NOHKEN连杆液位开关FR30S FR20S pdf文件下载
输出信号:单刀单掷:*大15VA 1A AC或*大110VA 0.5A AC
温 度:PVC:-10~50℃ PP:-10~80℃ 不锈钢:-10~100℃
压 力:PVC,PP:195KPa 不锈钢:1950Kpa
其 它:
性能:1、简单、可靠2、*多可设7个测量点3、用于多种液体4、防护等级IP43或IP655、防爆等级D2G4用途:水处理设置、液压设备以及清洗装置的储罐,燃料、冷却剂、制冷剂、化工产品、油类、饮用水及纯净水的储罐,以及轮船、火车上的储罐。选型CodeBase ModelFR20Flat-face flange CodeFlange stem materialSpecifecation Detail VSPVCJIS10K80A FF PVC,L=up to 1000mm HVSCPVCJIS10K80A FF CPVC,L=up to 1000mm PSPPJIS10K80A FF PP,L=up to 1000mm PFLPFA LiningJIS10K80A FF 304SS with PFA lining,L=up to 1000mm F4T PTFE TubingJIS10K80A FF 304SS with PTFE tubing,L=up to 1000mm S304SSJIS10K50A FF 304SS,L=up to 1000mm S6316SSJIS10K50A FF 316SS,L=up to 1000mm S6L316LSSJIS10K50A FF 316LSS,L=up to 1000mm CodeConnection Detail JJIS flange and Sanitary Ferrule AANSI flange DDIN flange CodeReed switch A1~715VA,15W/pc C1~5220VA,55W/pc CodeFloat type □A316SS(∮49×H50,for A and C reed switch)/pc □B316SS(∮38×H50,for A reed switch)/pc □C304SS(∮98×H63,for A and C reed switch)/pc □E316LSS(∮38×H50,for A and Cred switch)/pc □G304SS(∮70×H70,for A reed switch)/pc □KBUNA(∮50×H45,for A teed switch)/pc □MPVC(∮65×H80,tor A and C reed switch)/pc □NPP(∮65×H80,for A and C reed switch)/pc □OPP(∮74×H40,for A reed switch)/pc □PCPVC(∮74×H80,for A and C reed switch)/pc □RPVDF(∮70×H70,for A reed switch)/pc □SPTEE(∮75×H100,for A reed switch)/pc □VPP(∮48×H58,for A reed switch)/pc FR20SJA11A FR20S-JA11A *See the modification price list on page.33,34 for optional mounting(fiange). Extension surcharge(add below price to base price for extension) L 1001mm~2000mm2001mm~3000mm3001mm~3900mm VS HVS PS F2L F4T S S6 S6L
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