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  • 产品名称:SCAT-2 (3, 5 and 10 mL) Custom Blood Collection Tubes

  • 产品型号:SCAT-2
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Custom Blood Collection Tubes PRODUCT INQUIRY Custom Blood Collection Tubes for Research Applications Many clinical researchers have the need for sample collection tubes with special cocktails specific to their studies. However, finding commercial sources and/or having them manufactured on a custom basis is often associated with high volume and cost requirements. Therefore, in addition to our
Custom Blood Collection Tubes PRODUCT INQUIRY Custom Blood Collection Tubes for Research Applications Many clinical researchers have the need for sample collection tubes with special cocktails specific to their studies. However, finding commercial sources and/or having them manufactured on a custom basis is often associated with high volume and cost requirements. Therefore, in addition to our stock formulation tubes Haematologic Technologies can provide custom formulated tubes to meet your specifications in batch sizes as small as one. With an almost unlimited reagent selection, custom draw volumes, and customer-designated batch size you can get your tubes the way you want, and in the exact quantity you need. Haematologic Technologies also offers OEM contract manufacturing of custom tubes for those who need a continuous supply for their process or product. Tubes will be manufactured to your specifications, on your time schedule, and with all the appropriate quality documentation. Tubes are made to order: please allow 2-4 weeks turn around on tube orders. To initiate a quote please fill out this form, and email to us at Please see our tube FAQ at the bottom of this page. Protease Inhibitor Blood Collection Tubes for Research Applications Many non-routine tests and applications which require the collection of blood or other body fluids, also require the use of special anti-coagulant or proteinase inhibitor cocktails to preserve the integrity of the sample. Good examples of such tests include the measurements of Fibrinopeptide-A (FPA), Prothrombin Fragment 1•2 (F1•2), Fibrinogen Degradation Products (FDP) and the Thrombin/Antithrombin III complex (TAT), all of which are highly influenced by persistent protease activity in blood or plasma samples (1-8). The SCAT series of collection tubes (Sample Collection/Anticoagulant Tubes) were developed specifically to minimize in vitro artifact by rapidly quenching unwanted protease activity. SCAT tubes are carefully formulated to yield a reproducible concentration of inhibitors with rapid dissolution properties. The tubes are evacuated and stoppered under controlled conditions so that the tubes will automatically fill to the proper volume. Protease inhibitor tube formulations: SCAT-1 (3, 5 and 10 mL) yielding the following concentrations in whole blood: 25 uM PPACK (Phe-Pro-Arg-chloromethylketone), 200 KIU/mL Aprotinin, 4.5mM EDTA, 0.1% Mannitol (w/v). Minimum order of 100. SCAT-2 (3, 5 and 10 mL) yielding the following concentrations in whole blood:25 uM PPACK (Phe-Pro-Arg-chloromethylketone), 11 mM Sodium Citrate, 0.1 % Mannitol (w/v). Minimum order of 100. SCAT-875B (3, 5 and 10 mL) yielding the following concentrations in whole blood:75 uM PPACK (Phe-Pro-Arg- chloromethylketone), 0.1% D-Mannitol (w/v). Minimum order of 100. Tubes are made to order: please allow 2-4 weeks turn around on tube orders. Special Precautions Although the SCAT tubes may resemble a standard phlebotomy blood collection tube, it should be noted that these tubes are NOT STERILE, and therefore should not be used as a standard blood collection tube. Instead, it is recommended that the technique used to collect the sample (whether it be blood or another fluid sample), be direct collection into the SCAT tube through a catheter of at least five inches, and equipped with a multi-sample luer adapter (MSLA) to eliminate the possibility of a back-flush from the non-sterile tube to the patient.

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