mg 3036
Larodan21-1413-9 Methyl 13-methyltetradecanoate 100 mg 8165
Larodan21-1413-11 Methyl 13-methyltetradecanoate 250 mg 15755
Larodan21-1500-4 Methyl Pristanate 5 mg 3404
Larodan21-1513-7 Methyl 13-methylpentadecanoate 25 mg 3036
Larodan21-1513-9 Methyl 13-methylpentadecanoate 100 mg 8165
Larodan21-1513-11 Methyl 13-methylpentadecanoate 250 mg 15755
Larodan21-1514-7 Methyl 14-methylpentadecanoate 25 mg 3036
Larodan21-1514-9 Methyl 14-methylpentadecanoate 100 mg 8165
Larodan21-1514-11 Methyl 14-methylpentadecanoate 250 mg 15755
Larodan21-1600-5 Methyl Phytanate 10 mg 2300
Larodan21-1600-8 Methyl Phytanate 50 mg 5520
Larodan21-1600-9 Methyl Phytanate 100 mg 9315
Larodan21-1600-12 Methyl Phytanate 500 mg 25185
Larodan21-1600-13 Methyl Phytanate 1 g 39560
Larodan21-1610-7 Methyl 10-methylhexadecanoate 25 mg 6095
Larodan21-1614-7 Methyl 14-methylhexadecanoate 25 mg 3036
Larodan21-1614-9 Methyl 14-methylhexadecanoate 100 mg 8165
Larodan21-1614-11 Methyl 14-methylhexadecanoate 250 mg 15755
Larodan21-1615-7 Methyl 15-methylhexadecanoate 25 mg 3036
Larodan21-1615-9 Methyl 15-methylhexadecanoate 100 mg 8165
Larodan21-1615-11 Methyl 15-methylhexadecanoate 250 mg 15755
Larodan21-1715-7 Methyl 15-methylheptadecanoate 25 mg 3036
Larodan21-1715-9 Methyl 15-methylheptadecanoate 100 mg 8165
Larodan21-1715-11 Methyl 15-methylheptadecanoate 250 mg 15755
Larodan21-1716-7 Methyl 16-methylheptadecanoate 25 mg 3036
Larodan21-1716-9 Methyl 16-methylheptadecanoate 100 mg 8165
Larodan21-1716-11 Methyl 16-methylheptadecanoate 250 mg 15755
Larodan21-1810-4 Methyl 10-methyloctadecanoate 5 mg 4370
Larodan21-1816-7 Methyl 16-methyloctadecanoate 25 mg 3036
Larodan21-1816-9 Methyl 16-methyloctadecanoate 100 mg 8165
Larodan21-1816-11 Methyl 16-methyloctadecanoate 250 mg 15755
Larodan21-1817-7 Methyl 17-methyloctadecanoate 25 mg 3036
Larodan21-1817-9 Methyl 17-methyloctadecanoate 100 mg 8165
Larodan21-1817-11 Methyl 17-methyloctadecanoate 250 mg 15755
Larodan21-1918-7 Methyl 18-methylnonadecanoate 25 mg 3036
Larodan21-1918-9 Methyl 18-methylnonadecanoate 100 mg 8165
Larodan21-1918-11 Methyl 18-methylnonadecanoate 250 mg 15755
Larodan21-2019-7 Methyl 19-methyleicosanoate 25 mg 3036
Larodan21-2019-9 Methyl 19-methyleicosanoate 100 mg 8165
Larodan21-2019-11 Methyl 19-methyleicosanoate 250 mg 15755
Larodan23-1909-7 Methyl cis-9,10-Methyleneoctadecanoate 25 mg 4715
Larodan24-0603-7 Methyl 3-Hydroxyhexanoate 25 mg 5520
Larodan24-0802-8 Methyl 2-Hydroxyoctanoate 50 mg 2760
Larodan24-0802-11 Methyl 2-Hydroxyoctanoate 250 mg 8740
Larodan24-0802-13 Methyl 2-Hydroxyoctanoate 1 g 23230
Larodan24-0803-8 Methyl 3-Hydroxyoctanoate 50 mg 3404
Larodan24-0803-11 Methyl 3-Hydroxyoctanoate 250 mg 10005
Larodan24-0803-13 Methyl 3-Hydroxyoctanoate 1 g 25760
Larodan24-0903-8 Methyl 3-Hydroxynonanoate 50 mg 3795
Larodan24-0903-11 Methyl 3-Hydroxynonanoate 250 mg 11040
Larodan24-1002-8 Methyl 2-Hydroxydecanoate 50 mg 2300
Larodan24-1002-11 Methyl 2-Hydroxydecanoate 250 mg 6670
Larodan24-1002-13 Methyl 2-Hydroxydecanoate 1 g 17365
Larodan24-1003-8 Methyl 3-Hydroxydecanoate 50 mg 3404
Larodan24-1003-11 Methyl 3-Hydroxydecanoate 250 mg 10235
Larodan24-1103-8 Methyl 3-Hydroxyundecanoate 50 mg 3795
Larodan24-1103-11 Methyl 3-Hydroxyundecanoate 250 mg 11155
Larodan24-1202-8 Methyl 2-Hydroxydodecanoate 50 mg 2300
Larodan24-1202-11 Methyl 2-Hydroxydodecanoate 250 mg 6670
Larodan24-1202-13 Methyl 2-Hydroxydodecanoate 1 g 17365
Larodan24-1203-8 Methyl 3-Hydroxydodecanoate 50 mg 2898
Larodan24-1203-11 Methyl 3-Hydroxydodecanoate 250 mg 9384
Larodan24-1303-7 Methyl 3-Hydroxytridecanoate 25 mg 3565
Larodan24-1402-8 Methyl 2-Hydroxytetradecanoate 50 mg 2300
Larodan24-1402-11 Methyl 2-Hydroxytetradecanoate 250 mg 6670
Larodan24-1402-13 Methyl 2-Hydroxytetradecanoate 1 g 17365
Larodan24-1403-8 Methyl 3-Hydroxytetradecanoate 50 mg 2898
Larodan24-1403-11 Methyl 3-Hydroxytetradecanoate 250 mg 9384
Larodan24-1503-7 Methyl 3-Hydroxypentadecanoate 25 mg 3565
Larodan24-1515-7 Methyl 15-Hydroxypentadecanoate 25 mg 3266
Larodan24-1602-8 Methyl 2-Hydroxyhexadecanoate 50 mg 2300
Larodan24-1602-11 Methyl 2-Hydroxyhexadecanoate 250 mg 6670
Larodan24-1602-13 Methyl 2-Hydroxyhexadecanoate 1 g 17365
Larodan24-1603-8 Methyl 3-Hydroxyhexadecanoate 50 mg 2898
Larodan24-1603-11 Methyl 3-Hydroxyhexadecanoate 250 mg 9384
Larodan24-1703-7 Methyl 3-Hydroxyheptadecanoate 25 mg 460
Larodan24-1717-7 Methyl 17-Hydroxyheptadecanoate 25 mg 6095
Larodan24-1800-6-0 12-Oxooctadecanoic acid Methyl Ester - 460
Larodan24-1801-20-0 12-Oxo-9(Z)-octadecenoic acid Methyl Ester - 460
Larodan24-1802-8 Methyl 2-Hydroxyoctadecanoate 50 mg 2300
Larodan24-1802-11 Methyl 2-Hydroxyoctadecanoate 250 mg 6670
Larodan24-1802-13 Methyl 2-Hydroxyoctadecanoate 1 g 17365
Larodan24-1802-11a-39 10(S),11(S)-Epoxy-9(S)-hydroxy-12(Z)-octadecenoic acid Methyl Ester 100 microgram 4370
Larodan24-1802-11b-39 11(S),12(S)-Epoxy-13(S)-hydroxy-9(Z)-octadecenoic acid Methyl Ester 100 microgram 4370
Larodan24-1802-11c-39 9(S),10(S)-Epoxy-11(S)-hydroxy-12(Z)-octadecenoic acid Methyl Ester 100 microgram 4370
Larodan24-1802-16b-7 12(S),13(R)-Epoxy-9(Z)-octadecenoic acid ((+)-Vernolic) Methyl Ester 25 mg 4370
Larodan24-1802-3b-39 11(R)-Hydroxy-9(Z),12(Z)-octadecadienoic acid Methyl Ester 100 microgram 4370
Larodan24-1803-8 Methyl 3-Hydroxyoctadecanoate 50 mg 2898
Larodan24-1803-11 Methyl 3-Hydroxyoctadecanoate 250 mg 9430
Larodan24-1803-11a-39 10(S),11(S)-Epoxy-9(S)-hydroxy-12(Z),15(Z)-octadecadienoic acid Methyl Ester 100 microgram 4370
Larodan24-1803-11b-39 11(S),12(S)-Epoxy-13(S)-hydroxy-9(Z),15(Z)-octadecadienoic acid Methyl Ester 100 microgram 4370
Larodan24-1803-11d-39 12(S),13(S)-Epoxy-11(S)-hydroxy-9(Z),15(Z)-octadecadienoic acid Methyl Ester 100 microgram 4370
Larodan24-1803-12a-41 12(R),13(S)-Epoxy-9(S)-hydroxy-10(E),15(Z)-octadecadienoic acid Methyl Ester 50 microgram 4370
Larodan24-1803-12b-41 9(S),10(R)-Epoxy-13(S)-hydroxy-11(E),15(Z)-octadecadienoic acid Methyl Ester 50 microgram 4370
Larodan24-1812-9 Methyl Ricinoleate ( 9c, 12OH) 100 mg 1196
Larodan24-1812-30 Methyl Ricinoleate ( 9c, 12OH) 5 x 100 mg 2714
Larodan24-1820-9 Methyl 12-Hydroxystearate 100 mg 1058
Larodan24-1822-9 Methyl Ricinelaidate ( 9tr, 12OH) 100 mg 1426
Larodan24-1822-30 Methyl Ricinelaidate ( 9tr, 12OH) 5 x 100 mg 3588
Larodan24-2002-8 Methyl 2-Hydroxyeicosanoate 50 mg 3036
Larodan24-2002-11 Methyl 2-Hydroxyeicosanoate 250 mg 9660
Larodan24-2002-13 Methyl 2-Hydroxyeicosanoate 1 g 23345
Larodan24-2020-7 Methyl 20-Hydroxyeicosanate 25 mg 5865
Larodan24-2121-7 Methyl 21-Hydroxyheneicosanoate 25 mg 6716
Larodan24-2202-8 Methyl 2-Hydroxydocosanoate 50 mg 3036
Larodan24-2202-11 Methyl 2-Hydroxydocosanoate 250 mg 9660
Larodan24-2202-13 Methyl 2-Hydroxydocosanoate 1 g 23345
Larodan24-2206-3-1 (±)-cis-4,5-Epoxy-7(Z),14(Z),13(Z),16(Z),19(Z)-Docosapentaenoic acid Methyl Ester 1 mg 4370
Larodan24-2222-7 Methyl 22-Hydroxydocosanoate 25 mg 6555
Larodan24-2302-5 Methyl 2-Hydroxytricosanoate 10 mg 5520
Larodan24-2402-4 Methyl 2-Hydroxytetracosanoate 5 mg 5520
Larodan24-2727-7 Methyl 27-Hydroxyheptacosanoate 25 mg 6670
Larodan24-3030-7 Methyl 30-Hydroxytriacontanoate 25 mg 6670
Larodan25-0200-9 Dimethyl Oxalate 100 mg 828
Larodan25-0200-13 Dimethyl Oxalate 1 g 1035
Larodan25-0200-17 Dimethyl Oxalate 10 g 2898
Larodan25-0300-9 Dimethyl Malonate 100 mg 828
Larodan25-0300-13 Dimethyl Malonate 1 g 1035
Larodan25-0300-17 Dimethyl Malonate 10 g 2898
Larodan25-0400-9 Dimethyl Succinate 100 mg 828
Larodan25-0400-13 Dimethyl Succinate 1 g 1035
Larodan25-0400-17 Dimethyl Succinate 10 g 2898
Larodan25-0500-9 Dimethyl Glutarate 100 mg 828
Larodan25-0500-13 Dimethyl Glutarate 1 g 1035
Larodan25-0500-17 Dimethyl Glutarate 10 g 2898
Larodan25-0600-9 Dimethyl Adipate 100 mg 828
Larodan25-0600-13 Dimethyl Adipate 1 g 1035
Larodan25-0600-17 Dimethyl Adipate 10 g 2898
Larodan25-0700-9 Dimethyl Pimelate 100 mg 1035
Larodan25-0700-13 Dimethyl Pimelate 1 g 1426
Larodan25-0700-17 Dimethyl Pimelate 10 g 4140
Larodan25-0800-9 Dimethyl Suberate 100 mg 828
Larodan25-0800-13 Dimethyl Suberate 1 g 1035
Larodan25-0800-17 Dimethyl Suberate 10 g 2898
Larodan25-0900-9 Dimethyl Azelate 100 mg 828
Larodan25-0900-13 Dimethyl Azelate 1 g 1035
Larodan25-0900-17 Dimethyl Azelate 10 g 2898
Larodan25-1000-9 Dimethyl Sebacate 100 mg 828
Larodan25-1000-13 Dimethyl Sebacate 1 g 1035
Larodan25-1000-17 Dimethyl Sebacate 10 g 2898
Larodan25-1100-9 Dimethyl Undecanedioate 100 mg 2208
Larodan25-1100-13 Dimethyl Undecanedioate 1 g 5796
Larodan25-1200-9 Dimethyl Dodecanedioate 100 mg 828
Larodan25-1200-13 Dimethyl Dodecanedioate 1 g 1035
Larodan25-1200-17 Dimethyl Dodecanedioate 10 g 2898
Larodan25-1300-9 Dimethyl Brassylate 100 mg 2208
Larodan25-1300-13 Dimethyl Brassylate 1 g 5796
Larodan25-1400-9 Dimethyl Tetradecanedioate 100 mg 1794
Larodan25-1400-13 Dimethyl Tetradecanedioate 1 g 4324
Larodan25-1500-9 Dimethyl Pentadecanedioate 100 mg 2668
Larodan25-1500-13 Dimethyl Pentadecanedioate 1 g 7130
Larodan25-1600-9 Dimethyl Hexadecanedioate 100 mg 1794
Larodan25-1600-13 Dimethyl Hexadecanedioate 1 g 4324
Larodan25-1800-9 Dimethyl Octadecanedioate 100 mg 1794
Larodan25-1800-13 Dimethyl Octadecanedioate 1 g 4324
Larodan25-2030-0 5(Z),8(Z),11(Z)-Eicosatrien-1,20-dioic acid Methyl Ester - 460
Larodan25-2600-9 Dimethyl Hexacosanedioate 100 mg 3174
Larodan25-2600-13 Dimethyl Hexacosanedioate 1 g 7360
Larodan30-2005-90-13 EPA Ethyl Ester 1 g 2645
Larodan30-2005-90-16 EPA Ethyl Ester 5 g 7360
Larodan30-2005-90-19 EPA Ethyl Ester 25 g 21160
Larodan30-2206-90-13 DHA Ethyl Ester 1 g 3128
Larodan30-2206-90-16 DHA Ethyl Ester 5 g 8395
Larodan30-2206-90-19 DHA Ethyl Ester 25 g 22885
Larodan31-0600-9 Monocaproin (Monohexanoin) 100 mg 2300
Larodan31-0600-12 Monocaproin (Monohexanoin) 500 mg 4715
Larodan31-0600-13 Monocaproin (Monohexanoin) 1 g 6555
Larodan31-0800-9 Monocaprylin (Monooctanoin) 100 mg 1196
Larodan31-0800-12 Monocaprylin (Monooctanoin) 500 mg 1656
Larodan31-0800-13 Monocaprylin (Monooctanoin) 1 g 2116
Larodan31-0801-8 1-Monocaprylin 50 mg 1656
Larodan31-0801-11 1-Monocaprylin 250 mg 3335
Larodan31-0900-9 Monopelargonin (Monononanoin) 100 mg 1311
Larodan31-0900-12 Monopelargonin (Monononanoin) 500 mg 1794
Larodan31-0900-13 Monopelargonin (Monononanoin) 1 g 2346
Larodan31-1000-9 Monocaprin (Monodecanoin) 100 mg 1196
Larodan31-1000-12 Monocaprin (Monodecanoin) 500 mg 1656
Larodan31-1000-13 Monocaprin (Monodecanoin) 1 g 2139
Larodan31-1001-8 1-Monocaprin 50 mg 1656
Larodan31-1001-11 1-Monocaprin 250 mg 3335
Larodan31-1100-9 Monoundecanoin 100 mg 1311
Larodan31-1100-12 Monoundecanoin 500 mg 1794
Larodan31-1100-13 Monoundecanoin 1 g 2346
Larodan31-1200-9 Monolaurin (Monododecanoin) 100 mg 1081
Larodan31-1200-12 Monolaurin (Monododecanoin) 500 mg 1564
Larodan31-1200-13 Monolaurin (Monododecanoin) 1 g 1932
Larodan31-1201-8 1-Monolaurin 50 mg 1656
Larodan31-1201-11 1-Monolaurin 250 mg 3335
Larodan31-1202-0 2-Monolaurin - 460
Larodan31-1300-9 Monotridecanoin 100 mg 1311
Larodan31-1300-12 Monotridecanoin 500 mg 1794
Larodan31-1300-13 Monotridecanoin 1 g 2346
Larodan31-1301-0 1-Monotridecanoin - 460
Larodan31-1400-9 Monomyristin (Monotetradecanoin) 100 mg 1081
Larodan31-1400-12 Monomyristin (Monotetradecanoin) 500 mg 1564
Larodan31-1400-13 Monomyristin (Monotetradecanoin) 1 g 1932
Larodan31-1401-8 1-Monomyristin 50 mg 1656
Larodan31-1401-11 1-Monomyristin 250 mg 3335
Larodan31-1402-0 2-Monomyristin - 460
Larodan31-1500-9 Monopentadecanoin 100 mg 1311
Larodan31-1500-12 Monopentadecanoin 500 mg 1794
Larodan31-1500-13 Monopentadecanoin 1 g 2346
Larodan31-1501-0 1-Monopentadecanoin - 460
Larodan31-1600-9 Monopalmitin (Monohexadecanoin) 100 mg 1081
Larodan31-1600-12 Monopalmitin (Monohexadecanoin) 500 mg 1564
Larodan31-1600-13 Monopalmitin (Monohexadecanoin) 1 g 1932
Larodan31-1601-8 1-Monopalmitin 50 mg 1656
Larodan31-1601-11 1-Monopalmitin 250 mg 3335
Larodan31-1602-0 2-Monopalmitin - 460
Larodan31-1610-7 Monopalmitolein (9c) 25 mg 1150
Larodan31-1610-9 Monopalmitolein (9c) 100 mg 1794
Larodan31-1610-12 Monopalmitolein (9c) 500 mg 2944
Larodan31-1700-9 Monoheptadecanoin 100 mg 1334
Larodan31-1700-12 Monoheptadecanoin 500 mg 1840
Larodan31-1700-13 Monoheptadecanoin 1 g 2415
Larodan31-1701-0 1-Monoheptadecanoin - 460
Larodan31-1800-9 Monostearin (Monooctadecanoin) 100 mg 1081
Larodan31-1800-12 Monostearin (Monooctadecanoin) 500 mg 1564
Larodan31-1800-13 Monostearin (Monooctadecanoin) 1 g 1932
Larodan31-1801-8 1-Monostearin 50 mg 1656
Larodan31-1801-11 1-Monostearin 250 mg 3335
Larodan31-1802-0 2-Monostearin - 460
Larodan31-1810-9 Monoolein 100 mg 1403
Larodan31-1810-12 Monoolein 500 mg 2622
Larodan31-1811-7 1-Monoolein 25 mg 1932
Larodan31-1811-9 1-Monoolein 100 mg 2806
Larodan31-1811-12 1-Monoolein 500 mg 6670
Larodan31-1812-0 2-Monoolein - 460
Larodan31-1820-7 Monolinolein (9c, 12c) 25 mg 1150
Larodan31-1820-9 Monolinolein (9c, 12c) 100 mg 1564
Larodan31-1820-12 Monolinolein (9c, 12c) 500 mg 3220
Larodan31-1821-0 1-Monolinolein - 460
Larodan31-1830-7 Monolinolenin (9c, 12c, 15c) 25 mg 1679
Larodan31-1830-9 Monolinolenin (9c, 12c, 15c) 100 mg 2898
Larodan31-1835-7 Monogammalinolenin (6c, 9c, 12c) 25 mg 2300
Larodan31-1835-11 Monogammalinolenin (6c, 9c, 12c) 250 mg 7245
Larodan31-1835-29 Monogammalinolenin (6c, 9c, 12c) 3 x 25 mg 4255
Larodan31-1850-7 Monoelaidin (9tr) 25 mg 1564
Larodan31-1850-9 Monoelaidin (9tr) 100 mg 2070
Larodan31-1850-12 Monoelaidin (9tr) 500 mg 2990
Larodan31-1860-7 Monolinoelaidin (9tr, 12tr) 25 mg 1932
Larodan31-1860-29 Monolinoelaidin (9tr, 12tr) 3 x 25 mg 3404
Larodan31-1900-8 Monononadecanoin 50 mg 1196
Larodan31-1900-11 Monononadecanoin 250 mg 2898
Larodan31-2000-9 Monoarachidin (Monoeicosanoin) 100 mg 1311
Larodan31-2000-12 Monoarachidin (Monoeicosanoin) 500 mg 1886
Larodan31-2000-13 Monoarachidin (Monoeicosanoin) 1 g 2714
Larodan31-2001-0 1-Monoarachidin - 460
Larodan31-2010-0 Monoeicosenoin - 460
Larodan31-2040-7 Monoarachidonin (5c, 8c, 11c, 14c) 25 mg 2530
Larodan31-2040-29 Monoarachidonin (5c, 8c, 11c, 14c) 3 x 25 mg 4646
Larodan31-2100-8 Monoheneicosanoin 50 mg 2530
Larodan31-2100-11 Monoheneicosanoin 250 mg 7015
Larodan31-2200-9 Monobehenin (Monodocosanoin) 100 mg 1380
Larodan31-2200-12 Monobehenin (Monodocosanoin) 500 mg 2070
Larodan31-2200-13 Monobehenin (Monodocosanoin) 1 g 3105
Larodan31-2210-7 Monoerucin (13c) 25 mg 1196
Larodan31-2210-9 Monoerucin (13c) 100 mg 1610
Larodan31-2210-12 Monoerucin (13c) 500 mg 3335
Larodan31-2260-7 Monodocosahexaenoin (4,7,10,13,16,19-all cis) 25 mg 2415
Larodan31-2260-9 Monodocosahexaenoin (4,7,10,13,16,19-all cis) 100 mg 4370
Larodan31-2410-7 Mononervonin (15c) 25 mg 2162
Larodan31-2410-29 Mononervonin (15c) 3 x 25 mg 3910
Larodan32-0800-9 Dicaprylin (Dioctanoin) 100 mg 1265
Larodan32-0800-12 Dicaprylin (Dioctanoin) 500 mg 2070
Larodan32-0800-13 Dicaprylin (Dioctanoin) 1 g 2852
Larodan32-0803-8 1,3-Dicaprylin 50 mg 1932
Larodan32-0803-11 1,3-Dicaprylin 250 mg 3450
Larodan32-1000-9 Dicaprin (Didecanoin) 100 mg 1265
Larodan32-1000-12 Dicaprin (Didecanoin) 500 mg 2070
Larodan32-1000-13 Dicaprin (Didecanoin) 1 g 2852
Larodan32-1003-8 1,3-Dicaprin 50 mg 1932
Larodan32-1020-7 1-Decanoin-2-Acetin (DAG) 25 mg 2760
Larodan32-1020-9 1-Decanoin-2-Acetin (DAG) 100 mg 5290
Larodan32-1200-9 Dilaurin (Didodecanoin) 100 mg 1150
Larodan32-1200-12 Dilaurin (Didodecanoin) 500 mg 1932
Larodan32-1200-13 Dilaurin (Didodecanoin) 1 g 2576
Larodan32-1202-0 1,2-Dilaurin - 460
Larodan32-1203-8 1,3-Dilaurin 50 mg 1656
Larodan32-1203-11 1,3-Dilaurin 250 mg 4140
Larodan32-1203-13 1,3-Dilaurin 1 g 8970
Larodan32-1216-0 1-Laurin-2-Palmitin - 460
Larodan32-1218-0 1-Laurin-2-Stearin - 460
Larodan32-1300-9 Ditridecanoin 100 mg 1541
Larodan32-1300-12 Ditridecanoin 500 mg 2645
Larodan32-1303-8 1,3-Ditridecanoin 50 mg 2576
Larodan32-1400-9 Dimyristin (Ditetradecanoin) 100 mg 1150
Larodan32-1400-12 Dimyristin (Ditetradecanoin) 500 mg 1932
Larodan32-1400-13 Dimyristin (Ditetradecanoin) 1 g 2576
Larodan32-1402-0 1,2-Dimyristin - 460
Larodan32-1403-8 1,3-Dimyristin 50 mg 1656
Larodan32-1403-11 1,3-Dimyristin 250 mg 4186
Larodan32-1403-13 1,3-Dimyristin 1 g 9085
Larodan32-1412-0 1-Myristin-2-Laurin - 460
Larodan32-1422-7 1-Myristin-3-Behenin 25 mg 4370
Larodan32-1422-9 1-Myristin-3-Behenin 100 mg 9430
Larodan32-1450-7 1-Myristin-3-Olein 25 mg 3795
Larodan32-1450-9 1-Myristin-3-Olein 100 mg 7130
Larodan32-1452-7 1-Palmitin-3-Myristin 25 mg 3358
Larodan32-1452-9 1-Palmitin-3-Myristin 100 mg 6555
Larodan32-1452-11 1-Palmitin-3-Myristin 250 mg 9430
Larodan32-1455-7 1-Myristin-3-Elaidin 25 mg 4255
Larodan32-1500-9 Dipentadecanoin 100 mg 1541
Larodan32-1500-12 Dipentadecanoin 500 mg 2645
Larodan32-1502-0 1,2-Dipentadecanoin - 460
Larodan32-1503-8 1,3-Dipentadecanoin 50 mg 2438
Larodan32-1600-9 Dipalmitin (Dihexadecanoin) 100 mg 1150
Larodan32-1600-12 Dipalmitin (Dihexadecanoin) 500 mg 1932
Larodan32-1600-13 Dipalmitin (Dihexadecanoin) 1 g 2576
Larodan32-1602-8 1,2-Dipalmitin 50 mg 2875
Larodan32-1602-11 1,2-Dipalmitin 250 mg 7705
Larodan32-1602-13 1,2-Dipalmitin 1 g 14950
Larodan32-1603-8 1,3-Dipalmitin 50 mg 1656
Larodan32-1603-11 1,3-Dipalmitin 250 mg 4186
Larodan32-1603-13 1,3-Dipalmitin 1 g 9085
Larodan32-1610-7 Dipalmitolein (9c) 25 mg 1702
Larodan32-1610-9 Dipalmitolein (9c) 100 mg 2898
Larodan32-1612-0 1-Palmitin-2-Laurin - 460
Larodan32-1613-7 1,3-Dipalmitolein 25 mg 2346
Larodan32-1620-7 1-Palmitin-3-Arachidin 25 mg 4255
Larodan32-1650-7 Dipalmitelaidin (9tr) 25 mg 1932
Larodan32-1653-7 1,3-Dipalmitelaidin 25 mg 2070
Larodan32-1654-7 1-Palmitin-3-Stearin 25 mg 3450
Larodan32-1654-9 1-Palmitin-3-Stearin 100 mg 6440
Larodan32-1654-11 1-Palmitin-3-Stearin 250 mg 10235
Larodan32-1655-7 1-Palmitin-3-Olein 25 mg 3795
Larodan32-1655-9 1-Palmitin-3-Olein 100 mg 7130
Larodan32-1656-7 1-Palmitin-3-Linolein 25 mg 4025
Larodan32-1657-7 1-Palmitin-3-Laurin 25 mg 3358
Larodan32-1657-9 1-Palmitin-3-Laurin 100 mg 6256
Larodan32-1657-11 1-Palmitin-3-Laurin 250 mg 10120
Larodan32-1700-9 Diheptadecanoin 100 mg 1541
Larodan32-1700-12 Diheptadecanoin 500 mg 2645
Larodan32-1702-0 1,2-Diheptadecanoin - 460
Larodan32-1703-8 1,3-Diheptadecanoin 50 mg 2530
Larodan32-1800-9 Distearin (Dioctadecanoin) 100 mg 1150
Larodan32-1800-12 Distearin (Dioctadecanoin) 500 mg 1932
Larodan32-1800-13 Distearin (Dioctadecanoin) 1 g 2576
Larodan32-1802-7 1,2-Distearin 25 mg 2300
Larodan32-1803-8 1,3-Distearin 50 mg 1656
Larodan32-1803-11 1,3-Distearin 250 mg 4140
Larodan32-1803-13 1,3-Distearin 1 g 9085
Larodan32-1810-9 Diolein (9c) 100 mg 1288
Larodan32-1810-12 Diolein (9c) 500 mg 2438
Larodan32-1810-13 Diolein (9c) 1 g 3220
Larodan32-1812-0 1,2-Diolein - 460
Larodan32-1813-7 1,3-Diolein 25 mg 1219
Larodan32-1813-11 1,3-Diolein 250 mg 3174
Larodan32-1813-12 1,3-Diolein 500 mg 4738
Larodan32-1816-0 1-Stearin-2-Palmitin - 460
Larodan32-1820-9 Dilinolein (9c,12c) 100 mg 1288
Larodan32-1820-12 Dilinolein (9c,12c) 500 mg 2438
Larodan32-1820-13 Dilinolein (9c,12c) 1 g 3220
Larodan32-1823-7 1,3-Dilinolein 25 mg 1288
Larodan32-1823-9 1,3-Dilinolein 100 mg 2346
Larodan32-1823-11 1,3-Dilinolein 250 mg 3312
Larodan32-1830-7 Dilinolenin (9c, 12c, 15c) 25 mg 1426
Larodan32-1830-9 Dilinolenin (9c, 12c, 15c) 100 mg 2392
Larodan32-1830-11 Dilinolenin (9c, 12c, 15c) 250 mg 3680
Larodan32-1833-7 1,3-Dilinolenin 25 mg 1932
Larodan32-1833-9 1,3-Dilinolenin 100 mg 3404
Larodan32-1835-7 Digamma linolenin (6c, 9c, 12c) 25 mg 1978
Larodan32-1835-11 Digamma linolenin (6c, 9c, 12c) 250 mg 5428
Larodan32-1835-29 Digamma linolenin (6c, 9c, 12c) 3 x 25 mg 3450
Larodan32-1837-7 1,3-Digamma linolenin 25 mg 2668
Larodan32-1837-29 1,3-Digamma linolenin 3 x 25 mg 4876
Larodan32-1850-7 Dielaidin (9tr) 25 mg 1495
Larodan32-1850-9 Dielaidin (9tr) 100 mg 2530
Larodan32-1853-7 1,3-Dielaidin 25 mg 1702
Larodan32-1853-9 1,3-Dielaidin 100 mg 2944
Larodan32-1854-7 1-Stearin-3-Olein 25 mg 3795
Larodan32-1854-9 1-Stearin-3-Olein 100 mg 7015
Larodan32-1854-11 1-Stearin-3-Olein 250 mg 10810
Larodan32-1855-7 1-Stearin-3-Linolein  25 mg 4140
Larodan32-1855-9 1-Stearin-3-Linolein  100 mg 7820
Larodan32-1860-7 Dilinoelaidin (9tr, 12tr) 25 mg 1656
Larodan32-1860-29 Dilinoelaidin (9tr, 12tr) 3 x 25 mg 2852
Larodan32-1863-7 1,3-Dilinoelaidin 25 mg 2185
Larodan32-1863-29 1,3-Dilinoelaidin 3 x 25 mg 3910
Larodan32-1890-7 1-Stearin-2-Laurin 25 mg 3795
Larodan32-1900-9 Dinonadecanoin 100 mg 1564
Larodan32-1900-12 Dinonadecanoin 500 mg 2668
Larodan32-1902-0 1,2-Dinonadecanoin - 460
Larodan32-1903-8 1,3-Dinonadecanoin 50 mg 2415
Larodan32-2000-9 Diarachidin (Dieicosanoin) 100 mg 1794
Larodan32-2000-12 Diarachidin (Dieicosanoin) 500 mg 3128
Larodan32-2002-0 1,2-Diarachidin - 460
Larodan32-2003-8 1,3-Diarachidin 50 mg 2185
Larodan32-2010-7 Dieicosenoin (11c) 25 mg 1610
Larodan32-2010-9 Dieicosenoin (11c) 100 mg 2990
Larodan32-2040-7 Diarachidonin (5c, 8c, 11c, 14c) 25 mg 2438
Larodan32-2040-29 Diarachidonin (5c, 8c, 11c, 14c) 3 x 25 mg 4416
Larodan32-2043-7 1,3-Diarachidonin 25 mg 2898
Larodan32-2043-29 1,3-Diarachidonin 3 x 25 mg 5336
Larodan32-2050-7 1-Olein-3-Arachidin 25 mg 4025
Larodan32-2050-9 1-Olein-3-Arachidin 100 mg 8510
Larodan32-2200-9 Dibehenin (Didocosanoin) 100 mg 1840
Larodan32-2200-12 Dibehenin (Didocosanoin) 500 mg 3220
Larodan32-2203-8 1,3-Dibehenin 50 mg 2185
Larodan32-2260-7 Didocosahexaenoin (4,7,10,13,16,19-all cis) 25 mg 2438
Larodan32-2260-9 Didocosahexaenoin (4,7,10,13,16,19-all cis) 100 mg 4416
Larodan32-2400-0 Dilignocerin (Ditetracosanoin) - 460
Larodan33-0600-9 Tricaproin (Trihexanoin) 100 mg 966
Larodan33-0600-12 Tricaproin (Trihexanoin) 500 mg 1702
Larodan33-0600-13 Tricaproin (Trihexanoin) 1 g 2484
Larodan33-0700-9 Triheptanoin 100 mg 1334
Larodan33-0700-12 Triheptanoin 500 mg 1932
Larodan33-0700-13 Triheptanoin 1 g 2898
Larodan33-0800-9 Tricaprylin (Trioctanoin) 100 mg 920
Larodan33-0800-12 Tricaprylin (Trioctanoin) 500 mg 1426
Larodan33-0800-13 Tricaprylin (Trioctanoin) 1 g 1955
Larodan33-0900-9 Trinonanoin 100 mg 1242
Larodan33-0900-12 Trinonanoin 500 mg 1794
Larodan33-0900-13 Trinonanoin 1 g 2392
Larodan33-1000-9 Tricaprin (Tridecanoin) 100 mg 920
Larodan33-1000-12 Tricaprin (Tridecanoin) 500 mg 1426
Larodan33-1000-13 Tricaprin (Tridecanoin) 1 g 1955
Larodan33-1100-9 Triundecanoin 100 mg 1242
Larodan33-1100-12 Triundecanoin 500 mg 1794
Larodan33-1100-13 Triundecanoin 1 g 2392
Larodan33-1110-0 Triundecenoin (10c) - 460
Larodan33-1200-9 Trilaurin (Tridodecanoin) 100 mg 920
Larodan33-1200-12 Trilaurin (Tridodecanoin) 500 mg 1426
Larodan33-1200-13 Trilaurin (Tridodecanoin) 1 g 1955
Larodan33-1300-9 Tritridecanoin 100 mg 1242
Larodan33-1300-12 Tritridecanoin 500 mg 1794
Larodan33-1300-13 Tritridecanoin 1 g 2392
Larodan33-1400-9 Trimyristin (Tritetradecanoin) 100 mg 920
Larodan33-1400-12 Trimyristin (Tritetradecanoin) 500 mg 1426
Larodan33-1400-13 Trimyristin (Tritetradecanoin) 1 g 1955
Larodan33-1500-9 Tripentadecanoin 100 mg 1242
Larodan33-1500-12 Tripentadecanoin 500 mg 1794
Larodan33-1500-13 Tripentadecanoin 1 g 2392
Larodan33-1600-9 Tripalmitin (Trihexadecanoin) 100 mg 920
Larodan33-1600-12 Tripalmitin (Trihexadecanoin) 500 mg 1426
Larodan33-1600-13 Tripalmitin (Trihexadecanoin) 1 g 1955
Larodan33-1610-9 Tripalmitolein (9c) 100 mg 1495
Larodan33-1610-12 Tripalmitolein (9c) 500 mg 2714
Larodan33-1610-13 Tripalmitolein (9c) 1 g 3795
Larodan33-1700-9 Triheptadecanoin 100 mg 1265
Larodan33-1700-12 Triheptadecanoin 500 mg 1794
Larodan33-1700-13 Triheptadecanoin 1 g 2392
Larodan33-1701-0 Triheptadecenoin (10c) - 460
Larodan33-1800-9 Tristearin (Trioctadecanoin) 100 mg 920
Larodan33-1800-12 Tristearin (Trioctadecanoin) 500 mg 1426
Larodan33-1800-13 Tristearin (Trioctadecanoin) 1 g 1955
Larodan33-1810-9 Triolein (9c) 100 mg 1058
Larodan33-1810-12 Triolein (9c) 500 mg 1472
Larodan33-1810-13 Triolein (9c) 1 g 2024
Larodan33-1811-0 Tripetroselaidin (6tr) - 460
Larodan33-1820-9 Trilinolein (9c, 12c) 100 mg 1104
Larodan33-1820-12 Trilinolein (9c, 12c) 500 mg 1610
Larodan33-1820-13 Trilinolein (9c, 12c) 1 g 2162
Larodan33-1823-90-0 CLA 9c,11tr Triglyceride - 460
Larodan33-1826-90-0 CLA 10tr,12c  Triglyceride - 460
Larodan33-1830-9 Trilinolenin (9c, 12c, 15c) 100 mg 1702
Larodan33-1830-12 Trilinolenin (9c, 12c, 15c) 500 mg 2806
Larodan33-1830-13 Trilinolenin (9c, 12c, 15c) 1 g 3795
Larodan33-1835-9 Trigammalinolenin (6c, 9c, 12c) 100 mg 2645
Larodan33-1835-43 Trigammalinolenin (6c, 9c, 12c) 3 x 100 mg 4830
Larodan33-1850-9 Trielaidin (9tr) 100 mg 1081
Larodan33-1850-12 Trielaidin (9tr) 500 mg 1702
Larodan33-1850-13 Trielaidin (9tr) 1 g 2576
Larodan33-1860-9 Trilinoelaidin (9tr, 12tr) 100 mg 1426
Larodan33-1860-12 Trilinoelaidin (9tr, 12tr) 500 mg 2093
Larodan33-1860-13 Trilinoelaidin (9tr, 12tr) 1 g 3266
Larodan33-1900-9 Trinonadecanoin 100 mg 1242
Larodan33-1900-12 Trinonadecanoin 500 mg 1794
Larodan33-1900-13 Trinonadecanoin 1 g 2392
Larodan33-2000-9 Triarachidin (Trieicosanoin) 100 mg 1449
Larodan33-2000-12 Triarachidin (Trieicosanoin) 500 mg 2185
Larodan33-2000-13 Triarachidin (Trieicosanoin) 1 g 3174
Larodan33-2010-9 Trieicosenoin (11c) 100 mg 2300
Larodan33-2010-12 Trieicosenoin (11c) 500 mg 4140
Larodan33-2040-7 Triarachidonin (5c, 8c, 11c, 14c) 25 mg 2231
Larodan33-2040-29 Triarachidonin (5c, 8c, 11c, 14c) 3 x 25 mg 4025
Larodan33-2050-7 Trieicosapentaenoin (5,8,11,14,17-all cis) 25 mg 3634
Larodan33-2050-9 Trieicosapentaenoin (5,8,11,14,17-all cis) 100 mg 6808
Larodan33-2100-9 Triheneicosanoin 100 mg 2162
Larodan33-2100-12 Triheneicosanoin 500 mg 3795
Larodan33-2100-13 Triheneicosanoin 1 g 5635
Larodan33-2200-9 Tribehenin (Tridocosanoin) 100 mg 1449
Larodan33-2200-12 Tribehenin (Tridocosanoin) 500 mg 2139
Larodan33-2200-13 Tribehenin (Tridocosanoin) 1 g 3036
Larodan33-2210-9 Trierucin (13c) 100 mg 1656
Larodan33-2210-12 Trierucin (13c) 500 mg 2622
Larodan33-2210-13 Trierucin (13c) 1 g 3795
Larodan33-2260-7 Tridocosahexaenoin (4,7,10,13,16,19-all cis) 25 mg 2438
Larodan33-2260-9 Tridocosahexaenoin (4,7,10,13,16,19-all cis) 100 mg 4370
Larodan33-2300-9 Tritricosanoin 100 mg 2139
Larodan33-2300-12 Tritricosanoin 500 mg 4002
Larodan33-2300-13 Tritricosanoin 1 g 5566
Larodan33-2400-9 Trilignocerin (Tritetracosanoin) 100 mg 2990
Larodan33-2400-12 Trilignocerin (Tritetracosanoin) 500 mg 5520
Larodan33-2400-13 Trilignocerin (Tritetracosanoin) 1 g 8510
Larodan33-2410-9 Trinervonin (15c) 100 mg 2668
Larodan33-2410-12 Trinervonin (15c) 500 mg 6348
Larodan34-0416-7 1,2-Butyrin-3-Palmitin 25 mg 2530
Larodan34-1000-7 1,2-Caprin-3-Stearin 25 mg 2530
Larodan34-1000-9 1,2-Caprin-3-Stearin 100 mg 5405
Larodan34-1018-7 1,3-Olein-2-Caprin 25 mg 2806
Larodan34-1200-7 1,2-Laurin-3-Myristin 25 mg 2530
Larodan34-1200-9 1,2-Laurin-3-Myristin 100 mg 5405
Larodan34-1200-11 1,2-Laurin-3-Myristin 250 mg 9200
Larodan34-1218-7 1,2-Olein-3-Laurin 25 mg 2760
Larodan34-1218-9 1,2-Olein-3-Laurin 100 mg 7130
Larodan34-1400-7 1,2-Myristin-3-Palmitin 25 mg 2530
Larodan34-1400-9 1,2-Myristin-3-Palmitin 100 mg 5405
Larodan34-1400-11 1,2-Myristin-3-Palmitin 250 mg 9200
Larodan34-1401-7 1,2-Myristin-3-Laurin 25 mg 2530
Larodan34-1401-9 1,2-Myristin-3-Laurin 100 mg 5405
Larodan34-1401-11 1,2-Myristin-3-Laurin 250 mg 9200
Larodan34-1425-0 1,2-Myristin-3-Eicosapentaenoin - 460
Larodan34-1426-0 1,3-Myristin-2-Eicosapentaenoin - 460
Larodan34-1600-7 1,2-Palmitin-3-Stearin 25 mg 2530
Larodan34-1600-9 1,2-Palmitin-3-Stearin 100 mg 5405
Larodan34-1600-11 1,2-Palmitin-3-Stearin 250 mg 9200
Larodan34-1601-7 1,2-Palmitin-3-Olein 25 mg 2530
Larodan34-1601-9 1,2-Palmitin-3-Olein 100 mg 5405
Larodan34-1601-11 1,2-Palmitin-3-Olein 250 mg 9200
Larodan34-1602-7 1,2-Palmitin-3-Elaidin 25 mg 2668
Larodan34-1602-9 1,2-Palmitin-3-Elaidin 100 mg 6325
Larodan34-1602-11 1,2-Palmitin-3-Elaidin 250 mg 11155
Larodan34-1603-7 1,2-Palmitin-3-Linolein 25 mg 2806
Larodan34-1603-9 1,2-Palmitin-3-Linolein 100 mg 7130
Larodan34-1604-7 1,2-Palmitin-3-Linoelaidin 25 mg 3220
Larodan34-1605-7 1,2-Palmitolein-3-Olein  25 mg 2760
Larodan34-1606-7 1,2-Palmitolein-3-Vaccenate  25 mg 2760
Larodan34-1607-0 1,2-Palmitolein-3-Palmitin - 460
Larodan34-1610-7 1,3-Palmitin-2-Stearin 25 mg 2530
Larodan34-1610-9 1,3-Palmitin-2-Stearin 100 mg 5405
Larodan34-1610-11 1,3-Palmitin-2-Stearin 250 mg 9200
Larodan34-1611-7 1,3-Palmitin-2-Olein 25 mg 2530
Larodan34-1611-9 1,3-Palmitin-2-Olein 100 mg 5405
Larodan34-1611-11 1,3-Palmitin-2-Olein 250 mg 9200
Larodan34-1612-7 1,3-Palmitin-2-Myristin 25 mg 2530
Larodan34-1612-9 1,3-Palmitin-2-Myristin 100 mg 5405
Larodan34-1612-11 1,3-Palmitin-2-Myristin 250 mg 9200
Larodan34-1615-7 1,2-Palmitin-3-Pentadecanoin 25 mg 2530
Larodan34-1615-9 1,2-Palmitin-3-Pentadecanoin 100 mg 5405
Larodan34-1615-11 1,2-Palmitin-3-Pentadecanoin 250 mg 9200
Larodan34-1617-7 1,3-Palmitolein-2-Vaccenate 25 mg 2990
Larodan34-1618-7 1,3-Palmitin-2-Linolein 25 mg 2898
Larodan34-1618-9 1,3-Palmitin-2-Linolein 100 mg 5934
Larodan34-1618-11 1,3-Palmitin-2-Linolein 250 mg 9890
Larodan34-1718-7 1,2-Heptadecanoin-3-Olein 25 mg 2875
Larodan34-1718-9 1,2-Heptadecanoin-3-Olein 100 mg 7130
Larodan34-1728-7 1,3-Heptadecanoin-2-Olein 25 mg 2875
Larodan34-1800-7 1,2-Stearin-3-Palmitin 25 mg 2530
Larodan34-1800-9 1,2-Stearin-3-Palmitin 100 mg 5405
Larodan34-1800-11 1,2-Stearin-3-Palmitin 250 mg 9200
Larodan34-1801-7 1,2-Stearin-3-Olein 25 mg 2530
Larodan34-1801-9 1,2-Stearin-3-Olein 100 mg 5405
Larodan34-1801-11 1,2-Stearin-3-Olein 250 mg 9200
Larodan34-1802-7 1,2-Stearin-3-Caprin 25 mg 2875
Larodan34-1803-7 1,2-Stearin-3-Elaidin 25 mg 2990
Larodan34-1803-9 1,2-Stearin-3-Elaidin 100 mg 7015
Larodan34-1803-11 1,2-Stearin-3-Elaidin 250 mg 12305
Larodan34-1804-7 1,3-Stearin-2-Elaidin 25 mg 2622
Larodan34-1804-9 1,3-Stearin-2-Elaidin 100 mg 6486
Larodan34-1804-11 1,3-Stearin-2-Elaidin 250 mg 10810
Larodan34-1805-7 1,2-Stearin-3-Butyrin 25 mg 2875
Larodan34-1810-7 1,3-Stearin-2-Palmitin 25 mg 2530
Larodan34-1810-9 1,3-Stearin-2-Palmitin 100 mg 5405
Larodan34-1810-11 1,3-Stearin-2-Palmitin 250 mg 9200
Larodan34-1811-7 1,3-Stearin-2-Olein 25 mg 2530
Larodan34-1811-9 1,3-Stearin-2-Olein 100 mg 5405
Larodan34-1811-11 1,3-Stearin-2-Olein 250 mg 9200
Larodan34-1812-7 1,3-Stearin-2-Linolein 25 mg 2622
Larodan34-1812-9 1,3-Stearin-2-Linolein 100 mg 6486
Larodan34-1812-11 1,3-Stearin-2-Linolein 250 mg 10810
Larodan34-1815-7 1,3-Stearin-2-Laurin 25 mg 2530
Larodan34-1815-9 1,3-Stearin-2-Laurin 100 mg 5405
Larodan34-1815-11 1,3-Stearin-2-Laurin 250 mg 9200
Larodan34-1816-7 1,3-Stearin-2-Myristin 25 mg 2530
Larodan34-1816-9 1,3-Stearin-2-Myristin 100 mg 5405
Larodan34-1816-11 1,3-Stearin-2-Myristin 250 mg 9200
Larodan34-1820-7 1,2-Olein-3-Myristin 25 mg 460
Larodan34-1821-7 1,2-Olein-3-Palmitin 25 mg 2622
Larodan34-1821-9 1,2-Olein-3-Palmitin 100 mg 6486
Larodan34-1821-11 1,2-Olein-3-Palmitin 250 mg 10810
Larodan34-1822-7 1,2-Olein-3-Stearin 25 mg 2622
Larodan34-1822-9 1,2-Olein-3-Stearin 100 mg 6486
Larodan34-1822-11 1,2-Olein-3-Stearin 250 mg 10810
Larodan34-1823-7 1,3-Olein-2-Lignocerin 25 mg 2944
Larodan34-1824-7 1,2-Olein-3-Arachidin 25 mg 2944
Larodan34-1825-7 1,2-Olein-3-Behenin 25 mg 2875
Larodan34-1825-9 1,2-Olein-3-Behenin 100 mg 7130
Larodan34-1825-11 1,2-Olein-3-Behenin 250 mg 11500
Larodan34-1827-7 1,2-Olein-3-Linolein 25 mg 2898
Larodan34-1827-9 1,2-Olein-3-Linolein 100 mg 7268
Larodan34-1827-11 1,2-Olein-3-Linolein 250 mg 11960
Larodan34-1828-7 1,2-Olein-3-Linolenin 25 mg 2990
Larodan34-1830-7 1,3-Olein-2-Myristin 25 mg 2852
Larodan34-1830-9 1,3-Olein-2-Myristin 100 mg 7015
Larodan34-1831-7 1,3-Olein-2-Palmitin 25 mg 2622
Larodan34-1831-9 1,3-Olein-2-Palmitin 100 mg 6486
Larodan34-1831-11 1,3-Olein-2-Palmitin 250 mg 10810
Larodan34-1832-7 1,3-Olein-2-Stearin 25 mg 2622
Larodan34-1832-9 1,3-Olein-2-Stearin 100 mg 6486
Larodan34-1832-11 1,3-Olein-2-Stearin 250 mg 10810
Larodan34-1833-7 1,3-Olein-2-Elaidin 25 mg 3036
Larodan34-1833-9 1,3-Olein-2-Elaidin 100 mg 7705
Larodan34-1835-7 1,3-Olein-2-Linolein 25 mg 2760
Larodan34-1840-7 1,2-Elaidin-3-Stearin 25 mg 3036
Larodan34-1840-9 1,2-Elaidin-3-Stearin 100 mg 7705
Larodan34-1841-0 1,2-Elaidin-3-Palmitin - 460
Larodan34-1843-7 1,2-Elaidin-3-Linolein 25 mg 3220
Larodan34-1850-7 1,2-Olein-3-Decanoin 25 mg 2852
Larodan34-1850-9 1,2-Olein-3-Decanoin 100 mg 7015
Larodan34-1852-7 1,3-Elaidin-2-Olein 25 mg 3128
Larodan34-1852-9 1,3-Elaidin-2-Olein 100 mg 7728
Larodan34-1853-0 1,3-Linolein-2-Linolenin - 460
Larodan34-1854-0 1,3-Linolein-2-Gammalinolenin - 460
Larodan34-1855-7 1,2-Linolein-3-Linolenin 25 mg 3220
Larodan34-1856-7 1,2-Linolein-3-Gammalinolenin 25 mg 3450
Larodan34-1860-7 1,3-Linolein-2-Stearin 25 mg 3105
Larodan34-1862-7 1,2-Linolein-3-Palmitin 25 mg 2760
Larodan34-1862-9 1,2-Linolein-3-Palmitin 100 mg 6900
Larodan34-1863-0 1,2-Linolein-3-Stearin - 460
Larodan34-1865-7 1,3-Linolein-2-Olein 25 mg 3220
Larodan34-1866-7 1,2-Linolein-3-Olein 25 mg 3404
Larodan34-1866-9 1,2-Linolein-3-Olein 100 mg 6900
Larodan34-1866-11 1,2-Linolein-3-Olein 250 mg 11500
Larodan34-2016-7 1,2-Eicosapentaenoin-3-Palmitin 25 mg 3910
Larodan34-2056-0 1,3-Eicosapentaenoin-2-Palmitin - 460
Larodan34-2200-7 1,3-Behenin-2-Olein 25 mg 2875
Larodan34-2200-9 1,3-Behenin-2-Olein 100 mg 7245
Larodan34-2200-11 1,3-Behenin-2-Olein 250 mg 11500
Larodan34-2214-7 1,2-Behenin-3-Myristin 25 mg 2875
Larodan34-2214-9 1,2-Behenin-3-Myristin 100 mg 7245
Larodan34-2214-11 1,2-Behenin-3-Myristin 250 mg 11500
Larodan34-2418-0 1,3-Tetracosanoin-2-Olein - 460
Larodan34-3001-7 1-Palmitin-2-Olein-3-Stearin 25 mg 3795
Larodan34-3001-9 1-Palmitin-2-Olein-3-Stearin 100 mg 9660
Larodan34-3001-11 1-Palmitin-2-Olein-3-Stearin 250 mg 15870
Larodan34-3002-7 1-Palmitin-2-Stearin-3-Olein 25 mg 3726
Larodan34-3003-7 1-Stearin-2-Palmitin-3-Olein 25 mg 3496
Larodan34-3004-7 1-Laurin-2-Olein-3-Palmitin 25 mg 3565
Larodan34-3004-9 1-Laurin-2-Olein-3-Palmitin 100 mg 8395
Larodan34-3004-11 1-Laurin-2-Olein-3-Palmitin 250 mg 14950
Larodan34-3005-7 1-Myristin-2-Olein-3-Palmitin 25 mg 3565
Larodan34-3005-9 1-Myristin-2-Olein-3-Palmitin 100 mg 8395
Larodan34-3005-11 1-Myristin-2-Olein-3-Palmitin 250 mg 14950
Larodan34-3006-7 1-Laurin-2-Elaidin-3-Palmitin 25 mg 3565
Larodan34-3006-9 1-Laurin-2-Elaidin-3-Palmitin 100 mg 8395
Larodan34-3006-11 1-Laurin-2-Elaidin-3-Palmitin 250 mg 14950
Larodan34-3007-7 1-Stearin-2-Olein-3-Linolein 25 mg 3795
Larodan34-3009-7 1-Palmitin-2-Linolein-3-Stearin 25 mg 3795
Larodan34-3009-9 1-Palmitin-2-Linolein-3-Stearin 100 mg 8970
Larodan34-3009-11 1-Palmitin-2-Linolein-3-Stearin 250 mg 15410
Larodan34-3012-7 1-Palmitin-2-Olein-3-Linolein 25 mg 4485
Larodan34-3012-9 1-Palmitin-2-Olein-3-Linolein 100 mg 12535
Larodan34-3013-7 1-Palmitin-2-Elaidin-3-Linolein 25 mg 3795
Larodan34-3013-9 1-Palmitin-2-Elaidin-3-Linolein 100 mg 8970
Larodan34-3014-7 1-Myristin-2-Olein-3-Behenin 25 mg 3795
Larodan34-3015-7 1-Myristin-2-Olein-3-Butyrin 25 mg 3795
Larodan34-3016-7 1-Arachidin-2-Olein-3-Palmitin 25 mg 4025
Larodan34-3018-7 1-Palmitin-2-Arachidin-3-Olein 25 mg 4025
Larodan34-3019-7 1-Myristin-2-Palmitin-3-Butyrin 25 mg 3565
Larodan34-3020-7 1-Palmitin-2-Stearin-3-Butyrin 25 mg 4140
Larodan34-3020-9 1-Palmitin-2-Stearin-3-Butyrin 100 mg 10810
Larodan34-3021-7 1-Palmitin-2-Vaccenin-3-Butyrin 25 mg 4485
Larodan34-3022-7 1-Palmitin-2-Vaccenin-3-Olein 25 mg 4485
Larodan37-0100-9 PC (egg) 100 mg 1334
Larodan37-0100-12 PC (egg) 500 mg 2208
Larodan37-0100-13 PC (egg) 1 g 3036
Larodan37-0102-9 PC (soybean) 100 mg 1587
Larodan37-0102-12 PC (soybean) 500 mg 3036
Larodan37-0102-13 PC (soybean) 1 g 4324
Larodan37-0104-0 PC (heart, bovine) - 460
Larodan37-0105-7 PC (brain, bovine) 25 mg 2277
Larodan37-0105-9 PC (brain, bovine) 100 mg 4692
Larodan37-0105-12 PC (brain, bovine) 500 mg 13685
Larodan37-0106-0 PC (liver, bovine ) - 460
Larodan37-0108-9 PC (soybean, hydrogenated) 100 mg 1564
Larodan37-0108-12 PC (soybean, hydrogenated) 500 mg 2875
Larodan37-0108-13 PC (soybean, hydrogenated) 1 g 4140
Larodan37-0110-9 sn-Glycerophosphorylcholine (egg, free base) 100 mg 2622
Larodan37-0110-12 sn-Glycerophosphorylcholine (egg, free base) 500 mg 6946
Larodan37-0120-7 PE (egg) 25 mg 1886
Larodan37-0120-9 PE (egg) 100 mg 4255
Larodan37-0120-12 PE (egg) 500 mg 12535
Larodan37-0121-7 PE (soya) 25 mg 3220
Larodan37-0122-0 PE (corn germ) - 460
Larodan37-0123-5 PE (heart, bovine) 10 mg 3634
Larodan37-0123-8 PE (heart, bovine) 50 mg 8970
Larodan37-0125-7 PE (brain, bovine) 25 mg 2668
Larodan37-0125-9 PE (brain, bovine) 100 mg 5336
Larodan37-0130-5 PI (soya) 10 mg 2714
Larodan37-0130-7 PI (soya) 25 mg 4968
Larodan37-0131-8 PI (wheat germ (Na salt) 50 mg 4715
Larodan37-0133-5 PI (heart, bovine) (ammonium salt) 10 mg 4715
Larodan37-0133-7 PI (heart, bovine) (ammonium salt) 25 mg 9085
Larodan37-0140-7 PA (egg PC)(sodium salt) 25 mg 2300
Larodan37-0140-9 PA (egg PC)(sodium salt) 100 mg 5060
Larodan37-0141-5 PA (soybean PC),  NH4+ salt 10 mg 460
Larodan37-0150-7 PG (egg PC) 25 mg 2369
Larodan37-0150-9 PG (egg PC) 100 mg 5658
Larodan37-0151-0 PG (soya PC) - 460
Larodan37-0160-5 PS (brain, bovine) (sodium salt) 10 mg 2162
Larodan37-0160-7 PS (brain, bovine) (sodium salt) 25 mg 4002
Larodan37-0160-9 PS (brain, bovine) (sodium salt) 100 mg 10235
Larodan37-0160-90-7 PS (brain, bovine) 25 mg 2668
Larodan37-0161-7 PS (spinal cord, bovine) 25 mg 2622
Larodan37-0161-9 PS (spinal cord, bovine) 100 mg 5152
Larodan37-0162-4 PS (brain, porcine) 5 mg 1840
Larodan37-0170-0 Cardiolipin (CL), (sodium or ammonium salt) (bovine) - 460
Larodan37-0600-7 1,2-Dihexanoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylcholine 25 mg 2484
Larodan37-0600-9 1,2-Dihexanoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylcholine 100 mg 3864
Larodan37-1200-9 1,2-Dilauroyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylcholine 100 mg 1610
Larodan37-1200-11 1,2-Dilauroyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylcholine 250 mg 2530
Larodan37-1200-13 1,2-Dilauroyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylcholine 1 g 6785
Larodan37-1220-9 1,2-Dilauroyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylethanolamine 100 mg 2162
Larodan37-1220-11 1,2-Dilauroyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylethanolamine 250 mg 3956
Larodan37-1400-9 1,2-Dimyristoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylcholine 100 mg 1610
Larodan37-1400-11 1,2-Dimyristoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylcholine 250 mg 2530
Larodan37-1420-9 1,2-Dimyristoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylethanolamine 100 mg 2162
Larodan37-1420-11 1,2-Dimyristoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylethanolamine 250 mg 3956
Larodan37-1480-8 1,2-Di-O-Tetradecyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylcholine 50 mg 460
Larodan37-1500-9 1,2-Dipentadecanoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylcholine 100 mg 2714
Larodan37-1500-11 1,2-Dipentadecanoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylcholine 250 mg 4968
Larodan37-1600-9 1,2-Dipalmitoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylcholine 100 mg 1610
Larodan37-1600-11 1,2-Dipalmitoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylcholine 250 mg 2530
Larodan37-1604-7 1,2-Diphytanoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylcholine 25 mg 2714
Larodan37-1604-9 1,2-Diphytanoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylcholine 100 mg 6555
Larodan37-1618-7 1-Palmitoyl-2-Oleoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylcholine 25 mg 2185
Larodan37-1618-9 1-Palmitoyl-2-Oleoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylcholine 100 mg 3910
Larodan37-1618-12 1-Palmitoyl-2-Oleoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylcholine 500 mg 10120
Larodan37-1620-9 1,2-Dipalmitoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylethanolamine 100 mg 1702
Larodan37-1620-11 1,2-Dipalmitoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylethanolamine 250 mg 2944
Larodan37-1620-13 1,2-Dipalmitoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylethanolamine 1 g 7935
Larodan37-1622-5 1-Palmitoyl-2-Linoleoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylcholine 10 mg 3680
Larodan37-1622-8 1-Palmitoyl-2-Linoleoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylcholine 50 mg 7360
Larodan37-1680-8 1,2-Di-O-Hexadecyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylcholine 50 mg 460
Larodan37-1682-8 1,2-Di-O-Hexadecyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylethanolamine 50 mg 4140
Larodan37-1682-9 1,2-Di-O-Hexadecyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylethanolamine 100 mg 6348
Larodan37-1682-11 1,2-Di-O-Hexadecyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylethanolamine 250 mg 11270
Larodan37-1684-8 1,2-Di-O-Hexadecyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylmethylethanolamine 50 mg 460
Larodan37-1686-8 1,2-Di-O-Hexadecyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidyldimethylethanolamine 50 mg 460
Larodan37-1700-9 1,2-Diheptadecanoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylcholine 100 mg 2714
Larodan37-1700-11 1,2-Diheptadecanoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylcholine 250 mg 4945
Larodan37-1800-9 1,2-Distearoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylcholine 100 mg 1610
Larodan37-1800-11 1,2-Distearoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylcholine 250 mg 2530
Larodan37-1800-13 1,2-Distearoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylcholine 1 g 6785
Larodan37-1801-9 1,2-Dioleoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylcholine 100 mg 1886
Larodan37-1801-11 1,2-Dioleoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylcholine 250 mg 3036
Larodan37-1801-13 1,2-Dioleoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylcholine 1 g 8165
Larodan37-1802-7 1,2-Dilinoleoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylcholine 25 mg 2208
Larodan37-1802-9 1,2-Dilinoleoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylcholine 100 mg 4186
Larodan37-1803-0 1,2-Dilinolenoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylcholine - 460
Larodan37-1820-9 1,2-Distearoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylethanolamine 100 mg 1886
Larodan37-1820-11 1,2-Distearoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylethanolamine 250 mg 3220
Larodan37-1821-7 1,2-Dioleoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylethanolamine 25 mg 2070
Larodan37-1821-9 1,2-Dioleoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylethanolamine 100 mg 3910
Larodan37-1821-NBD-2 1,2-Dioleoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylethanolamine-NBD, 95+% 2 mg 5060
Larodan37-1822-7 1-Stearoyl-2-Linoleoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylcholine 25 mg 460
Larodan37-1823-7 1-Stearoyl-2-9c,11tr-Octadecadienoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylcholine 25 mg 5520
Larodan37-1826-7 1-Stearoyl-2-10tr,12c-Octadecadienoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylcholine 25 mg 5520
Larodan37-1900-9 1,2-Dinonadecanoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylcholine 100 mg 2714
Larodan37-1900-11 1,2-Dinonadecanoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylcholine 250 mg 4945
Larodan37-2000-9 1,2-Diarachidoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylcholine 100 mg 2622
Larodan37-2000-11 1,2-Diarachidoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylcholine 250 mg 4945
Larodan37-2004-5 1,2-Diarachidonoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylcholine 10 mg 3956
Larodan38-0100-7 LPC (egg) (neat) 25 mg 1771
Larodan38-0100-9 LPC (egg) (neat) 100 mg 3312
Larodan38-0100-12 LPC (egg) (neat) 500 mg 9545
Larodan38-0101-7 LPC (soybean) 25 mg 1863
Larodan38-0101-9 LPC (soybean) 100 mg 3588
Larodan38-0101-12 LPC (soybean) 500 mg 9545
Larodan38-0103-7 LPC (brain, bovine) 25 mg 2576
Larodan38-0103-9 LPC (brain, bovine) 100 mg 6095
Larodan38-0104-5 LPC (liver, bovine) 10 mg 3220
Larodan38-0104-8 LPC (liver, bovine) 50 mg 9315
Larodan38-0120-7 LPE (egg) 25 mg 2576
Larodan38-0120-9 LPE (egg) 100 mg 6095
Larodan38-0120-12 LPE (egg) 500 mg 16100
Larodan38-0121-7 LPE (soybean) 25 mg 3496
Larodan38-0121-9 LPE (soybean) 100 mg 9430
Larodan38-0122-4 LPE (corn germ) 5 mg 2185
Larodan38-0124-0 LPE (liver porcine) - 460
Larodan38-0125-7 LPE (bovine) 25 mg 2990
Larodan38-0125-9 LPE (bovine) 100 mg 7935
Larodan38-0130-0 LPI (soybean) - 460
Larodan38-0131-4 LPI (liver, porcine) 5 mg 4025
Larodan38-0150-7 LPG (egg PC) 25 mg 2806
Larodan38-0150-9 LPG (egg PC) 100 mg 7015
Larodan38-1265-8 1,2-Di-O-Dodecyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidic Acid (Na-salt) 50 mg 5290
Larodan38-1265-9 1,2-Di-O-Dodecyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidic Acid (Na-salt) 100 mg 7360
Larodan38-1400-7 1-Myristoyl-2-Hydroxy-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylcholine 25 mg 2185
Larodan38-1400-9 1-Myristoyl-2-Hydroxy-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylcholine 100 mg 4324
Larodan38-1460-9 1,2-Dimyristoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidic Acid 100 mg 2300
Larodan38-1460-11 1,2-Dimyristoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidic Acid 250 mg 4140
Larodan38-1460-13 1,2-Dimyristoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidic Acid 1 g 8050
Larodan38-1480-5 1,2-Dimyristoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phospho-L-Serine,Na 10 mg 2760
Larodan38-1600-7 1-Palmitoyl-2-Hydroxy-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylcholine 25 mg 2208
Larodan38-1600-9 1-Palmitoyl-2-Hydroxy-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylcholine 100 mg 4715
Larodan38-1660-9 1,2-Dipalmitoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidic Acid 100 mg 2806
Larodan38-1662-7 1-Palmitoyl-2-Oleoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidic Acid 25 mg 2070
Larodan38-1665-8 1,2-Di-O-Hexadecyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidic Acid (Na-salt) 50 mg 460
Larodan38-1800-7 1-Stearoyl-2-Hydroxy-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylcholine 25 mg 2254
Larodan38-1800-9 1-Stearoyl-2-Hydroxy-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylcholine 100 mg 4646
Larodan38-1801-7 1-Oleoyl-2-Hydroxy-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylcholine 25 mg 2530
Larodan38-1801-9 1-Oleoyl-2-Hydroxy-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylcholine 100 mg 4738
Larodan38-1802-0 1-Linoleoyl-2-Hydroxy-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylcholine - 460
Larodan38-1821-7 1-Oleoyl-2-Hydroxy-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylethanolamine 25 mg 4485
Larodan38-1860-8 1,2-Distearoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidic Acid 50 mg 2806
Larodan38-1861-7 1,2-Dioleoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidic Acid 25 mg 2300
Larodan38-1861-9 1,2-Dioleoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidic Acid 100 mg 4140
Larodan38-1865-8 1,2-Di-O-Octadecyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidic Acid (Na-salt) 50 mg 460
Larodan38-1881-5 1-Oleoyl-2-Hydroxy-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidic acid, Na-salt 10 mg 2254
Larodan38-3014-9 1,2-Dimyristoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidyl-rac-glycerol(Na-salt) 100 mg 1840
Larodan38-3014-11 1,2-Dimyristoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidyl-rac-glycerol(Na-salt) 250 mg 3910
Larodan38-3014-13 1,2-Dimyristoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidyl-rac-glycerol(Na-salt) 1 g 7360
Larodan38-3016-9 1,2-Dipalmitoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidyl-rac-glycerol(Na-salt) 100 mg 1840
Larodan38-3016-11 1,2-Dipalmitoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidyl-rac-glycerol(Na-salt) 250 mg 3910
Larodan38-3016-13 1,2-Dipalmitoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidyl-rac-glycerol(Na-salt) 1 g 7360
Larodan38-3018-9 1,2-Distearoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidyl-rac-glycerol(Na-salt) 100 mg 1840
Larodan38-3018-11 1,2-Distearoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidyl-rac-glycerol(Na-salt) 250 mg 3910
Larodan38-3018-13 1,2-Distearoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidyl-rac-glycerol(Na-salt) 1 g 7360
Larodan38-3028-7 1,2-Dioleoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidyl-rac-glycerol(Na-salt) 25 mg 1955
Larodan38-3028-9 1,2-Dioleoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidyl-rac-glycerol(Na-salt) 100 mg 5060
Larodan38-3030-7 1-Palmitoyl-2-Oleoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidyl-rac-glycerol(Na-salt) 25 mg 1955
Larodan38-3030-9 1-Palmitoyl-2-Oleoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidyl-rac-glycerol(Na-salt) 100 mg 5060
Larodan38-5016-7 1-Palmitoyl-2-Hydroxy-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylglycerol 25 mg 3956
Larodan38-5016-9 1-Palmitoyl-2-Hydroxy-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylglycerol 100 mg 7705
Larodan38-5018-7 1-Stearoyl-2-Hydroxy-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylglycerol 25 mg 3956
Larodan38-5018-9 1-Stearoyl-2-Hydroxy-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylglycerol 100 mg 7682
Larodan38-5019-7 1-Oleoyl-2-Hydroxy-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylglycerol 25 mg 3956
Larodan38-5019-9 1-Oleoyl-2-Hydroxy-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylglycerol 100 mg 7682
Larodan39-0100-4 PC-Plasmalogen (Phosphocholine, bovine heart), 80% 5 mg 4485
Larodan39-0300-4 PAF (Platelet-Activating Factor, bovine heart) 5 mg 3220
Larodan39-0300-7 PAF (Platelet-Activating Factor, bovine heart) 25 mg 6670
Larodan39-1801-39 Oleic Acid-biotin 100 microgram 2185
Larodan39-1801-45 Oleic Acid-biotin 500 microgram 6440
Larodan39-1802-39 Linoleic Acid-biotin 100 microgram 2185
Larodan39-1802-45 Linoleic Acid-biotin 500 microgram 6440
Larodan39-2004-39 Arachidonic Acid-biotin 100 microgram 2185
Larodan39-2004-45 Arachidonic Acid-biotin 500 microgram 6440
Larodan39-5050-39 C12 NBD-Sphingosylphosphorylcholine 100 microgram 4830
Larodan39-5051-39 C12 NBD-Ceramide 100 microgram 4830
Larodan39-5052-39 C6 NBD-Phytosphingosine 100 microgram 4416
Larodan39-5053-39 C12 NBD-Phytosphingosine 100 microgram 4416
Larodan39-5054-39 C6 NBD-L-threo-Dihydrosphingosine 100 microgram 4646
Larodan39-5055-39 C12 NBD-L-threo-Dihydrosphingosine 100 microgram 4646
Larodan39-5056-39 C6 NBD-D-erythro-Dihydrosphingosine 100 microgram 4646
Larodan39-5057-39 C12 NBD-D-erythro-Dihydrosphingosine 100 microgram 4646
Larodan39-5060-39 C6 NBD-Sphingosine, beta-D-galactosyl 100 microgram 4255
Larodan39-5061-39 C6 NBD-Sphingosine, beta-D-glucosyl 100 microgram 4646
Larodan39-5062-41 C6 NBD-Sphingosine, beta-D-lactosyl 50 microgram 5520
Larodan39-5063-41 C12 NBD-Sphingosine, beta-D-lactosyl 50 microgram 6210
Larodan39-5064-39 C6 NBD-Sphingosylphosphorylcholine 100 microgram 4140
Larodan40-0400-13 Butanol 1 g 1012
Larodan40-0400-17 Butanol 10 g 3174
Larodan40-0500-9 Pentanol 100 mg 1150
Larodan40-0500-13 Pentanol 1 g 2070
Larodan40-0600-13 Hexanol 1 g 1012
Larodan40-0600-17 Hexanol 10 g 3174
Larodan40-0700-9 Heptanol 100 mg 1150
Larodan40-0700-13 Heptanol 1 g 2070
Larodan40-0800-13 Octanol 1 g 1012
Larodan40-0800-17 Octanol 10 g 3105
Larodan40-0900-9 Nonanol 100 mg 1150
Larodan40-0900-13 Nonanol 1 g 2070
Larodan40-1000-13 Decanol 1 g 1012
Larodan40-1000-17 Decanol 10 g 3174
Larodan40-1100-9 Undecanol 100 mg 1150
Larodan40-1100-13 Undecanol 1 g 2070
Larodan40-1200-13 Dodecanol 1 g 1012
Larodan40-1200-17 Dodecanol 10 g 3174
Larodan40-1300-9 Tridecanol 100 mg 1150
Larodan40-1300-13 Tridecanol 1 g 2070
Larodan40-1400-13 Tetradecanol 1 g 1012
Larodan40-1400-17 Tetradecanol 10 g 3174
Larodan40-1500-9 Pentadecanol 100 mg 1150
Larodan40-1500-13 Pentadecanol 1 g 2070
Larodan40-1600-13 Hexadecanol 1 g 1012
Larodan40-1600-17 Hexadecanol 10 g 3174
Larodan40-1700-9 Heptadecanol 100 mg 1150
Larodan40-1700-13 Heptadecanol 1 g 2070
Larodan40-1800-13 Octadecanol 1 g 1012
Larodan40-1800-17 Octadecanol 10 g 3174
Larodan40-1900-9 Nonadecanol 100 mg 1150
Larodan40-1900-13 Nonadecanol 1 g 2070
Larodan40-2000-9 Eicosanol 100 mg 1012
Larodan40-2000-13 Eicosanol 1 g 1932
Larodan40-2000-17 Eicosanol 10 g 4738
Larodan40-2100-9 Heneicosanol 100 mg 2438
Larodan40-2100-11 Heneicosanol 250 mg 3795
Larodan40-2200-9 Docosanol 100 mg 1150
Larodan40-2200-13 Docosanol 1 g 2438
Larodan40-2300-9 Tricosanol 100 mg 2438
Larodan40-2300-11 Tricosanol 250 mg 3795
Larodan40-2400-9 Tetracosanol 100 mg 2438
Larodan40-2400-11 Tetracosanol 250 mg 3795
Larodan40-2600-9 Hexacosanol 100 mg 3036
Larodan40-2600-11 Hexacosanol 250 mg 4600
Larodan44-1802-2-2 9(Z)-Octadecen-1,18-diol 2 mg 4370
Larodan45-1212-9 Lauryl Laurate 100 mg 1380
Larodan45-1212-13 Lauryl Laurate 1 g 3565
Larodan45-1214-9 Myristyl Laurate 100 mg 1380
Larodan45-1214-13 Myristyl Laurate 1 g 3565
Larodan45-1216-9 Palmityl Laurate 100 mg 1380
Larodan45-1216-13 Palmityl Laurate 1 g 3565
Larodan45-1218-9 Stearyl Laurate 100 mg 1380
Larodan45-1218-13 Stearyl Laurate 1 g 3565
Larodan45-1220-9 Arachidyl Laurate 100 mg 1495
Larodan45-1220-13 Arachidyl Laurate 1 g 3864
Larodan45-1222-9 Behenyl Laurate 100 mg 1495
Larodan45-1222-13 Behenyl Laurate 1 g 3864
Larodan45-1238-9 Oleyl Laurate 100 mg 1380
Larodan45-1238-13 Oleyl Laurate 1 g 3565
Larodan45-1248-9 Linoleyl Laurate 100 mg 1380
Larodan45-1248-13 Linoleyl Laurate 1 g 3565
Larodan45-1412-9 Lauryl Myristate 100 mg 1380
Larodan45-1412-13 Lauryl Myristate 1 g 3565
Larodan45-1414-9 Myristyl Myristate 100 mg 1380
Larodan45-1414-13 Myristyl Myristate 1 g 3565
Larodan45-1416-9 Palmityl Myristate 100 mg 1380
Larodan45-1416-13 Palmityl Myristate 1 g 3565
Larodan45-1418-9 Stearyl Myristate 100 mg 1380
Larodan45-1418-13 Stearyl Myristate 1 g 3565
Larodan45-1420-9 Arachidyl Myristate 100 mg 1495
Larodan45-1420-13 Arachidyl Myristate 1 g 3864
Larodan45-1422-9 Behenyl Myristate 100 mg 1495
Larodan45-1422-13 Behenyl Myristate 1 g 3864
Larodan45-1438-9 Oleyl Myristate 100 mg 1380
Larodan45-1438-13 Oleyl Myristate 1 g 3565
Larodan45-1448-9 Linoleyl Myristate 100 mg 1380
Larodan45-1448-13 Linoleyl Myristate 1 g 3565
Larodan45-1612-9 Lauryl Palmitate 100 mg 1380
Larodan45-1612-13 Lauryl Palmitate 1 g 3565
Larodan45-1614-9 Myristyl Palmitate 100 mg 1380
Larodan45-1614-13 Myristyl Palmitate 1 g 3565
Larodan45-1616-9 Palmityl Palmitate 100 mg 1380
Larodan45-1616-13 Palmityl Palmitate 1 g 3565
Larodan45-1618-9 Stearyl Palmitate 100 mg 1380
Larodan45-1618-13 Stearyl Palmitate 1 g 3565
Larodan45-1620-9 Arachidyl Palmitate 100 mg 1495
Larodan45-1620-13 Arachidyl Palmitate 1 g 3864
Larodan45-1622-9 Behenyl Palmitate 100 mg 1495
Larodan45-1622-13 Behenyl Palmitate 1 g 3864
Larodan45-1638-9 Oleyl Palmitate 100 mg 1380
Larodan45-1638-13 Oleyl Palmitate 1 g 3565
Larodan45-1648-9 Linoleyl Palmitate 100 mg 1380
Larodan45-1648-13 Linoleyl Palmitate 1 g 3565
Larodan45-1812-9 Lauryl Stearate 100 mg 1380
Larodan45-1812-13 Lauryl Stearate 1 g 3565
Larodan45-1814-9 Myristyl Stearate 100 mg 1380
Larodan45-1814-13 Myristyl Stearate 1 g 3565
Larodan45-1816-9 Palmityl Stearate 100 mg 1380
Larodan45-1816-13 Palmityl Stearate 1 g 3565
Larodan45-1818-9 Stearyl Stearate 100 mg 1380
Larodan45-1818-13 Stearyl Stearate 1 g 3565
Larodan45-1820-9 Arachidyl Stearate 100 mg 1495
Larodan45-1820-13 Arachidyl Stearate 1 g 3864
Larodan45-1822-9 Behenyl Stearate 100 mg 1495
Larodan45-1822-13 Behenyl Stearate 1 g 3864
Larodan45-1838-9 Oleyl Stearate 100 mg 1380
Larodan45-1838-13 Oleyl Stearate 1 g 3565
Larodan45-1848-9 Linoleyl Stearate 100 mg 1380
Larodan45-1848-13 Linoleyl Stearate 1 g 3565
Larodan45-2012-9 Lauryl Arachidate 100 mg 1495
Larodan45-2012-13 Lauryl Arachidate 1 g 3864
Larodan45-2014-9 Myristyl Arachidate 100 mg 1495
Larodan45-2014-13 Myristyl Arachidate 1 g 3864
Larodan45-2016-9 Palmityl Arachidate 100 mg 1495
Larodan45-2016-13 Palmityl Arachidate 1 g 3864
Larodan45-2018-9 Stearyl Arachidate 100 mg 1495
Larodan45-2018-13 Stearyl Arachidate 1 g 3864
Larodan45-2020-9 Arachidyl Arachidate 100 mg 1656
Larodan45-2020-13 Arachidyl Arachidate 1 g 4186
Larodan45-2022-9 Behenyl Arachidate 100 mg 1656
Larodan45-2022-13 Behenyl Arachidate 1 g 4186
Larodan45-2038-9 Oleyl Arachidate 100 mg 1495
Larodan45-2038-13 Oleyl Arachidate 1 g 3864
Larodan45-2048-9 Linoleyl Arachidate 100 mg 1495
Larodan45-2048-13 Linoleyl Arachidate 1 g 3864
Larodan45-2212-9 Lauryl Behenate 100 mg 1495
Larodan45-2212-13 Lauryl Behenate 1 g 3864
Larodan45-2214-9 Myristyl Behenate 100 mg 1495
Larodan45-2214-13 Myristyl Behenate 1 g 3864
Larodan45-2216-9 Palmityl Behenate 100 mg 1495
Larodan45-2216-13 Palmityl Behenate 1 g 3864
Larodan45-2218-9 Stearyl Behenate 100 mg 1495
Larodan45-2218-13 Stearyl Behenate 1 g 3864
Larodan45-2220-9 Arachidyl Behenate 100 mg 1656
Larodan45-2220-13 Arachidyl Behenate 1 g 4186
Larodan45-2222-9 Behenyl Behenate 100 mg 1656
Larodan45-2222-13 Behenyl Behenate 1 g 4186
Larodan45-2238-9 Oleyl Behenate 100 mg 1495
Larodan45-2238-13 Oleyl Behenate 1 g 3864
Larodan45-2248-9 Linoleyl Behenate 100 mg 1495
Larodan45-2248-13 Linoleyl Behenate 1 g 3864
Larodan45-3812-9 Lauryl Oleate 100 mg 1380
Larodan45-3812-13 Lauryl Oleate 1 g 3565
Larodan45-3814-9 Myristyl Oleate 100 mg 1380
Larodan45-3814-13 Myristyl Oleate 1 g 3565
Larodan45-3816-9 Palmityl Oleate 100 mg 1380
Larodan45-3816-13 Palmityl Oleate 1 g 3565
Larodan45-3818-9 Stearyl Oleate 100 mg 1380
Larodan45-3818-13 Stearyl Oleate 1 g 3565
Larodan45-3820-9 Arachidyl Oleate 100 mg 1495
Larodan45-3820-13 Arachidyl Oleate 1 g 3864
Larodan45-3822-9 Behenyl Oleate 100 mg 1495
Larodan45-3822-13 Behenyl Oleate 1 g 3864
Larodan45-3838-9 Oleyl Oleate 100 mg 1380
Larodan45-3838-13 Oleyl Oleate 1 g 3565
Larodan45-3848-9 Linoleyl Oleate 100 mg 1380
Larodan45-3848-13 Linoleyl Oleate 1 g 3565
Larodan45-4812-9 Lauryl Linoleate 100 mg 1380
Larodan45-4812-13 Lauryl Linoleate 1 g 3565
Larodan45-4814-9 Myristyl Linoleate 100 mg 1380
Larodan45-4814-13 Myristyl Linoleate 1 g 3565
Larodan45-4816-9 Palmityl Linoleate 100 mg 1380
Larodan45-4816-13 Palmityl Linoleate 1 g 3565
Larodan45-4818-9 Stearyl Linoleate 100 mg 1380
Larodan45-4818-13 Stearyl Linoleate 1 g 3565
Larodan45-4820-9 Arachidyl Linoleate 100 mg 1495
Larodan45-4820-13 Arachidyl Linoleate 1 g 3864
Larodan45-4822-9 Behenyl Linoleate 100 mg 1495
Larodan45-4822-13 Behenyl Linoleate 1 g 3864
Larodan45-4838-9 Oleyl Linoleate 100 mg 1380
Larodan45-4838-13 Oleyl Linoleate 1 g 3565
Larodan45-4848-9 Linoleyl Linoleate 100 mg 1380
Larodan45-4848-13 Linoleyl Linoleate 1 g 3565
Larodan56-1000-7 Ceramide (saturated, unsaturated and a-OH fatty acids) 25 mg 2208
Larodan56-1000-9 Ceramide (saturated, unsaturated and a-OH fatty acids) 100 mg 5175
Larodan56-1001-5 Ceramide HFA ( a-OH fatty acids) 10 mg 3128
Larodan56-1050-5 Ceramide Galactoside (cont. n-fatty acids (Kerasin)) 10 mg 4370
Larodan56-1051-7 Ceramide Galactoside (cont. 2-hydroxy fatty acids (Phrenosine)) 25 mg 2070
Larodan56-1052-1 N-Heptadecanoyl-lactosylceramide 1 mg 5060
Larodan56-1054-1 Globosides (human) 1 mg 10350
Larodan56-1055-1 Ceramide Trihexosides (CTH, Gb3) 1 mg 8395
Larodan56-1058-0 lyso-Ceramide Trihexoside - 460
Larodan56-1060-8 Cerebrosides (Ceramide galactosides (bovine or porcine)) 50 mg 1886
Larodan56-1060-11 Cerebrosides (Ceramide galactosides (bovine or porcine)) 250 mg 5405
Larodan56-1061-35 Heptadecanoyl ceramide trihexoside (C17 CTH)     NEW 0,5 mg 8740
Larodan56-1063-35 Tricosanoyl ceramide trihexoside (C23 CTH)     NEW 0,5 mg 8740
Larodan56-1064-4 Glucocerebrosides 5 mg 2484
Larodan56-1065-4 Globosides (GL4, Gb4, globotetraosyl ceramide) 5 mg 11730
Larodan56-1066-1 lyso-Dihydrosphingomyelin 1 mg 3910
Larodan56-1067-4 Glucocerebrosides 5 mg 4370
Larodan56-1068-7 Sphingomyelin 25 mg 3335
Larodan56-1069-7 Sphingomyelin 25 mg 1610
Larodan56-1069-9 Sphingomyelin 100 mg 3335
Larodan56-1069-11 Sphingomyelin 250 mg 6210
Larodan56-1070-4 Lactosyl Ceramides Bovine (butter milk) 5 mg 6785
Larodan56-1072-1 Lactosyl Ceramides Porcine 1 mg 4715
Larodan56-1073-1 lyso-Lactosyl Ceramide 1 mg 5635
Larodan56-1075-4 C6-dihydro-Ceramide (N-hexanoyl-) 5 mg 3910
Larodan56-1076-4 C8-dihydro-Ceramide (N-octanoyl-) 5 mg 3910
Larodan56-1077-4 C18-dihydro-Ceramide (N-stearoyl-) 5 mg 4140
Larodan56-1078-4 N-Heptadecanoylsphingosylphosphorylcholine 5 mg 6095
Larodan56-1079-1 Dihydrosphingosylphosphorylcholine (99% erythro) 1 mg 4600
Larodan56-1080-7 Sphingomyelin (bovine brain) 25 mg 1610
Larodan56-1080-9 Sphingomyelin (bovine brain) 100 mg 3335
Larodan56-1080-11 Sphingomyelin (bovine brain) 250 mg 6210
Larodan56-1081-7 Sphingomyelin (bovine heart) 25 mg 1610
Larodan56-1081-9 Sphingomyelin (bovine heart) 100 mg 3335
Larodan56-1081-11 Sphingomyelin (bovine heart) 250 mg 6210
Larodan56-1082-4 N-Acetylsphingosylphosphorylcholine 5 mg 5865
Larodan56-1083-4 N-Hexanoylsphingosylphosphorylcholine 5 mg 5865
Larodan56-1084-4 N-Octadecanoylsphingosylphosphorylcholine 5 mg 5865
Larodan56-1085-7 Sulfatides (bovine)-diagnostic grade (BSE tested) 25 mg 3680
Larodan56-1085-9 Sulfatides (bovine)-diagnostic grade (BSE tested) 100 mg 9660
Larodan56-1086-5 D-Sphingosine ( bovine) 10 mg 4370
Larodan56-1087-5 N-Acetyl-D-Sphingosine 10 mg 3335
Larodan56-1088-5 N-Palmitoyl-D-Sphingosine 10 mg 3726
Larodan56-1089-5 N-Stearoyl-D-Sphingosine 10 mg 3726
Larodan56-1090-5 Psychosine 10 mg 5635
Larodan56-1092-0 N-Stearoyl-Psychosine - 460
Larodan56-1092-D-4 N-Stearoyl-D35-Psychosine 5 mg 8970
Larodan56-1094-4 N-Octanoyl-D-Sphingosine 5 mg 3864
Larodan56-1095-4 N-Acetyl-Sphingosylphosphorylethanolamine     5 mg 5060
Larodan56-1096-4 N-Pentadecanoyl-Psychosine 5 mg 3956
Larodan56-1101-4 Monosialoganglioside GM1(bovine)(ammonium salt) 5 mg 7705
Larodan56-1102-1 Gangliotetraosyl Ceramide Gg4, asialo GM1 1 mg 10120
Larodan56-1103-4 Disialoganglioside GD1a 5 mg 9545
Larodan56-1104-1 Disialoganglioside GD1b 1 mg 6785
Larodan56-1105-4 Trisialoganglioside GT1b 5 mg 8280
Larodan56-1107-1 Monosialoganglioside GM3 (bovine)(ammonium salt) 1 mg 4876
Larodan56-1108-1 Tetrasialoganglioside GQ1b 1 mg 11960
Larodan56-1110-0 Gangliotriosyl Ceramide Gg3, asialo GM2 - 460
Larodan56-1111-35 lyso-Monosialoganglioside GM1 (lacks fatty acid chain) 0,5 mg 8855
Larodan56-1115-1 Disialoganglioside GD2 (bovine) 1 mg 17940
Larodan56-1117-1 Trisialoganglioside GT1a (bovine) 1 mg 22195
Larodan56-1118-1 Monosialoganglioside GM4 (bovine) 1 mg 18630
Larodan56-1121-0 N-Myristoyl-D-Sphingosine - 460
Larodan56-1122-0 N-Eicosanoyl-D-Sphingosine - 460
Larodan56-1123-0 N-Nervonoyl-D-Spingosine - 460
Larodan56-1124-4 N-Tetracosanoyl-D-Spingosine 5 mg 4186
Larodan56-1125-7 Phytosphingosine 25 mg 2185
Larodan56-1125-9 Phytosphingosine 100 mg 4876
Larodan56-1134-1 N-Stearoyl-D-threo-Sphingosine 1 mg 4600
Larodan56-1135-5 N-Pentadecanoyl-D-Sphingosine      10 mg 3726
Larodan56-1136-5 N-Heptadecanoyl-D-Sphingosine      10 mg 3726
Larodan56-1137-5 N-Nonadecanoyl-D-Sphingosine     NEW 10 mg 4025
Larodan56-1140-4 N-Acetyl-Psychosine 5 mg 4255
Larodan56-1141-4 Glucopsychosine 5 mg 5750
Larodan56-1142-1 lyso-Sulfatide (bovine)NH4-salt 1 mg 11730
Larodan56-1143-5 Sphingosylphosphorylcholine (lyso-sphingomyelin) 10 mg 7820
Larodan56-1144-4 D-erythro-Sphingosylphosphorylcholine   5 mg 460
Larodan56-1150-9 N-Acetyl-Neuraminic Acid (Sialic Acid) 100 mg 1955
Larodan56-1151-9 N-Acetyl-Neuraminic Acid Methyl Ester 100 mg 3220
Larodan56-1160-4 N-Acetyl-Phytosphingosine 5 mg 3726
Larodan56-1161-4 N-Hexanoyl-Phytosphingosine 5 mg 3726
Larodan56-1162-4 N-Octanoyl-Phytosphingosine 5 mg 3726
Larodan56-1163-4 N-Palmitoyl-Phytosphingosine 5 mg 3726
Larodan56-1164-4 N-Stearoyl-Phytosphingosine 5 mg 3726
Larodan56-1165-4 N-Tetracosanoyl-Phytosphingosine 5 mg 4416
Larodan56-1200-35 Monosialoganglioside GM2 (human) 0,5 mg 7820
Larodan56-1201-4 Disialoganglioside GD3 (ammonium salt) 5 mg 8970
Larodan56-1202-7 Purified mixed gangliosides, bovine (NH4+ salt), GM1, GD1a, GD1b, GT1b 25 mg 6555
Larodan56-1205-1 Disialoganglioside-GD1a-NAcGal (bovine) 1 mg 14260
Larodan56-1206-1 Ganglioside GM1 Sphinganine (bovine) 1 mg 15180
Larodan56-1302-5 trans D-erythro-Sphingosine (synthetic) 10 mg 2530
Larodan56-1302-7 trans D-erythro-Sphingosine (synthetic) 25 mg 4140
Larodan56-1304-0 trans L-erythro-Sphingosine (synthetic) - 460
Larodan56-1306-5 Dihydrosphingosine (sphinganine) 10 mg 2415
Larodan56-1307-4 D-erythro-Dihydrosphingosine 5 mg 2185
Larodan56-1309-1 L-erythro-Dihydrosphingosine 1 mg 4025
Larodan56-1311-5 D-erythro-Sphingosine-1-Phosphate 10 mg 5566
Larodan56-1312-5 3-keto-Dihydrosphingosine.HCl      10 mg 7590
Larodan56-1321-4 C12-D-erythro-Sphingosine 5 mg 7590
Larodan56-1322-4 C14-D-erythro-Sphingosine 5 mg 7590
Larodan56-1323-4 C16-D-erythro-Sphingosine 5 mg 7590
Larodan56-1324-0 C18-D-erythro-Sphingosine - 460
Larodan56-1325-4 C20-D-erythro-Sphingosine 5 mg 7590
Larodan56-1326-1 C15-D-erythro-Sphinosine 1 mg 2645
Larodan56-1326-4 C15-D-erythro-Sphinosine 5 mg 5060
Larodan56-1327-1 C17-D-erythro-Sphinosine 1 mg 2645
Larodan56-1327-4 C17-D-erythro-Sphinosine 5 mg 5060
Larodan59-1100-1 Phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate, 1,2-dipalmitoyl(ammonium salt) 1 mg 8970
Larodan59-1100-32 Phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate, 1,2-dipalmitoyl(ammonium salt) 0,1 mg 2346
Larodan59-1101-1 Phosphatidylinositol bis-3,4-phosphate, 1,2-dipalmitoyl 1 mg 8970
Larodan59-1101-32 Phosphatidylinositol bis-3,4-phosphate, 1,2-dipalmitoyl 0,1 mg 2346
Larodan59-1102-1 Phosphatidylinositol tris-3,4,5-phosphate, 1,2-dipalmitoyl 1 mg 8510
Larodan59-1102-32 Phosphatidylinositol tris-3,4,5-phosphate, 1,2-dipalmitoyl 0,1 mg 2346
Larodan59-1103-1 Phosphatidylinositol-bis-4,5-phosphate (plant, sodium salt) 1 mg 11500
Larodan59-1103-4 Phosphatidylinositol-bis-4,5-phosphate (plant, sodium salt) 5 mg 32660
Larodan59-1112-1 Phosphatidylinositol, 1,2-dipalmitoyl 1 mg 8510
Larodan59-1112-32 Phosphatidylinositol, 1,2-dipalmitoyl 0,1 mg 2346
Larodan59-1118-1 Phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate, 1,2-dipalmitoyl ammonium salt 1 mg 8510
Larodan59-1118-32 Phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate, 1,2-dipalmitoyl ammonium salt 0,1 mg 2346
Larodan59-1122-1 Phosphatidylinositol 5-phosphate, 1,2-dipalmitoyl 1 mg 8510
Larodan59-1122-32 Phosphatidylinositol 5-phosphate, 1,2-dipalmitoyl 0,1 mg 2346
Larodan59-1124-1 Phosphatidylinositol bis-4,5-phosphate, 1,2-dioctanoyl(Na-salt) 1 mg 8510
Larodan59-1124-32 Phosphatidylinositol bis-4,5-phosphate, 1,2-dioctanoyl(Na-salt) 0,1 mg 2346
Larodan59-1125-1 Phosphatidylinositol bis-4,5-phosphate, 1,2-dipalmitoyl 1 mg 8510
Larodan59-1125-32 Phosphatidylinositol bis-4,5-phosphate, 1,2-dipalmitoyl 0,1 mg 2346
Larodan59-1130-1 Phosphatidylinositol tris-3,4,5-phosphate, 1,2-dioctanoyl(Na-salt) 1 mg 8510
Larodan59-1130-32 Phosphatidylinositol tris-3,4,5-phosphate, 1,2-dioctanoyl(Na-salt) 0,1 mg 2346
Larodan59-1200-5 Monogalactosyl Diglyceride 10 mg 2346
Larodan59-1200-8 Monogalactosyl Diglyceride 50 mg 5635
Larodan59-1210-5 Digalactosyl Diglyceride 10 mg 3036
Larodan59-1210-8 Digalactosyl Diglyceride 50 mg 6785
Larodan59-1220-4 Phosphatidyl Glycerol 5 mg 3036
Larodan59-1220-7 Phosphatidyl Glycerol 25 mg 6555
Larodan59-1230-4 Sulphoquinovosyl Diglyceride 5 mg 3036
Larodan59-1230-7 Sulphoquinovosyl Diglyceride 25 mg 6670
Larodan60-1000-9 Ergosterol, 95% 100 mg 1886
Larodan60-1002-9 Stigmasterol, 98+% 100 mg 3082
Larodan60-1003-7 Plant Sterol Mixture 25 mg 3358
Larodan60-1004-1 Brassicasterol, 95+% 1 mg 4140
Larodan60-1005-2 Campesterol 2 mg 3910
Larodan60-1011-4 alpha-Tocotrienol 5 mg 4025
Larodan60-1012-4 gamma-Tocotrienol 5 mg 4025
Larodan60-1013-4 delta-Tocotrienol 5 mg 4025
Larodan60-1020-4 Steryl Glucoside, 98+% (soybean) 5 mg 4140
Larodan60-1021-2 Esterified Steryl Glucoside, 98+% (soybean) 2 mg 4255
Larodan60-1030-0 Hexaprenol - 460
Larodan60-1035-4 Heptaprenol 5 mg 4600
Larodan60-1035-5 Heptaprenol 10 mg 6555
Larodan60-1040-4 Octaprenol 5 mg 5244
Larodan60-1040-5 Octaprenol 10 mg 7590
Larodan60-1050-4 Decaprenol 5 mg 5244
Larodan60-1050-5 Decaprenol 10 mg 7590
Larodan60-1055-4 Undecaprenol 5 mg 4600
Larodan60-1055-5 Undecaprenol 10 mg 6670
Larodan60-1060-4 Dodecaprenol 5 mg 4600
Larodan60-1060-5 Dodecaprenol 10 mg 6555
Larodan60-1065-4 Tridecaprenol 5 mg 7245
Larodan60-1065-5 Tridecaprenol 10 mg 10005
Larodan60-1090-0 Octadecaprenol - 460
Larodan60-1095-0 Nonadecaprenol - 460
Larodan60-1100-0 Eicosaprenol - 460
Larodan60-1105-0 Heneicosaprenol - 460
Larodan62-1030-0 Hexaprenyl-MPDA - 460
Larodan62-1035-2 Heptaprenyl-MPDA 2 mg 4370
Larodan62-1035-4 Heptaprenyl-MPDA 5 mg 7590
Larodan62-1040-2 Octaprenyl-MPDA 2 mg 4646
Larodan62-1040-4 Octaprenyl-MPDA 5 mg 8395
Larodan62-1050-2 Decaprenyl-MPDA 2 mg 4646
Larodan62-1050-4 Decaprenyl-MPDA 5 mg 8395
Larodan62-1055-2 Undecaprenyl-MPDA 2 mg 4255
Larodan62-1055-4 Undecaprenyl-MPDA 5 mg 7705
Larodan62-1060-2 Dodecaprenyl-MPDA 2 mg 4255
Larodan62-1060-4 Dodecaprenyl-MPDA 5 mg 7705
Larodan62-1065-2 Tridecaprenyl-MPDA 2 mg 6095
Larodan62-1065-4 Tridecaprenyl-MPDA 5 mg 11960
Larodan62-1090-0 Octadecaprenyl-MPDA - 460
Larodan62-1095-0 Nonadecaprenyl-MPDA - 460
Larodan62-1100-0 Eicosaprenyl-MPDA - 460
Larodan62-1105-0 Heneicosaprenyl-MPDA - 460
Larodan64-0000-9 Cholesterol 100 mg 1104
Larodan64-0000-13 Cholesterol 1 g 1840
Larodan64-1000-9 Cholesteryl Caprate 100 mg 1219
Larodan64-1000-13 Cholesteryl Caprate 1 g 2944
Larodan64-1200-9 Cholesteryl Laurate 100 mg 1219
Larodan64-1200-13 Cholesteryl Laurate 1 g 2944
Larodan64-1400-9 Cholesteryl Myristate 100 mg 1219
Larodan64-1400-13 Cholesteryl Myristate 1 g 2944
Larodan64-1600-9 Cholesteryl Palmitate 100 mg 1219
Larodan64-1600-13 Cholesteryl Palmitate 1 g 2944
Larodan64-1800-9 Cholesteryl Stearate 100 mg 1219
Larodan64-1800-13 Cholesteryl Stearate 1 g 2944
Larodan64-1801-9 Cholesteryl Oleate 100 mg 1265
Larodan64-1801-13 Cholesteryl Oleate 1 g 3105
Larodan64-1802-9 Cholesteryl Linoleate 100 mg 1426
Larodan64-1802-13 Cholesteryl Linoleate 1 g 3404
Larodan65-1001-9 Cholic Acid 100 mg 1564
Larodan65-1001-13 Cholic Acid 1 g 3335
Larodan65-1002-9 Methyl Cholate 100 mg 1564
Larodan65-1002-13 Methyl Cholate 1 g 3335
Larodan65-1003-9 Deoxycholic Acid 100 mg 1564
Larodan65-1003-13 Deoxycholic Acid 1 g 3335
Larodan65-1004-9 Methyl Deoxycholate 100 mg 1955
Larodan65-1004-13 Methyl Deoxycholate 1 g 4830
Larodan65-1005-9 Chenodeoxycholic Acid 100 mg 1564
Larodan65-1005-13 Chenodeoxycholic Acid 1 g 3335
Larodan65-1006-9 Methyl Chenodeoxycholate 100 mg 2668
Larodan65-1008-9 Sodium Glycocholate 100 mg 2622
Larodan65-1008-13 Sodium Glycocholate 1 g 5865
Larodan65-1010-9 Sodium Glycodeoxycholate 100 mg 2668
Larodan65-1010-13 Sodium Glycodeoxycholate 1 g 5865
Larodan65-1012-9 Sodium Taurocholate 100 mg 2668
Larodan65-1012-13 Sodium Taurocholate 1 g 5865
Larodan65-1014-9 Sodium Taurodeoxycholate 100 mg 2806
Larodan66-1090-1 C90-Dolichol (Dolichol-18) 1 mg 2806
Larodan66-1090-2 C90-Dolichol (Dolichol-18) 2 mg 3818
Larodan66-1090-4 C90-Dolichol (Dolichol-18) 5 mg 7245
Larodan66-1095-1 C95-Dolichol (Dolichol-19) 1 mg 2806
Larodan66-1095-2 C95-Dolichol (Dolichol-19) 2 mg 3818
Larodan66-1095-4 C95-Dolichol (Dolichol-19) 5 mg 7245
Larodan66-1100-1 C100-Dolichol (Dolichol-20) 1 mg 3680
Larodan66-1100-2 C100-Dolichol (Dolichol-20) 2 mg 5520
Larodan66-1100-4 C100-Dolichol (Dolichol-20) 5 mg 9545
Larodan66-1105-1 C105-Dolichol (Dolichol-21) 1 mg 3795
Larodan66-1105-2 C105-Dolichol (Dolichol-21) 2 mg 6210
Larodan66-1105-4 C105-Dolichol (Dolichol-21) 5 mg 10465
Larodan66-1110-1 C110-Dolichol (Dolichol-22) 1 mg 3795
Larodan66-1110-2 C110-Dolichol (Dolichol-22) 2 mg 6210
Larodan66-1110-4 C110-Dolichol (Dolichol-22) 5 mg 10465
Larodan67-1090-1 C90-Dolichyl-MPDA 1 mg 3795
Larodan67-1090-2 C90-Dolichyl-MPDA 2 mg 6210
Larodan67-1090-4 C90-Dolichyl-MPDA 5 mg 10465
Larodan67-1095-1 C95-Dolichyl-MPDA 1 mg 3795
Larodan67-1095-2 C95-Dolichyl-MPDA 2 mg 6210
Larodan67-1095-4 C95-Dolichyl-MPDA 5 mg 10465
Larodan67-1100-1 C100-Dolichyl-MPDA 1 mg 5175
Larodan67-1100-2 C100-Dolichyl-MPDA 2 mg 8050
Larodan67-1100-4 C100-Dolichyl-MPDA 5 mg 12765
Larodan67-1105-1 C105-Dolichyl-MPDA 1 mg 5405
Larodan67-1105-2 C105-Dolichyl-MPDA 2 mg 9200
Larodan67-1105-4 C105-Dolichyl-MPDA 5 mg 13800
Larodan67-1110-1 C110-Dolichyl-MPDA 1 mg 5405
Larodan67-1110-2 C110-Dolichyl-MPDA 2 mg 9200
Larodan67-1110-4 C110-Dolichyl-MPDA 5 mg 13800
Larodan68-1210-2 Isopentenyl Monophosphate-DA 2 mg 8050
Larodan68-1210-35 Isopentenyl Monophosphate-DA 0,5 mg 3634
Larodan68-1220-2 Isopentenyl Diphosphate-TA 2 mg 8050
Larodan68-1220-35 Isopentenyl Diphosphate-TA 0,5 mg 3634
Larodan68-1310-2 gamma,gamma-Dimethylallyl Monophosphate-DA 2 mg 8050
Larodan68-1310-35 gamma,gamma-Dimethylallyl Monophosphate-DA 0,5 mg 3634
Larodan68-1320-2 gamma,gamma-Dimethylallyl Diphosphate-TA 2 mg 8050
Larodan68-1320-35 gamma,gamma-Dimethylallyl Diphosphate-TA 0,5 mg 3634
Larodan68-1410-2 Geranyl Monophosphate-DA 2 mg 6394
Larodan68-1410-35 Geranyl Monophosphate-DA 0,5 mg 3220
Larodan68-1420-2 Geranyl Diphosphate-TA 2 mg 6394
Larodan68-1420-35 Geranyl Diphosphate-TA 0,5 mg 3220
Larodan68-1510-2 Farnesyl Monophosphate-DA 2 mg 6394
Larodan68-1510-35 Farnesyl Monophosphate-DA 0,5 mg 3220
Larodan68-1520-2 Farnesyl Diphosphate-TA 2 mg 6394
Larodan68-1520-35 Farnesyl Diphosphate-TA 0,5 mg 3220
Larodan68-1610-2 Geranylgeranyl Monophosphate-DA 2 mg 6394
Larodan68-1610-35 Geranylgeranyl Monophosphate-DA 0,5 mg 3220
Larodan68-1620-2 Geranylgeranyl Diphosphate-TA 2 mg 5865
Larodan68-1620-35 Geranylgeranyl Diphosphate-TA 0,5 mg 3036
Larodan68-1710-2 Phytyl Monophosphate-DA 2 mg 10350
Larodan68-1710-35 Phytyl Monophosphate-DA 0,5 mg 4600
Larodan68-1720-2 Phytyl Diphosphate-TA 2 mg 10350
Larodan68-1720-35 Phytyl Diphosphate-TA 0,5 mg 4600
Larodan71-0603-0 Hexanoic-6,6,6-D3 Acid - 460
Larodan71-0802-9 Octanoic -2,2-D2 Acid 100 mg 2530
Larodan71-0802-12 Octanoic -2,2-D2 Acid 500 mg 6785
Larodan71-0802-13 Octanoic -2,2-D2 Acid 1 g 9545
Larodan71-0803-8 Octanoic-8,8,8-D3 Acid 50 mg 3910
Larodan71-0803-9 Octanoic-8,8,8-D3 Acid 100 mg 5635
Larodan71-0803-11 Octanoic-8,8,8-D3 Acid 250 mg 9085
Larodan71-1002-9 Decanoic-2,2-D2 Acid 100 mg 2116
Larodan71-1002-12 Decanoic-2,2-D2 Acid 500 mg 5980
Larodan71-1002-13 Decanoic-2,2-D2 Acid 1 g 8510
Larodan71-1003-8 Decanoic-10,10,10-D3 Acid 50 mg 2484
Larodan71-1003-9 Decanoic-10,10,10-D3 Acid 100 mg 3565
Larodan71-1003-11 Decanoic-10,10,10-D3 Acid 250 mg 6670
Larodan71-1019-9 Decanoic-D19 Acid 100 mg 2990
Larodan71-1019-12 Decanoic-D19 Acid 500 mg 8050
Larodan71-1019-13 Decanoic-D19 Acid 1 g 13110
Larodan71-1055-35 N-Palmitoyl(D3)-ceramide trihexoside 0,5 mg 460
Larodan71-1070-1 N-Palmitoyl-(methyl-D3)-glucopsychosine     NEW 1 mg 8510
Larodan71-1071-1 Palmitoyl-(methyl-D3)-lactosylceramide     NEW 1 mg 11960
Larodan71-1086-1 D-erythro-Sphingosine (1,2-13C2, 99% ; 1,1-D2, 98%) 1 mg 460
Larodan71-1088-1 N-Steraoyl(D3)-sulfatide 1 mg 460
Larodan71-1101-35 N-omega-CD3-Octadecanoyl-monosialoganglioside GM1 (NH4-salt) 0,5 mg 10465
Larodan71-1107-34 N-omega-CD3-Octadecanoyl-monosialoganglioside GM3 (NH4-salt) 0,25 mg 7360
Larodan71-1200-34 N-omega-CD3-Octadecanoyl monosialoganglioside GM2 (NH4 salt) 0,25 mg 7820
Larodan71-1202-9 Dodecanoic-2,2-D2 Acid 100 mg 2116
Larodan71-1202-12 Dodecanoic-2,2-D2 Acid 500 mg 5980
Larodan71-1202-13 Dodecanoic-2,2-D2 Acid 1 g 8510
Larodan71-1203-8 Dodecanoic-12,12,12-D3 Acid 50 mg 2484
Larodan71-1203-9 Dodecanoic-12,12,12-D3 Acid 100 mg 3450
Larodan71-1203-11 Dodecanoic-12,12,12-D3 Acid 250 mg 6440
Larodan71-1223-9 Dodecanoic-D23 Acid 100 mg 2990
Larodan71-1223-12 Dodecanoic-D23 Acid 500 mg 8050
Larodan71-1223-13 Dodecanoic-D23 Acid 1 g 13110
Larodan71-1402-9 Tetradecanoic-2,2-D2 Acid 100 mg 2116
Larodan71-1402-12 Tetradecanoic-2,2-D2 Acid 500 mg 5980
Larodan71-1402-13 Tetradecanoic-2,2-D2 Acid 1 g 8510
Larodan71-1403-8 Tetradecanoic-14,14,14-D3 Acid 50 mg 2530
Larodan71-1403-9 Tetradecanoic-14,14,14-D3 Acid 100 mg 3565
Larodan71-1403-11 Tetradecanoic-14,14,14-D3 Acid 250 mg 6555
Larodan71-1427-9 Tetradecanoic-D27 Acid 100 mg 2484
Larodan71-1427-12 Tetradecanoic-D27 Acid 500 mg 6785
Larodan71-1427-13 Tetradecanoic-D27 Acid 1 g 10580
Larodan71-1500-7 Pristanic Acid (2-methyl-D3) 25 mg 11960
Larodan71-1500-8 Pristanic Acid (2-methyl-D3) 50 mg 18860
Larodan71-1503-8 Pentadecanoic-15,15,15-D3 Acid 50 mg 4485
Larodan71-1503-9 Pentadecanoic-15,15,15-D3 Acid 100 mg 6555
Larodan71-1503-11 Pentadecanoic-15,15,15-D3 Acid 250 mg 12535
Larodan71-1600-7 Phytanic Acid (3-methyl-D3) 25 mg 11960
Larodan71-1600-8 Phytanic Acid (3-methyl-D3) 50 mg 18860
Larodan71-1602-9 Hexadecanoic-2,2-D2 Acid 100 mg 2116
Larodan71-1602-12 Hexadecanoic-2,2-D2 Acid 500 mg 5980
Larodan71-1602-13 Hexadecanoic-2,2-D2 Acid 1 g 8510
Larodan71-1603-8 Hexadecanoic-16,16,16-D3 Acid 50 mg 2530
Larodan71-1603-9 Hexadecanoic-16,16,16-D3 Acid 100 mg 3565
Larodan71-1603-11 Hexadecanoic-16,16,16-D3 Acid 250 mg 6555
Larodan71-1604-9 Hexadecanoic-7,7,8,8-D4 Acid 100 mg 4255
Larodan71-1604-12 Hexadecanoic-7,7,8,8-D4 Acid 500 mg 9315
Larodan71-1606-2 Hexadecatrienoic 7(Z),10(Z),13(Z)-7,8,10,11,13,14-D6 Acid 2 mg 7360
Larodan71-1612-8 Hexadecanoic-9,10-D2 Acid 50 mg 4945
Larodan71-1612-9 Hexadecanoic-9,10-D2 Acid 100 mg 6670
Larodan71-1619-2 Sapienic Acid (D19, 98%) 2 mg 4255
Larodan71-1631-9 Hexadecanoic-D31 Acid 100 mg 2484
Larodan71-1631-12 Hexadecanoic-D31 Acid 500 mg 6785
Larodan71-1631-13 Hexadecanoic-D31 Acid 1 g 10580
Larodan71-1651-45 Palmitoleic-2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8-D14 Acid 500 microgram 4485
Larodan71-1703-8 Heptadecanoic-17,17,17-D3 Acid 50 mg 5520
Larodan71-1703-9 Heptadecanoic-17,17,17-D3 Acid 100 mg 8050
Larodan71-1731-5 L-Carnitine.HCl (methyl-D3) 10 mg 7360
Larodan71-1731-8 L-Carnitine.HCl (methyl-D3) 50 mg 20010
Larodan71-1732-5 Acetyl (D3)-L-Carnitine.HCl 10 mg 6210
Larodan71-1732-7 Acetyl (D3)-L-Carnitine.HCl 25 mg 11960
Larodan71-1732-8 Acetyl (D3)-L-Carnitine.HCl 50 mg 17710
Larodan71-1733-5 Propionyl (3,3,3-D3)-L-Carnitine.HCl 10 mg 7360
Larodan71-1733-8 Propionyl (3,3,3-D3)-L-Carnitine.HCl 50 mg 20010
Larodan71-1734-5 Butyryl (4,4,4-D3)-L-Carnitine.HCl 10 mg 7360
Larodan71-1734-8 Butyryl (4,4,4-D3)-L-Carnitine.HCl 50 mg 20010
Larodan71-1735-5 Valeryl (5,5,5-D3)-L-Carnitine.HCl 10 mg 7360
Larodan71-1735-8 Valeryl (5,5,5-D3)-L-Carnitine.HCl 50 mg 20010
Larodan71-1736-5 Hexanoyl (6,6,6-D3)-L-Carnitine.HCl 10 mg 7360
Larodan71-1736-8 Hexanoyl (6,6,6-D3)-L-Carnitine.HCl 50 mg 20010
Larodan71-1738-5 Octanoyl (8,8,8-D3)-L-carnitine.HCl 10 mg 7360
Larodan71-1738-8 Octanoyl (8,8,8-D3)-L-carnitine.HCl 50 mg 20010
Larodan71-1740-5 Decanoyl (10,10,10-D3)-L-Carnitine.HCl 10 mg 7360
Larodan71-1740-8 Decanoyl (10,10,10-D3)-L-Carnitine.HCl 50 mg 20010
Larodan71-1742-5 Dodecanoyl (12,12,12-D3)-L-Carnitine.HCl 10 mg 7360
Larodan71-1742-8 Dodecanoyl (12,12,12-D3)-L-Carnitine.HCl 50 mg 20010
Larodan71-1744-5 Tetradecanoyl (14,14,14-D3)-L-Carnitine.HCl 10 mg 7360
Larodan71-1744-8 Tetradecanoyl (14,14,14-D3)-L-Carnitine.HCl 50 mg 20010
Larodan71-1746-5 Hexadecanoyl (16,16,16-D3)-L-Carnitine.HCl 10 mg 7360
Larodan71-1746-8 Hexadecanoyl (16,16,16-D3)-L-Carnitine.HCl 50 mg 20010
Larodan71-1748-5 Octadecanoyl (18,18,18-D3)-L-Carnitine.HCl 10 mg 7360
Larodan71-1748-8 Octadecanoyl (18,18,18-D3)-L-Carnitine.HCl 50 mg 20010
Larodan71-1764-0 Butyryl (4,4,4-D3)-(N-methyl-D3)-L-Carnitine.HCl - 460
Larodan71-1768-0 Octanoyl (8,8,8-D3)-(N-methyl-D3)-L-Carnitine.HCl - 460
Larodan71-1774-5 Isobutyryl (D7)-L-Carnitine.HCl 10 mg 6210
Larodan71-1774-8 Isobutyryl (D7)-L-Carnitine.HCl 50 mg 17710
Larodan71-1776-0 Hexadecanoyl (16,16,16-D3)-[N-methyl-D3]-L-Carnitine. HCl - 460
Larodan71-1791-7 D,L-Carnitine.HCl (trimethyl-D9) 25 mg 16560
Larodan71-1795-5 Isovaleryl (D9)-L-Carnitine.HCl 10 mg 6210
Larodan71-1795-8 Isovaleryl (D9)-L-Carnitine.HCl 50 mg 17756
Larodan71-1802-9 Octadecanoic-2,2-D2 Acid 100 mg 2116
Larodan71-1802-12 Octadecanoic-2,2-D2 Acid 500 mg 5980
Larodan71-1802-13 Octadecanoic-2,2-D2 Acid 1 g 8510
Larodan71-1803-8 Octadecanoic-18,18,18-D3 Acid 50 mg 2530
Larodan71-1803-9 Octadecanoic-18,18,18-D3 Acid 100 mg 3565
Larodan71-1803-11 Octadecanoic-18,18,18-D3 Acid 250 mg 6555
Larodan71-1812-5 Octadecanoic-9,10-D2 Acid 10 mg 2760
Larodan71-1822-9 Oleic-9,10-D2 Acid 100 mg 9085
Larodan71-1835-9 Octadecanoic-D35 Acid 100 mg 2990
Larodan71-1835-12 Octadecanoic-D35 Acid 500 mg 8050
Larodan71-1835-13 Octadecanoic-D35 Acid 1 g 13110
Larodan71-1851-1 Oleic -11,11,12,12,13,13,14,14,15,15,16,16,17,17,18,18,18-D17 Acid 1 mg 3795
Larodan71-1852-1 Linoleic-9,10,12,13-D4 Acid 1 mg 3450
Larodan71-1852-4 Linoleic-9,10,12,13-D4 Acid 5 mg 8510
Larodan71-1853-4 Linolenic -17,17,18,18,18-D5 Acid 5 mg 7820
Larodan71-1858-2 Sebaleic Acid (D19, 98%) 2 mg 4255
Larodan71-2002-9 Eicosanoic-2,2-D2 Acid 100 mg 3220
Larodan71-2002-12 Eicosanoic-2,2-D2 Acid 500 mg 9660
Larodan71-2002-13 Eicosanoic-2,2-D2 Acid 1 g 13685
Larodan71-2003-7 Eicosanoic Acid-20,20,20-D3 Acid 25 mg 4485
Larodan71-2003-9 Eicosanoic Acid-20,20,20-D3 Acid 100 mg 9545
Larodan71-2039-9 Eicosanoic-D39 Acid 100 mg 5060
Larodan71-2039-12 Eicosanoic-D39 Acid 500 mg 12535
Larodan71-2039-13 Eicosanoic-D39 Acid 1 g 20010
Larodan71-2202-9 Docosanoic-2,2-D2 Acid 100 mg 2990
Larodan71-2202-12 Docosanoic-2,2-D2 Acid 500 mg 8740
Larodan71-2202-13 Docosanoic-2,2-D2 Acid 1 g 12535
Larodan71-2204-7 Docosanoic Acid (3,3,5,5-D4) 25 mg 10120
Larodan71-2204-8 Docosanoic Acid (3,3,5,5-D4) 50 mg 17710
Larodan71-2204-9 Docosanoic Acid (3,3,5,5-D4) 100 mg 24610
Larodan71-2404-7 Tetracosanoic Acid (3,3,5,5-D4) 25 mg 10120
Larodan71-2404-8 Tetracosanoic Acid (3,3,5,5-D4) 50 mg 17710
Larodan71-2404-9 Tetracosanoic Acid (3,3,5,5-D4) 100 mg 24610
Larodan71-2604-7 Hexacosanoic Acid (3,3,5,5-D4) 25 mg 10120
Larodan71-2604-8 Hexacosanoic Acid (3,3,5,5-D4) 50 mg 17710
Larodan71-2604-9 Hexacosanoic Acid (3,3,5,5-D4) 100 mg 24610
Larodan71-2714-7 1,2-Dimyristoyl-D54-3-sn-Glycerophosphatidylcholine 25 mg 5060
Larodan71-2826-4 L-a-Lysophosphatidylcholine-Palmitoyl-D3 (methyl-D3) 5 mg 6210
Larodan71-3716-7 1,2-Dipalmitoyl-D62-3-sn-Glycerophosphatidylcholine 25 mg 4830
Larodan71-3716-9 1,2-Dipalmitoyl-D62-3-sn-Glycerophosphatidylcholine 100 mg 12535
Larodan71-3718-7 1,2-Distearoyl-D70-3-sn-Glycerophosphatidylcholine 25 mg 4600
Larodan71-3718-9 1,2-Distearoyl-D70-3-sn-Glycerophosphatidylcholine 100 mg 11385
Larodan71-3726-4 1,2-Dipalmitoyl-D6-3-sn-Glycerophosphatidylcholine 5 mg 6210
Larodan71-6502-7 3,7-Dihydroxycoprostanic Acid  (27,27,27-D3) 25 mg 21160
Larodan71-6503-7 3,7,12-Trihydroxycoprostanic Acid  (27,27,27-D3) 25 mg 21160
Larodan71-9501-1 Arachidonic-5,6,8,9,11,12,14,15-D8 Acid 1 mg 3864
Larodan71-9501-4 Arachidonic-5,6,8,9,11,12,14,15-D8 Acid 5 mg 12650
Larodan71-9502-1 Omega-3-Arachidonic-8,9,11,12,14,15,17,18-D8 Acid 1 mg 5336
Larodan71-9502-35 Omega-3-Arachidonic-8,9,11,12,14,15,17,18-D8 Acid 0,5 mg 3565
Larodan71-9503-1 Arachidonic-5,6,8,9,11,12,14,15-D8 Methyl Ester 1 mg 4485
Larodan71-9603-39 Eicosapentaenoic (n-3)-19,19,20,20,20-D5 Acid 100 microgram 3220
Larodan71-9603-45 Eicosapentaenoic (n-3)-19,19,20,20,20-D5 Acid 500 microgram 10120
Larodan71-9701-0 Docosahexaenoic-21,21,22,22,22-D5 Acid - 460
Larodan73-1613-0 1,3-Dipalmitin-D62 - 460
Larodan73-1631-0 Tripalmitin-D93 - 460
Larodan73-1835-0 Tristearin-D105 - 460
Larodan74-1001-0 Decanol-1,1-D2 - 460
Larodan74-1002-0 Decanol-2-2-D2 - 460
Larodan74-1003-0 Decanol-10,10,10-D3 - 460
Larodan78-0800-9 Octanoic Acid-1-13C 100 mg 1932
Larodan78-0800-12 Octanoic Acid-1-13C 500 mg 3956
Larodan78-0800-13 Octanoic Acid-1-13C 1 g 5796
Larodan78-0800-16 Octanoic Acid-1-13C 5 g 16560
Larodan78-0890-9 Trioctanoin-1,1,1-13C3 100 mg 2645
Larodan78-0890-12 Trioctanoin-1,1,1-13C3 500 mg 6900
Larodan78-0890-13 Trioctanoin-1,1,1-13C3 1 g 9890
Larodan78-1080-1 N-Palmitoyl-1-13C-Sphingosylphosphorylcholine      1 mg 8970
Larodan78-1200-9 Dodecanoic Acid-1-13C (Lauric) 100 mg 2070
Larodan78-1200-12 Dodecanoic Acid-1-13C (Lauric) 500 mg 4485
Larodan78-1200-13 Dodecanoic Acid-1-13C (Lauric) 1 g 7015
Larodan78-1200-16 Dodecanoic Acid-1-13C (Lauric) 5 g 18170
Larodan78-1218-7 1,2-Olein-3-Laurin (rac) (Glyceryl 13C3, 13C 99%) 25 mg 7360
Larodan78-1218-9 1,2-Olein-3-Laurin (rac) (Glyceryl 13C3, 13C 99%) 100 mg 21160
Larodan78-1400-9 Tetradecanoic Acid-1-13C (Myristic) 100 mg 2346
Larodan78-1400-12 Tetradecanoic Acid-1-13C (Myristic) 500 mg 4830
Larodan78-1400-13 Tetradecanoic Acid-1-13C (Myristic) 1 g 7590
Larodan78-1600-9 Hexadecanoic Acid-1-13C  (Palmitic) 100 mg 1840
Larodan78-1600-12 Hexadecanoic Acid-1-13C  (Palmitic) 500 mg 3795
Larodan78-1600-13 Hexadecanoic Acid-1-13C  (Palmitic) 1 g 5520
Larodan78-1600-16 Hexadecanoic Acid-1-13C  (Palmitic) 5 g 13110
Larodan78-1602-9 Hexadecanoic Acid-2-13C (Palmitic) 100 mg 5520
Larodan78-1602-12 Hexadecanoic Acid-2-13C (Palmitic) 500 mg 15640
Larodan78-1650-9 Palmitic Acid-UL-13C16 (13C,98+%) chemical purity 95+% 100 mg 3680
Larodan78-1690-9 Tripalmitin-1,1,1-13C3 100 mg 5060
Larodan78-1690-12 Tripalmitin-1,1,1-13C3 500 mg 15755
Larodan78-1800-9 Octadecanoic Acid-1-13C (Stearic) 100 mg 2231
Larodan78-1800-12 Octadecanoic Acid-1-13C (Stearic) 500 mg 4255
Larodan78-1800-13 Octadecanoic Acid-1-13C (Stearic) 1 g 6210
Larodan78-1800-16 Octadecanoic Acid-1-13C (Stearic) 5 g 17135
Larodan78-1802-5 9c,12c-Octadecadienoic Acid-1-13C (Linoleic) 10 mg 460
Larodan78-1810-9 9c-Octadecenoic Acid-1-13C (Oleic) 100 mg 5520
Larodan78-1810-11 9c-Octadecenoic Acid-1-13C (Oleic) 250 mg 11730
Larodan78-1812-0 2-Monoolein (95-99%)rac (Glyceryl 13C3) - 460
Larodan78-1851-0 Oleic Acid-UL-13C18 - 460
Larodan78-1852-0 Linoleic Acid-UL-13C18 - 460
Larodan78-1853-0 Linolenic Acid-UL-13C18 - 460
Larodan78-1855-7 Linoleic Acid Ethyl Ester (U-13C18, 98%) 25 mg 3335
Larodan78-1890-0 Tristearin-1,1,1-13C3 - 460
Larodan78-1891-9 Triolein-1,1,1-13C3 100 mg 8050
Larodan78-1891-12 Triolein-1,1,1-13C3 500 mg 15640
Larodan78-1892-7 1,2-Dioleoylglycerol, >97% (glyceryl 13C3, 99%) 25 mg 7360
Larodan79-1600-9 Tripalmitin (Glycerol 13C3, 13C 99%) 100 mg 7360
Larodan79-1810-7 Triolein (Glycerol 13C3) 25 mg 3910
Larodan87-1019-9 Decanoic-D19 Acid 100 mg 2300
Larodan87-1019-12 Decanoic-D19 Acid 500 mg 6210
Larodan87-1019-13 Decanoic-D19 Acid 1 g 8510
Larodan87-1223-9 Dodecanoic-D23 Acid 100 mg 2300
Larodan87-1223-12 Dodecanoic-D23 Acid 500 mg 6210
Larodan87-1223-13 Dodecanoic-D23 Acid 1 g 8510
Larodan87-1529-9 Pentadecanoic-D29 Acid 100 mg 4140
Larodan87-1529-12 Pentadecanoic-D29 Acid 500 mg 7935
Larodan87-1529-13 Pentadecanoic-D29 Acid 1 g 13110
Larodan87-1631-9 Hexadecanoic-D31 Acid 100 mg 1978
Larodan87-1631-12 Hexadecanoic-D31 Acid 500 mg 5635
Larodan87-1835-9 Octadecanoic-D35 Acid 100 mg 1978
Larodan87-1835-12 Octadecanoic-D35 Acid 500 mg 5060
Larodan87-1835-13 Octadecanoic-D35 Acid 1 g 8510
Larodan87-2039-9 Eicosanoic-D39 Acid 100 mg 3220
Larodan87-2243-9 Docosanoic-D43 Acid 100 mg 3220
Larodan87-2243-12 Docosanoic-D43 Acid 500 mg 9085
Larodan87-2243-13 Docosanoic-D43 Acid 1 g 13110
LarodanA-0203-0 Acetyl N-(D3)aspartic Acid - 460
LarodanCoA-1001-8 Coenzyme A, Free acid 50 mg 3910
LarodanCoA-1001-11 Coenzyme A, Free acid 250 mg 8740
LarodanCoA-1001-12 Coenzyme A, Free acid 500 mg 11960
LarodanCoA-1001-13 Coenzyme A, Free acid 1 g 20930
LarodanCoA-1010-8 Coenzyme A, Lithium salt 50 mg 2116
LarodanCoA-1010-11 Coenzyme A, Lithium salt 250 mg 4600
LarodanCoA-1010-12 Coenzyme A, Lithium salt 500 mg 7360
LarodanCoA-1010-13 Coenzyme A, Lithium salt 1 g 11500
LarodanCoA-1010-14 Coenzyme A, Lithium salt 2 g 19780
LarodanG-0303-7 Propionyl (3,3,3-D3)glycine 25 mg 16560
LarodanG-0403-7 Butyryl (4,4,4-D3)glycine 25 mg 16560
LarodanG-0503-7 Valeryl (5,5,5-D3)glycine 25 mg 16560
LarodanG-1203-7 Dodecanoyl (12,12,12-D3)glycine 25 mg 16560
LarodanG-1503-8 3-Hydroxy-3- methyl (D3)glutaric Acid 50 mg 11960
LarodanGC-0202-7 Guanidino-(13C2)acetic Acid 25 mg 13685
LarodanGC-0202-8 Guanidino-(13C2)acetic Acid 50 mg 21160
LarodanM-0203-7 Methyl (D3)malonic Acid 25 mg 13110
LarodanM-0203-8 Methyl (D3)malonic Acid 50 mg 21735
Larodan90-0511 HC Mixture 11 100 mg 2116
Larodan90-1051 Mixture BR 1 25 mg 2162
Larodan90-1052 Mixture BR 2 25 mg 2162
Larodan90-1053 Mixture BR 3 25 mg 2162
Larodan90-1054 Mixture BR 4 25 mg 2162
Larodan90-1520 Mixture FA 20 100 mg 1955
Larodan90-1561 Mixture FA 61 100 mg 2185
Larodan90-1103 Mixture FO 3 100 mg 1794
Larodan90-1104 Mixture FO 4 100 mg 1794
Larodan90-1105 Mixture FO 5 100 mg 1794
Larodan90-1107 Mixture FO 7 100 mg 1840
Larodan90-1108 Mixture FO 7 modified 100 mg 1794
Larodan90-1100 Mixture Me 100 10 mg 4255
Larodan90-1011 Mixture Me 11 100 mg 1610
Larodan90-1012 Mixture Me 12 100 mg 1610
Larodan90-1121 Mixture ME 121 100 mg 1794
Larodan90-1013 Mixture Me 13 100 mg 1610
Larodan90-1014 Mixture Me 14 100 mg 1610
Larodan90-1015 Mixture Me 15 100 mg 1610
Larodan90-1016 Mixture Me 16 100 mg 1610
Larodan90-1017 Mixture Me 17 100 mg 1610
Larodan90-1018 Mixture Me 18 100 mg 1610
Larodan90-1020 Mixture Me 20 100 mg 1610
Larodan90-1201 Mixture ME 201 100 mg 1932
Larodan90-1202 Mixture ME 202 100 mg 1794
Larodan90-1203 Mixture ME 203 100 mg 2024
Larodan90-1021 Mixture Me 21 100 mg 1610
Larodan90-1023 Mixture Me 23 100 mg 1610
Larodan90-1024 Mixture Me 24 100 mg 1610
Larodan90-1249 Mixture ME 249  (European Pharmacopoiea) 100 mg 1794
Larodan90-1250 Mixture ME 250 (European Pharmacopoiea) 100 mg 1932
Larodan90-1251 Mixture ME 251 (European Pharmacopoiea) 100 mg 2024
Larodan90-1026 Mixture Me 26 100 mg 1610
Larodan90-1275 Mixture ME 275 100 mg 2024
Larodan90-1276 Mixture ME 276 100 mg 2024
Larodan90-1277 Mixture ME 277 1 ml 3105
Larodan90-1032 Mixture Me 32 100 mg 1748
Larodan90-1033 Mixture Me 33 100 mg 1748
Larodan90-1034 Mixture Me 34 100 mg 1748
Larodan90-1036 Mixture Me 36 100 mg 1748
Larodan90-1037 Mixture ME 37 100 mg 1748
Larodan90-1060 Mixture Me 60 100 mg 2024
Larodan90-1061 Mixture Me 61 100 mg 2024
Larodan90-1062 Mixture Me 62 100 mg 2024
Larodan90-1063 Mixture Me 63 100 mg 2024
Larodan90-1064 Mixture Me 64 100 mg 2024
Larodan90-1071 Mixture Me 71 100 mg 1748
Larodan90-1076 Mixture Me 76 100 mg 2024
Larodan90-1077 Mixture Me 77 100 mg 2024
Larodan90-1081 Mixture Me 81 100 mg 2024
Larodan90-1082 Mixture Me 82 100 mg 2024
Larodan90-1093 Mixture ME 93 100 mg 2300
Larodan90-1094 Mixture ME 94 100 mg 1932
Larodan90-1096 Mixture ME 96 50 mg 2024
Larodan90-1111 Mixture NIH-B 100 mg 1541
Larodan90-5513 Mixture Rapeseed 100 mg 2024
Larodan90-3071 POL mix 71 10 mg 2760
Larodan89-5150 Polyprenol mix C50-C70 5 mg 5290
Larodan89-5170 Polyprenol mix C70-C85 5 mg 4945
Larodan89-5195 Polyprenol mix C90-C120 5 mg 7590
Larodan89-5190 Polyprenol mix C90-C140 5 mg 460
Larodan89-5550 Qualmix Fish S 50 mg 3565
Larodan89-5560 Qualmix PUFA Fish M Natural Menhaden Oil 100 mg 3565
Larodan89-5555 Qualmix PUFA Fish N Natural Fish Oil 100 mg 3565
Larodan89-5570 Qualmix PUFA Porcine T 100 mg 3565
Larodan90-3010 TG Mix 10 100 mg 1794
Larodan90-3011 TG Mix 11 100 mg 1794
Larodan90-3015 TG Mix 15 100 mg 2116
Larodan90-3032 TLC Mix 32 100 mg 1794
Larodan90-3034 TLC Mix 34 100 mg 2024
Larodan90-3040 TLC Mix 40 100 mg 2024
Larodan90-3042 TLC Mix 42 25 mg 2070
Larodan89-3051 TLC Mix 51 Sphingolipid Mixture 1 ml 3450
Larodan89-3053 TLC Mix 53 1 ml 4485
Larodan89-1054 TLC Mix 54 1 ml 4485
Larodan89-1055 TLC Mix 55 1 ml 4830
Larodan89-1056 TLC Mix 56 1 ml 4255
Larodan37-0000 Natural Phospholipids Kit 10235
Larodan37-5000 Phosphoglycerides Kit 13110
Larodan50-1001 HC Kit 1 7245
Larodan50-1002 HC Kit 2 6440
Larodan50-1010 FA Kit 10 13110
Larodan50-1011 FA Kit 11 3795
Larodan50-1012 FA Kit 12 5244
Larodan50-1013 FA Kit 13 9315
Larodan50-1014 FA Kit 14 6256
Larodan50-1020 FAME Kit 20 13110
Larodan50-1021 FAME Kit 21 3795
Larodan50-1022 FAME Kit 22 5244
Larodan50-1023 FAME Kit 23 9660
Larodan50-1024 FAME Kit 24 6325
Larodan50-1032 Glyc Kit 32 5244
Larodan50-1412 FA-2OH Kit 12 10925
Larodan50-1413 FA-3OH Kit 13 11845
Larodan50-1422 FAME-2OH Kit 22 11155
Larodan50-1423 FAME-3OH Kit 23 11960
Larodan60-1200 Plant Sterols Kit 11960

Larodan makes a comprehensive range of research grade Lipids for customers all over the world. We also provide Speciality Research Chemicals to the Nordic market, in collaboration with other international research chemicals companies. Our facilities are located at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden. Larodan was founded in 1963 and has remained a privately held company.


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